

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · 奇幻言情
20 Chs

Chapter 4of4 Mr Hero

The next day Anna was standing outside her father's company, this was the last place she wanted to be but was left with no other choice. her job hunting last night didn't go as she had expected and she needed a job ASAP, she wore a tight blue jeans, a white long sleeve top and black High heels while her long dark hair was tired up into a ponytail. she took a deep breath and went inside," good morning Ms Young." a receptionist greeted," Morning." Anna gave a slight smile going into the elevator to the fifth floor. she opened the door to her father's office and walked in," Anastasia my little princess, I missed you so much." he stood up to give her a hug," how are you Dad?." Anna smiled," your old man was wondering when you'll finally join us I'm happy to see my little princess."

" yeah, neither did I." Anna said taking a sit," and where is my precious big sis running about to?."

" April is always running up and down finalizing deals with clients, you will find her on the sixth floor." Mr Young said," I see." Anna could only say," tell me you're coming to work aside your father dear, I still have that position you've always wanted."

" April will flip if she hears you've handed that position to me without working for it, after all she's worked here longer." Anna said," I know have worked here longer little sis," April said from behind walking into the room," but Dad has kept that CEO position for you, I'm just managing the company for you since you decided to run from your responsibility."

" I didn't run from my responsibility I needed a breather and time to process everything." Anna said," if that's the way you see it." April scoffed," April, why don't you show Anna her new office."

" Yes Dad, this way little sis." April turned around and began walking away," I will see you later Dad." Anna kissed her father's cheek and followed April behind

Leah was working and luckily she didn't get fired for missing work for no proper reason, she doesn't know what Lucian discussed with Ms Victoria but she didn't ask any questions when Leah came in for work, her hand was pulled dragging her in a corner," why didn't you come in yesterday? do you know what you just missed out on?." Jackie said," what are you bubbling about?." Leah simply asked," a man came here yesterday at sunset, he was damn handsome and everything about him so freaking hot and sexy I didn't know such men exist, if you were there to witness him you would die like literally." Jackie said," I highly doubt I would die I'm sure he can't be that handsome Jackie." Leah calmly said," everyone saw him you can ask, even men here couldn't help but stare at him. he came to speak to Ms Victoria don't know about what exactly." Jackie said," I see." Leah instantly knew it was Lucian his the only person that turns heads wherever he goes," you two, enough gossiping and go back to work." the manager scolded," yes ma'am." Jackie said grabbing Leah's hand going to their working space

Anna's stomach grumbled making a funny sound, she was starving as time went by. she left her office to grab a bite at a cafeteria down street, she got into her car and drove around the corner down street. she got out of her and dumped into someone she didn't expect to see or ever seeing again, it was non other than Henry, her ex boyfriend," Anna, my day just went from cloudy to a bright sunny day." he smiled," what a shame Henry that mine went from a bright sunny day to a cloudy one." Anna said," that's how you treat your boyfriend after three years?."

" Ex boyfriend, and I don't have to treat you like a king Henry and what are you doing here I thought you were in New York." Anna said," I missed you and I wanted to see my CEO girlfriend." he smiled sweetly," CEO girlfriend huh? you've been talking to my sister?." Anna rolls her eyes," April is cool, she never liked the fact that we broke up in the first place. we do talk only so I can check up on you." Henry simply said," it's called stalking and I'm not okay with it, you broke up with me remember? cause I denied my father of the CEO position, do me a favour Henry and fuck off." Anna said about to walk away when he grabbed her wrist pulling her back," I won't let you treat me like trash Anastasia."

" oh but you're trash to me Henry and I don't deal with trash." Anna said with grit teeth," you're coming with me little Anna, after all it's been a long time you and I had a little steamy fun together." Henry gave a naughty grin," let go of me you bastard or you'll regret it." Anna struggled to free herself," why? don't you miss our wild sex together, I promise to make it wilder this time around." he whispered kissing her hand," fuck let go Henry, you're hurting me." Anna's heart was beating rapidly as she struggled," she said let go." A man's voice spoke from behind, both Anna and Henry turned their heads to see who it was and Anna was shocked to see the same guy she bumped into yesterday, he had a boredom and relaxed expression, his hands in his trouser pockets while he stared at Henry," and who are you supposed to be huh? Batman? can't you see I'm having a private conversation with my girlfriend." Henry simply said," I'm not your girlfriend damn it." Anna snapped," I don't like repeating myself twice." Skylar calmly said, Henry freed Anna from his grip and Anna ran to Skylar's side," it's not that your small talk scared me Mr, I just have somewhere important to be," he said turning to look at Anna," I will see you soon my love." Henry added before getting into his car and drove off. Anna turned to Sky and said," thank you for saving me from him." she gave a slight smile, Skylar didn't say a word, he just turned around and began walking away," my name's Anastasia Young, but you can call me Anna. what's your name Mr?." Anna called out which made him to come to a halt, he didn't turn around or anything. Anna waited for his response but it never came and he continued walking till he entered his black car and left. Anna frowned staring at the empty road," he is so weird gosh." she said to herself, she was no longer hungry after what just happened and decided to go back to work

Leah was on her lunch break when her phone rang and she went ahead to pick it up," Leah my dear how are you?." Mary greeted on the other side," I'm alright mom how are you?." Leah greeted back," I'm great, are you and Lucian busy tonight?."

" Uhm why do you ask?." Leah spoke," your grandfather is visiting and he wishes to see you... and Lucian." Mary said, Leah widened her eyes slightly," you told grandpa about Lucian? Mom!."

" what? your grandfather was asking when you'll settle down Leah you're 25 for goodness sake." Mary said," and you don't have to remind me of that, I can't believe you told him about Lucian without asking me first." Leah was very unpleased," dinner is 9 O'clock sharp, be there." she said before hanging up. Leah sighed face palming her face," you okay?." Jackie asked seeing her distressed face," yeah just my mom being nosey that's all." Leah false a smile getting back to work

April was meeting up with a client at a Chinese restaurant for her next sell," your house in Mexico really caught my attention Ms Young and my wife and kids can't wait to move in." her client said," it is a pretty good house Mr Akim, it has tight security and everything is secured by our company I promise you won't find any fault in it." April gave a slight smile," how am I supposed to deny such an offer Ms Young, you know your work..I will buy the house." he said," great choice, just sign here and the house is officially yours." April handed him the file, Mr Akim signed and handed her the cheque while she handed him the house keys," it was a pleasure working with you Ms Young." he shook her hand," pleasure is all mine." she smiled, her client stood up and left while April decided to stay in the restaurant for a while. before leaving she went to the restroom to fix her make-up and hair, she saw a stain of red wine on her white top and frowned," great April how clumsy can you get." she muttered to herself taking off her jacket and top, remaining with a black lace bra and tried washing off the stain. the door to the restroom opened and a man walked in, April's eyes widened slightly seeing a man walk into the room, it wasn't just any man. it was Zach, April found herself glued to the ground unable to move. Zach raised an eyebrow wondering what she was doing there," you.. you, wha.. what are you doing in the ladies room?." she stuttered," did your eye sight suddenly stop functioning? can't you tell it's the men's room."Zach calmly said pointing at the men's section in a corner with his eyes, April turned around following his direction, her face flushed with embarrassment, she wanted to slap herself for not noticing or realizing that she walked into the men's restroom and not the women's restroom. she doesn't know where her head is today, she turned back to look at Zach and said," I'm sorry I didn't realize it, I don't know where my head is at today." she apologized. Zach took steady steps towards her and stood in front of her, April looked up to stare at his handsome unreadable face before staring at his thin pink lips. Zach followed her eyes and could see her eyes staring at his lips, his eyes moved to stare at her pumped up beautiful red lips," you should leave before anyone spots you in here, a bad name is the last thing you need." he said turning back around and walked out, April didn't say a word instead she quickly put her shirt on grabbing her jacket and walked out of the men's room.

the sun was setting coloring the sky with it's brick-red color, Leah still didn't know how to tell Lucian about her family dinner that was happening tonight, whether he will accept or not, her head ached just thinking about it. and the fact that her grandfather wasn't coming alone but along with her half sister and her mother and they couldn't hide the dislike they have for one another. with a slight sigh, Leah arranged her stuff on the desk and prepared to go back home, she finished all her work early so she left before dawn. the driver Lucian hired was waiting outside in a black car, when he saw her he came out opening the car door for her and she simply sat in the passengers seat and drove off. it was completely dark out when Leah arrived at the villa," welcome home Ms." Mr Williams greeted taking her coat," thank you, where's Lucian?." Leah asked," Master is in his study." he informed, Leah went upstairs to the Study and simply knocked on the door before going inside, Lucian had his eyes glued on a certain book that looked ancient and old, he simply put it inside a drawer when he saw Leah come in," you're back early." he simply said," I finished early." Leah simply said approaching his desk and leaned on it. Lucian stood up and lifted her up making her sit on top of it, he kissed her neck while touching her thighs, Leah bit her lip closing her eyes enjoying the warmth of his lips on her tender skin," did you miss me?." Lucian whispered holding her waist tightly," more than you know it." Leah said capturing his lips deepening the kiss. Lucian lifted her skirt up taking of her panties and made love to her right there on the table, Leah was left breathless in his arms, she smiled slightly taking his sweet scent as she leaned on his hard sexy chest that was comfortable leaning on. when she finally caught her breath she looked up at Lucian and said," my mom called earlier to inform me of my grandfather coming to visit tonight, she wants you to join us for dinner.. and she told him about you and I, I know it's messed up but you don't have to come if you're not comfortable I will explain it to them." Lucian just kept quiet staring at her face while she kept on finding excuses to tell her family," what time?." Lucian calmly spoke shutting her up with his sudden question," 9...9 O'clock sharp." Leah said, Lucian checked his watch and it will soon be 9 in half an hour," I can spare an hour, only an hour." he told her, Leah's smile widened with excitement," only an hour got it, I will refresh up and get ready." she jumped back down running out of the study. Lucian gave a dry chuckle sitting back down

Leah wore a beautiful thick black jumpsuit and a brown coat with black heels, she tied her hair into a ponytail and looked absolutely gorgeous. Lucian was waiting downstairs when she came down, as for him he was in his casual clothes, a plane white shirt leaving two buttons undone and black straight long pants yet he still looked damn hot and sexy," you look beautiful." he complimented," thank you, you look just as handsome as always." Leah smiled, Lucian led her out and into the car. they drove at her grandmother's house and Leah rang the doorbell, the door opened revealing Leah's mother," welcome you two." Mary hugged the both of them inviting them in into the living room, an old man sat on the single sofa, beside him in another couch sat a woman who seemed to be in the age range as Mary and next to her sat a tall sexy pretty woman about Leah's age, she has short brown hair that reached her neck, brown eyes and pink lips, she wore a pitch long sleeve tight dress that reached her knees and silver high heels. Leah's grandfather stood up with a warm smile to hug his granddaughter after so many years," my little Lealiana, you've grown up into the most beautiful woman I thought you would become my goodness look at you."

" I missed you too grandpa, how are you?." Leah smiled," I feel healthier like a 20 year old after seeing my precious little girl." Mr Greg smiled turning to Lucian," and you must be the man my granddaughter is madly in love with for her to move in with you."

" grandpa." Leah blushed," Lucian Reign, nice to meet you." Lucian shook his hand," please call me grandpa son, you're family." Greg said and Lucian nodded slightly," apart from Mary, this is my other daughter in-law Cassandra, and this is my other granddaughter also Leah's half sister Nina." he introduced the two ladies," it's a pleasure meeting you." Cassandra gave a slight smile," well hello, you can call me Nia." Nia gave a seducing eye contact and flirty smile but Lucian just nodded and turned to look at his little kitty cat," we should eat before dinner gets cold." Mary said and they went to the dining table," so Lucian, what do you do?." Greg asked," I'm a business man and I own a company." Lucian simply said," what's the name of your company?."

" L.Z.S.X corporation."

" I've heard of that company though I don't know what the letters stand for." Cassandra spoke," each letter stands for my business partners, we run the company together." Lucian simply said," do you have siblings?." Greg asked," a younger brother and sister."

" and your parents?." Cassandra added," they're late." he simply answered

" I'm sorry." Lucian gave a slight nod. they talked more and got to know Lucian a bit more, after dinner Leah helped her mother Mary to clean up," we should be on our way now." Leah said," it's pretty late, why don't you two spend a night here and you can leave tomorrow morning." Mary suggested," your mother is right dear, you two must be tired you need to rest." Greg added," well.." Leah looked at Lucian who gave her a slight nod," alright then." she agreed," I would like sleep with Leah." Lucian simply said, everyone turned to look at him with a weird expression obviously misunderstood his statement," sleeping, it will be best if he sleeps in my room, grandpa shouldn't be disturbed." Leah said and Mary simply nodded," good night grandpa, mom, granny, aunt Cassandra, Nia." Leah said," good night sweetie." Mary smiled and both Leah and Lucian retired to the room," it's pretty small though." Leah said taking off her coat," this is your room huh?." Lucian said looking around, it was painted pink and purple like a kid's room. a yellow wardrobe and yellow table and chair in a corner with different types of books ' novels' Lucian wondered why she isn't blind by now cause of the different bright colors," bath room?." Lucian asked," last door to your right." Leah directed knowing Lucian likes to take a cold shower before sleep. Lucian took off his clothes and wrapped a small towel around his waistline leaving the room, he came back after ten minutes with his wet hair covering half of his face making him look damn sexy, water dripped down from his wet hair strolling to his broad arms and hard chest, he was a temptation hard to resist

A knock echoed inside the room pulling her out of her daze, she walked to the door to see who it was and her face instantly changed, it was Nia on the door and she had that proud smirk on her pretty yet cunning face of hers," may I come in?." Nia smiled," I don't think that's necessary, how can I help?." Leah said crossing her arms over her chest," oh come on Leah we're sisters yet you treat me like a total stranger and an enemy." Nia said sadly but Leah could see right through her lies, Nia's eyes trailed straight ahead and saw Lucian wrapped in a small towel, he was arranging the bed, Nia swallowed hard staring at his half naked upper body, his arms, broad hard sexy chest and his sexy abs drove her insane, Leah is such a lucky bitch to have such a piece of meat like Lucian, Nia muttered inside. Leah frowned taking a step to the left and blocked her view, Nia looked back at her with flaming eyes," Nia I'm tired and Lucian and I would like to rest now." Leah said," of course, Mary asked me to hand you these extra sheets." she stretched out her hands handing Leah the sheets, Leah took them closing the door to her face when she tried looking at Lucian one more time," bitch." Nia said angrily turning her heels and walked away

A black car stopped on the side and rolled down it's window, Skylar furrowed his brows seeing Anna standing on a taxi station in a corner, she had her hands wrapped around her body shielding herself from the cold," Ms Clumsy." Skylar spoke, Anna looked up hearing a familiar deep cold voice, her eyes widened slightly seeing Skylar sitting in his car," Mr, Mr Hero." Anna stammered, Skylar could tell something was wrong with her, her eyes looked weak and heavy, her white skin looked more paler than it's already is, Skylar got out of his car approaching her with his long legs, as soon as he got closer Anna felt weak in her knees losing her balance, Skylar caught her in his arms taking her to his car," what's wrong with you?." he spoke putting the seatbelt on," I feel cold, it's really cold." Anna whispered curling herself into a heap, Skylar took off his suit jacket covering her and started the engine driving off," where is your -

Skylar paused seeing she fell asleep, he sighed focusing on the road," what a mess." he muttered to himself with no other choice but take her with him to his house. he parked in the driveway getting out of the car and carefully carried her in his arms going inside the house, Zach and Xander were seated in the living room when they saw Skylar carrying a little woman, he didn't say anything to them, he just continued walking going upstairs to his room, Xander was curious and wanted to ask but it was pointless trying to gossip especially if that person is non other than Zach who likes to mind his own business, Xander could only release a helpless sigh sinking into the couch lazily. Skylar laid Anna on the bed taking off her heels and covered her with the thick warm quilt, he turned to leave when Anna held his wrist stopping him in his tracks," stay, please." he said her eyes still shut, Sky stared at her little hand that held his wrist and furrowed his eye brow, he didn't like being touched by anyone especially random women, but her, he didn't feel like pushing her away in fact he found it warm and weird at the same time, Skylar sat down next to her watching her sleeping little face, she was very pretty and looked innocent and tamed when she was sleeping, she has little freckles on her cheeks and nose bridge that you can only see when you pay to much attention, he too was very tired and wanted to sleep but he couldn't sleep on the same bed as her, nor can he leave cause she was clinging onto his arm, with a sigh he slept while sitting on the edge of the bed while his back leaned onto the bed board

the sun rays hit Anna's sleeping face the next morning," please turn off the lights." she complained in her sleepy voice, Sky was already awake and heard her complains and simply scoffed at her order," wake up it's morning already." he said coldly, Anna frowned hearing such a cold unwaveringly voice and wondered where the hell she ended up this time around, she opened her eyes slowly and met a pair of brown eyes glaring at her," what did she do this time around for him to glare at her like that? she thought," where am I?." she simply asked sitting up," a five star hotel." Sky said," really?." Anna said looking around, the room was quite big and beautiful no doubt about that but if it was really a five star hotel everything would be in one room all together," I'm starving." she said which made him furrow his brows even more because they didn't have any food in the house, after all they barely eat so they didn't feel it was necessary storing food in the house, Anna's nose caught something very tasty coming from outside the bedroom door and her mouth was becoming watery," is that chicken I smell?." she excitedly jumped out of bed running to the door with intensions of going out but Sky caught her wrist stopping her," what's wrong now?." Anna said glaring at him," freshen up first." he reluctantly said," can't I eat first then freshen up."

" No," Skylar simply said," I want you gone as soon as you eat so freshen up first, it's an order." he added walking away," dumb ass." Anna muttered to herself which made Sky halt for a second, Anna bit her tongue realizing he might have heard her but he just ignored her and left the room.

Sky descended the stairs going into the dining room and saw food laid down on the dining table, Xander was finishing up serving the last meal and smiled at his hard work at last," where did all this food come from?." Sky asked," I went to the supermarket and bought all the necessary ingredients to prepare something to eat for your human girlfriend." he wiggles his eye brows at Sky," she's not my girlfriend." Sky said with grit teeth glaring at Xander," is she up yet? I would like to see your beautiful girlfriend." he continued teasing him," Xander!." Sky was holding onto the last string of his self control before he can jump on him and dismantle his body," good morning, is that chicken I smell." Anna smiled brightly running to the table and helped herself," this is so good and tasty." she praised, Xander smirked looking at Sky who just rolled his eyes with intensions of walking away," hey where are you going?." Anna stood up after finishing her chicken running towards him," you've eaten now you leave." he simply said," aren't you going to drop me off?." Anna blinked her eyes at him innocently, Sky scoffed simply," do I look like your babysitter or nanny? am already regretting bringing you here don't make me feel it was a mistake, now move." he narrowed his sharp eyes at her, Anna bit her lower lip tears threatening to come out of her eyes, she simply got out of his way and he walked away. Xander sighed handing Anna his handkerchief and she took it," thank you." she sniffed," don't mind him he's always like that to everyone."

" really?." Anna looked up Xander and couldn't help but stare at his beauty," you think he's super cold wait till you meet his brother Zach, that guy is a tough nut not to crack."

" great so there's two of them." Anna sighed giving him back his handkerchief," I can drop you off if you want." Xander offered," thank you." he led the way and dropped her off to her apartment," maybe I'll see you around beautiful." Xander smirked before driving away, Anna rushed into her apartment to change her clothes and rushed to work in a taxi," Daddy I need a new car." Anna said when she reached her work place," what happened to your old one?." he asked," it keeps shutting down and I can't keep repairing it so please get me a new car, red if you may." she said," alright I will have someone drop it to your apartment in the evening."

" thank you Daddy I love you you're the best." Anna kissed his cheek before walking out with a wide smile," can you stop smiling like that you look like a freak." April said when they bumped into each other," you're just jealous that I'm daddy's favorite." Anna rolls her eyes," I wouldn't care less little sister." April said and proceeded into her father's office.

Leah and Lucian said their goodbye to the family and Lucian dropped Leah off at her work place before he too went to L.Z.S.X where he met up with the guys

" any updates?." Lucian spoke sitting in his rolling chair," one of the men informed me that the girl doesn't look to good and she's been asking for her pendent, I was thinking of traveling to Mystic falls after this." Sky calmly said and Lucian nodded knowingly," she shouldn't die, she as an important role to play." Lucian said, he didn't want anything to happen to the girl cause Leah's life depends on her she's the only one who can save her little kitty cat cause they are connected, Skylar and Xander didn't understand why Lucian is being so careful with this girl but neither did they want to ask him, he wouldn't tell them anything after all, at least not now. Sky stood up walking away," wait I'm coming with you." Xander followed behind him, when the two disappeared Zach turned to look at Lucian with an emotionless expression and said," so you won't tell them you found her?."

" I will in time, I can't afford endangering her life again." Lucian calmly said and there was silence in the huge office

Skylar and Xander arrived in Mystic falls and went straight to the Castle and down to the castle dungeons, the guard bowed his head slightly upon seeing them approaching," did she try anything funny?." Skylar looked at the guard blankly," no Master although she's been lying on the floor ever since, she refuses to eat and she keeps asking for her pendent." he said, Sky looked at the little woman sitting on the floor in a corner, she looked weak and dirty but her beauty still stood out," open the cell." he ordered and the guard opened the cell, he went inside approaching the girl and squatted on her level looking at her," my..my pendent please, I'm losing energy and I might die." she begged not able to raise her head," how am I supposed to trust that you won't try to escape after giving you the pendent." Sky coldly said, the girl stretched out her hand taking Skylar's hand and kissed the back of his hand," you have my word." A kiss on the hand was considered sacred, a promise made not to be broken in their clan, if this sacred promise was to be broken they would face huge consequences and that was death itself, Sky reached out to his trouser pocket and brought out a silver iron heavy necklace and handed it to her, she took it wearing it around her neck," I will get you out of this cell but not the castle, you will have a room and everything, your loyalty is mine understood." Sky said firmly," yes."

" what is your name?." he asked, the girl looked into his cold emotionless eyes and said," Elriel." Skylar motioned for the guard," get her out and have someone to arrange a room, make sure no one touches or goes near her room without authorization understood." he coldly said," Yes Master." both Skylar and Xander then left going back to England, there was silence in the car as they drove to the airport, Xander had his eyes fixed on Skylar as though he wanted to say something," What?." Skylar spoke his eyes still fixed on the road," do you always have to be cold to women?." Xander simply said," since when do you care if I'm cold or not?." Sky calmly said," you really hurt that poor girls feelings in the morning," Skylar didn't say a word he just kept driving," you have to admit she's beautiful, she's good for you." he added," she's human." Sky simply said," and so?." Xander raised a brow," humans are weak, soft and annoying, she annoys me."

" I think you like her." Xander smirked which made Sky scoff softly and continued driving

Anna and Leah met up at a restaurant for lunch during their lunch break," and what's bothering my best friend this afternoon?." Leah asked looking at Anna's depressed expression," it's nothing really." she said in a flat tone," you can lie to anyone but not me Anna, something is surely bothering you and you gonna tell me." Leah said," well I bumped into this handsome cold and anti-social guy, remember when I told how I bumped into Henry," Leah nodded knowingly," the same guy saved me from that bustard, and last night when my car broke down and I was experiencing a terrible headache he popped out of nowhere and helped me, I even spent a night at his house."

" at his house?." Leah repeated," hmmm," Anna nodded," and you know what?."

" what?."

" that house was bought at my company, April and I used to admire that house quite a lot growing up, but I don't know who owns it because there was this other handsome dude and by the looks of it my hero has a brother maybe that's why I couldn't find my hero's info because it's not registered in his name." Anna sadly exhaled," do you like this guy?." Leah asked," I don't know, he is handsome and some times considerate but again he's so cold to me I don't understand why?."

" he seems like a complicated man." Leah said," hmmm." Anna agreed. After a long day at work Leah could finally go back home and rest, she was so exhausted and hungry at the same time thankfully dinner was already ready and she sat to eat," is Lucian back yet?." she asked Mr Williams," no Ms." he answered, after a few minutes Lucian walked in, Leah could see the tiredness in his eyes and wanted to give him a warm tight hug but her grumbling stomach wouldn't let her get up, Lucian gave a slight smile approaching the dining table," how did your day go?." he asked sitting down," tiring, I can see by the look on your face that you had a long day too." she said," a little." Lucian agreed," join me." Leah said stretching her fork with meat to his mouth." I'm not hungry, at least not for food." he added making Leah's cheeks burn up," meet me upstairs when you're done Kitty cat." he whispered and walked upstairs, Leah felt staffed by his words only," Uhm I'm full, good night." she hesitantly stood up going upstairs to Lucian's room, he sat on the edge of the bed with no shirt on exposing his damn hot and sexy upper body, who knew the devil could be so damn hot? he was a real definition of temptation, Leah closed the door behind walking towards him, she split her legs apart sitting on his laps while her arms wrapped around his neck," tell me kitty cat, what is it that you truly desire?." Lucian whispered his hands holding her slender waist," I desire to be yours, I desire all of you." Leah said staring at each other's lips that inched to collide, Lucian captured her lips devouring her mouth like a hungry beast that has been thirsting for meat," pleasure me." Leah said when he moved to kiss her neck, Lucian smirked and stopped kissing and teasing her. he laid her down on the bed and opened one of the bedside drawers taking out a pitch egg shaped object, it has a little button on it and Leah wondered what it was used for? Lucian unzipped the zip to her trousers taking them off along with her black lace panties, he split her legs apart using the little object on her," Ah." Leah moaned slightly when the little object began to vibrate on her, it was weird yet felt really good and pleasurable. it was a new experience and she couldn't help but wonder how people can find pleasure in other ways without having sexual intimacy, Lucian smiled watching the sexy expressions she was forming on her beautiful face and increased the pressure,"Ah! Ahh! Ahhh! Lucian." Leah begged for more and Lucian decided to act with his two fingers whilst using the vibrator, he enjoyed hearing her pleading moans," now, please." she clinged onto him as she became closer and closer. Lucian heard her plea and entered her satisfying her needs of sexual feelings, they both moaned and loved the feel of being in each other's arms entangled and becoming as one. they both fell back to catch their breaths after their intense love making and hit the shower afterwards, when they were all freshened up they went to sleep while Leah rested her head on his hard yet comfortable chest

Three weeks had passed by and both Leah and Lucian had become inseparable that Zach found it really annoying, not that he had a problem with Leah but because Lucian wanted her closer to him every hour and then like she will go missing if he turns away for a second," can you stop staring at the couple with your dagger eyes Zach." Xander simply shrugged and Zach glared at him instead," I can't believe she reincarnated back to life, it's been decades and I honestly thought she'll never come back." Skylar said looking at Leah who sat with Lucian in the living room by the fire place," not to mention she's completely human, what a waste." Xander added," the powers she possessed were the ones that got her killed in the first place I think it's better she doesn't possess them anymore." Zach said calmly

~ two weeks ago~

Leah rushed for work as always and concluded by meeting up with Anna catching up with their daily lives, when she went back home and proceeded into the house she heard voices she wasn't familiar with simply talking in the living room, she went further In and saw three other charming men other than Lucian seated, when Skylar and Xander saw Leah they wanted to choke on their wine cause they couldn't believe their eyes, she has the same face as Luna except her hair was blonde unlike back then when she had dark hair," good evening." Leah greeted with a warm smile," welcome home." Lucian said getting up from his chair and went to place a kiss on her forehead," I didn't know we were expecting guests I would have come a bit early." she said staring at Xander who had a sweet smiling face, then Skylar who didn't put on his cold face but was damn serious and last but not least the unfathomable Zach who had a cold serious and unfriendly face," that's Xander the cheerful one, Skylar and that guy over there Zach." Lucian introduced," you've always been a beauty Lu -

Xander paused realizing she doesn't go by that name anymore," Lucian has been keeping your name a secret from us and that's being selfish of him wouldn't you say?." Xander smiled which made Leah chuckle," is that so? I'm Leah, Leah Ansh... it's finally nice to meet his friends." Lucian scoffed softly by the term ' friends'

" Master, Ms." dinner is served." Mr Williams informed and they went to dine silently, Leah was really stunned on how these people can only eat vegetables and fruits but wouldn't lay a hand on meat or anything," were they all vegetarians? except from Lucian of course he once ate the chicken she prepared." Leah thought to herself. after dinner Zach, Skylar and Xander left while Lucian and Leah retired to their room


the next morning at L.Z.S.X company

Sky and Xander wanted answers while Zach leaned on the couch lazily with his eyes closed," how is it possible that she came back after thousands of years has passed by? her kind only takes up years to reincarnate and it's rare for them to come back to life after death." Sky said," I didn't think you had such patience with you to wait this long Lucian, I even lost hope that she'll come back to life after that tragic death," Xander said," she's truly special of her kind." he added that was a question mark they had that Lucian couldn't even give them an answer to. Leah was not a vampire like them nor a witch or any sort, indeed she is special and more of her kind like Elriel and others, they are called and considered to be the gifted born with unique powers and have a pure truthful heart, each of their kind has a specific ability while Leah has multiple which makes her special, she is truly gifted. On the other hand Lucian didn't give up that one day she'll come back to him, he patiently waited for her to be reincarnated. when Leah was born again he was there, he watched her grow up from afar and protected her without her knowing it, but he didn't come between her living her normal human life he was like her guardian angel.

~ present day~

they were in a club cause Leah insisted to go out tonight and Lucian had to drag the three men with him even though he knew perfectly well that Zach doesn't like being in crowded places, Sky creased his brows when his eyes traveled to the entrance door and saw a familiar face," this night couldn't get worse." he muttered to himself," hey isn't that your little girlfriend, I mean a girl who is your friend." Xander teased with a invisible grin on his face," she's not my girlfriend Xander and definitely not my friend." Sky said angrily," then who is she here to see when you're the only one she knows here?." Xander said and Skylar glared at him coldly, Anna spotted Leah and Lucian sitting on the private table opposite to where Zach, Sky and Xander sat," you made it." Leah smiled hugging Anna," I can never say no to parting." Anna smiled and gave a slight nod at Lucian, it's how they greet each other," oh now that's a twist, looks like you guys will be seeing each other more often seeing she's friends with Lucian's woman." Xander shrugged his shoulders lazily. Anna moved her eyes and landed on a pair of cold eyes staring at her," hell no." Anna muttered to herself waving her hand in the air calling a bar tender," the strongest drink you have please, I won't let him ruin my night no sir." she said and he left to get her drink," who wants to ruin your night?." Leah asked and Anna pointed at Sky with her finger which made him frown to why she was pointing at him. the bar tender brought a glass of whiskey and five shots," yes." Anna exclaimed taking two shots and gulped down the whiskey like it was nothing, Leah took one shot that's what Lucian could agree on her taking only one and Anna finished the other two. Anna took a few more drinks and was now wasted, she stood up approaching the table where Skylar sat and stood in front of him pointing at him," you, you hurt my feelings last time and didn't apologize to me, I'm still hurt." she said pointing her chest to where her heart was," I think we should take her back home so she can rest." Leah said walking towards Anna and Lucian simply followed," Anna, you're drunk and you need to rest." Leah said," I'm, I am alright bestie." Anna said losing her balance and fell on Sky who held her," Anna." Leah sounded worried for her best friend cause she's never seen her get this drunk before, something was really wrong. Lucian only grabbed Leah's wrist and began walking her out," Lucian, Anna." Sky will take care of her don't worry, she's in great hands." Lucian calmly said and Skylar could only sigh staring at the drunk young woman in his arms," I want to sleep take me to my apartment." Anna said in a drunken state," Xander you know where her apartment is so you take her." Sky said," nope, I didn't drive her to her apartment but her work place instead I don't know where she lives." Xander said lying through his teeth when he had definitely dropped Anna at her apartment a few weeks ago, Skylar sighed carrying Anna in his arms and left the club, Xander turned to where Zach was sitting and saw no one there. he had left the club when there was a commotion between Sky and Anna and no one realized his disappearance till now, Xander gave a helpless sigh ordering for a drink.

Skylar took Anna to his house straight to his room, since that day he left her with Xander they never saw or bumped into each other again so it felt a bit weird seeing each other today," I think am gonna throw up." Anna said touching her mouth," well don't do it here you'll mess up my floor." Sky said carrying her to the bathroom making her face the toilet and she threw up while he held her hair from behind," Oh, I need to shower." Anna murmurs taking off her shirt and skirt remaining with a bra and panties, she was about to take those off too but he stopped her," no need." he said with his deep sexy voice and led her to the shower, he turned on the hot water splashing them both getting them wet, he was only there because she couldn't keep her balance and might slip and hurt herself, he poured some liquid soap on the palm of his hand and applied In her hair and body, Anna touched his hard chest that was visible in his wet transparent shirt and that physical touch stirred something up in him," no touching, keep your hands to yourself." Skylar coldly said taking a step back but his hands were still holding her keeping her from falling, Anna frowned glaring at him," What?." Skylar calmly said seeing the look she was giving him," then don't touch me also." she said and Skylar just raised a brow at her," that's not possible." he simply said," why not? you don't want me to touch you so don't you touch me also." Anna argued," because if I let go of you you'll slip and fall and hurt yourself which you will definitely blame me later." he said which worked on shutting her up, for a while at least and continued bathing her. Anna's eyes suddenly trailed to his reddish thin lips but Sky was too busy to notice, the next thing he knew was her lips colliding with his, his eyes slightly widened by her sudden move, she deepened the kiss while her arms wrapped around his neck, Sky slowly kissed her back closing his eyes while his hands held her slender waist tightly to his body, her lips were so damn soft, warm and sweet, his desires were slowly creeping on top and he knew he couldn't control them not when it was her they wanted, feeling the pressure of his hardness. Skylar pressed the button letting the cold icy water splash on them," Ahh." Anna screamed when she felt the coldness swipe over her body hugging Skylar tightly and burying her face on his chest, Skylar turned off the water grabbing the towel and wrapped it around her body," stand there and be quiet." he ordered and Anna did as he said getting out of shower and stood a few inches away while he turned on the cold water and continued letting it splash on him calming himself down. after coming himself down he wore a robe and led Anna to the room, he gave her his white shirt to wear and told her to take off her wet under wears while he went to the dressing room to wear something comfortable himself, a gray sweatpant and white t-shirt, Anna already changed into his shirt that was big and reached her thighs because she was little and shorter than him," now sleep so you can also let me rest." Skylar said but Anna kept staring at him Lazily," what now?." Skylar raised a brow, Anna went on the bed tapping the space next to her," lie here next to me." she said and Sky looked at her lazily but somehow agreed to what she was asking for, Anna laid her head on his hard comfortable chest and Sky did nothing to stop her, he just thought to himself on how weird she was but again liked the feeling of it that he didn't realize he had a small smirk curved on the corner of his mouth, he switched off the bedside lights and closed his eyes to sleep while his hands hugged her onto him.


Hello my lovely Bounders, I'm so happy to drop to you the 4th chapter of BOUNDED TO LUCIFER

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