
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · 漫画同人
39 Chs

Time Skip(Kinda)

"Swing With Purpose!" shouted his new mentor, observing his form.

Alex swings down harder, each time his swings are steady, correct, and overall Perfect.

"enough, we will work on your footwork, go eat dinner first" with a sigh he complied with the Sword god, walking out of the private training section.

other students were looking at him, the youngest Sword saint, who has been there for three months already, they tried to ignore him, make fun of him, some even challenged him, but he shrugged off the insults and ignored everyone in return, but everyone who challenged him, he had to use an advanced healing spell afterward and went on his business.

there was a fool who had the guts to insult Ghislaine behind his back, it was a shame Alex heard it.


"so you're telling me, that this sword is you're Blessing? you're a Miko?" asked Gal, inspecting the Excalibur, giving it a few swings.

"basically. it grows in strength as long as I do the same, and adjust to my size, it's a sword that was made for me" Alex explained while practicing the "Longsword of light" with a wooden sword, wearing a white GI, his hair was tied up at the base of his neck, he didn't like and neither did he trust anyone here to cut his hair, even himself.

"hm, well then, if you make it to the King rank, I'll name this sword the eight Magic sword, it will be a way to confirm your identity" stated Gal, sheathing his sword and laughing out loud, ruining his attempt at a swing.

(no, don't worry, im not concentrating here or anything)


Alex was surrounded... by rock dummies that he made, he was standing outside of the dojo since he had finished his training for the day, he decided to try a theory he came up with.

casting magic with his feet.

(come on, imagine your feet are your hands... okay, that's weird)

he raised his foot and with a little force he slammed it down, Ice erupted from the ground and pierced one of the dummies.

(apparently, it works. wonderful)

he repeated and used a little more force and mana, sending ice spikes around him, piercing every target.

Alex grinned to himself, this would be good in case he was surrounded, or sending the spikes while he was running or in the middle of the fight.


it has been a year since Alex joined the school and the only person with who he had a civilized conversation was with the sword god if you could even call that a conversation, or a civilized one.

much like now.

"say, how did you get to know my apprentice?" Alex took a deep breath, calming himself, Gal liked to bother him every time he trained.

but three hours was too much.

"...My brother wanted to earn money for his little girlfriend and decided to work for it himself, father agreed and sent us to the Boreas family, Ghislaine was the one that picked us up," said Alex going back to training.

Gal just looked at him with a blank look on his face, before abruptly saying.

"you know, you are already at the Sword King level right now, right?" Alex gave him a blank look for a few seconds.

"I noticed when you changed my training schedule, I should have been Sword king when I pulled off the Longsword of Light" he pointed out and went back to his training, ignoring the smirk on the man's face.

"I'll keep you at Saint rank for another year, I still want to teach you some things" with that last comment he stood up and walked out of the room.


(so, from what remember from the novel, the future Rudeus said that with Mana you could do anything... so I should be able to do a lot of things right?)

he extended his hand towards a giant rock, trying to use the gravity magic...

didn't work.

it took him a few hours of trying just to lift the rock off the ground.

(...not easy huh? if this isn't easy then I imagine the lightning magic would be a lot harder)

he sucked in a breath looked up to the sky, and released it...(damn it)


it has been two years now, and he had concluded, He hated Gal, sure he respected his strength, but he hated him.

During most of his training sessions, the man was there to annoy him unless he had something important to do. which wasn't often.

"Say, you're twelve now, how come you look fifteen?" asked Gal, who was, yes, there with him ...again.

"magic" although he learned how to deal with his antics.

Gal made a silent 'O' and stayed silent setting a new record of two and a half minutes.

"do I nominated you as a Sword king last week, now that you have permission to leave, where are you going to go?"

he asked, putting his head in the palm of his hand while sitting cross-legged.

"yeah, you just took two and a half months to remember that it was you who had to nominate me" Alex accused, shooting him a glare, he was confident, the last two years of training was fruitful, he was confident in his ability to at least take Gal's arm in a fight in pure swordsmanship, of he used his magic, and his abilities or better yet, charge his Excalibur with Holy power, Gal would lose his head.

"I will be leaving in about a week, or a month, I still need to work on the 'Shortsword if light' so I will have more time here than traveling" he commented and was about to return to his training when he heard a sound that was familiar to him.

bodies hitting the floor, after all, he did deal with many arrogant bastards.

walking outside his - now private - training room he looked at the downed students.

"who's the strongest student here?" asked a girl with short red hair, with a woman with animal ears and a tail behind her.

"My name is Eris. I need to defeat the dragon god Orsted" she shot a glare at Gal who walked over to his usual spot.

"I ask again! Who's the strongest student here?!" she yelled, tearing her eyes away from Gal and looking over to the students that were still standing.

"well, the strongest here beside me is not a student anymore, he just uses this place for now, but if he accepts you can fight him," Gal said gesturing towards Alex who was leaning on the doorframe.

not that she looked over to Alex, he saw a scar on her cheek.

"Yo Eris!" Alex greeted and after a few seconds of Frowning she realized who he was and her jaw dropped.