
Book One: Ka’ös

Everything began when her eyes turned gold, friends became enemies and enemies became friends. It was not what she’d expected when searching for answers. And now maybe the truth was not worth the trail of broken bodies left in her wake. Alone and and in uncharted territory, she will have to make decisions that will not only affect herself but the world of Yrdrea as she knows it. Continue or stop? No matter the decision things will never be the same.

Jennifer_Thieulin · 奇幻言情
8 Chs


Year: 2,214 s.a. Month:? Day:?

Location: Temple of Creation

The Temple was quiet. The residents were getting ready to go to sleep or were sleeping already, except one. One person was standing still in front of the statue of Alde'inor in trance. Glazed green eyes looked unseeingly at the statue, arms opening as if to welcome someone. A moment later Esphia shone down on the priest, illuminating their figure. The statue of Alde'inor started to shine. At the same time on the other side of the Temple a light pink haired woman gasped and woke up, the Divine Magicks she was sensing felt familiar, very familiar.

- High Priestess? – A young purple haired woman asked as she walked in the room followed by another woman..

- Yu'ulia get me my robes now! I need to head back to the inner sanctum. I have sensed divine magicks in the temple and a harmonization or the beginning of one. Lank'a go wake up his Holiness and the other High Priests. Hurry time is of the essence. –

All the while the champagne haired woman got out of bed and headed to her dressing zone. The priestess eyes widened and hurriedly dressed the High Priestess. Upon the last buckle was tied the High Priestess hurried to the main altar room. Arriving at the doors of Ros'iris room she meet up with another group of people.

- High Priestess Celest'ia what's going on? – The voice belonged to the Head of the Ministry of Creation, His Holiness Mose'i

High Priestess Celest'ia bowed to the lead figure of the group, His Holiness Mose'i.

- I have felt the presence of a divine one in the inner sanctum of Alde'inor. I followed it and arrived here the same as you, Your Holiness. –

His Holiness nodded his agreement.

- Let us proceed forward then. –

He signaled the other priests to open the door. They stepped inside and saw a wonderful sight. A woman of ethereal beauty sat at the feet of Rosi'iris statue.

- Merry meet Celest'ia , it's been a while. –

She stood up and gracefully walked to Her High Priestess. She gently cupped her face with her hands and placed a loving kiss on her brow. High Priestess Celest'ia had tears streaming down her face.

- Divine Rosi'iris. – She breathed out.

All the other people present gasped and bowed at the Divinity in front of them. Rosi'iris smiled and waved her hand.

- None of that now. I am on borrowed time. –

She turned to His Holiness.

- I usually do not interfere but Celest'ia is my favorite and this will affect the entire realm. –

As she spoke she started to glow. A glow of Divine Light. Her pitch deepened , her eyes darkened. The air became colder. And she leaned in to whisper in High Priestess Celest'ia's ear.

- Listen and listen well. Born to a shadowed sun. When the the Cardinals align as one… -

His Holiness only heard the beginning of the prophecy. Done Rosi'iris stopped glowing and caressed the High Priestess Celest'ia cheek one final time and stepped back.

- Divine Rosi'iris what does this mean? –

His Holiness asked the Divinity, she simply smiled and spread her arms. Luminaris shone on her and she disappeared in motes of light, leaving behind a slightly dazed Priest.

- Your Holiness? High Priestess Celest'ia? Wha… - And he promptly collapsed. The orderlies rushed forward to tend to him.

- Carry him back to his rooms . This will stay amongst us unless I decreed otherwise is that clear? –

- Yes Your Holiness. –

- High Priestess Celest'ia come with me. – He gestured to the High Priestess and left the altar of Rosi'iris.

The other priests present bowed at his passage. They quickly made their way to His Holiness study.

- Have a seat. – As He himself took his seat.

The High Priestess obeyed and remained silent as His Holiness went over what had just happened. Finally he turned and addressed Rosi'iris High Priestess.

- Despite the fact that I did not hear the totality of the prophecy, it is clear to the both of us who the prophecy refers to. And with your… status I can only imagine the Imperial family will soon be aware of it too. –

She remained silent neither acknowledging nor denying His Holiness' words. He sighed. Leaning back in his seat he observed the pink haired priestess in-front of him. 'Knight of Arkanus. the only member of the Ministry whose oaths to the Imperial Family come before their Divine oaths. 'Dogs of the Empire indeed'. He gathered his thoughts knowing very well that any attempts on his part to stop High Priestess Celest'ia from carrying out her duty would be met with force. Deadly force if needed. 'Best show some goodwill'.

- I will order all orderlies who witnessed the prophecy to silence under Divine Oath. That will stress the importance of the situation. –

- Your Holiness. – The High Priestess nodded her agreement. - Is there anything else Your Holiness? –

- No, you may leave. –

- By Your leave. –

She stood up and moved to leave.

- Divine Rosi'iris waited until you arrived before allowing us in that room. Why? – The last word was mumbled, more to himself than to the other occupant in the room.

High Priestess Celest'ia turned back to face His Holiness.

- Your Holiness? –

His Holiness was no longer facing in her direction but looking out the window. Clouds covered the night moon, plunging the world in darkness. One last thought went towards The Divine of Guidance.

'May Esphia shine and guides us in these troubled nights.'