
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · 漫画同人
39 Chs

Family fued

-Alex POV-

looking to Eris, I restrain my holy power and start speaking.

"We need to I form the headmaster that we need to leave for a month".

I started walking towards the University but before I was out of the gate I shouted back.

"Ace! Follow me!".

I could hear the dragon getting down from the tree and following after me.

"What happened?".

asked Eris catching up to me, and I didn't even look back as I answered.

"Dad left my sisters at my grandmother's we need to get them before she marries them off, Mom ran away because she didn't want to be in a loveless marriage".

she gives an understanding nod and keeps pace with me.

we reached the university I just stood there a little confused... some ware knocked out, but on the plus side Rudeus was opening the giant doors.

"what's wrong?".

he asked opening the door for everyone to come in, yes even Ace.

"our sisters are at our grandmother's place".

his face becomes grim and follows us.

(I may have forgotten most of the novel, but I still remember that old hag, no way am I leaving my two beloved little sisters with her).

-Third POV-

a flapping of wings ware heard and a giant figure blasted through the sky,

picking up speed over time.

on top of it were three figures one in front and two holding onto the one in front.

on top of Ace, Alex was using wind magic to create a barrier in front of them and also used it to speed up their flight.

"Alex, aren't we going a bit fast?".

Asked his brother but went ignored, they should be there by the end of tomorrow buy the speed they are going, they needed to cross the continent.

"Alex, you will tire Ace out".

to this, Alex used a healing spell, as Ace roared in a challenge.

(this isn't even Funny Paul, you could have sent them to us, why leave them with her of all people, she will treat Aisha like a servant, someone below even dirt, and Norn will suffer under pressure, wasn't Ruijerd supposed to bring the two of them to the University?).

he thought frantically but his face remained stone cold.

(he had to be convinced by someone... But who?).

realization hit him like a small island.

(That Bastard!).

his calm expression slowly formed into a scowl as he used more air to push them faster.

they would have to stop eventually, healing magic can heal physical exhaustion but not mental.

(I need to get a Demon eye to see long distances, I can switch with something and it would not have taken this long to get across the damn continent).


"at the rate, we are going in we will reach our destination by tomorrow, but now, my question is, why did you request a month of absence and not just a week?".

asked Rudeus while sitting across the campfire that they made.

Ace was sleeping curled up into a ball next to Rudeus while Eris was asleep on Alexes shoulder.

"because after this, I'm bringing Zenith back, and I need to visit someone on the Demon continent".

he explained with a one-shouldered shrug, not wanting to wake Eris up.

"the demon continent? you know someone there?".

asked his brother to which he only shook his head before answering.

"it's more like I know of them, she's the one that gave you your eye".

(my sword also needs to pay a little visit to our resident monkey's chest but you don't need to know that).

Rudeus raised his eyebrows, not expecting this, but also wondering what kind of eye would his brother get.

a little later only Alex was awake, he remained sitting by the fire staring at it.

suddenly he raised a hand and shot a shard of ice in the trees. revealing a massive wolf-like creature that was camouflaged.

they are a type of monster that would change their color depending on the environment, just like a chameleon.

he looked up to the sky and snarled, before speaking.

"Orsted may want to seal you Hitogami, but I won't rest until my sword pierces your heart".


-Norn POV-

this place is horrible.

Dad did tell us that Out brothers would come for us after they left.

but it's already been over a year since they sent the emergency letter, it should have arrived by now, but it will take them about two years to come for us.

grandmother is a demanding woman, she wants perfection, not taking anything less.

and my sister has it even worse than me, she's being overworked, many of the jobs other maids have to do fall on her.

and I'm pretty sure she's being punished if she doesn't complete them by the end of the day, but I'm too busy learning dancing to make sure.

they forbid us from interacting and keep us apart, we're sisters that's ridiculous.

"another long day, and more dancing lessons".

with a sigh, I started going to the Dance practice when a loud roar split the air.

looking outside the window, I saw a beast landing right in front of the gate to the mansion, and there were three figures on top of it.

quickly rushing to the front door I see that Grandmother is already there, walking outside.

following behind her I see the one person I really wanted to see.

Big brother Alex...and he looked really mad.

I could hear a gasp of surprise behind me and I knew it was my sister.

but nevertheless, I am still glad, we can leave this place.
