
Boruto: A soldier rise

A Ukraine orphan soldier died in Russia Ukraine war on2023 ,his only joy was watching naruto anime as he continued till reading Boruto manga till the as he died in the war his soul reincarnate into Boruto body both soul merged and no one find anything odd and he did not reveal his identity to anyone,he is fully aware of the threat of future and describes his preparation of himself to defeat his enemy and protect his newfound family.

SRKnife · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Veiled Determination - Family Ties

Weeks passed, and Boruto's struggle to balance his dual existence intensified. The echoes of war, once distant whispers, now reverberated within him as a constant reminder of battles fought beyond the village borders.

In the academy, Boruto's performance continued to draw attention. His skills, honed by the memories of Viktor's war-torn past, set him apart in both subtle and profound ways. Shino Aburame, sensing the heightened chakra and precision, decided to delve deeper into the mystery.

One day after class, Shino approached Boruto. "Boruto, I've noticed a marked improvement in your abilities. It's as if you've tapped into a well of experience beyond your years."

Boruto, choosing his words carefully, replied, "Sensei, it's hard to explain. There are memories in my mind that aren't mine, experiences from a life that wasn't lived in this world."

Shino, intrigued by the complexity of Boruto's situation, nodded. "Ninjas often carry burdens beyond the visible battles. If there's something you need to share, I'm here to listen."

Despite the sincerity in Shino's offer, Boruto hesitated. The vow to protect his loved ones, coupled with the need to conceal the truth, created a web of conflicting emotions.

As Boruto left the academy, he found Sarada waiting for him. "Boruto, Shino mentioned something unusual. What's going on?"

Boruto, grappling with the internal struggle, sighed. "Sarada, there are battles I've fought that go beyond our ninja world. I'm trying to protect everyone from a threat they can't comprehend."

Sarada, determined to understand, responded, "You don't have to bear it alone, Boruto. We're your friends, and we can face whatever comes together."

In the village, Chocho noticed the increasing tension around Boruto. Sensing the unspoken turmoil, she approached him near the training grounds. "Boruto, you've been distant lately. If there's something on your mind, you can tell me."

Boruto, appreciating Chocho's straightforwardness, struggled with the words. "Chocho, there are things I can't explain. But I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe."

Chocho, ever pragmatic, responded, "Well, just don't let it mess up your ninja game. We all have our quirks, right?"

As the day unfolded, Boruto's interactions with the village continued. Mitsuki, sensing the internal struggle, approached him. "Boruto, there's a tension in the air. If there's anything you need, you can count on me."

Boruto, grateful for Mitsuki's support, nodded. "Thanks, Mitsuki. I might need that support more than you know."The air was filled with the lively chatter of family members going about their day. Himawari , Naruto's faithful and talkative companion, approached Boruto.

In the Uzumaki household

Hinata: (excitedly) Boruto! You've been training a lot lately. Anything special on your ninja agenda?

Boruto, offering a friendly smile, replied, "Just trying to stay ahead of the game, Humana. You know how it is."

Hinata : (nodding) Oh, absolutely! Gotta be ready for whatever challenges come our way. By the way, did you hear the latest gossip in the village?

Boruto, intrigued by Humana's enthusiastic tone, leaned in. "What's the scoop, Humana?"

Himawari : (whispering) Well, they say there's a mysterious ninja in town with skills beyond imagination. Some even say it's you, Boruto!

Boruto, suppressing a chuckle, responded, "Well, you know how rumors go. But if it keeps the village buzzing, I won't complain."

As Boruto and Hinata shared a lighthearted conversation, Himawari entered the room. She observed the exchange with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

Himawari: (smiling) What's the big secret you two are discussing?

Boruto, playfully nudging Humana, replied, "Just village gossip, Hima. You know how it is."

Himawari, joining the banter, teased, "Gossip? I bet it's about a certain someone being the mysterious ninja everyone's talking about."

Hinata : (nodding) That's right, Himawari! Your big brother might be the village's newest sensation.

Himawari, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, turned to Boruto. "Is that true, Boruto? Have you been hiding your ninja superstar status from your little sister?"

Boruto, playing along, pretended to contemplate. "Well, you know, Hima, being a ninja superstar comes with its own set of challenges. I have to maintain an air of mystery."

Himawari, laughing, responded, "Mystery, huh? I always thought you were just trying to avoid doing the dishes."

The playful banter continued, with Hinata adding humorous commentary to the sibling interaction. The Uzumaki household echoed with the sounds of laughter, creating a moment of respite from the unspoken battles that lingered in the shadows.

As the day unfolded, Boruto cherished these moments of light-hearted camaraderie. The bonds with his family, intertwined with playful banter and shared laughter, became the anchor that grounded him in the complexities of his dual existence. In the heart of Konoha, amidst the echoes of war and the veiled determination, the Uzumaki household stood as a haven where the warmth of family bonds illuminated even the darkest corners of a ninja's journey.