
Brotherly Reincarnation

A young orphan named Kana travels with his brother from place to place, stealing food and hunting to survive by themselves, all until one day. A famine hit their region and with food being now heavily guarded in towns, they set of on a hunt, only to encounter a lone wolf. They fight in desperation to kill their next meal, only for Kana to be heavily wounded and collapse next to the wolf who tore his body to shreds. The next thing he sees is the snow storm settled and light visible, instead of the dark night skies. His body still on the ground ripped in shreds, his brother nowhere to be seen. "How am I still alive?"

Kaz_Sensei · 奇幻
21 Chs

The Ten Kings Conference

Three days earlier...

POV: King of Light - Lance Dust

The winter wind showered through the sleeping forest. Tiny snow freckles aligned themselves on my cheeks that glowed red under my fluorescent azure eyes. My steady pace remained as I trudged through the thick snow that left an imprint on my shoe and made my toes curl up, but not from the cold but instead from the texture. I thoroughly disliked the feeling of snow on my skin. Especially when it would sneak into my boots and melt into a puddle that squelched under every step. This is why I hate coming to the Neutral lands at this time of the year.

"Why did he tell us to meet here of all places?" I uttered those words, my breath smoked in the cold temperatures, cursing that man.

I was informed to travel to a forest in the Neutral lands. More specifically, a forest that intercepted the small town of Hagg and the capital of the Neutral land, Reos. I wasn't told the pinpoint location of where in this forest. All I was told, was it will be somewhere there. How inconvenient, ordering me to arrive at a location that isn't even properly specified. For a man of his position and stature in this world, this was rather pitiful and unforgiving. Especially when I know he could have just ordered us to arrive at his place and told us there. Perhaps he wants to show us something?

The greenery of the forest was kept warm under a thick blanket of snow. Though I hated the sensation of snow on my skin, I rather enjoyed the cinematic viewing of the flakes of ice, gently dancing to their death.

When you think about it, a snowflake is like a person. Each snowflake had it's starting point, it's birth. Later, as the snowflake dances down eventually towards it's inevitable demise, it tries to capture your eyes for as long as possible. Some naturally attract the glances of others, whilst the rest, slowly fall. Never getting a chance or a second to play out the role of their life on the big stage... in their biggest, most tragic and last moment. Still, even the ones who got a bigger part than the others, ended up in the same place in the end. Dead. It's a sad truth, but no matter your role, or part in this world. You will all die, at the very bottom. Because people don't die and then get lifted to heaven. They get buried six feet under.

Life has no meaning to me. But I hope once I'm at the brink of death, I can be enlightened and shown the meaning in living such a boring and repetitive life that ends up the same at the very end.

Huh? What the hell is going on here?

My previous thoughts vaporised just like the landscape in front of me. The ground was scorched, and erased any sense of snow or any liquid on it. The trees had shed all their leaves, even though they weren't supposed to, and the trunks and branches a coal black. The weather completely clear, starting from this border. The air was dry and warm, whilst the rest of the forest was cold and humid. It was a complete contrast. But it was almost poetically beautiful -- this sight I mean. The way the two opposites clashed, in a fierce battle, but both were at a stalemate, unable to progress any further into the opposing territory.

"Well I'm going in the right direction, so I guess I should just keep moving. But I wonder, is this what he wanted to discuss with us and show us? Or is there something else?

Oh, have I find the meeting spot? I thought to myself as I squinted my eyes. Nine other figures seemed be standing around there and just like in the description mentioned to us, two scorched corpses. One of a young boy ripped to shreds. The other of a wolf.

I walk up to the group in a more hurried pace.

Seems like I'm the last one of us to arrive.

I walk up to the middle of the group and politely bow. "I apologise for being late, fellow Kings." Then I proceed to step back slightly, removing myself from the centre of the group.

"The weakest of us ought to at least show more respect to his superiors and naturally arrive on time." An imperative voice spat in my direction. One of the ten Kings -- King of Destruction -- Fury Nightingale.

"I do not mean to be rude, Lady Nightingale, but technically, I'm not late since he has yet to arrive. Also, if I may add more, no specific time was issued to us apart from being here before sunset."

"HUH?" I could practically see a vein popping from her head. Then, the ground around her crumbled and cracked and my hands began spazzing, my spine felt like it was brushed past with the hand of death as Fury released her Kings domain.

Although she was an incredibly beautiful woman, her attitude lowered her appeal in my personal opinion. But it's to be expected from someone who has not tasted defeat once. She, after all, is the strongest of the ten Kings. And therefore, the strongest mortal in this world.

"Now, now. Don't fight." A portal emerges in the centre of everybody's eyes. A lone man walks out. Dark skin, navy blue eyes, tall, lean and muscular, seductive lips that would more often appear on women and long dark blonde hair, platted into one long ponytail. His glare searched our thoughts.

"Why have you summoned us here, instead of your realm? What is so important that we had to meet at this place?" The King of Ice -- Gilbert Eis -- threw out the questions we were all thinking.

A silence swoops over this place until.

"Pfttttt, hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He broke out in hysterical laughter, his neck tilting backwards and his eyes forming tears from the laughter. He then calms down and looks at all of us menacingly. "I'm here to warn all of you -- as well as inform you. I have picked up a new challenger, a potential King. Right now, you do not have to worry about this information. Not for a couple of years actually. But heed my words, you best beware of him, otherwise you'll all end up crushed underneath his foot." He then continued to resume his maniacal laughter.

"So who's the person, Altiora?" Fury snaps from his laughter and interrupts it.

Altiora then proceeds to point his index finger to the scorched corpse of the boy. "That's him."

"But how is that possible?" I asked confused at how a corpse is the person who will destroy us.

"Well, that is him. But now, he has a new body, one gifted to him by his loving older brother, after he struck a deal. Oh, how he wanted his little brother to live out his life. His own body was a gift to his little brother as a gift for his birthday, which happened to be the day his original body died on, as well as a sorry, for never providing him with a better life. It brings a tear to your eye."

He then wiped his eye mockingly.

"So why is he going to be coming for us. Did you bring this kid into your sick game?!" Fury once more threw another question at him.

Altiora chuckles. He gives a brief response. "This isn't a game. I'm giving him the chance that he wants." He then bursts out laughing even more.

There is no chance with Altiora. There never is. It's just all his ploy, manipulation and scheming. What a mischievous God.

Hi and welcome. Sorry for the shorter chapter this week. But I felt this was all that was needed, to complete the Origin's arc, and the first part of this story. Next chapter will be the real start of the journey for our protagonist as well the real birth of the world that will be introduced to you.

Kaz_Senseicreators' thoughts