
Chapter Seven - Known from the Future

Hermione Granger had no idea how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was the battle in the castle, her and Ron entering the secret chamber, and after destroying the Horrocrux... darkness.

She had woken up near the forbidden forest. She looked at the untouched castle and guessed she wasn't where she was supposed to be. Upon entering he was met with utter desolation, Hogwarts was deserted and silent. Only when she came across one of the ghosts did she learn that the students who usually roamed the corridors were on holiday.

The ghost had mentioned Headmaster Dumbledore, a fact that stunned Hermione until she decided to take a chance and go to him to get help.

"Maybe he knows what's happened to me." She was aware that she had somehow gone back in time and that it was extremely risky to reveal herself to the old man, but she didn't know what else to do... or at least, she couldn't think of it.

After talking to Dumbledore, she understood what time she was in. The old man offered to put her up in the castle, he had plenty of rooms. He told her that she was free to investigate during her stay in the castle for a solution while he would see what he could find out about the time-turners (he had one in his possession) since, as far as he understood, none could send someone back so many years.

The old man advised her to use a false identity "Susan Anstrong" was the first thing that came to mind. She didn't think much of it.

She spent the days locked up in the library, looking through every copy on time travel. Until the Christmas holidays were over and the students returned to the castle. Hermione preferred to avoid contact with them, "Changing the future is no good". However, she felt that her presence would probably not alter anything. Just as in her third year, she used a time-turner with Harry to save Hagrid's hippogriff, her actions in the past were part of the common timeline. Her future would most likely be the same even if she consciously acted in her present timeline. Luckily, she was in no danger of seeing herself.

That morning when school restarted, she found herself in the library examining a large book she was holding half open, and three other thick books beside her. After a few moments, she realized that she was not grasping anything she was reading. She closed the book and piled it up with the rest, carrying them under her arm.

She didn't reach the door, however, as the librarian's throat clearing made her stop.

- "Can I help you?" - Hermione asked after a few seconds, waiting for the librarian to say something.

- "Indeed," - She said, adjusting her glasses. - "The headmaster has notified me that you are my new assistant," - Hermione frowned. - "You'll be helping me with student services and organizing the bookshelves. Oh, and the Headmaster informed me that you have a free pass to browse through all the material this library has to offer."

"Am I going to have to work?"

- "If that's all clear, come on, there's work to be done."

Hermione's first task was to arrange some books on the shelves. They were recent editions that had been ordered. She went about her work with a bored look on her face until a black paperback caught her eye.

"Most effective and potent potions - Be a master of the cauldron with the Snape method."

The Snape method? She wrinkled her brow. She opened the book. The edition was very recent, from that same year and only a few months ago. The work was by a Potions specialist who had recently adopted the Snape Method (so the introduction said) and even the dedication was addressed to "the young prodigy who opened his eyes". She put the book aside; she would examine it later. She finished her work hours later and returned to the librarian.

- "Excuse me" - Mrs. Pince behind the counter turned her attention to her. Hermione had an idea of how many years she had worked at the school, for even in her own time she was still a librarian - "This Advanced Potions book is new, this year's edition, and it mentions..."

- "Severus Snape, the cauldron prodigy," - Finished Mrs. Pince, rolling her eyes. - "Please tell me you're not a fan," - Hermione looked at her incredulously. - "The 'prodigy' studies here, he's just a kid, but since he's made a name for himself a lot of scholars and reporters have come to meet him," - She snorted. - "They took over the library as if it were one of those Muggle cafes where you can talk for hours. I wouldn't have a problem if the guests respected the rules."

Hermione decided not to ask what he meant. "So Professor Snape is a student at Hogwarts, so that means Harry's parents too, Sirius, Professor Lupin, and... No, I need to think things through calmly first,"

She continued to help the librarian in the mornings and did research in the afternoons. However, one morning when she was replacing some books left on the tables by careless students, she froze when she turned on her heel and saw Harry.

"It's not him, it's his father." She checked when she saw that his eyes were not emerald. He was accompanied by Sirius, the younger version. Very attractive in Hermione's opinion. She didn't see Remus or Wormtail.

Stealthily she approached their table, pretending to check some titles.

- "Did you fix things up with Lily?" - Sirius asked as he opened a book.

- "She's very upset," - James snorted. - "I accused her without proof."

- "We saw her," - Sirius snapped. - "Our whole group are witnesses."

- "Apparently, it was just a goodbye kiss on the cheek," - James opened a scroll. - "I believe Lily when she told me, I saw it in her eyes, she wasn't lying."

- "Women make great actresses," - Sirius remarked.

"And to think I liked you," Thought Hermione.

- "I don't like Lily being so close to Quejicus," - James was annoyed.

- "Now that you've messed up, she'll be around Snivellus for a while until you sort things out," - Sirius put the book aside and moved a little closer to James. - "Listen, that despicable Slytherin might try to take advantage of the situation and make a move on her. You can't let that happen!"

- "I know. All Slytherins are sneaky snakes, but what can I do," - James looked frustrated as he ruffled his hair. - "I can't forbid her anything."

- "You don't need to, you just need to do something that touches her heart. Dedicate the Golden Snitch to her at the next match, for example. She won't be able to reject you in front of everyone."

- "Hey, that's not a bad idea," - James began to fantasize. - "Imagine the look on Quejicus's face at that, a detail he could never match."

- "Even brooms can't stand Quejicus."

They both laughed heartily.

Hermione guessed that this "Quejicus" was Snape, Harry had told her about the memory of the professor he got to see during his Occlumency classes in sixth year.

"So the bitter bat from the dungeons has a nickname, hehe, things are different here, let's see if he can annoy me now as he has for years." Smiling mischievously, she crossed the room towards the counter.

- "Did you see her?" - Sirius had turned his attention to the brunette.

- "Mrs. Pince's assistant?" - James looked at his friend and curved his lips - "Take that look of interest off your face. She's older than we are."

- "She will be by a year or two, she looks very pretty to me. Even with her thinning hair. Very Gryffindor in my opinion." - Sirius's eyes twinkled with interest.

- "I know that look," - Said James, smiling and shaking his head slightly. - "Ah, well, I can't stop you, heartbreaker."

Sirius walked over to the counter where the brunette stood. He crossed his arms over it until the girl looked up.

- "Hello."

- "Can I help you?" - Hermione asked and took the opportunity to get a good look at the teenager. "I wish you hadn't died by Bellatrix's hand."

- "Yes, I was looking for a particular book" - Sirius' grin would surely make more than one sigh, but not Hermione, who seemed immune to his charm.

- "Which one?"

- "'How to Win the Witch of your Dreams' Is there a copy?"

Hermione frowned. - "I don't think there's a book with that title."

- "Oh, in that case, someone should write one, don't you think?" - Sirius made eye contact - "Would you help me?"

Hermione knew that Sirius was reputed to have been quite the ladies' man in his younger days, however, she didn't imagine that he was a cliché beau. Well, to be honest, maybe his charm did not affect her because it wasn't easy to sweeten her ear, she had too much intellect to fall for something like that.

- "I doubt I could."

- "It would be simple, you just have to come with me to Hosgmeade at the weekend, what do you say, do you have any free time?"

Hermione put on a serious expression. - "No. You're a student..."

- "Nice and charming," - Sirius interrupted. - "I know. I know. Come on. Don't tell me that..."

- "All I'm telling you is NO," - She said firmly. - "Now, if you're not going to ask for a book that exists and is academic, I must ask you to leave."

Sirius was silent for a few seconds before he smiled and took two steps backward without taking his eyes off her honey-colored eyes.

- "What is your name?"

- "Susan Anstrong," - Replied the brunette.

- "My name is Sirius Black... if you change your mind, look me up. Relationships are not forbidden at this school."

Hermione simply rolled her eyes.

Two days later Hermione saw a boy enter the library who was clearly the younger version of her greasy, bitter Potions teacher.

"Although he doesn't have his greasy hair and he doesn't look bitter at all from the way he's talking to the emerald-eyed redhead, those eyes are like... She's Harry's mother?"

She watched the pair from the counter for a few moments, attending to the students who came to her automatically. Something didn't please her about the friendly scene between the black-haired and the redhead. The young woman's emerald eyes flashed at the sight of the boy, with admiration, amusement and...

"It can't be, Harry's mother never had anything to do with Snape? did she?" She wondered if Harry knew about that. As far as her friend had told her, Evans and Snape had been good mates but what she was witnessing seemed like something more.

Hermione left the counter and walked over to the shelves of books near the table where Gryffindor and Slytherin were sitting.

- "I can't believe they want to engage you in such a stupid way," - Said Lily in amusement, - "It's obvious you were going to turn down every proposal!"

- "Of course, I have no interest in marriage. I'm too young and attractive for that."

Lily raised an eyebrow at that. - "Your vanity is growing by the day."

- "Everyone should be aware of what they have," - Severus closed a black book. - "I think this concludes our common homework."

- "Free at last! - Announced the red-haired girl, smiling, tossing her reddish hair to one side, - "What shall we do for the rest of the day?"

She looked at the black-haired man expectantly but realized that he wasn't looking at her but at a fixed point behind her. Severus' dumbfounded expression made her frown and turn her neck to find out what it was.

"A girl, what else could it be?" Lily rolled her eyes. She should have guessed - what else but an attractive girl paralyzed men like that? The girl was not a student, but the librarian's new assistant, a chestnut-haired girl with an angular face and good looks. Although her hair was a mess in the redhead's opinion. "She should comb her hair," She thought with some disdain.

She didn't like the situation, Severus was still frozen, staring at the brunette as she seemed to notice his friend's attention as she was sneaking glances and seemed nervous? Lily reckoned that the girl must be a few years older than them. Those thoughts were almost involuntary in the redhead's mind. Why did she feel so annoyed?

- "If you don't stop staring at her, she's going to report you for harassment," - She snapped at Severus.

The black-haired man remained silent and stared at the girl. Had he ignored the redhead?

Lily snorted and hastily gathered her things. - "You know, I think you have other plans for the afternoon, don't worry, I'll be fine in my common room with friends who pay attention to me when I talk to them," - Lily's tone of voice was harsh. She stood up.

The black-haired man was still as still as a statue, staring at the brunette. Lily pursed her lips and quickly retreated without looking back.

Hermione had been watching the scene. Snape had set his eyes on her and so far he hadn't looked away. Why is he looking at me like that? She could not ignore the fact that the young man's dark gaze followed her wherever she went. She decided to approach the boy's table.

- "Hello, I'm..."

- "What are you doing here Granger?" - The black-haired man had interrupted her.

Hermione's eyes went wide and she was shocked to hear his surname. "How does he know? He doesn't know me then, it's impossible." Her brain started to work at full speed.

- "Granger? I'm afraid that's a mistake, my name is Susan Anstrong," - She said with a slight smile to make it more believable.

Severus stood up, noticing that they were both the same size. He stared at the brunette as he slowly approached.

Hermione felt an outside influence trying to enter her mind. Her Occlumency automatically kicked in.

- "It's you," - The black-haired man spoke. - "You're Miss Granger from..."

- "I don't understand..."

- "Very few people learn the Occlumency arts at a young age," - He said, snapping out of her astonishment and regaining some poise. - "It was Potter who taught you the basics, wasn't it?"

"Does he know who I am? Did he master Legermancy at such a young age?" With that doubt, she decided to take a chance. - "Professor Snape?"

The red-haired man's reaction was immediate. He picked up his things carelessly, slung his rucksack over his shoulder, and grabbed the chestnut-haired girl by the hand, pulling her roughly.

Hermione was intrigued; how was it possible that the younger version of her professor recognized her at that time? They left the library without heeding the manager's call.

Severus wandered through the corridors, dodging students from different houses who watched him tug at the hand of the assistant librarian who trailed after him mute.

Snape did not stop until he reached the shore of the black lake. There he released her and faced her again.

- "What are you doing here, Miss Granger?"

Hermione thought for a moment. - "I don't know," - She confessed. - "Before I tell you anything, I want to know, how do you know me?"

- "Oh, of course I know you, I've been your teacher for six years."

- "How is that possible?" - Hermione had more doubts in her head. He's only fifteen years old?! And he's a student!

- "Yes, I know how it looks," - He replied, - "But I assure you, I am your teacher. And I must ask, how did you get here? You don't belong in this time, you should be with Mr. Potter destroying the Horcruxes."

- "I know that" - Hermione blurted out in exasperation. - "I don't know how I got here, the last thing I remember I was in the Chamber of Secrets destroying one of the Horcruxes and..."

- "How?" - Severus' eyes widened, - "Didn't Potter manage to destroy all the Horcruxes?"

- "We were missing two."

- "Tell me everything," - Severus demanded.

James Potter and his entourage were on their way back inside the castle when Petter stopped them. He stamped over to a couple talking closely and confidentially on the shore of the Black Lake.

Sirius sharpened his eyes. He identified Quejicus and Susan. What the hell was the chestnut doing with Snape? I mean, she gave up her work to be with that nasty Slytherin while he was getting the runaround and denials. Is the world upside down or what?

- "Isn't she the new library assistant?" - Remus asked.

- "Yes, her name's Susan Anstrong," - Sirius reported. - "What's she doing with Snivellus?"

- "Chatting, as far as I can see," - Said James, - "Do they know each other? She seems to talk non-stop."

Exactly. They watched the brunette's mouth moving and her arms miming, while the black-haired man watched her intently.

- "Maybe they've met recently," - Said Lupin, - "You know, with Snape's reputation, a lot of witches are attracted to him."

- "Oh, shut up, Moony," - Sirius complained. - "I don't know her, but I doubt a girl like her would be attracted to Quejicus."

At that moment they watched as the chestnut-haired girl took two steps and hugged the black-haired boy, who didn't reciprocate the hug at first. However, he ended up doing so.

Sirius felt a pang of jealousy. Why had the chestnut-haired girl treated him so curtly while Quejicus was given her time and, it seemed, her affection?

- "Let's go and say hello to Snivellus," - Sirius suggested in his typical impulsive manner.

James nodded.

- "I think... We should leave it," - Remus suggested as Peter shook his head up and down.

- "What?" - James and Sirius were stunned.

- "He beat you easily last time," - Said Remus. - "Besides, let's be honest, Snape doesn't mess with us anymore and he doesn't seem interested in continuing our rivalry."

- "Remus, are you listening to yourself?" - Sirius asked. - "Wait a minute," - He said before the brown-haired man opened his mouth. - "Don't tell me you think that just because of the wolfsbane potion."

Sirius was aware that the potion developed and enhanced by Snape had been legally marketed and distributed, making life easier for those with the werewolf curse. What he couldn't believe was that his marauding friend thought Snivellus was anything more than a despicable Slytherin. That was like betraying them.

- "Snape studies the Dark Arts," - James said. - "We all know that. I don't think he's given up his hobby. We have to show him that we're not afraid of him, when he graduates he'll be joining those damn Death Eaters that are mentioned in the prophet more and more frequently."

- "Look, Prongs, Snape is just a student like us. I think he wants out of this absurd rivalry, and to be honest I think it's for the best."

- "Remus is right," - Interjected Petter with a certain timidity in his voice, - "We should drop it. Remember what happened last time."

- "THAT WAS LUCK!" - Exclaimed James and Sirius in unison.

After Remus announced that if there was a conflict he would have to serve as prefect, the marauders entered the castle; two of them were annoyed and the others were relieved.

Snape grabbed the chestnut's shoulders and gently pulled her away. The chestnut-haired girl had told him all about the golden trio's ordeal. She also mentioned that she knew of his heroic double-spy act since Harry had told her all about it in the memory that Snape himself had left her before he died from Nagini's poison. At that moment, she remembered her professor's sad story and couldn't help but hug him. Out of both gratitude and empathy.

- "That wasn't necessary, Miss Granger."

- "I'm sorry, Professor, we just... we just thought very badly of you for so many years. I'm sorry, on behalf of my friends and myself."

- "That's not important. My redemption for my past mistakes came with Nagini's fangs."

- "Don't say that you did a lot for the order."

- "It was my way of redeeming myself. I didn't mind living a shitty life as long as the warm blanket of death gave me rest."

- "But you are alive. Here, in your younger years. Isn't it a new beginning?"

- "I thought so," - Hermione watched as her rejuvenated professor smiled. - "I'm taking advantage of this second chance.

- "Yes, I've read the Prophet and I've come across your name in some recent books." - Severus took on a very serious expression. - "What's the matter?"

- "Miss Granger, do you have any idea how to get back?" - The girl shook her head. - "Did you go to Dumbledore?"

- "I didn't know who else to turn to."

- "Did you tell him about what would happen in the future?"

- "Not much, just enough to make him believe me."

- "And did he?"

- "Only because I let him see a few memories."

- "Well... er... I'll try to help you where I can, too, but we can't be talking with so many indiscreet brats around. Do you think we can go to Hogsmeade at the weekend?"

- "Of course, we can. It would be more comfortable to catch up somewhere private, Professor."

- "Severus," - Said the black-haired man. - "I'm not your teacher here, please call me by my name."

- "Then stop calling me formally and tutor me."

- "All right, Miss... Hermione."

The brunette smiled and Severus reciprocated the gesture.