
brother of a jobless reincarnation (up for adoption)

I own nothing... just the OC. new world, new possibilities, Magic, swords. adventures. what can go wrong right? a story about a guy who got reincarnated as the brother of the main character. knowing the future, he decides to take up a sword and change everything he doesn't like.

Idk_wqe2 · 漫画同人
39 Chs

A frightened god

-Hitogamis realm-

A Hyperventilating figure was on the floor, breathing as if he got out of water.

every time he looked into his future, he saw one of four outcomes.

and he didn't like them at all.

A sword through the heart.




Yes, He didn't like them at all.

nothing he does can stop that...that monster.

(I can't even call Rudeus here anymore, he's always with him, and I can't target his family either when he's not around it's that creature that wasn't supposed to exist at all).

He even had the Badigadi go there with an excuse, and Now even he is not responding. Is he Dead? Is he Alive? he didn't know.

unable to do anything, he could only wait for his end or a chance to get rid of them in one fell swoop.

Oh, and did he mention that the bastard found a way to threaten him?

Every so often he would check his own future. The dialogue would change every time. Sometimes it was questions like "How did it feel facing the inevitable?" or remarks about his latest attempt to eliminate him "Man. That wolf that could blend in with the surroundings was a cheap shot. You could have done better but it would fail too".

Sometimes he would just laugh at him for no damn reason. He decided that Alex was crazy. And that crazy bastard was coming for his head... shouldn't he be dead by the time he got here? all the items he needs to get into his realm would take a few decades to get. If it was his defendants he would understand But him? How is he not dead?

(What have I gotten myself into?).

-Alex Pov-

"Do you know the name...Hitogami?".

Rudeus and Eris froze in place. His brother started sweating. Eris tightened her grip on the blade.

"More like I know Of him. Why? you want to punch a hole through me too?".

(It won't be easy).

was left unsaid and his chilly eyes stared at Orsted's impassive ones. Waiting for the dragon god to make his next move.

"Can you tell me what you know?".

Hook. Line. Sinker.

If he played his cards right, he would gain an ally... and probably a good sword for Eris.

"Oh, plenty of things. probably not the best place to discuss this right now".

The dragon god stared at Alex for a few seconds more before nodding. He wouldn't get anything right now. There will be a next time for them, However.

Now all he had to deal with was this four-armed black man...Before that he wanted something.

"Excuse me. Badigadi, could you say "I give you the N-word pass"?".

Rudeus choked on air, while the others looked confused. Even Orsted.

"... I give you the N-Word pass?".

The smile that graces his face practically shined. He relaxed in his chair and looked over to his brother.

"You two can face off in the back yard now. I'll put up some barriers so that we still have a house".

Rudeus stood up and turned to him with an outraged expression.

"You sold me out for the N-word pass? How could you?!".

"Alright, Let's go Rudeus grayrat. we shall face off in a duel!".

We're the two cries he heard. Alex conveniently ignores the shouts of Rudeus when Badigadi picked him up and dragged him off.

"Alex?! what do you mean they can fight? that's one of the seven powers you know?".

Paul asked frantically. He was worried. Sure the two brothers always faced off in training but this was Badigadi, the fighting god.

Meanwhile, Alex just thought of someone he hadn't seen in a few years.

(Wonder how Sensei is doing? She should have finished the training by now shouldn't she?).

He could try to visit her but that would mean he had to leave with Ace for a few days... and his vacation ended in a week or so.

He just didn't have enough time... and canon must go on. if he wasn't mistaken something would happen to Nanahoshi soon. A disease? something about mana. They would have to go to the demon continent. That would be the best time to get his own demon eye, if he was right, He would get something more up his sleeve...

(...Shiiit I still have to meet with that old bat again, Don't I? mom sent a letter that she was safe, so her presence will be required soon. the letter should take two years to get delivered and the emergency letter from there should take one and a half years to come here... I did warn her though...).

With a sigh, he got up to activate the magic circle for a barrier. He still had to watch the display of power his brother would show.