
Dead Demons Walking

"Black Castle, Take us to the interdimensional shop #001," I said in a low voice as I sat back on my throne and yawned.

The trip back was fast and after leaving the Black Castle we entered the shop before seeing the Elf sitting on his counter. "Oh, welcome back" he stood up as he greeted me. "Trip to Fernando, 4 people," I said to him. He looked at us before he began to calculate the price before saying "100,000 gold, 3 months maximum… after that, you will be teleported back here"

I took out two sacks of gold and threw it at him. "Before we leave, I want this world to be accessible to anyone, how much?" I asked him as I smiled.

"10,000 gold 1 day," He said as he smirked. I looked at him with a raised brow, "3 months, give me a discount old man…".

Anlyth Iannan wrinkled his brows and said "630,000 gold, 30% discount on 90 days… that is all I can give".

I smiled and took out several sacks before throwing it on the counter. "Thanks, Anlyth, you may teleport us now", he nodded and the light began to engulf us, my companions closed their eyes and I kept it open watching the view change from light to greenery.

"Shhh" Taking a breathe, I loved the smell of air as I walked on the grass. "Master, what happened here?" Ele said as her face looked enraged. "Huh?" After hearing Ele words I looked around the greenery and spotted blood on several spots. Walking towards the blood spot, I saw a trail of blood that shows a body being dragged towards the river. I followed the blood trail and noticed not one dead body in the river being held by broken logs, hundreds of bodies were there.

"Hmph, poor souls" Yama turned into a bull and began to drag the bodies out of the water, Ragnarok was digging a large hole in the ground while Ele used her roots to reel in the bodies.

I watched with an indifferent look until I spotted a body that was covered in a black hood. "Ele, reel in that body covered in a black hood…", Ele nodded and did that before the body reached the soil. I took off the hood and saw a demon face under it, "Brother, this body is full of blood!" Yama in rage shouted as he approached it.

I looked silently and examined the body, a triple skull tattoo on the neck with a knife in between each skull. "Order of Hatred" my aura began flickering, "Ele, can you ask the nature if this symbol has been seen by them?" I asked Ele while I changed the demon into a rune.

"Yes brother, one-moment" Ele closed her eyes and her legs turned into roots before it penetrated the earth around us and her mouth began moving fast. I went to help Yama and Rag to bury the dead body of the people, most of them were kids…

"Kuku, whoever did this will pay," Asura said as he didn't appear outside. Yama nodded his head while he carried the bodies on his back, "We might have our problems Asura but no one dares to kill the innocent".

"Sigh… let us bury them in peace" I shook my head as I took the soil and threw it slowly in the hole. An hour has passed and we finally finished burying the dead bodies. I walked back to Ele who was finished and asked her. "Any clues?" I asked, Ele with an angry face nodded and pointed towards the flowing river "End of this river, we will meet several members that has the same symbol as this man".

I nodded, "Follow me my brothers and sister," I said as I began running. I held my thumb that contained my strongest skill and smiled, "Get on!" Yama on his bull form said as Rag and Ele jumped on.

"Brother, get on!" Yama said while smoke puffed out of his nose, I jumped on his back and said, "Let's go!"...


"Run! They are here to kill us! Demons!" the people screamed as they ran outside the city, black hooded demons were killing everyone.

"Oh god of light, why did you abandon us?!" A young nun fell down on her knees, several demons entered from behind smiling, "Light? We will kill them! HAHAHA!" The demon went towards the nun and held her hair before he pulled her outside.

"Don't kill them! You have already destroyed several villages killing everyone within!" A man who was tied on a stick was shouting on the top of his lungs for the demons to spare his people.

"Who will save you? Light?! HAHAHA!" The demons laughed as they looked around "WE ARE THE MEN OF DIABLO! ORDER OF HATRED!" The demons shouted in harmony as they held their weapons and smiled.


"Don't kill my son, spare him…" The man tears began flowing as he watched his people being killed.

Thud! Thud!

"Hmm? Check the sound out" The demon who seems to be in charge said to the demon next to him.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The demons became serious as they looked around, "Who's there?!"

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Black Death" As the masked man poked the demon in the right side of his head with his thumb.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The ground began to shake, bodies of demons began to fall. "WHO DARES TO GO AGAINST THE ORDER OF HATRED?!" The leader said as he readied his stance to fight.


A deep sound appeared behind him. "Me…" the leader looked behind and saw his people standing behind the mysterious masked figure.

Crack! The thumb pierced the leader's heart and his eyes began to flicker before it changed into pitch black and then his body dropped his weapon and kneeled.


Looking at the kneeling demon, I smiled as my companions brought their bodies one by one alive. When they saw what is happening, they understood that I am here not to kill… but to have fun.

Throwing a fist with an open thumb towards the demons, they became servants, after reaching a hundred demons I stopped and said "Kill the rest".

Crack! Crack! Crack! The demons that didn't get pierced by the thumb died either being burnt, eaten or drained from the blood. After they destroyed the bodies, I looked towards the shocked humans that were injured.

"Thank you for helping us, benefactor," The man that is tied on a stick said. I nodded and went towards him before cutting the ropes around him as he dropped on the ground. "Escape this place, I buried the ones that have flown on the river…" After finishing my words, the man nodded and said one last thing before he left, "We will pay this back in the future! Thank you!"

After watching the survivors leave, I smiled and looked back at the leader of the demons, "Tell me everything about yourself and your organization"

The demon who looked lifeless began to talk "No name… Diablo Minion… we are part of the dark faction… we are located in the fire kingdom… Diablo rules the humans from his puppets…"

I nodded and looked at the demons that contain Paragon Epidemic and smiled. "Spread, if you find a member from your organization… touch him on the neck, drop some blood inside any type of food or drink that will be served for dark faction members"

The demon nodded and disappeared from his spot followed by his other companions. I watched it and my smile under the mask changed to a cold face. "Brother, are we going to search for your family now?" Ele said in a low voice.

"No need, they will help me find her," I said before I began walking out of the city and towards the road that goes in a straight line.

"Hmph, I am hungry…" Yama said as he allowed us to ride him before he began moving.

[Paragon Epidemic: Enslave, Destroy, Steal, Infect, Spread, Airborne, Locate, Empower…. Etc. A skill created on the hands of a mortal capable of destroying worlds, limit 100 enslaved, triggers another enslavement once an enslaved being dies. Unlimited uses, Energy usage 100]

*Yawn* I am tired… Let my slaves do some grinding now, Hehe...

Hope springs from the knowledge that there is light even in the darkest of shadows.

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

- Desmond Tutu

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