

When at the age of 16 Haru has his first heat, his family abandons him. Despite everything, Haru does not give up and becomes the most requested host of the very private SS club. His goal, to leave the country and find happiness. But his meeting with his fated pair will turn his outlook on life upside down. Destroyed and traumatized, Haru has now only one desire: to die. Will he be able to regain his taste for life? Can he still be saved? ******************************************* MATURE CONTENTS / BL Main Couple / Hard description : read at your own discretion [ PS : English isn’t my main language. It’s not even my second XD So please, be gentle and be patient with me. I’m still learning. ]

WndyButter · LGBT+
76 Chs



Akihito OGATA : ~ 28 years old ~ Extreme Dominant Alpha / Heir of the most powerful family of Androuse ( Fictif country of the story ) / Angela's fated pair / CEO of O. Company.

Haru FIERCE : ~ now 23 years old ~ Dominant Omega / Only son of the Fierce Clan / old member of the SS Club / Silas' fated pair


Katsuki OGATA : ~ 70 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Akihito and Pam's grandfather / Ren's father / Chairman and head of the Ogata Corporation

Ren OGATA : ~ 47 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Akihito and Pam's father / Second President of the Ogata Corporation

Alicia ROSEN-OGATA : ~ 47 years old ~ Alpha / Akihito and Pam's mother

Pam OGATA : ~ 26 years old ~ Alpha / Akihito's only sister / A smart doctor / married to Mila and have a son.

Mila OGATA : ~ 25 years old ~ Omega / Pam's dearest wife / Mother of baby Aaron.

Aaron OGATA : ~ 1 year old ~ Gender unknown / Pam and Mila's son

• OGATA'S Friends and acquaintances :

Zaizen COLLINS : ~ 28 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Akihito's childhood friend and secretary / The son of the former mayor of Androuse

Gisele KING : ( Description in the SS Club section )

Deborah a.k.a Debby : ~ 25 years old ~ Alpha / Akihito's loyal bodyguard and the family head of guards

Thomas FAITH : ~ 32 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Gordon's best friend / Ogata family's Lawyer

Gordon KING-BARTTON : ~ 32 years old ~ Beta…. / Gisele's half brother / Surgeon / Married to Yuto / Akihito's Childhood friend

Yuto BARTTON : ~ 32 years old ~ Beta / Gordon's husband / Thomas' old classmate / Surgeon

Katrina GREEN-WAYNE : ~ 26 years old ~ Omega / Mila's Best Friend / Karen's younger sister

Piper WAYNE : ~ 27 years old ~ Alpha / Katrina's Wife / Pam's best friend


Madame Gisèle/Gisele KING a.k.a Mama : ~ 35 years old ~ Alpha / Owner of the SS Club / Akihito and Zaizen's close friend

Florence LAURET a.k.a Flore : ~ 20 years old ~ Recessive Omega / Arnold's fated pair

Lola : ~ 23 years old ~ Omega / Flore's close friend.

Gustave POSEY : ~ 25 years old ~ Submissive Omega / Haru and Flore's friend ( more like an older brother )

Angela BROWN : ~ 24 years old ~ Omega / Akihito's fated pair

Piper (2) : ~ 23 years old ~ Omega / Angela's friend

Conrad BUTCH : ~ 35 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Owner of the Convenience store next to the SS Club / Gisele's old classmate


Igor KANZAKI : ~ 75 years old ~ Extreme Dominant Alpha / Head of the Kanzaki's family / Grandfather

Yelena KANZAKI : ~ 58 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Igor's third wife / Grandmother

Ed KANZAKI : ~ 50 years old ~ Alpha / Igor's first son / Satoh, Silas and Sunny's father / married to Mary and have three children

Mary KANZAKI : ~ 49 years old ~ Alpha / Ed's spouse

Satoh KANZAKI : ~ 32 years old ~ Alpha / Ed's first son / Married to Veronica and have a baby girl

Silas KANAZAKI : ~ 30 years old ~ Alpha / Ed's second son / Haru's fated pair

Sunny KANZAKI : ~ 21 years old ~ Alpha / Ed's first daughter and youngest child

Veronica KANZAKI : ~ 32 years old ~ Alpha / Satoh's wife with who she has a baby girl called Nathalie ( nicknamed Nana )

Dana : ~ 26 years old ~ Beta / Satoh's secretary and Mistress

• SILAS's friends and acquaintances :

Reinz : ~ 48 years old ~ Alpha / Kanzaki family's doctor and Ed's old friend

Hassan TAHA : ~ 31 years old ~ Alpha / Silas' friend

Aurore LEGRAND : ~ 23 years old ~ Alpha / Hassan' ex-girlfriend

London PRIEST : ~ 28 years old ~ Submissive Alpha / Thomas' lover

Arnold WILLIAMS : ( Description in the Williams' Clan section )

Karen GREEN : ~ 30 years old ~ Omega / Katrina's older sister


Rosanna WILLIAMS : ~ 84 years old ~ Dominant alpha / Chairman and head of the Williams Clan / Kyle's mother and Arnold's dearest grandmother

Kyle WILLIAMS : ~ 52 years old ~ Alpha / President of the Williams Hotels' Line / Arnold's father

Nell POTTS-WILLIAMS : ~ 50 years old ~ Alpha / Arnold's mother

Arnold WILLIAMS : ~ 30 years old ~ Dominant Alpha / Chairman of the A.W Hotels's Line / Florence's fated pair

Emma : ~ 33 years old ~ Beta / Arnold's housekeeper

• Others seen characters :

Sissy : ( Beta/ Akihito's previous housekeeper )

Vicky : ( Alpha / one of Akihito's receptionist )

Camila : ( Beta / one of Akihito's receptionist )

Maki : ( Omega / Yuto's mistress )

Parkka : ( Beta / The old clerk working in Conrad's shop / supposedly linked to one of big Drug's trafficking group )

Hello !

Someone asked me if I could come up with a Characters chart. It’s hard to do it on W*bnovel but I tried… It’s not completed but I hope it will help you all when you can’t remember their name or their gender. Of course during the story, I didn’t say the full name of some of the characters… well ! You know it now XD I will change this chart from time to time :3 And because I have an old brain, maybe I forgot some details T-T Let me know !

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