
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · 奇幻
35 Chs

Mask of Deceit

Inside the Black Hall, the council of advisors delved deep into the investigation, considering various angles and suspects. Lord Salvador and his advisors were engrossed in the complexities of the case when Lord Jesus offered a peculiar observation.

Lord Jesus: (thoughtfully) My lords, forgive me for intruding, but there might be a clue hidden in the words of the singer's song. The last line, "Oui, tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away," could hold significance.

Lord Salvador: (curious) How do you mean?

Lord Jesus: (explaining) The singer mentioned that these were the King's last words to the Golden devil, as if he heard them firsthand. He also revealed that the King was stabbed ten times in the back. The line in the song seems to match the king's supposed final words.

Jaime: (realizing) Wait, so the singer knew about the King's last moments? How could he?

Lord Jesus: (connecting the dots) It might indicate that the singer was present during the King's final moments. Perhaps he was the one who killed King Darwin.

The council was taken aback by this revelation, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fit together.

Lord Salvador: (intrigued) But how could the singer be the killer? It seems too brazen to commit such a crime while performing at a wedding feast.

Lord Jesus: (pondering) Perhaps that was the perfect cover. The entire hall was focused on the singer and the music. No one would suspect him.

Jaime: (thoughtfully) And he did disappear after the song ended. That's when the King's body was discovered.

Lord Jesus: (nodding) Precisely. Let us examine the other lines of the song for any hidden clues.

As Lord Jesus recited the singer's lines, the council listened intently, searching for any additional hints.

Lord Jesus: (pointing out) In another line, the singer says, "I have no idea where to find him, Lords. But if you do, please mention that I'd like to have returned the pretty knife that I stuck ten times in his back."

Lord Salvador: (realizing) That means the killer took considerable time to find the King

Jaime: (with understanding) And when the King was asked for any final words to the Golden devil, he replied, "Oui, tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away!"

Lord Jesus: (confidently) Precisely!

In the midst of the tangled web of clues and revelations, Lord Salvador found himself grappling with uncertainty. The enigmatic last words of the King, "Oui, tell him that, like him, I choose to burn out rather than fade away," continued to perplex him. He turned to his advisors for insight.

Lord Salvador: (confused) I cannot comprehend why the King would utter such cryptic words in his final moments. What could he have meant by "burn out rather than fade away"?

Lord Jesus: (pensive) , perhaps only the Gods truly know the meaning behind those words. The King's mind may have been clouded with thoughts and emotions, and his last words might have been an expression of his inner turmoil.

Lord Jon: (adding) It's possible that the King's words were a message to someone specific, someone we are yet to uncover.

Jaime: (joining in) But , how could the singer commit such a heinous act and still perform so beautifully at the wedding feast? He seemed genuinely absorbed in his music.

Lord Salvador: (troubled) Indeed, it seems implausible. The King was at the grand table when the singer began his performance. How could the singer, in the midst of the guests and festivities, carry out such a gruesome act?

Lord Jesus: (contemplating) It appears there may be a deeper layer to this tragedy. Perhaps the singer was not acting alone. There could be another power at play, manipulating events from the shadows.

Lord Jon: (nodding) Agreed. It is possible that the singer was merely a pawn in a larger scheme.

As the council continued to discuss the possibilities, Lord Salvador's uncertainty grew. The complexity of the case left him questioning every angle and suspect.

Lord Salvador: (reflecting) Until we have more concrete evidence, we cannot be certain of the singer's guilt. I fear there is more to this murder than meets the eye. We must consider all possibilities, no matter how improbable they may seem.

Lord Jesus: (solemnly) we will explore every lead and leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of justice.

Jaime: (determined) We shall find the truth, no matter how dark or hidden it may be.

Lord Salvador: (resolute) Very well. Let us summon the Gods for their guidance and wisdom. We need their divine insight to shed light on this tragic mystery.

And so, Lord Salvador and his advisors turned to the Gods, seeking divine guidance to unravel the truth behind the murder of King Darwin.

Lord Salvador: (deep in thought) It seems highly probable that the Golden Devil is behind this heinous act. His signature style matches the description in the singer's song, and his love for the art of killing is infamous.

Lord Jesus: (agreeing) Indeed, his meticulous and precise technique is evident in the ten fatal stabs. This gruesome act bears the hallmark of the Golden Devil.

Jaime: (with concern) But if the Golden Devil is truly the killer, then why did he target our King? What could be his motive?

Lord Jon: (contemplating) The Golden Devil is known to be a highly skilled and professional assassin. He doesn't act without reason or a considerable reward. We must consider any potential enemies of the kingdom or individuals who might wish harm upon the King.

Lord Jesus: (suggesting) It could be a political motive, an attempt to destabilize the kingdom or create chaos among the ruling houses.

Lord Salvador: (resolute) Whatever the motive may be, we must not underestimate the Golden Devil's capabilities. He is a formidable foe, and if we are to capture him, we need a strategic plan.

Lord Jesus: (nodding) Agreed, Your Grace. We should prepare for his potential return to the castle to retrieve the knife he left behind.

Jaime: (joining in) Placing the knife as bait could be a risky move. If the Golden Devil discovers the trap, he might retaliate with more violence.

Lord Salvador: (firmly) We cannot risk more lives in this pursuit. I will not allow innocent blood to be shed.

As the intense council meeting concluded, Lord Salvador's mind was filled with a mix of determination and anxiety. He knew that they had identified the Golden Devil as the most likely culprit behind the heinous murder of King Darwin. The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders as he realized the gravity of the situation.

With resolute steps, Lord Salvador made his way to the throne room to address the people and announce the council's findings. The grand room was adorned with regal decorations, but the atmosphere was tense as everyone awaited the news.

Lord Salvador stood before the throne, his voice firm and unwavering as he addressed the gathering.

"My fellow subjects and esteemed guests, I stand before you today to share the conclusions of our council meeting. Through careful deliberation and analysis of the evidence, we have identified the Golden Devil as the prime suspect in the murder of our beloved King Darwin."

Gasps and murmurs spread through the room, and Queen Melissa, still brokenhearted over her son's death, clutched her heart in distress. The weight of the revelation was felt by all.

Lord Salvador continued, "I must emphasize that the Golden Devil is a cunning and formidable adversary. We cannot underestimate the danger he poses to our kingdom and our people."