
BORN RULER: The Heavens are just my subordinates

If the heavens do exist, then I'll make them my servants. If they are the law makers, I'll will turn them upside down. I'm am me, and If there is destiny, I'll make l become it's destination. If there is creation, then I'll become the creator. Find out the unique taste of a new writer in the writer's world. Like,vote comment and have fun. ~brightbrain~

BrightBrain256 · 奇幻
59 Chs


~Western Continent/City of Numbers~

" Are you deaf? Do you know who is talking to you?" another lackey complained while raising his chest high.

No comment came out as Hedrick continued and sipped his tea.This continued until the food was gulped down dry.

" Are you dumb? You should kneel down on your knees and kowtow three times. After that lick our shoes with your tongue maybe we shall let you off." the third one added.

One of them, spotted the silver card on the table and whispered something into the rich kid's ears making his eyes light up.

" Make sure you leave that card to us or else..." The rich kid said as he stood in a fighting stance and so did the lackeys.

" Why do wild dogs run around everywhere they want these days?" a small voice that was neither loud or low sounded. Thou it was not high it could still reach the ears of pe ople around.

" What did you say?"one of them shouted as he spit out saliva.

" I said that you can have the card." said Hedrick with a smile.

" Well at least you know where you belong." The rich kid said as he pocketed the card.

" Kowtow three times and we shall let you go to show our sincerity." said the rich kid in a heroic spirit.

" I guess I should thank you."

" No problem that is what a gentleman should do."

" Let's go outside. It's better to show the public that you are so generous."

" This... " the rich kid hesitated until one of his lackeys whispered something into his ears and his eyes lit up.

" Okay, you lead the way. Don't try anything funny or else you will regret it."

With Hedrick leading the way, the lackeys raised their heads and chests high attracting the attention of people wherever they passed.On reaching the street, Hedrick stopped and turned around. The youths also stopped and looked at Hedrick who had his head bent low.

" Hey you bastard. Boss has shown mercy. Kneel down and kowtow three times and lick his feet and we shall let you go. "one of them shouted attracting the attention of people around.

" Who is that unlucky boy who has offended Ibo Chen? "one of the hawkers asked.

" That face seems to be new. I don't remember that face. "

" Too bad his lucky days are over to have offended Ibo Chen and his lackeys. "

" Yeah, his parents won't do anything about it. "

" it's a pity! "Discussions among hawkers and vendors spread throughout the street.

In a small tavern, near a the street sat a young girl with a little maid servant.She was dressed in a white cotton dress and hair falling on her back taking a view at of the books in her hand.

" Her Highness, there seems to be a commotion over there.Look! look! it's that a***ole Ibo Chen.'' the maid exclaimed angrily.

" Nina, mind your language in public." the girl dressed in white said in a serious tone as she looked around.

" Also stop calling me Her Highness or else we shall be discovered."

" I'm sorry, young mistress. "the girl apologized as she lowered her head.

" Okay, let's watch. "

" In my hometown, there is a proverb that goes" A hen goes for what it can afford to swallow."

" My grandfather once said ' A worm and a dragon are just like heaven and earth. They can never have an equal footing. "he added.

" So why don't we see who is the dragon and the worm."suggested his Hedrick as he slowly raised his head and looked at the group with a smile.

" You... do you know who I am?" Ibo Chen asked with a shakey tone.It was not that he was not strong but the gaze and smile caused shivers down his spine. They made his heart skip a beat as he had a feeling of something bad going to happen. That was what crushed his confidence.

" My father is the Minister of Finance and my uncle is the Minister of Internal Security."said Ibo Chen confidently.

"... is the Minister of Finance... is the Minister of Internal Security." completed Hedrick in the same awkward tone and pace.

" Is that what you wanted to say?"

" You..." pointed Ibo Chen as anger filled his emotions.

" Don't worry. I'm going to beat you so that when we reach your father, I'll just ask for my compensation and get out of the city "

" Arrogant."

" Crazy"

" insane"

" Dead"

the vendors shouted in disbelief.

Who on earth has the guts to say a statement in the Ibo Clan except the sons of big ministers.But here we are while a low class being trying to act arrogant. Many thoughts were running through their heads.

" Protect boss." one of the lackeys shouted.

They all attacked at once as Hedrick stood calmly and closed his eyes and calculated all their movements. As the first was about to reach him, his eyes suddenly opened. Pulling out his bow, Hedrick then hit the boys wrist heavily causing him to cry in pain. He then pulled him by the same hand moved behind him and then turned it in the opposite direction causing a cracking sound to be heard.The loud shout caused the rest to pause and enter a formation.Ibo Chen's heart sank, such a brutal way of dealing with people was inhuman.