
Bruh Guy Gets Isekai'd

BRUH GUY gets sent to another world he doesn't know about

Vancelament · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 4

Ian's Vandal - Joyful Cyclone

Personality Match: Ian is an exuberant and energetic individual, always radiating positivity and enthusiasm. His Vandal reflects his joyful and lively nature.

Vandal Ability: Joyful Cyclone allows Ian to generate a swirling tornado of vibrant, multicolored energy around him. This cyclone enhances his speed, agility, and striking power as he dances around his opponents with a perpetual grin on his face. The more joyful and excited Ian becomes during a battle, the stronger and more unpredictable the cyclone's movements become.

Zane's Vandal - Tranquil Mirage

Personality Match: Zane is a composed and serious individual who approaches every situation with a calm and collected demeanor. His Vandal embodies the concept of serenity amidst chaos.

Vandal Ability: Tranquil Mirage enables Zane to create illusions and mirages in the midst of combat. These illusions can disorient and confuse his opponents, making it appear as though there are multiple versions of Zane attacking simultaneously. Zane's composed mindset allows him to maintain control over these illusions, using them to deceive his foes and strike with precise, calculated movements.


The dojo's training floor seemed to come alive as Ian and Zane faced each other, their presence commanding attention from everyone present. The air buzzed with anticipation as they prepared for their duel.

Ian, the exuberant and boisterous fighter, grinned from ear to ear. His Vandal, known as "Joyful Cyclone," was a manifestation of his infectious joy and enthusiasm. It danced around him like ethereal flames, a vibrant and ever-shifting display of colors.

Zane, the composed and stoic warrior, stood with unwavering focus. His Vandal, "Tranquil Mirage," took the form of shimmering translucent waves that flowed around him, exuding an aura of calmness and precision.

The spectators watched in awe as the clash began:

Ian's first move was explosive. He launched himself forward, his feet barely touching the ground as he closed the distance with blinding speed. His fists, enveloped in the vibrant flames of Euphoria's Embrace, struck like meteors aimed at Zane's defenses.

Zane, however, remained unflinching. With an elegant and controlled motion, he moved with the grace of a master martial artist. His body became a blur as he evaded Ian's fiery onslaught with precision and ease. Zenith's Serenity flowed around him, guiding his movements with fluidity.

Ian's grin never wavered. He spun mid-air, a cyclone of colors, and aimed a powerful roundhouse kick at Zane's head. But Zane anticipated the attack. With a serene flick of his wrist, he redirected Ian's kick, sending him off balance.

As Ian stumbled, Zane seized the opportunity. His own strikes were minimalistic yet incredibly effective. Each punch and kick carried the essence of Zenith's Serenity, landing with pinpoint accuracy on Ian's exposed vulnerabilities.

Despite the intensity of their battle, the dojo remained eerily quiet. Ian's fiery enthusiasm clashed with Zane's calm determination. It was a battle of emotions—Euphoria versus Serenity, exuberance against composure.

Ian refused to be subdued. With a roar of exhilaration, he channeled even more Ardor into his Vandal. The flames of Euphoria's Embrace grew fiercer and brighter, enveloping him in a fiery maelstrom.

Zane, unyielding, continued to evade and counter with the precision of a seasoned martial artist. His movements became an intricate dance, a testament to his mastery of Zenith's Serenity.

The battle raged on, a mesmerizing display of contrasting styles and emotions. Ian's attacks were wild and passionate, while Zane's counters were calculated and graceful. Each fighter pushed the limits of their Vandal and Ardor abilities, seeking an opening that would lead to victory.

In the end, it was a battle of wills, a testament to the power of personality and the unique combination of Vandal and Ardor. The outcome remained uncertain, but one thing was clear—Ian and Zane were true masters of their craft, and their clash was a spectacle to behold.

With the applause still echoing in the dojo, Ian and Zane took a moment to catch their breaths and wipe away the sweat from their brows. The battle had pushed both of them to their limits, and they knew they had grown stronger because of it.

Ian flashed his trademark grin at Zane. "Man, that was one heck of a fight, Zane! You're even more serious in the dojo than I thought."

Zane nodded, his calm demeanor returning. "And you, Ian, are as lively as ever. Your Vandal reflects your vibrant personality."

The two martial artists shared a chuckle, knowing that their differences were what made their sparring matches so exhilarating. They respected each other's strengths and learned from their unique fighting styles.

The instructor stepped forward once more, addressing the gathered students and spectators. "Remember, martial arts is not just about winning or losing. It's about growth, both as individuals and as a community. Ian and Zane have shown us the true spirit of martial arts today."

He then turned to Ian and Zane. "You've inspired everyone here, and we're grateful for the passion and dedication you bring to our dojo. Keep pushing each other, and together, you'll reach new heights."

As the applause died down, Ian and Zane exchanged contact information, promising to spar together again and continue their friendly rivalry. The dojo's atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and camaraderie, a reminder of the bonds that martial arts could create.

Their battle may have ended in a tie, but the lessons learned and the friendships forged that day were victories in their own right. And so, with a shared sense of purpose and respect, the martial artists of the dojo looked forward to their continued journey of growth and discovery.

Vince had spent the morning observing the class at the Phoenix Fist Dojo and had taken the courageous step of expressing his desire to join. As the day continued, he found himself immersed in the world of martial arts.

Luckily the Takeshi the owner of this place allowed me to join the dojo without even having to pay, he said something about me having great potential and that he could feel it from a glance..

The dojo's interior was adorned with martial arts paraphernalia, and the walls displayed photos of past champions and revered senseis. Vince was introduced to his fellow students, each of whom welcomed him with a friendly nod or a handshake.

One of the students, a young man named Hiro, struck up a conversation with Vince. Hiro had a genuine smile and an air of approachability about him.

Hiro: "Hey there, Vince, right? Welcome to the Phoenix Fist Dojo. It's always great to see new faces around here."

nodded, appreciating Hiro's friendly demeanor

Vince- Yeah, I'm Vince. Thanks for the welcome. Everyone here seems really dedicated.

Hiro- Oh, absolutely. We take our training seriously, but it's not just about that. It's also about building friendships and honing ourselves both mentally and physically.

Vince- That's what I'm looking for – self-improvement and growth.

Hiro: "You're in the right place, then. We've got a great sensei, and the training can be intense, but it's worth it. By the way, after class, some of us usually grab a bite to eat. You're welcome to join us if you'd like."

Vince appreciated the offer and decided to join Hiro and the others for a post-training meal. They chatted about their martial arts journeys, shared stories of their experiences, and offered Vince advice on getting started.

As the day came to a close, Vince felt a sense of fulfillment. He had not only taken a significant step in his quest for self-improvement but had also found a welcoming community of like-minded individuals. The journey ahead was promising, and he looked forward to every moment of it.

After the rigorous training session at the Phoenix Fist Dojo, Vince joined Hiro and a group of fellow students for a post-training meal at a nearby ramen shop. The aroma of simmering broth and freshly cooked noodles filled the air as they entered, and it immediately made Vince's mouth water.

Seated around a large wooden table were Hiro, a few guys Vince had observed during training, and now, he'd get to know them better. Hiro introduced Vince to the rest of the group.

Hiro: "Alright, everyone, this is Vince. He's new to the dojo, so let's make him feel at home."

The group nodded in agreement, and friendly smiles greeted Vince from all directions. The fellow martial artists had diverse personalities that added color to the gathering:

Hiro (Friendly and Sociable): Hiro, the one who had welcomed Vince earlier, was outgoing and always ready with a joke to break the ice. He seemed to be the heart of the group.

Rina (Confident and Determined): Rina, a confident young woman with short, fiery hair, was passionate about martial arts. She had an air of determination and often spoke about her goals of mastering various martial arts styles.

Takashi (Mysterious and Reserved): Takashi was the quietest of the group, always observing and analyzing. He rarely spoke about himself but had a reputation for being an incredibly disciplined and focused martial artist.

Aiko (Energetic and Enthusiastic): Aiko, with her boundless energy, had a contagious enthusiasm for martial arts. She often shared stories about her training and encouraged others to push their limits.

Keisuke (Calm and Wise): Keisuke, the eldest of the group, exuded wisdom. He had a calming presence and was known for his insightful advice, especially when it came to martial arts techniques.

As they perused the menu, everyone shared their favorite ramen dishes. Vince decided to try the spicy miso ramen, intrigued by the notion that it might be as intense as the Carolina Reaper ramen he'd faced earlier.

Rina leaned over and asked Vince with a friendly grin, "So, Vince, what made you decide to join our dojo? Any specific martial arts style you're interested in?"

Vince- Well, I've always been interested by martial arts. It's not just about physical strength but also about discipline and self-improvement. I want to challenge myself and learn from all of you."

Hiro, the jovial one, chimed in, "That's the spirit! We're like a family here. We train hard, support each other, and, of course, enjoy good food together."

Aiko, unable to contain her excitement, added, "And wait until you experience our annual dojo tournament! It's a blast."

Takashi, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up, "Vince, if you're interested, I can show you some techniques after training sometime. Just let me know."

Keisuke, the wise elder, offered some sage advice, "Remember, martial arts is not just about defeating others; it's about mastering yourself. In the dojo, you'll discover strengths you never knew you had."

Their conversations flowed effortlessly, transitioning from martial arts philosophy to favorite training routines, and then to lighter topics like hobbies and interests outside of the dojo.

As Vince shared this meal with his newfound companions, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the warm welcome and camaraderie he had found at the Phoenix Fist Dojo. These diverse and inspiring individuals would not only be his training partners but also his friends and mentors on his martial arts journey.


-Chapter End