
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · 漫画同人
71 Chs

Chapter 56: Throwing In New Models!

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 56: Throwing In New Models!

Days?: Trouble Everywhere You Go! Part 3

(Atlas: Atlas City: South District: Unknown Street)

[Item Type]: [Magical Item/Magazine]

[Name]: Bullet Enhancer

Durability: 100%/100% (Magazine)| 100%/100% (1% per [Bullet])

Quality: Epic

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Loading any [Bullets] into this magazine will reinforce the [Bullets] inside it by 50%.

This is among the many [Magical Items] I got [Edea Florence] to help me create in the past few years. Also, something I would mostly use against the heavy type enemy, that could tank or use something as a [Shield] to block the [Mana Bullet] from hitting them.

As for which [Bullet], I picked to load inside this [Bullet Enhancer] are [Lightning Dust Rounds]. With the result of [Lightning Dust Rounds] becoming even more lethal towards enemies, including massive destruction in anything made of metal.

This includes making the [Lightning Dust Rounds] into a laser beam than the standard of firing off a [Bullet] shape of [Lightning Dust].

Firing the whole [Bullet Enhancer: Lightning Dust Rounds] magazine at the [Paladins] before rushing off to another location to hide behind. With Neo following behind and following my line of firing. As she fired off the remaining ammo inside her [Cane] at the [Paladins] nearby.

While [Edea Florence] hides under [Illusion Magic] to keep her existence from the world for a bit longer until it's no longer possible.

[Edea Florence] cast a few of her [Magic] to destroy the weapons belong to a selected few [Paladins], for those weapons contain [Anti-Aura] effects. Upon recalling the blueprints Weiss and Izaya managed to get from the Atlas' military's database before they up their security.

Pouring [Edea Florence]'s [Mana] to the [Mana Gun] to create a set of [Explosive Bullets] inside the [Bullet Enhancer]. Then, fired each [Explosive Bullet] every time Neo and I moved to different spots.

So far, more and more, [Paladins] of all types are coming in fast. No surprise there. But, there are some new types of [Paladins] the world hasn't seen yet, not even me and I have it in the files I read on Luna's Airship on the way to the Atlas Kingdom. Making this the first time seeing them in person.

Among the new types of [Paladins] are the [Atlesian Paladin-313], otherwise known as [Mobile Repair Unit]. Created mainly to focus on repairing other [Paladins] on the battlefield by taking parts from other [Paladins] to use on the repairable ones while the ones beyond repair are used as parts instead.

However, exchange for the ability to repair [Paladins] on the battlefield; their design caused them to be very weak to the average [Paladins]'s defense. Which is required for other [Paladins] to guard it while it's repairing something.

Which is why [Edea Florence] made sure to destroy those [Mobile Repair Units] first before aiming for other [Paladins]. So every time Neo and I passed by a nearby [Mobile Repair Units], [Edea Florence] would destroy them on sight.

When the chance of us being overwhelmed by numbers is very high, with those [Paladins] among the others. As the profile of this model [Palaldin] record the time the [Heavy Repair Units] have all the parts to use for repairs, then it only needs around 10 minutes to completely repair a single [Paladin].


I pull Neo back when a [Bullet] shot through the wall and the very same spot that Neo was a moment ago. If I hadn't pulled her away from where she was, then she would have got shot near her heart.

"Great. They got the [Atlesian Paladin-301] working." I frown at the [Bullet] hole, then use [Eagle Vision] just to make sure there one nearby or if it's from afar.

"[Atlesian Paladin-301]?" Neo was very confused since she only knows a few models of [Paladin] and this model wasn't something she familiar with.

"[Sniper Unit], and equipped a specialized custom-made [Sniper Rifle] for these [Sniper Unit]. They just finish the testing phase of the prototype. But, there are still major flaws in the designs for this [Paladin]. As they can't be moved once they are in a position due to their weights and the amount of handcrafted ammunition for the [Sniper Rifle]. Making it much more difficult for them to move." I explain to Neo about the [Sniper Unit].

Neo looks like she wanted to ask multiple questions; like how in the world, I got an intel on these new models [Paladin] before the other kingdoms find out about them later on. But, she held her tongue when she knew this was just a small good gesture from me to her by providing her some details on what we're facing instead of going in blind.

Plus, we're under heavy fire and need to move quickly before we end up getting blown to pieces. Which we swiftly did so. As Neo would more than once have to use her semblance to cover her butt from getting shot at. While [Edea Florence] would try her best to destroy all the [Mobile Repair Unit].

Leaving the [Sniper Unit] for me to take care of, which wasn't that difficult to do so. When they are literally sitting duck for me to take advantage of. A few [Charge Shots] was enough to get rid of them, along with those [Mobile Repair Unit] nearby them.

I feel my scroll vibrate in my pocket, taking it out and notice Pyrrha was the one calling me.

"Pyr? Anything wrong at your end?" I ask my little sister while dodging countless [Bullets] coming at me in all directions.

"We found Yukiko and Narberal." Pyrrha informs me, but there wasn't any feeling of relief in her tone. "Instead of finding them fine; well, they're fine, but are held captive by the Atlas' military. As we speak and it's only thanks to Yukiko's status that nothing bad happens to her and Narberal. But, I won't keep my hopes up about seeing them being released anytime soon."

"Well, Neo and I are a little bit busy. Because it looks like the military started throwing in the prototype of new [Paladin] models. Let Shigure and Izaya know we have to up our game if we want to survive this war." I said to Pyrrha as I continue with my counterattacks at the never-ending numbers of [Paladins] coming at us.

"Yeah, I can understand that, Em. But, the reason why I'm calling. Is that I'm hoping you could draw in more of the military's troops to come over towards your area. Because even with the others with me. We can't grab and escape with Yukiko and Narberal without the chance of someone among us getting injure or the high chance of death due to the Second Great War coming into play now." Pyrrha said in a worried tone, not that I blame her when I've to literally face the Atlas' military by myself, with only Neo as my backup at this moment.

I wouldn't count out my [Persona] due to how powerful they are, but the aura cost is literally the problem and my [System Points] won't last enough if I try to spam all my [Persona].

I gave [Edea Florence] the go, to bring out the big guns to take out the [Sniper Unit]. As I have to move and talk with Pyrrha at the same time, which would have been very easy for me to do at other times, but with so many new [Paladins] and now [Knights] are coming in.

The [Atlesian Knights] are androids, with humanoid appearance and carry [Rifles] and have built-in [Blades]. Luckily, they are the [Atlesian Knight-200] model. The android foot soldiers and the successors to the [Atlesian Knight-130] model.

These [Knights] are taken care of by Neo, who destroyed them with ease back in Vale and having me as a back for her had made Neo confidence enough to take them out without the need to watch her back.

As [Edea Florence] brings out the [Barrett Custom]; one of the many [Magical Sniper Rifles] [Edea Florence] created in her life. Also, one of [Edea Florence] favorites to use in long-distance battle.

Of course, the other side is panicking due to their [Sniper Unit] are being destroyed left and right, so fast, with the [Mobile Repair Unit] also been destroyed as well by the still invisible [Edea Florence], who kept her hybrid [Illusion/Mind Magic] cast over the battlefield.

[Item Type]: [Modify Sniper Rifle/Mana Gun]

[Name]: Barrett Custom

Durability: 100%/100% (Weapon)|N/A (Mana Bullet)|10/10 (Bullet)|0/10 (Dust Round)

Quality: Epic

Grade: C+++

Value: 50000 System Point

Description: A modified [Sniper Rilfe] that's modeled after the [Barrett M107] and can shoot targets from a long distance. Furthermore, this modified [Sniper Rifle] been customized into a [Mana Gun] thanks to the knowledge belong to the creator of [Mana Gun]. Giving the user to convert their [Mana] into [Mana Bullet] without having to reload this modified [Sniper Rifle]. But, it could still use normal ammo.

[Arcane Custom]: Allows the user to convert their [Mana] into [Mana Bullet]; making it possible for the user to continue shooting without the need to reload as long the user has sufficient [Mana]. But, only work with those with [Mana] to activate this.

[Mana Bullet's Effect Control]: The ability to change the effect of the [Mana Bullet] to become [Explosive Bullet], [Piercing Bullet], [Anesthetic Bullet], and so on. Its efficiency depends on the magical abilities of its user. But, at the price of increasing the amount of [Mana] required depending on the magical abilities for the [Mana Bullet].

So far, [Edea Florence] destroyed like a dozen or so of [Sniper Unit] and multiple [Mobile Repair Unit] without wasting a single [Mana Bullet].

It's a good thing; [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] is all she needs to use literally almost all her [Magic]. With only keeping her summon is the only thing cost me of my aura of [D+: 1%(40AP:Aura Point)] per second. And this is a small amount, making it not a burden for me to keep [Edea Florence] outside my Sea of Souls and help me out in battle.

Using a bit of aura to enhance myself, as I climb up against the wall of a 4 story building, that looks like it belongs to a fancy clothing store. While running up the wall; I continue firing at the [Paladins] and help out Neo once in a while with the [Knights].


Kicking off the wall before I was even halfway to the top when I notice a giant projectile heading straight towards the building I'm trying to use for height advantage. But, was completely destroyed by another different [Paladin] model.

[Atlesian Paladin-300], known as the [Anti-Fortress Unit]. Armed with a single large [Energy Cannon] and is mobile too. Making it much dangerous compared to most [Paladins] and one of the hidden [Paladin] models the Atlas develops over the years for the incoming war.

And look like it's in working condition, making it a great asset for the Second Great War. Now, it's being used on me and that's an overkill in some people's opinions. Then again, after what happened yesterday. I would be surprised if they didn't bring anything like the [Anti-Fortress Unit] to get rid of me.

With a single glance towards an area filled with [Anti-Fortress Units]; I pull out a [Kunai] and wrap it with an [Explosive Talisman/Tag] and add in a small aura to my right arm for the extra speed, then throw it straight in the middle of those [Anti-Fortress Units]' formation.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Explosive Talisman/Tag

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: D+++

Description: A [Talisman] infused with a large amount of [Mid-Tier: Fire Magic: Raw Power] and written with multiple [Rune] for an explosion and storage, along with a few other [Rune] inscribed for other different ways to activate this [Item], along with additional effects. Allowing the user to either set amount of time or after being ignited by flame for the [Explosive Talisman/Tag] to activate. This [Item] can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. Also, they work even under heavy rain.

This [Talisman] is a lot stronger than the [Explosive Tag] version due to replacing [Fire Dust] with a [Mid-Tier: Fire Magic] instead. Making the explosion a bigger and hotter, which was why those groups of [Anti-Fortress Units] are now melted scrap metals.

Therefore, stopping the [Mobile Repair Units] from being able to use those melted metals as parts now. As they're no longer the same shape to be used as spare parts.

Seeing how there are still more [Anit-Fortress Units] among them. My desire to use height as an advantage disappears instantly with those [Paladins] here now. And I just realized something important, which I should have noticed the very moment I arrived at Atlas yesterday and entering the Docking Area.

"Pyr, are there any people; like civilians nearby you guys?" I ask my younger twin sister, who was waiting for my responses instead of ending the call like some people thinking that I hanged up on them, but was either thinking about it longer than usual or doing an inner monologue again.

Pyrrha didn't reply back in a few seconds, but there were sounds in the background that I could barely hear over the loud noise coming from the [Paladins] and [Knights] trying their best to kill me, or somewhat cripple me I think? But, seeing how much firepowers the other side bring over now. Death is mostly the goal of what the other side wanted.

"Izaya just inform me that the civilians have already left to a hidden safe location before we even enter the kingdom. I think the Council of the Atlas Kingdom had a head notices from the Vale Kingdom's Council about the incoming next Great War before the other two kingdoms' spies would find out too soon." Pyrrha informs me what Izaya said to her just a few minutes ago.

"Furthermore, all trained people are enlisted in the military; be it Hunters or former status as civilians. Mostly around Hunter's ages are enlisted while those that too old or young are sent to the hidden safe location." Pyrrha continues off while trying her keep her voice level enough for me to hear and at the same time not draw any attention towards herself from her side of the call.

Ejecting the [Bullet Enhancer] and letting it drops to the ground, then put my [Mana Gun] into a holster, to free my hand to grab a clip filled with [Fire Dust Rounds] from my [Inventory], then insert it into the [Bullet Enhancer] without the needs to insert one [Bullet] at a time in a magazine.

Once that's done; I put the now loaded [Bullet Enhancer] into an upward position, and pull out my [Mana Gun] and insert the magazine by pushing the bottom down on the [Bullet Enhancer].

"So should I cause a bigger commotion to draw out even the soldiers and Hunters to my location?" I ask Pyrrha while signaling Neo to follow me before she could resume fire after reloading her [Cane].

"Honestly, I'll say no. But, seeing how we need to save Yukiko and Narberal. One: Narberal is the Winter Maiden, so that's a given. Two: Yukiko is Momoyo's cousin, which is another given. Therefore, I've to sadly say yes." Pyrrha hated herself for saying this, but she knew the bigger picture and had to do what is required.

"Well, since there no other people nearby besides those robots. I guess I could up my game." I replied in a tired tone, "Give me a few minutes and I will make sure to draw most of them over my side." I hang up my scroll after Pyrrha wished me luck once more, for me to get out of this alive.

Putting away my scroll and pull out my second [Mana Gun], then rush out of my temporary hiding spot as I started firing at all the robots; aiming for the fatal points and flaws in their design to cripple. Leaving their destruction to [Edea Florence].

Lucky for me, [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] is massive and would take months to empty. So, she is able to supply herself and me with [Mana] for a whole day if she needs to, and to the point of spamming highly cost [Mana] [Skill/Magic].

20 minutes later*

So far, I have destroyed countless different types of [Paladins] and [Knights], with only a few close calls of almost getting hurt. All the [Mobile Repair Units] are destroyed now and the others could only wait for new ones to be deployed here, with others coming along with.

Now, even soldiers and Hunters have arrived, which made the current battle much harder for Neo and me. But, with [Edea Florence] backing us up has eased our workload. As she still hidden from the other side views. And every unknown destroyed [Paladins] or [Knights] would cause the other side to think it was Neo.

Since they're already having a few guesses of Neo's semblance being an illusion-based. This led to putting Neo's danger level higher than it should, but Neo wasn't complaining later. Since she knew later returning to the Arcana Mainbase back in the Mistral Kingdom for training. She would be stronger than she could ever be later in the future if she trained by herself.

"Neo, hide and aim for those Hunters." I order Neo, who just finished off another soldier trying to shoot her. Then nod in my direction and quickly use her semblance to hide in plain sight and rushed over to the other side to secretly get rid of the troublesome Hunters with semblance, that could be very dangerous.

However, Neo knew this task of hers sound simple enough, but it's extremely dangerous and high possibility of her death if she so much as make a small mistake at any moment.

It's a good thing, [Edea Florence] already provide support to Neo without saying anything. Of course, Neo knew this right away when she realized someone was helping her and she already knew I wasn't the one, technically, but [Edea Florence]. Making this one of the major factors for Neo to do this mission I assigned her.

Not bothering to hide anymore and just plain out using anything near me as a [Shield]. Most of the time, it would be a [Knight], soldier, and broken down [Paladins]. While I continue off shooting at anything could cause harm to me.

After seeing more, and more enemies rushing to this location, I stop trying to reload more [Bullet Enhancer: Fire Dust Rounds]. Even if it does help out by taking out a few squads of [Knights] or one to two [Paladins].

It's a good thing the [Explosive Bullets] are a good replacement for [Fire Dust Rounds] when not boosted with [Bullet Enhancer]. Saving me some [Dust] when I really low on aura and need some extra kick in my attacks.

One of the Hunters managed to send me through a building, with their melee weapon. In my defense, being attacked from all directions tends to force me to slow down while trying to calculate all the enemies' weak points that I could take advantage of.

I rolled away the moment I notice the melee specialist Hunters and soldiers rushed to hold me in place.

With a kick to one of the Hunters' stomach and use that moment to push myself back into a roll, then once I build up enough momentum to kick off the ground. Getting above the ground a few feet for me to shooting a barrage of [Explosive Bullets].

Leading countless of Hunters and soldiers to scream in pain and rage of seeing their comrades killed by me. This may look a bit more cruel to some people's view due to me facing all these guys by myself and the way I took them out so easily. Kind of makes it seems like I'm the one bullying them instead in reverse, where they're trying to overwhelm me with numbers.

Not bother to wait for these guys to grief in their moment, since 80% of them continue to madly charge at me, with bloodshot eyes in rage. Wanting to cut me to pieces, which was a little weird for me.

Since I thought Atlas' Hunters and soldiers would be trained in emotional control. To help them hide from grimm more ease and be able to calmly think through a battle. So seeing these guys being very emotional was a little surprise.

Then again, from what Weiss told me. This training is only available towards important people and there are different levels of this training method, for others to choose from. However, this training method was deemed dangerous, so often it dismissed the moment it mentions towards some people and only those that are determined with strong will would go through it.

"KILL HIM!" One of the soldiers screams in rage while wilding firing at me, without thinking about doing precise aim. The others shouted along and follow their example by attacking me without thinking about preserving their ammunition.

Of course, those melee specialists wouldn't need to worry about saving up ammunition due to relying on their melee weapons.

It's just too bad for them, that I kept my distance while shooting them with deadly accuracy aim. To make it worse for them, I switched [Explosive Bullets] for [Piercing Bullets]. And sometimes including [Smoke Bullets] to temporarily blind the enemies, for me to pick them off, thanks to [Ecological Derivation System] updating on the whereabouts of the enemies within the smoked area.

Since I'm trying to draw in the whole Atlas' military here, then I've to keep my distance for a while, but I'm ready to bring out my other weapons besides my [Mana Guns].

From the look of the way these guys raging on; I'm pretty sure I've caused them to become berserker and willing to throw their lives away.

5 minutes later*

30 or so times; that's how many times I've almost lost a limb and these guys still going at me like a wild beast. Hell, there is not a single faunus among them and they're acting like a wild animal.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder if the upper class of Atlas did some secret experiments with these guys. Because each death, I cause, I just make these guys even angrier every single time. Furthermore, their speed and strength raise at an incredible rate, that I find a little suspicious.

I narrow my eyes at these soldiers and Hunters. Slowly, I've begun to push more effort into this battle instead of just letting the military a small chance of hope to defeat me, which is enough reason for them to send in more troops. Lessening the burden on Pyrrha's side.

I give [Edea Florence] the order to release the limiter placed on my body for me to use the [Mana Source] full potential. Back in a few years, I discovered I could release this limiter placed on me by [Edea Florence] and gain a massive amount of [Mana], but that lasted for a whole minute and I ended up with [Mana Poison].

Where I would end up dead via [Mana Poison] if it wasn't for [Edea Florence] still summoned at the time to quickly fix this.

So yeah, I tend to be very careful whenever I wanted to use this. However, I'm good for a whole minute and no longer, if I desire to be in my very weakest state. So all I have to do is get [Edea Florence] to replace the limiter on me before it's too late.

Because of last time, I've to stay in bed for weeks due to the aftereffect from having my limiter removed for more than a whole minute. Any longer, then I was beyond any hope of saving unless [Nyarlathotep] feel like saving me that is. I've no clue if the Outer God will or will not.

[Edea Florence] sends her thoughts to me about this and ask me once more if I really wanted this. Which I have to at one point, because I wanted to know what happens if I let [Edea Florence] temporary release the limiter after I gained my second [Magatama].

Hell, I didn't even use the limiter remover after I got my first [Magatama] forcibly injected into me. Maybe having a bit of my body transforming into a [Demi-Fiend] should help me with the massive amount of [Mana] [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] going to flow through me soon.

After giving [Edea Florence] the go; I discovered something happens right away. My only two [Magic Circuits/Magatamas] inside me stirred the very moment [Edea Florence] removed the limiter and her [Mana] madly flow through my whole body, which woke up the [Magatamas] somehow.

This caused them to go wild, but not in a bad way much to my and [Edea Florence]'s surprises. Since both of us were thinking I would end up in the state of hellish of pain.

The first thing changed was my hair color to turn pure white like [Edea Florence]'s hair color, along with my eye color matching [Edea Florence] as well. Making it seem like I'm a relative to [Edea Florence] or maybe a Schnee in this world.

And that alone is a shocker for both [Edea Florence] and me. Because at the first time I got my limiter removed, my hair color should have gone black instead of white. Another is my eye color wouldn't change at all and stayed vivid-green.

The next thing changed was my aura turned from pale blue to pure white as well. If I have to say anything about this. I would have to say, that I've become the Pure White Wizard in [Edea Florence]'s world point of view. Along with giving people who are familiar with [Edea Florence] would think I'm the male version of her.

The last thing that changed me upon removing the limiter was my desires. The desire for destruction and make a sea of blood from a mountain of corpses. A massive feeling of bloodlust appears instantly across the whole area, raising by the second as I continue to have my limiter removed.

The only thing that kept me from beginning a slaughter right away, was [Edea Florence]'s [Emotional Stability] and [Unshaken Will] supporting me. Along with the two [Magatamas] actually acting up as to keep my mental state control too.

With all these changes, I was a bit surprised I didn't have those tattoos whenever I use a [Magecraft] would appear.

'This could be something good, which need further testing later. Now, I have to take care of these guys.' I thought to myself, then tilt my head to the side and blankly stare at the army of [Paladins], [Knights], Hunters, and soldiers. Which are all frozen in place; well, the robots weren't frozen under my bloodlust, but the mere pressure of [Mana] leaking out from me.

An uncontrollable giggle came out of my mouth, which made these crazy people take a step back. All the previous madly hot-headed Hunters and soldiers are no longer shown. Only [Fear] is filled with their minds. No longer do they have the urge to average their comrades and only the desires to escape from here is the only thing they are thinking.

'Okay, maybe I'm losing my mind, even with [Edea Florence]'s [Emotional Stability] and [Unshaken Will]'s effects in play.' I thought dryly, but didn't let it bother me for now. Since I haven't gone past 30 seconds with my limiter removed.

To lessen the burden on my body with the massive amount of [Mana] coursing through it. I slowly raise my right hand up to my left shoulder and swing it in front of me gently.

In complete silence, where nothing happens, then everything within 400 meters in front of me is cut in straight horizontal line of the same position I swung my right hand.

The army in front of me is killed before they could even put up an effort to defend themselves. Of course, I kept Neo's presence in mind and made sure to aim the opposite direction where she currently at.

Since she is also frozen due [Edea Florence]'s [Mana] leaking out of my body, along with the bloodlust.

Quickly, I pull back all the bloodlust before I draw in the grimm, and that alone would cause a massive panic in the Atlas Kingdom, where anything could happen.

Nonetheless, I speed up my pace and kill everyone, then charge over to where Neo is and help her out, which she was doing good so far after a few minutes. And 7 Hunters' corpses are scattered over the field from Neo's handwork.

By using [Wind Magic] to increase my speed and creating invisible [Wind Blades]. Nothing could stop me; well, one of the Hunters had a semblance for manipulating the [Wind]. However, the Hunter's aura compares to [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] wasn't even need to be compared. As a result, the Hunter only delay their death by just a few seconds before ripped to pieces by countless invisible [Wind Blades].

I grab Neo, then get the hell out of this area and straight towards where Pyrrha and the others are. With only 10 seconds going by; I keep the limiter off for a bit longer and continue to use [Wind Magic] as a support.

(Atlas: Atlas City: South District: Atlas Military's A7 Base)

Upon arriving at one of the many bases of the Atlas' military. I burst through the wall by throwing a [Mana] infused punch to it, breaking the whole wall along with the next wall behind it until I created a newly formed tunnel from my side to the other side of the building.

Rushing in and went by a dozen of rooms before I found everyone in a prison cell, where they're frozen in their spots.

After getting closer to everyone; they felt [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] flowing from my body and placed them under a huge pressure onto their body.

Furthermore, I discover the [Mana] within my body begin to leak out even more to the point of affecting the surroundings soon due to lack of control at my end.

Where everyone falls to their knees, with everyone but Pyrrha, Shigure, and Yang barely stands and just a few seconds away from following everyone else.

Giving [Edea Florence] the order to replace the limiter on me now. Since it looks like by including the two [Magatamas] upon having my limiter removed. I've gained some pros and cons. One of the good things happen to be gaining a closer connection with [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source], but with the downside of losing control of the [Mana] leaking out of my body and affecting the surroundings.

If I have kept my limiter removed for a few more seconds, then the area would either destroy under the [Mana Poison] or causing the area to be filled with [Mana]. As for the others, they would last until their aura no longer protect them from being touched by [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source]. Which is very bad.

"You guys okay?" I ask everyone with a bit of concern in my tone, "And how in the world did you two got capture the first thing in the morning?" I look at both Yukiko and Narberal, with the look of disbelief. When Narberal should be able to take care of small numbers of soldiers thanks to being the Winter Maiden.