We don't talk about how toxic our family members can be Because they're "family" we're not allowed to hate and speak up because it's "wrong" and they're "family" Broken Heart Broken Spirit is a short story that explores the life a a young adult as she is subjected to emotional abuse by her mother. Family can be toxic
She walked to her room quietly. She wanted to drop her bag and phone before going to face mother. The red rug in her room was not completely soaked, Miss Rose was exaggerating. Only the part of the rug that was close to the toilet was wet. She placed her bag on the bed, took off her jewelry before going to her mother. She prayed that whatever happened, she'd be alive to the story. She raised her hand to knock on the door but she dropped it immediately. She ran to the toilet to ease herself and then returned. She stood at the door and took a deep breath. She raised her hand to knock and just then the door opened and she stood face to face with her mother. Mother carried a big frown on her face and she felt herself shrinking.
"Good-" she began
"Shut up!" her mother barked. Mother stood aside and told her to get in. She took slow steps into the room and when she was inside, mother locked the door.
"You know I consider you to be very foolish" Mother said as she took a seat on the bed. "Because why would an adult like you be so stupid, every single time. Everyday you're doing something wrong. Doesn't your foolishness bore you sometimes? Why have you refused to learn?!"
"I'm sorry mom". That sentence earned her a burning slap across the face. She didn't see it coming, Mother too didn't see it coming. Her mother was livid. She didn't understanding how her very own child could be so dumb. She was nothing like her. She tried her best to guide her and teach her, but the girl refuses to learn.
"You are very foolish, useless in fact. With the way you're going, you'll never amount to anything. How could you be so careless, are you mad?" Mother roared. "If there was no one home, this house would be a pool then" . Mother took a deep breath. She looked at her daughter and shook her head. " What did I do to deserve you as a punishment?" Mother asked herself. She was tired of shouting and talking all the time but it seemed like that was the only language her daughter understood.
"Come" Mother said calmly and she took a step away from her mother. "I said come, I'm not touching you" Mother said and she knew that it was definitely a trap. Seeing that her daughter wasn't moving, mother dragged her closer.
"Sit down" she pointed to the floor. She did as her mother had asked
"Do you like when I call you names?" mother asked in a calm and cool voice that surprised both of them. She shook her head.
"Okay, let me ask again, are you possessed?" Before she could answer, a tear fell from her eye.
"No, mummy"
"Okay, I was going to use your belt on you but it seems like that won't work"
"Mummy, I said I'm not possessed!"
"I know, I heard you. Just go". Mother opened room door for her and let her out.
Mother woke her up by 6am the next morning, they were going to church. She knew not to question her mother about it. This was simply an aftermath of what had happened the day before. She could barely find something suitable to wear. She finally settled for a black dress that sat directly above her knees. She paired it with black shoes and scarf she never knew she owned. By 7am mother was ready and they left. She had no idea where they were going because she had no memory of her mother going to church. She was also afraid to ask.
"Hello, Ebere good morning, yes we are on our way" her mother said to Aunt Ebere over the phone. Of course Aunt Ebere was in on the madness, God! That woman!
After driving for an hour, the car stopped in front of a huge church. This entire drama was stupid to her and she really wanted to run away from her mother. The name of the church even sounded stupid. JESUS THE IRON BREAKER MINISTRY.
Aunt Ebere came out of the church with a smile on her face. "Let's go inside" aunt Ebere urged and she rolled her eyes at the woman. Mother grabbed her right hand and led her into the church aggressively like she was going to run away. They were asked to seat in front, apparently it had been reserved. She was tempted to roll her eyes again because it all made sense. "Stay in front so the prophet would see her easily". She was really tired of her family, they were always doing too much. As she sat down, she looked around the church and shook her head. Everything felt wrong to her at the moment. She zoned out for most of the service and ignored everyone including her mother. "Go and give her the money" her mother's voice brought her back from heaven knows where. She took the five hundred naira note in her mother's hand. "Make sure that you touch her" mother added. She walked over to the altar with a big frown. She threw the money on the altar and walked away, eyes locked with her mother's who looked pissed. As she went back to her seat she over heard Aunt Ebere telling mother not to get angry that it was probably the demon.
Service was over and yet no vision was seen about her and her demons. Determined to get something, mother took her to the prophetess with Aunty Ebere of course.
"Good morning beloved children of God" the prophetess greeted with a smile. She was a tall lady with shiny dark skin. She was sweating a bit from all of the running around she had done during service. Maybe that's what made her skin shine under the light
"Good morning Mummy" Aunty Ebere smiled. "What can I do for you today?" the woman asked and Aunty Ebere began to whisper something in her ear. She nodded at Aunty Ebere before facing the allegedly possessed girl.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine" she replied nonchalantly and the woman gave a light chuckle. "Kneel down let me pray for you" She did as she was told and the prophetess placed her hand on her shoulder and began to pray, silently. The prayer ended and mother sent her to the car. On her way to the car she pulled out her phone and called Gabriel.
"What's up?" he picked up after the first ring. "You won't believe where I am" she sighed and reached into her bag to grab her face towel. "I'm in church guy" she said and she heard Gabriel laugh. 'The fuck you doing there?" She saw her mother and aunty Ebere approaching the car so she ended call. "So apparently, I'm possessed. See I'll call you later, bye!" she hung up before Gabriel could ask questions.
Mother's eyes searched her face for some kind of emotion but found none. Mother turned to driver and instructed him to drive home.