
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · 奇幻
21 Chs

Costume Party

As I look at Ayato, I slowly run my hands up and down his side, allowing him to relax under my hands. This party already has him so tense, and my need to take him now only worsens as I try not to force itself out. No matter how many times I take him, I want to make sure he is well prepared to have me even if it was just seconds ago.

"We don't have long, and I really am trying not to rip this costume off your sexy body. So I am going to need you to strip for me. Now" I mumbled in his ears as I saw goosebumps starting to break out o his neck.

"Aww I was hoping to tease you first" He whined as he slowly undressed in front of me. He threw his costume at me with a smirk, I love seeing his playful side right before I make a mess out of him. He slowly walks over to the bed and stood planted on the floor as he reached up to the middle of the bed arching his back towards me.

Hiding my smirk, I stripped in front of him. "I know you were hoping to, but we can do that later after this party." I stood behind him, stroking myself a few times, before implanting myself into his tight hole.

"Straight to the point" he moaned under me and reached behind him to pull my arm down.

I leaned forward, as his hands went straight into my hair. I could not help myself from kissing him when I am this close and his hands running through my hair. I growled in his ear "I needed this the minute you put that damn bunny costume on".

He chuckled, "You have a scary amount of self-control, thrusting so slow into me" as he slowly thrust back into me.

"Is that so?" I quipped as I held tight onto his hips and started thrusting faster and deeper inside of him straight into his sweet spot. "Make it quick"

Under me, I felt Ayato trembling heavily and his sweet moans were able to send me over the edge but he had to go first. The way his hands were fisting the sheets, he slams his way back into me. "God! Justin!" He screamed and came hard on the floor.

I tried to help him draw out his orgasm by continuing to thrust in him, but by the way, his ass squeezes my cock from his release, it only took me five strokes before I came inside of him, growling "all your fault". As I pulled out of him, I took him into my arms and kissed him hard, reassuring him I still love him.

He kissed me back passionately and mumbled against my lips "are you still mad at me?"

Was I still mad? Hell yeah, I was but it is still my fault that I am even mad. But still, he doesn't have to always tempt me. I sighed weighing my options "yes I am still mad." Before he had a chance to say anything I told him, "get dressed we have to rejoin the party. And need I remind you, that you are the host, I kept you longer than expected already.

"Aww, party pooper" he sighed to both things I said but got up reluctantly. Sometimes I question if I am too hard on him, but we established safewords a long time ago and he can always just say no. What if I wasn't with him, and we were not dating? I would how things would have turned out, would he even look my way regardless of our age gap? The more I thought about like without him I got angry, "Dammit" I glanced at him while running my hands through my hair. Seems that sex can only calm me down by a fraction.

"What?" Ayato said looking over at me while he attempts to put his costume back on. "Aww wait, I can't get dressed. Not like this… I will um…. I'll be dropping your cum all over my costume." He whined.

Instantly I felt my face heating up and my cock stirring in my pants. "I knew I wouldn't last long. Great, I'm hard all over again. And you have to deal with it if I got to deal with being hard."

"What?" He yelled looking at me as if I grew three heads at once. "You can't expect me to walk around like this. I'm going to shower first. You blew too much in me for me to walk around and not have it dripping all over the place."

The more he talked the harder I got and couldn't help myself with a chuckle. "If you shower now, I'm going to make you a mess again." I smirked at him as I continued, "I have an idea." I walked over to our dresser and went through some clothes.

"I don't like where this is going, what are you looking for?" He groaned as he inspects his costume.

"Ah-ha! Bend over the bed. You won't be dripping after this." I grinned coming to Ayato's side with a butt plug.

From where I was I could see how red Ayato's face became but how quickly he surrender and obliged. "Will this make you stop being mad at me and spare me from a punishment?" He questioned.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I thought you knew me better than that by now. This is nowhere near close to sparing you from the punishment. This will help you instead, now." I lightly swatted his ass after I placed it inside of him. "Get dressed".

When he stood up straight, I couldn't help but hear the softest and sexiest moan come from his throat. "God I feel so full, I don't think I can walk around like this" he whined softly as he looked at me.

Arching my brow at him, giving him the warning to watch what he says. I am on the edge of just taking him again, all my self-control hanging by a thread right now. "I can't walk around with a hard-on, but I do" I glared at him.

"Ugh, you're horrible." He pouted at me as he got dressed.

"That makes two of us. Don't worry I will take it out on you later." I mentioned leaning against the wall waiting for him to finish getting ready.

"Justin, I'm going to get all hard walking around with this in me, please," he begged with that puppy eyes look.

I tilted my head at him slightly for him to realize how serious I was. "You brought it on yourself. You should have never tempted me."

"What are you going to do if I take it out in the bathroom?" Was he seriously asking me this?

I gave a light chuckle "all of me will come flowing out of you and I will fuck you just like that all over again until I fill you back up." If I was sexually frustrated because of this party then he will be too.

When he realized I was as serious and irritated he turned to beat red and inhaled sharply. "Dammit Justin… I can't walk around with an erection too. It is very noticeable in this skin-tight costume."

"Put something around your waist, problem solved. I want you as frustrated as I am"

"No! I refused to walk around like this. I am going to get rid of it in the playroom myself if you won't do something about it." He huffed. I felt all the lust and anger from that exhale he had. Both of us grilling each other with anger and lust."I see you want to play but now is definitely not the time. You want to get rid of it then bend back over the bed and I will fuck it out your system." I inhaled sharply speaking with the lust oozing off my body in waves.

"Fine, but try not to get too hard" He commented as he followed my instruction.

I laughed at his comment "I doubt that can happen. With you wearing that costume I get hard even if I don't want to" I unbuckled my pants and pulled down my boxers with it, I slowly thrust into him once again.

"God, I feel so damn full" he moaned and squirmed from under me. I slowly kept thrusting into him then he continued "H-how about you don't look when I get dress and leave, I-I will wear a robe" he slurred."I love seeing you wear this costume, the one I picked out just for your sexy ass" I groaned as I started thrusting faster inside of him.

I felt him tremble more under me, I know he is close. Within a few more of my deep thrusting, he came again, crying "Don't cum inside of me".

Instantly I pulled out from being inside his tight ass because I knew if I continued to keep thrust I have came inside him again. I mumbled, "Shit that was close".

"I am glad you didn't, there'd be way too much inside of me," he said panting trying to steady himself and his breath. I watched him get comfortable with standing again and I saw my first load dripping down his leg. Within seconds I felt my face heating up I pulled my clothes up and laid on the bed trying to calm my raging erection down. "I still want you to cum or you'll be miserable all night" he sighed stepping closer to me.

I groaned and put my arm over my eyes, this room seems extremely bright to me now. Or probably that's was because I'm trying to calm down. "I've been miserable since you put that costume on and started dancing with other people. I was miserable when you allowed them to touch you."

Ayato placed his hands on my knees and I can tell how he felt when he said, "I'm sorry". It would be so easy to just let my anger go and enjoy today, but I have been too easy on him and I let him get away too much. I leaned up and peaked his lips softly, I knew he wanted more from that kiss but he didn't argue for more because he knew how I felt at the moment. I got up and went straight for the bathroom that was conjoined to our room, and ran my hands through my hair roughly. Through the mirror, I can see Ayato watching me, with a worried expression because he wasn't sure how I could handle the rest of the night. I can tell he wanted to ask me a question, and the second he opened his mouth I stopped him.

"Don't. Now go get dressed and rejoin the party. We were gone for a little too long." I looked at him, I've meant business. He hesitated before he went to put his clothes on. Through the mirror, I saw him getting dressed as quickly as he could, and when he was done he glanced at me. I gave a nod, dismissing him to go downstairs.

God, I am furious right now. I had never felt so hard and annoyed this much at once and a bit guilty. After a few minutes, I was able to calm my body down and my anger, I went down and headed straight for the kitchen. I spotted Ayato hanging out with Lily and few other people, he looked at me and I narrowed my eyes slightly at him, and I saw him flinch slightly as he lowered his gaze. For a while, I remained in the kitchen. When I looked back at the spot Ayato was at before, he wasn't there. I did a quick sweep of the room and he was nowhere to be found. Glancing at my watch, the party will be over shortly.

When people started to head home, I saw Ayato and pointed to the floor. Immediately, he was by my side. "Where were you? You disappeared." I mumbled for only him to hear.

"Uh… I wasn't feeling well so I went to lay down for a while." He said nervously. He hesitated again before speaking, another lie. He quickly grabbed a bottle of water and returned to my side.

"You're so close to earning another strike" I quipped.

"I felt guilty about earlier tonight, and I didn't like being hit on constantly. I didn't want to bother you because I know you are already mad at me." He sighed in defeat.

"Interestingly enough that you say that… I am still mad if you think I am not." I walked away from him, as I head into our bedroom. After a few steps, I heard his own footsteps behind me.

"Come on! Can't you just punish me or something so we can let it go? It makes me feel weird when you stay mad at me for so long. Probably because you never act mad!"

I glanced at him over my shoulder when we reached the bedroom. "You want me to punish you? At a time like this... Fine strip and bend over." I can feel my anger reaching the surface but at the same time, the lust from before from delaying my orgasm.

"W-why did you say at a time like this? What is wrong with now?" Ayato asked nervously. All in his voice I can hear the tremble and real fear. Usually, the fear would be directed at someone else, but this time it was me, he feared.

Narrowing my eyes at him, "Strip and bend over. It is a simple task that you are not doing."

"J-Justin… Why is this a bad time?" He questioned again as he slowly undressed.

If I didn't believe I could be any crazier or considered a sadist, I would definitely be in jail after this, I felt a smile coming up on my face as I said "Don't worry about it, forget I said that"

"See this is exactly what I am talking about. Who the hell acts calmly and smiles at people they are mad at? It makes me feel more guilty." He frowned as he finished undressing.

Apparently, me. "A sadist". I slowly stepped closer to him. "Don't feel guilty about it" I commented. I went straight to kiss him, allowing my dominance to sink over him, allowing him to yield down to me. I felt him give into me with the kiss as he held my shoulder. I pulled away slightly to tell him "I won't punish you tonight, probably tomorrow"

A soft whine breaks from him, "You are punishing me right now, by saying no, aren't you?"

I held back a chuckle and said "No, I'm not. I will save your energy for tomorrow if I was you." I leaned back to look at him so he knows I mean it.

"Okay, I guess I can let you be mad at me a little while longer…" he sighed into me. I pull back the sheets and laid him down in the bed. A little soft yawn broke out from him and I couldn't help but smile softly.

"Sleep, if you need me I will be downstairs." I covered him up and left the room cracking the door behind me.

I went straight downstairs and helped the maids clean up the house and when everything was fixed I went into my office. Behind me, I heard little footprints, that might be Lucky, our dog. Once I seated myself at my desk and went through my papers, I looked at Lucky. He looked straight at me, and I told him, "Go to him". He tilted his head at me, with confusion. "Go to him, go to Ayato. Keep him company." With a mention to his name, Lucky hopped up from his spot and pranced his way straight to our bedroom direction.

After a few hours of getting some work done, I closed my laptop and went straight to bed. Lucky head lift when I entered the room, I pointed to the floor and he hopped off the bed and laid down on the carpet at the corner of our room. Sometimes we let him stay in here with us so he won't feel neglected, tonight was one of those nights he was needed in here from both of us. The carpet was warm enough for his body because I know the floor is cold. I quickly undressed and changed into my sweatpants as I laid down in the bed, pulling Ayato close to me. Within some time of inhaling his scent, I fell into a restful sleep.