
Bound By A Ritual

A kingdom filled with all kinds of supernatural beings. Vampires, Lycans, witches, dragons, and lots more. Confinement is a ritual that has been practiced for centuries. In this ritual, two people are bound to each other but to do this they have to die and be reborn, to be together forever in their next life. This has been going on for ages But what happens when a girl named Lara is been forced to do this with a man she doesn't love? She is the only one who has to die and be reborn. Will they be together or will the ritual fail, what reason does this guy have for doing this, and that too on her wedding day? Find out what happens to Lara and who is this man she was confined to. Follow us as we take you on this exciting journey.

Raven_Dahlia · 奇幻言情
50 Chs

Chapter 38

Ava sank into the bed, exhaling deeply. "Sebastian, how do I escape from all of this?" She gazed at him, her forehead furrowing. "You understand that my life has been turned upside down."

Sebastian nodded, his expression gentle as he smiled. "Would you like to learn more about this person, Lara?"

"Lara?" Ava raised an eyebrow, puzzled. "How am I supposed to know someone who's no longer alive?"

"I am a wizard, Ava. I have the power to take you back in time, to see everything for yourself and find out the truth. It might help clear up any confusion caused by those two rascals."

"Damon isn't a rascal, Sebastian," Ava retorted, her frown deepening. Sebastian raised his hands in defense. "Why am I even considering taking his side?"

"Perhaps because you have feelings for him?" Sebastian suggested a hint of amusement in his voice.

Ava shook her head skeptically. Looking out the window at the sky, she couldn't help but wonder how Damon would be feeling at that moment. Would he be worried and searching for her? Or would he feel relief that she was no longer in the palace? If he wasn't relieved, she knew he would be furious with her for leaving without his consent, and she was beginning to regret her impulsive decision.

"Do you want to know who Lara was to Damon?" Sebastian asked, his tone calm.

Ava fought to stay composed as she met his gaze. If she said yes now, she might discover something she wished she had never uncovered. So, instead, she shook her head resolutely. "I want him to tell me on his own accord."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "And if he lies?"

Ava paused, contemplating the possibility. "Then I'll have to deal with that when the time comes. I need to trust that Damon will be honest with me."

"Then show me the truth," I mumbled, nodding as Sebastian lay down. I didn't say anything more.

"You do know I can break you out of here, right?" Sebastian purred, and I nodded. "Why haven't you asked me to help you?"

"I want to see what Alex has become," I mumbled, a smile forming on my lips. "I know he doesn't hit women and he isn't evil. I want to see how he will behave with me. Besides, Damon should miss me for a while."

"Good answer," Sebastian smiled. "I will be back in the morning." With that, Sebastian passed through the wall and disappeared. Would it be fun to be a ghost? A ghost that only Damon can see, him and no one else? Maybe it wouldn't be fun after all. My mother would worry that I was dead, and Luke would cry his eyes out... tears dropped from my eyes as I realized how worried my mother must be. I've been here for more than three days, and it's been nineteen days in total. I still don't know when I will be able to go home.

I don't know the road back home either. All I knew was that Damon pushed me into a river, and suddenly, I ended up here. There are so many rivers around this place, so how am I supposed to know exactly which one?

I hate this land. No cars, no phones, no light... it's so ancient and annoying. The men here are always making my life difficult. If I keep listing reasons, I won't be able to sleep. I should sleep and gain energy for tomorrow. That would be best.

Meanwhile, Alex watched the sunrise from the room window. He couldn't sleep, his thoughts in disarray. I know full well that I've only made her hate me more. What got me to hit her? I can't even face her right now.

"My lord, breakfast is ready," Verge announced.

Turning around, Alex smiled at him. "Tell Ava to join me."

"I will do that, my lord." Verge left, and Alex grabbed a jacket, putting it on before making his way to the dining room. It was a small place, suitable for a small family. His hair was messy, his hands rubbing his eyes, and a smile appeared on his lips when he saw Ava. She looked like a baby. "Good morning, Ava," I greeted as she pulled out a chair and sat down, yawning. Her hands quickly opened the plate of chicken soup. "Chicken soup?" she questioned, her eyes moving to mine. "How am I sure you didn't poison me?"


"Yes, Alex. If you can slap me, I'm sure poison isn't far from that," she growled. "I mean, putting poison in this soup would be a super plan, super and well-organized, right?"

"I'm not that evil," I reassured her.

"You did show me you were," she rolled her hair into a messy bun. "I'm not eating. I'd prefer to starve to death." The moment she stood up, I hit the table with my hand, and she flinched. I immediately regretted my outburst as I held my head. Whenever I'm losing control, my head hurts.

"Sit down, Ava, and I mean it!" I growled, looking at her. "Sit and eat. You look too thin. Add more pounds, will you?"

"You may like your women fat, but Damon doesn't, and I'm not about to get fat because of you!"

"Why are you pushing my buttons, Ava?"

"That's simple," she folded her hands but still refused to sit. "I want you to hit me again, Alex... oh wait, last night you said you would rape me, right? Go ahead." She looked angry. "Chain me to the bed and rape me. Take off my clothes and show me just how evil you are."

"Shut up," I responded, my voice calm.

"I am not shutting-"

Cutting her off, I stood up. "I said shut up!" Moving closer to her, I could see fear dancing in her eyes. Fear shouldn't be there. It shouldn't be anywhere in her body.

Using my hand, I cut a piece of chicken and forced it into her mouth. "Eat," I commanded, watching her eat reluctantly. "You see, there's no poison in the food. So just sit down and finish your damn food."

She spit the chicken out and shook her head. "No."

"Why not?"

"I'm not staying here. I want to leave this place," Ava asserted.

"I'm not letting you go, Ava," I mumbled, feeling the weight of my love for her. "Don't you get it? I love you, Ava. I love you so much that it hurts. It hurt that you chose that murderer over me."

"You don't hit someone you love, Alex," Ava barked. "That's not love, but an obsession. I'll be in my cage, far away from you." With that, she walked to her room and slammed the door shut.

Running my hands through my hair, I stood there, realizing I had lost her. It's always difficult to make a woman love you when hatred is already there or when she loves another man.

So this is what Damon went through centuries ago. Is karma now hitting me hard?