
C15 - I can be gentle

“Bring it with, I will help you,”

Gabriella rolls her eyes with annoyance, “fine, see you in a bit.”

“Sorry about that,” she apologizes after switching off her phone.

“Problems on cloud nine?” Zurier tries to make a joke. He does not remember her being in a romantic relationship before their incidents before he became a human so this relationship must have materialized recently.

“Not exactly. So that is it for today, tomorrow we will start with a program and hopefully, have you walking in no time,” Gabriella says as she starts to pack away her notes.

“I look forward to it,” Zurier says, a bit sad that Gabriella must leave. He is still getting used to being alone.

“Good night Zurier, see you tomorrow,” Gabriella says leaving the room.

Outside the room, Alex is standing, chatting to Amber. Alex's eyes met Gabriella’s, but they said nothing to each other. Gabriella bit her lip and walked away.

“Goodbye Amber,” Alex tries to shake of Amber and walks into Zurier’s room.