
Bonfire Shelter Company

As the catastrophe approaches, a special containment facility called the "Bonfire Shelter Company" wakes up from its slumber and sends out invitations to people to join the city— "When night comes, someone should light a fire and shine it in all directions. ”

Threedar · 科幻
31 Chs

Revolver: Retrograde

[Revolver: Retrograde]

[Quality: Rare.] ]

[Status: Can't bear to look directly (11% completeness).] ]

[Energy level: none.] ]

[Effect: Very low recoil, compatible with all kinds of conventional pistol and rifle bullets, you can attach some skill effects to bullets to play attacks with special effects.] ]

[Exclusive trait "Draw Sword and Slash (American)": Complete a series of actions from drawing the gun to shooting in 0.1 seconds. ]

[——300 points are required to activate this skill.] ]

[Exclusive trait "Adaptive aiming": With it, even a three-year-old child can easily blow up the day with one shot from 80 meters away... The son has a good enemy's head. ]

[——300 points are required to activate this skill.] ]

[Note: Ninety percent of girls are new for their own use...]

[Next Fix: 3346 Points A Gold Clearance Voucher (Fix to open more functions.] ]

"My day, rare?"

Colin looked at the revolver in his hand and muttered to himself, for a while, half happy and half sad in his heart...

Unpacking a piece of orange equipment with a quality second only to gold is of course a happy event, and it is also a great event.

The worry is that he is really worried about what kind of gift of fate as the one said, and the price is secretly marked.

After all, this is the first time he has successfully completed the task, even if 99% of it depends on himself, the proportion of 1% of the "probability dice" still cannot be ignored.

So I don't know if there will be any price to pay when this effect disappears.

"'Probability throwing' is really ruthless, this day is simply not good, it's a pity, there is only one box, and the luck that is given is only twenty-four hours..."

Colin suppressed his emotions and sighed.

If only I could be so lucky every day...


Colin suddenly thought, can he continue to use the [Book of Numerology: Fragments] card to get lucky before his lucky effect disappears?

If you can...

Wouldn't it be possible to refill the cup indefinitely?

After thinking about it, Colin opened it on the parchment and sent a question - "I have a friend who he...."

After the question was sent, there were some replies soon – no.

"The luck of 'probability throwing' is not unexpected, sometimes there is an accident when doing a task, when you are cornered, some people will do it, although most of them end up in a more desperate end, but there are exceptions, among these exceptions, some people have tried to 'refill the cup', and the result is an instant brain explosion and tragic death, the reason is unknown..."

An employee in a private chat told Colin something that few people knew about.

"Is the news reliable?" Colin replied.

"I can only tell you, this thing, is what we put up to sell, you can ask this question, most likely you voted for a 'lucky', don't deceive me on this point, I know this thing very well, for example: I haven't been in the interactive hall for a long time, and I can see and reply to your post at the first time you post, which means that you are lucky, and you can prove that you voted for a 'lucky'. "

"As for the refill, in short, believe it or not, I can only tell you, don't try, no matter how good your luck is, you can't beat the person who died..."

Seeing this answer, Colin gave up the idea of "refilling", paused, and added a reply: "It's not me, it's a friend of mine..."

There was no answer.

"Alas, it seems to be a pity, if you count the other world, then there should be seven or eight hours of effect, and I will go out and buy some instant scratch tickets to replenish the thickness of my pocket..."

Colin sighed, and then sorted out his current gear-

"Time: Standstill", "Revolver: Retrograde", "Decryption Lens", "Ring of Flame Domination", "Book of Numerology: Fragments"*1...

Four pieces of equipment plus one one-time item.

"This, this, plus this... You should be able to deal with that monster, right?"

Colin looked at the five props on the table and had some confidence, but the confidence was not so strong...

The "Book of Numerology" mentions that he thinks he is full-fledged enough to deal with his enemies..... But still the same sentence.

I don't know, this full-fledged wing, did you count the gold card and the props you bought.

The only thing that is certain is that the "orange suit" must be counted, because this thing will definitely be available if you go to the lobby...

"Forget it, there's no hurry, I'll talk about it when the time comes, anyway, this 'book of numerology' will definitely be used..."

Colin put things into the storage room one by one, and then, while cleaning up the "retrograde", something suddenly came to mind... What to do with this bullet?

Colin blinked, is it too late to go abroad to buy bullets now?

It doesn't seem to work...

By the way, take a look at the auction house.

Colin opened the auction house and took a look, and was lucky to find that there were indeed bullets for sale, even the cheapest bullets, which cost three points each.

Take the proportion of the mall to exchange, it is nearly 500 yuan a piece...

The offline ratio of the interactive hall is exchanged, which is the price at which Colin's heart is dripping blood.

The only thing that comforts Colin is that it seems to have special effects attached.

[Silver Bullet: The damage caused to evil spirits and filthy creatures is 150% of that of ordinary bullets.] ]

"One hundred and fifty percent... Wouldn't it be enough to shoot two shots?"

Colin complained a bit, but finally bought thirteen rounds of ammunition, and the deposit was reduced from 54 points to 15 points...

"This must be the first time I've grown up to spend so much money, right?"

Colin is not a good thing, only to find out that if the points are exchanged for money, then he has used at least more than 300,000 in just a few hours...


But at this time...

A message suddenly appeared on the parchment scroll: You have a new quest "Call from Far Away" that has been placed in the [Quest Bar], please decide whether to accept it or not within one hour.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot, there's a taskbar I didn't read. "

Colin clicks on the taskbar.

There are now three missions in it...

The first one is the pinned "Expulsion of all intruders", and the content is also very simple, which is to ask for the robot in the [Interactive Hall] to be emptied.

Of course... This task is definitely not possible.

The second is the "UnDiscovered Lands", which is the Advent mission in seven days.

The third is the task I just received -

["Call from afar"]

[Description: Cases of mysterious disappearances of some marginalized groups have attracted the attention of the company, and after investigation, a force is infiltrating reality, taking people to unknown locations through means that ordinary people cannot detect.] ]

[Requirements: At 12 o'clock at noon on Wednesday after accepting the mission, in a deep sleep, he responded to the call and went as a dispatcher to find and complete the containment of the source behind the scenes. ]

[Suitable for employee level: F level and above. ]

[Note: When entering, you need to suppress your memories to prevent the other party from escaping, and please try not to expose yourself as much as possible until you determine the source behind the scenes.] ]

[Do you accept this task?]

"F grade and above, then I'm just right, it's a pity that the time is the day after tomorrow, otherwise while the lucky effect is still there, most of the time is still going well... Not true..."

Colin leaned back in his wheelchair and tilted his head to think, this is the task he received in a lucky state, especially...

He just felt short of money, and then the mission came.

So the task itself should be fine.

So I didn't hesitate to accept it.