
Broken Bond: Between Vices and Virtues (BL)

Synopsis: Knox is an omega – poor, orphaned, weak, and bullied. He was the unluckiest human being alive – according to his own. Burdened by debt, he has no choice but to stop school and work to pay off his loans all the while hiding the truth and pretending as a beta to save himself from harassment. He accepted all legal jobs he could get to make ends meet. Including a contractual relationship with an alpha who’s suffering from a pheromone disability. He gets paid – enough to free him from all of his debts. All he has to do is help the alpha stabilize his pheromone…not until that night happens… The contract was breached. Knox has to pay the price. Afraid of his circumstances, he ran away. Years later, Knox became a capable man. He has a nice job and a kind boss. When his boss got invited to an engagement party, as his secretary, Knox had to come with him. However, he was shocked to find out that the man to be engaged was none other than the spitting image of his son! How will Knox keep the truth from him, when after their eyes met at the party, the alpha had already marked him as his property, claiming him as the payment of the contract he breached? Will Knox hide and run away again? Or will he choose to pay off the debt to be free? Will he be able to push away the alpha whose vices are hidden behind his attractive mask or will Knox abandon his virtues and embrace the dangerous father of his son? --- Thank you all for your support! For faster update, send my book your golden tickets, powerstones, and gifts!!

superAyan · LGBT+
224 Chs

Almost got caught

Knox glanced at his wristwatch and tapped his finger on the table. It's past half an hour after working hours ended, and yet Athan Horace, the president of the HZ Clothing Brand, along with the team leaders of the design department, and the creative director, showed no sign of finishing the ongoing meeting.

He sighed in dismay. He promised to cook Knoa his favorite dinner, but it seems he won't be home soon.

He took his phone under the table and texted Franz about his situation. He wanted to call and excuse himself, but the meeting was still on fire as all leaders were trying to shove their designs and ideas for the upcoming new release of the summer collection.

Athan showed focus in every design and listened to the ideas and concepts behind them with Dalia, the creative director.

Rona, team leader of the womenswear design team, pointed at the portfolio and commented, "This design is unique and very trendy, we should finalize this as one of the new collections. What do you think, president, ma'am Dalia?"

Athan leaned back on the sofa and stared down at the portfolio before him, "The design is unique, yes, but the length, make it longer, and the neckline is too low, pull it up a little higher."

Rona complained, "But, president, this is for summer! Summer clothes are short, lighter, and comfy."

"Yeah, but," Athan turned to Knox who was sitting silently beside him, jotting down notes and aiding the team leaders with their presentation, "Sec. Arden, what was your first thought after seeing this dress, excluding the fact that it was for summer?"

Knox gulped. He cursed Athan inside for asking his opinion right in front of the designers, who looked at him with anticipation. He cleared his throat and answered, "Honestly, I thought it was lingerie."

Rona frowned and counter-replied, "But we're only hearing from a man's opinions, president. Let's ask Ma'am Dalia—

"A lingerie…is on point. We might just include that in the lingerie set instead," Dalia answered, cutting Rona off.

After approving some of the designs in the womenswear, they moved to the menswear and other categories. Another two hours passed before they finalized the list and began tidying up their things.

"Uh…another overtime, why can't we do this in the day, huh?" Sean, team leader of the menswear design team, grumbled.

"You might as well ask the president why he's so busy," Dalia responded, giving Athan a sour look.

Athan laughed and scratched his head, "I'm only late this time because I was suddenly called in by the chairman. I won't be late next time."

Knox flinched after hearing his reason. Athan glanced at Knox as he stood. He started helping him gather his belongings and some files while whispering, "I'm sorry about this. Let me take you home."

Knox did not refuse. He simply nodded and stepped back to keep distance between them. However, that curt interaction never escaped the eyes of the people inside. They pretended like they didn't see or hear anything and just walked out.

"Good work, everyone. Have a good night," Athan added. Some of them answered simultaneously and left.

Rona even gave Knox a scrutinizing look before leaving, followed by Sean who glanced at the secretary with curiosity. Dalia eyed Athan and Knox, before exiting without saying anything. All of this was unbeknownst to Knox, as his focus was on his phone trying to reply to Franz's messages.

They both arranged a few things in their respective offices before deciding to go.

"Where should I drop you?" Athan asked, he briefly glanced at Knox sitting on the passenger seat. "Is Knoa still in the café?"

Knox replied, "Yes. Can you drop me off at the next block? I promised him I'd cook dinner but it was already too late. I'll just buy some fried chicken."

"I heard fried food is not good for toddlers, Knox," Athan replied cautiously.

Knox, "I know, it's for me. Franz said he already fed him after he cried a lot and now, he's asleep. I'm going to get scolded for not keeping my promises once he wakes up, I'm sure."

Athan chuckled. He stopped the car in front of the chicken and barbecue restaurant a few blocks away from Franz's café. He pulled his seat belt off and decided to accompany Knox out, but got dragged back by him on his seat instead.

"You don't have to go with me. My back hurts from hours of sitting in the meeting room, so I might as well take a short walk to the café. Go home and rest, your schedule for tomorrow is packed," Knox said and opened the door to his side, he waved at Athan after stepping out, "Thanks, A. Drive safely. Goodnight."

Athan sighed and only watched Knox enter the small restaurant before driving away. It was obvious that Knox was putting distance between them at work, and even treating him professionally. He wanted to abolish the walls he built around himself, but that would be disrespectful and pushy.

Four years passed since Knox came to them, but he was still distant and guarded. He wants to, at least, be a good brother to him. He gritted his teeth after recalling his meeting with the chairman. He promised himself, he wouldn't let anyone hurt Knox and his son.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Azrael was inside his car, parked at the front of an office building where the person he asked to investigate Knox goes to work. It was past seven in the evening already.

After clocking out at work, he decided to pick up the report himself after receiving a text message that it was completed.

A man in his twenties came out from the door and looked around. Azrael honked the car and brought his window down. The man waved the brown envelope at him as he walked to the car.

"Yo, Azi~" Sandro, an alpha who works as a private investigator, greeted Azrael amicably. They were college friends and stayed in contact because of Azrael's often requests to dig into his enemies' identities and weaknesses.

That was why it was a surprise to Sandro after receiving a request to locate an omega four years ago, and four years after, he received another request to investigate the same person again.

Sandro, "Why don't we discuss this over dinner? I haven't eaten dinner yet."

Azrael snarled, "Just give it to me."

"Sure, but there are some data I can't put down, as I don't have enough evidence to back my claims. Better to hear them now rather than later, eh?" Sandro wriggled his eyebrows.

Azrael annoyingly averted his gaze, "Get in."

Sandro's smile widened. He cheerfully pointed at a small chicken and barbecue restaurant across the street, a few establishments away from them, "The food there tastes good. Let's eat there."

The door chimed as they entered, gathering the attention of some of the customers inside. Their heads turned to the two handsome men by the entrance, one was wearing casual clothes of pants and a leather jacket, while the other stood like a conglomerate heir wearing a grey vest over his white long-sleeved shirt and black tie, and a grey coat overall, paired with grey trousers.

Almost all men and women swooned at the appearance of the two alphas, walking like models to the corner table. Waiters rushed to take their orders, crowding over them.

Due to this, Azrael failed to notice the person at the counter, waiting for his takeout order. Knox's face paled and his heart started beating faster. He was stunned and frozen at the spot after recognizing Azrael.

"Sir, your order is here…"

Knox jolted. He quickly snatched the plastic and ran to the kitchen. The woman who gave his order shouted, "Hey, that's not the exit!"

But Knox ignored the woman and proceeded to leave by the kitchen that led him to the back door.

The shout garnered the attention of other waiters near Azrael's table, "What happened?"

"Some man exited by the kitchen's door. How rude…"

"Did he pay before leaving?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, he left his receipt though."

Azrael clicked his tongue and glared at the servers, "Can you scram now? You're disturbing us."

The servers panicked and scurried away from the deathly glares, but some customers even squealed at Azrael's cold expression.

"Wow~ you're still so popular, Azi," Sandro mentioned, grinning from ear to ear, enjoying his college friend's irritated face.

Azrael ignored the teasing and just grabbed the envelope. He took the papers out and a sly grin formed on his face after a photo clipped on the document came to his view. It was a stolen shot of Knox Arden waiting at the bus stop at night.

Sandro witnessed the satisfied grin on Azrael's face and he thought, 'Oh, boy~ that grin will get wiped out after he reads the rest…'

A male server came and delivered their orders while stealing glances from the rich-looking handsome man, but his face paled and his forehead broke into a sweat after the man's eyes in mention blazed with fury and his aura oozed with danger.

The server left in haste.

thank you for reading^^

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