
Broke Man's System

If every dollar you earned you get a random bonus on top of that, what would you do? become the richest man alive? If you can consume knowledge like water, what would you do? become the smartest man alive? If you can have a physique like Captain America, what would you do? become the strongest person? This story follows Damon, a poor and broke university student that just received a system. Let's see what he does with the system. [Ding! Host Found] [Ding! Welcome to The Broke Man's System!] [You earned $5 krowns. Random bonus 10,000x] [$50,000 krowns has been sent to the account]

Drewy2cold · 都市
20 Chs

Men in black

Authors Note: There might be some parts that you may not understand and a lot of questions. But don't worry, it will all make sense in the future.


The Margradzo family, said to be the pinnacle of wealth. They own almost every luxury brand in Dragon City. In the business world, the only one who could compare to them was the Ashburn family. From the fashion industry to the agricultural industry, Margradzo group owns 5 percent of the world's total GDP. 

There are over 200 companies under the Margradzo group, each specializing in various industries such as fashion, technology, real estate, and more. Their influence extends far beyond Dragon City, with branches and subsidiaries all over the world. The Margradzo family's wealth and power are legendary, with rumors of their lavish lifestyles and extravagant parties circulating among the elite. Despite their immense wealth, they are known for their philanthropic efforts, supporting various causes and charities around the world.

"Wow! the Margradzo family! so you're from the richest family in all of southern continent?"

I said it as I was surprised by I actually wasn't all that surprised.

However, looking at Lily, her eyes closed and she nearly looked like she was turning into a porcupine.

"I'm sorry for hiding my identity, it's just, there's something about you that I just felt safe and told you."

For Lily, being part of the Margradzo family meant living under constant scrutiny and pressure. As a member of one of the wealthiest and most influential families in Dragon City, she was expected to maintain a certain image and behavior. This often meant suppressing her true feelings and opinions, as well as constantly being wary of others' intentions.

But how could she come to the library all by herself without a fleet of guards to protect her?

"It's fine, I get it. It must be stressful being in a family like yours, so I see why you'd want to hide your identity."

I calmed her down and reassured her, but deep down I was the bad guy for playing along with this. Author please don't make me an idiot.


She looked up with a surprised look on her face.

"Yeah... It's not like I'm going to eat you alive" 

I said with a smile, but knowing that if I could I would.

"But how come you don't have guards with you?"

I was curious as even my cousin's went around in a fleet of 5 to 6 cars, blocking all the roads in Lumen City.

When Lily heard my questions, she looked down again and fiddled with her hands. She took a deep breath and replied.

"Well...I ran from home"

My curiosity go the better of me and I continued to ask.

"How come?"

"Well it's because I was forced by my father to get married to someone, someone from the Ashburn family."

I raised my eyebrows and jaw dropped. This was more than a coincidence I thought.

"Father wanted me to marry into the Ashburn so that they could merge the two groups together so..." Lily continued.

"So you ran away?..." I interrupted her.


Even in today's age, It was normal for two families to merge through marriage to strengthen their businesses and influence. However, Lily was not willing to sacrifice her freedom and happiness for the sake of business alliances. She decided to take matters into her own hands and escape the marriage proposal by running away.

Good for her I guess, because if she were to marry and I took revenge on my family, It would be catastrophic for Lily as well. It's probably Johnathon, Richard's oldest son. That guy is a womanizer but I guess it runs in the family.

"I see... and do you have any plans to go ba..."

I asked. 

Just then Lily gazed fixed on a group of men dressed in black suits were at the counter asking some questions to the lady who was the receptionist.

"Oh no..."

I knew they had come for Lily but I just played along. Why am I like this? ask the author.

"What wrong Lily?"

She didn't answer my question. Her face expression changed to horror and she stood up walking around like a headless chicken. It was funny to watch but I feel terrible for her really. I mean she didn't even have the freedom to say anything or decline the proposal from her father.

"Omg omg omg... what am I going to do?"

The receptionist pointed at us to the group of men in suits and they started to walk over.

Well It's not like we have anywhere else to run or hide. Also I'm in no place to meddle in with the affairs of a stranger I just met and also with my current position I don't want to risk anything.

"Lily calm down and listen..."

I took a piece of paper from my bag and wrote my phone number on it. I then got up and placed both of my hands on her cheeks.

"Everything is going to be alright... I'll be supporting you always... we're friends now right?"

I tried to reassured her and calmed her down. I handed her a sheet of paper. At least I would give her hope that there was somebody that was there for her.

"Here is my number, call me whenever you need me and I'll be there"

I smiled. Although you may look at me like I broke my moral code for not helping her out at that time.


She looked like she was about to tear up.

The group of men in suits then stood in front of us with a scary demeanor. Yes I was scared shitless as well, it's not like I had any strength to take them all down. I'm a normal person.

"Miss, we're here to take you home... your father is worried"

Lily walked towards the group of men in suits as she kept looking down. She then stopped in the middle of the group and turned around to look at me.

"It's ok" I said with no voice being heard to lily.

I gave her a big smile and raised my arm to an ok sign.

She looked at me with a bitter smile and left. One of the men stayed behind and talked to me.

"Kid, what's your name?"


He reached into his left suit pocket and reached out a checkbook. He then wrote something and handed to me. 

"Here is $10,000, thanks for looking after her for us."

Well it's not like I could reject it as it would mean I would lose on the random bonus. I took the check and put it in my pocket as the man walked back to the group.

[Ding! Congratulations!]

[You earned $10,000. Random bonus 5X]

[$50,000 has been deposited to your account.]

"System why is this not considered a bribery?"

[Affirmative, this is not considered illegal as the man did not have any ill intent towards you.]

"Hmm... so the system can detect something like that too?" I thought.


"Stop reading my mind you stupid system!"

This system really gets on my nerves.

[Affirmative, I will stop reading your thoughts. Loser]

This system is more obedient than I thought. But still what's with the insult at the end.

"Alright that was an expected turn of events... let's get back to reading"