
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · 科幻
31 Chs


[A man-made tunnel entrance, it has not been opened for a long time, and it seems that the guy hiding under it does not know that there is actually a tunnel here, and at this time, through the tunnel opening, you can faintly smell the stench of blood and decay. ]

"It's good to find some clues. "

Colin breathed a sigh of relief, put away his lenses, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and used this thing many times in a row, his brain was very tired now.

However, its consumption is much smaller than that of the "Book of Numerology: Fragments", but it is also tiring to use more.

"Don't be in a hurry, rest for ten minutes..."

Colin took a deep breath, sat down somewhere, and took a piece of nutty chocolate from his pocket and put it in his mouth.


The sweet flavor of nuts and chocolate melts in the mouth.

Mental exertion is quickly replenished.

Colin looked beyond the hut, under the dim and gloomy sky, all around in ruins, deserted, and not a single enemy could be seen.

He originally thought that after he tore his face and exposed his identity, he would be attacked by a steady stream of people, but he didn't expect that the guy sent the little nun's body to test it and fled directly.

He ran extremely decisively, without a trace of hesitation.

"If he retreated after discovering that I could fight back through foresight, then now that I go underground to find him, I will probably step into a trap. "

Colin realized this, but time was running out, and even if it was a trap, he had to rush down and fight.

Moreover, the "Book of Numerology: Fragments" is not invincible, and the information it gives is usually without details, especially when he knows that the enemy is on guard against using this thing, and it is really hard to say who will lose and who will win.

Shaking his head, Colin put the leftover chocolate packaging into his pocket, stood up and patted his butt dust, then took out the protective suit and gas mask from the "storage room", then took out a bottle of shower gel and pressed it, squeezed out some milky white liquid, and smeared it on his protective suit.

With these liquids as protection, he doesn't have to worry about accidentally injuring himself when he uses blended oil.

Then, he followed the entrance of the tunnel, carefully crawling down the crack between the walls.

Climbing down about two or three stories to a height of the building, Colin was at the end.

The site is a small but not large cress in the ground, and the surrounding stone walls are covered with greenish-glowing bryophytes.

This glowing plant also exists in the dilapidated towns outside.

Colin hadn't heard of or seen any of this plant on Earth, but thanks to it, he wouldn't be blinded now.

"Natural caves... I don't know if there is black powder in this world, and whether there is a boiling gun. "

Colin looked at this secluded cave and couldn't help but recall some of the caving videos he had seen on the Internet...

In the video, nine out of ten of these caves have traces left by the local law boiling in the last century.

The purpose of boiling nitrate is because the era was relatively chaotic, with a bunch of all kinds of earthen guns, and some villages even had earthen cannons.

Nitrate is an important component of these things.

Shaking his head slightly, shaking off the clutter in his heart, Colin first opened the mask and sniffed, vaguely feeling a hint of vague taste.

Then, he took out the "analytical lens" and began to gather some information.

[The smell of blood full of pain faintly came from this direction...]

"I thought it was outrageous that I could smell the smell, but yours is even more outrageous, can you still tell the pain from the smell?"

Colin grunted, and then, without much hesitation, lowered his movements, and walked in that direction, and not long after, he came across a fork in the road.

He simply discerned the direction and chose the one on the right.

A few minutes later, Colin suddenly left the natural cave area and saw artificial traces underground.

It resembles a corridor, surrounded by gray stone tiles, and the walls are topped with stones that glow pale green.

"If you're not in a hurry, you'll have to get two of them..."

Colin withdrew his gaze from the glowing stone and began to hurry.

After turning left and right for more than ten minutes, he realized that this underground man-made structure was peculiar - it was too huge.

Not only that, but it is also very complex, with several forks in the road every few steps, empty rooms, and secret doors that cannot be discovered without "analytical lenses", which is like a huge and complex underground labyrinth.

Sometimes these secret doors are overhead, sometimes at the foot or in a corner...

Each one seems to stretch infinitely, and I don't know where it leads.

"Who the hell built such a big underground labyrinth, the key is that the ventilation here seems to be quite good, and I don't know how to do it..."

As he walked, Colin was amazed by the vastness and wonder of this underground world.

I don't know if the people who built this place in the first place will get lost if they move in such a place.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Colin passed through a tunnel, and suddenly he smelled a faint stench mixed with blood.

"It's coming..."

Colin slowed down and poked his head out of the hallway, revealing an extremely spacious hall outside, most likely thousands of square meters.

Unlike the previous ones, there were a few candles lit in the hall in front of me, and in the soft light of the fire, a huge oval table was placed in the middle of the hall, and the long table was placed with delicate tableware...

In stark contrast to this soft environment are the bloated, pale corpses hanging from the ceiling.

and near-death screams from behind a large door in the hall.

It's the people before... Colin's eyes narrowed slightly, and he didn't rush to act, but raised his gaze again, and looked at the corpses on the ceiling, many of which were quite familiar.

It's the same villagers from before, a cursory sweep, the number of corpses is more than 200...

He picked up the "Analytical Lens" and looked at it.

[A group of unactivated golems, they are like decorations at the moment, and they don't actually play a role.] ]

"Looks like they didn't notice me..."

Nodding slightly, Colin quietly walked into the hall and cautiously touched the door.

Then, he leaned sideways and carefully probed...

The pupils are slightly dilated, and more light is included in the field of vision.

He saw that behind the corridor, about five meters away, was a large and huge kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, a three-meter-tall behemoth was dealing with something with its back to itself, and its back was covered with pimples the size of a human face...

To be precise, the pimples are human faces.

And on top of this back, there is a huge head, which is made up of exposed muscles, blood vessels, and brain tissue.

The head is full of rolling eyes, and there are many arms and limbs hanging down below...

At first glance, it looks like a huge fat house with a jellyfish headdress full of eyeballs on top of its head.

And underneath it are millipede-like legs...

As Colin looked at the monster, he saw that he had torn off the right hand of a "brave man" who had been nailed to the table, and inserted it under his head.

Then... This arm is actually ready to use!

"Shhhh What a human body stitch monster. "

Colin's eyelids jumped, and he had the impression that the last plug-and-play was the dance master Madara Uchiha.

In the kitchen-like interior and other places, there are all kinds of fresh materials, fresh eyes, lungs, blood, brains, intestines...

At the same time, the person who had just passed out as if he had passed out because of the pain had now woken up again because his arm had been cut off, and he let out a scream.