
Book of secrets. adventures of hopper #2

What makes a Christian? Is it faith, actions, love, second chances? What? Keep journeying with me as we meet a universe full of new characters and journeys they seek. You will never look at the Bible the same way ever ever again. Hope you enjoy!!!

Taylor_Valk · 奇幻
230 Chs

May the dead rise

(Hi everyone. I'm going to put this at the first so you don't read everything jut to find out I only changed a little. The reason why I'm updating this section is because now that I think of it; Tex should not be resurrected. Their is someone far more suited for the task Shadow needs. Shadow already has problems of his own meaning Adalyn so raising Tex back to life would only cause more problems. Tex is a guy who sees bad situations and since he doesn't want to be put on the stand; he just uses Bible verses to try to give an excuse for the way people acted in that bad situation. That's pointless. What Shadow really needs is to raise Hopper back to life because Hopper is a go getter and he is known for sticking his nose in places where it doesn't belong. If he smells something fishy then he will call people out on it and also will be ready for anyone to call him back. So he would be perfect for sniffing out a fake nailed inscription of the ten commandments. Sixth Star can't come back to life because Shadow right now has a mission to do and requires focus so brining Sixth back would only distract him and make his emotions go elsewhere. Also Hopper will add more suspense and drama to the story and to Shadow as well. He might even rat out Shadows true intentions if I let him :) Hope you like the change)

"Shadow!! Shadow!! Where are you Shadow!! This is not the time to play games and hide. Have you brought us out here because you're lost? Please show some sign that you are here with us."

"Zeke, look!! It's a wolf with red eyes coming towards us. Is that normal or should we run?"

"Leovanni, stay behind me. I'll throw some rocks at it. Get out of here wolf. I said, get out of here."

"Ouch!! Ouch!! Stop that at once."

"Oh no. It is definitely possessed for it is talking to us."

"I'm not possessed, I'm just in….never mind. I'll show you."

"Shadow? H...h...how? So you're a wolf, a magician, and a dragon? Is there anything else we should know about you now?"

"First off, don't throw rocks at me."


"Secondly I can shape shift into any creature I want; I just like those three. Lastly, I'm a king...wait no...sorry..let me rephrase. I am thee king of Dreamworld."

" Shadow, I hate to break it to you but people are not humans."

"I agree. People are creatures and not humans."

"Wait, no; I mean people are not creatures for if people were creatures then why couldn't animals be classified as humans and vice versa?"

"Would you like to hear the verse of the day?"

"I'm sorry..what? What does that have to do with anything?"

"This verse has everything to do with this. The Bible compares people to a lot of things and a lot of different moods. For example we have 1st Peter 1:24-25.

'For all people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word that has been preached to you.'"

"Umm..how did we go from creatures, to animals, to flowers?"

"Sorry, my mind wanders sometimes. Jesus called His creation; us; beautiful creatures. Then those words are what described us and were used in different tongues until the thirteenth to fifteenth century where people started calling each other humans. The term human being however didn't pop up until the early seventeen hundreds."

"Shadow, I did not know that so thank you."

"The more you know won't hurt you. It just means you are more likely to forget later."

"Andddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd you ruined it."

"Thank you. You're too kind."

"Shadow, can we get back to you know..searching for our witch bottle ingredients? Also shouldn't we be searching for a bottle first before we look at what goes inside?"

"What a silly question I must say? If we picked out the bottle now then that means all the pieces we have to collect would need to be able to fit in the bottle. What would happen if some of the ingredients we found were bigger than the bottle we had? Then we would have had to get another bottle and that just wastes time. Now what does God say about time?"

"Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, 'There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. There is a time to be born and a time to die. There is a time to plant and a time to uproot. There is a time to kill and a time to heal. There is a time to tear down and a time to build. There is a time to weep and a time to laugh. There is a time to mourn and a time to dance. There is a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them. There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. There is a time to search and a time to give up. There is a time to keep and a time to throw away. There is a time to tear and a time to mend. There is a time to be silent and a time to speak. There is a time to love and a time to hate. Finally there is a time for war and a time for peace."

"Aww..you all sound like a choir. What, did you memorize that in elementary when the teacher tells you to line up by the door and before you leave you have to recite that week's Bible verse or verses? You know that it has been proven that recital practice is the weakest form of remembering whereas elaborative rehearsal is far superior than any form of remembering? I meant for you to be able to recite Matthew 24, but that's ok."

"Please oh wise Shadow. Recite for us that chapter if you will."

"Guys, I would if I could but we don't have time to sit around reciting. We need to focus. Now concerning nails there are lots of occurrences of nails in the Bible. Nails were portioned out just right to build the temple of the Lord for the Israelites, but also Jesus says to tear out any nails that are used to build Idols. Lastly we can't forget the biggest mention of nails in the Bible. If we forget the nails that help Christ to the cross then we are nothing. There is a poster hanging on the ceiling above my bedroom every night. These words are what it says: It wasn't the nails that held Christ to the cross but his love for you and me. Back to the nails I will oddly enough read from Ecclesiastes. However I will go forward some chapters and read Ecclesiastes 12."

"Wait, you'll read that full chapter but not Matthew?"

"I already told you that we would be wasting time if...nevermind, Ecclesiastes says,

'Remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, 'I find no pleasure in them. Before the sun, the light, the moon, and the stars grow dark and the clouds return after the rain; remember your Creator. When the keepers of the house tremble and the strong men swoop; remember your Creator. When the grinders cease because they are few and those looking through the windows grow dim; remember your Creator. When the doors to the street are closed and the sound of grinding fades; remember your Creator. When people rise up at the sound of birds, but their songs grow faint; remember your Creator. When people are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets; remember your Creator. When the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along, and desire is no longer stirred; remember your Creator. Then people will go to their eternal homes and mourners go about the street.

Remember Him before the silver cord is severed and the golden bowl is broken. Remember Him before the pitcher is shattered at the spring and the wheel broken at the well. Remember Him when the dust returns to the ground it came from and the spirit returns to God who gave it.

Meaningless, meaningless, meaningless!! Says the teacher. 'Everything is meaningless.'

Not only was the teacher wise, but he also imparted knowledge to the people. He pondered, searched out, and set in order many proverbs. The teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true.

The words of the wise are like goads. Their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails...given by one shepherd. Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.

Of making many books there is no end and much study wearies the body.

Now all has been heard and all has been seen so here is the conclusion of the matter. Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment including every hidden thing whether it is good or evil."

" What is your point, Shadow? I don't see how nails are used in this sense."

"Fellow comrade, nails are everywhere in this. You just have to search. These verses are talking about not forgetting who the Creator is before it is too late and not forgetting what His commandments are. Though, while His commandments are nailed down everywhere; you should still be wary of anything that is nailed down. Just because rules are nailed down to something doesn't mean you should follow them. Always be wise and discerning but above all if you are uncertain which rules are correct then just use the Holy Spirit to help you because the Holy Spirit will not be around forever. There will come a day where God will take His spirit back to Him so while you have him...use Him."

"Still, you couldn't have picked an easier verse like gold nails that were used to build a temple. Then all we have to do is find the nails in a bent L shape and presto. We're onto the next. Why do you have to make it so hard?"

"No one said the straight and narrow were easy or else all would be on it. We need to find the ten commandments but a false replica of them. Then we will find the loosely bent nails used to nail it up."

"Well why didn't you say that? Let's just climb up the mountain, retrieve the commandments and we're done. I mean, how hard could it be to find a false replica? All you have to do is look in the Bible and presto. The ten commandments are listed in a clear concise pattern.

"Don't be hasty, little fellow. It is far easier to find a false set of The commandments than it is to find the real one."


"Come on. I still have connections so we will start with them."

"Shadow, halt!! To find them I'm sure we have to piece the list back together starting with thou shalt have no other gods before Me so that is all you man. Come on man, it's an easy one. All you have to do is renounce your god Dragon and we will be on our way onto the next."

" Um...can we go back to that one? Let's move on to number two."

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain."

"Ahh, saved by the bell. We're here gang. Hopper, it's me Shadow and I've brought some friends. Please open up."

"Knock harder!! He might not have heard you. Who even is this Hopper of yours?"

" Hopper is a well educated man of the Bible and is known for being a go-getter, a pain in my side, and a rat who likes to dig up things he shouldn't be digging up or else the people he digs up start to come after him again. Hopper!! I SAID OPEN THIS DOOR AT ONCE. THAT'S AN ORDER!!

"Shadow, you keep trying and I'll go around back. Might catch him sleeping or something."

"I'll knock one more time and if nothing happens then we will move on."



"Don't bother knocking again. He's dead."

"Dead!! How fresh is the wound?"

"Umm it looks pretty fresh from the perspective where I am standing."

"Hopper, I'm breaking down the door. Just hold on a little bit longer."

"Shadow, he's dead!! Don't get his blood on your hands."

"You don't know what you're talking about. Hopper, open your eyes please. I'll never speak bad about your idiotic questions and ideas ever again."

"Leovanni, look at this. It looks like his ear was burned off."

"Yea, I can see it brother but look at this. What do you make of this symbol here right above his lobes? It's a circle with a triangle in it."

"Circle with a triangle in it? Where is it? Let me see?"

"Shadow, it's just a tattoo but if you want to see it then it is right there."

" That's no tattoo!! That's an emblem. He was strapped to this chair and tortured while his torturer stuck this stick with the emblem on top; into the fire and then burned his ear off with it; leaving this symbol behind."

"What does the symbol mean?"

"This symbol means only one thing. This is the thaumaturgic triangle used to summon and also to control a demon."

"Demon? Hopper, doesn't look like one to me."

"That's because Hopper is not a demon. He was possessed by a demon but since no one could speak the evil spirit out; it is clear that someone strapped him to this chair and burned him with the triangle so that they could control and cast out the demon with it."

"That is one weird crazy..sh...crap right there. Don't they know they can just speak the name Jesus and then the demon would have no choice but to obey and come out?"

"Leo!! I told you not to say those things. You know better."

"What? Nowhere in the ten commandments does it say thou shall not swear or curse."

"No, it doesn't say it in the ten commandments but it does elsewhere in the Bible. James 5:12, 'Above all, my brothers and sisters; do not swear. Do not swear by heaven, by earth, or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple 'yes' or a simple 'no.' May your yes be yes and your no be no so that you may not fall under judgment. 'If a man sins against his neighbor and is made to take an oath then when comes and takes an oath before Your altar in his house but swears then they will be condemned. We also have Leviticus 19 where Jesus instructed Moses to tell the Israelites a series of rules and laws they must follow and one of them being not to swear. The Bible says ``bless and do not curse them."

"I get it. I get it. You don't have to be a smarta...acle… all the time."

"Guys, can we get back to it? Dragon can heal and I've seen it done before. He imparts healing in one and powers in another so all we have to do is believe and he will come through.

Dragon, hear the words of your faithful servant and impart in me your healing. Come into this man for he has done nothing wrong. Restore his soul and I'll praise you all the days of my life. Please show me that you are real."

"Shadow, shout louder. Surely Dragon is a god!! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or possibly traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened!!"

"Dragon! I urge you to heed my words and come to my aid. Please don't humiliate me now in front of these heathens. If I must tear my clothes as an act for you to see me then I will. I'll do anything you want if you will only just come and resurrect my friend."

"Careful what you promise Shadow for throughout the Bible it does not always end well when people ask God for a promise and say that if He comes through then they will do something in return. I can't remember if it was Elijah or Elisha that had their mouth sealed shut because he said if God can give then I'll keep quiet. Then when the baby was born he said there is no way God provided that face. Then he started to laugh so God shut his mouth and sealed it shut until the day Isaac was born."

"Oohh!! Ohh!! What about the man that said to God if you bring someone to me so that they defeat my enemy for me then I will give them the hand of my daughter. Course he said none of this to his daughter so when four men came to his house and said where is this enemy you want us to defeat; he told them; and they went off. Then when the one that killed the enemy came back to the man's house; God reminded the killer what the man promised Him so the killer repeated that to the man and the man became angry. Angry or not, he could not break a promise so he offered his daughter's hand to her and once she left his house; he fell down on his doorstep and died."

"Fine, if you think you're so smart then prove how much more superior your God is by bringing Hopper back to life."