
Chapter 1204 "Cyber Chang'an" (×) "Fury Battles Mutant Beast" (√)


Shuihua was in a daze for a good while.

After snapping back to reality, she swiftly blocked that boyfriend as well.

Finally, looking at the remaining girlfriend, she hesitated briefly but still decided to keep her.

"What if she's involved in subsequent plot developments? Better keep her for now and see how things go this evening," Shuihua explained.

"Now, let's head to the deceased insured person's last known location and investigate the situation."

She left the office while pulling out her mobile phone and pressed the car icon.

In the underground parking garage, her big red SUV started on its own, slowly exiting the parking spot, and by the time she walked out of the Shield Security Company gate, it was just stopping in front of her.

Shuihua entered the destination in the car, and it started moving on its own again.