
Breeze World

In the books of ancient legends, a great man once known as the Ruler Of The Seven Realms, was once challenged by all of the civilizations of the seven realms. The civilizations unable to even come close to matching his powers, all suffered a great loss. As punishment, the ruler sealed the the seven realms along with them, their creatures, into a magic crystal. Aspiring to create a new world that is perfect, he summons all his powers to create a new realm. But as time goes on, the ruler anticipating his demise, creates a new being from the magic crystal. Unbeknownst to him, the being would go on to become the ancestor of all the races of the new realm.

BubbleClaw · 奇幻
3 Chs

Vermitas Academy

The story of the Ruler and the Created Being is one of the few stories that people have put their faith and trust in time and time again. These, so-called "truths" about the world have been passed down through generations upon generations.

Although, I myself, am an exception to that rule. I have never once put my faith or trust in any one of these stories and the reason behind it is very simple, it's because no one has any proof to show for these myths.

I thought to myself before opening my eyes and stretching my limbs, letting out a small morning yawn. Getting up from bed and getting ready for my first day at Vermitas Academy.

I hurried to the Academy as soon as possible, because I kind of have a habit for arriving late everywhere. But not today, today I have arrived at the front gate relatively early.

Upon arriving, I was met with a large school building, with medieval architecture, and talented students from wealthy families crowding the front gate.

I ignored them and passed by, I was headed to my newly assigned classroom. I managed to reach the classroom while avoiding any eye contact with anyone.

After a while, once the class is full, the homeroom teacher arrives. She enters with a strange magical aura that causes all the noise in the class to go silent at once. Without wasting a second, she started explaining the rules of our stay here in the academy. When she was done, we proceeded with the other classes that we had to attend to.

After everything was over, the school day had come to an end, so as a result I headed for my newly found dorm room. And decided to catch up on some sleep that I missed, but seriously, I feel like the only person that can survive on an hour of sleep every night.

And of course, the alarm wakes me up. I clench my hand into a fist, and bring down on the alarm with all the strength that I can muster.

The first and most important factor is sleep, I need to sleep for at least eight hours in order to even use this ability, any less and the ability is disabled for the day.

The second factor is focus, to even cause the slightest of changes in probability, I need to focus on a level so extremely high that I forget about everything around me.

The focus part is my main issue. But I do have a plan, if I can find an Aqua Gem before the class starts, I'll be able to showcase my ability with ease, as the aqua gem is the easiest to manipulate, I can use the aqua gem as a dice to showcase a basic version of my abilities. The problem is, I have no idea about the whereabouts of any aqua gem.

I'll just have to make one. I set out, to the Pond Forest, with me I have snacks and water. The time I was in the Pond Forest, it was 4:30. Right now it's 4:40 AM, and I have been searching all around for the pond that is located somewhere here. In and next to the pond, there are lots of aqua clay, that I can refine to aqua gems by throwing them in fire.

After about 20 minutes at 5:02, I found the pond. It was a deep blue, it was small in size but when you looked at it, it look vast. Next to the pond was what looked liked blue rocks, I immediately recognized it as aqua clay that had been collected to the side. I opened my water bottle and took some aqua clay before putting it into the water bottle. I knew that it was best to store aqua clay in water, especially when you need to store it for a long time.

But before I went back to the academy dorms, I had to refine the clay into aqua gems. I did that by collecting many wood twigs at one place and then starting a fire. I then, threw the water bottle in which I had collected the clay, into the fire. I waited for about 30 minutes before the fire was extinguished.

And on the burnt twigs, was a large piece of aqua gem. Glistering a blue shiny color, I kept it in my backpack and then set my way to the academy dorms. It is 5:53 right now, the academy classes will start at 8:00, I need to make it back. But there is no need to rush, as I have plenty of time left.

But how can I find my way back? Fortunately, I had already thought of that, I tied a thread to my backpack, incase I got lost. All I needed to do, was to follow the the thread back.

I was walking, following the thread out of the forest, when I saw a humanlike figure, approaching me, I'm not one to be scared, so naturally there is no fear in my mind. However, I am curious about the figure that is approaching, so I stood still watching. When it got a little closer, I was able to distinguish it, to my surprise, it was Ayumi, who I was sitting next to in class.

She too was surprised, as was clearly written all over her face, the expression of surprise, she quickly composed herself, and started speaking "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your dorm, this early in the morning?" I responded to her "I could say the same for you." "Well I'm actually lost, I came here to get some magic healing herbs. But now, I can't find the way out." "I can help you, I know the way out, I have been following this thread, it should leave us outside. Or do you not need my help?" "No, absolutely, I could use your help."

I started walking once again, and she is following me. She followed me outside, and thanked me, before quickly leaving. Meanwhile, I return to my dorm, and decide to sleep the rest of the time I have before the classes start.