
Chapter 393 Yi: Feeling Like Being Slaughtered Like a Pig

"You! Fuck! Have you lost all your humanity?!"

Yi was standing at a respawn point, fifty-eight meters away from the entrance of the Continental Hotel, not moving at all, but cursing wildly.

There were many other players around him, doing the same thing.

They had no choice because their respawn point had been surrounded by a large crowd of players. If they dared to step out of the safe area, they would be immediately killed.

However, the safe space of the respawn point was very small, and could only accommodate up to ten people at most when they squeezed together.

That was usually enough.

But now, a large number of players had died in this area, and every few seconds someone would be forcefully sent back to life here. Accordingly, a new person would be squeezed into the safe zone, naturally pushing someone else out of it.

Then the players surrounding the respawn point would immediately open fire and kill the person who had been pushed out.