
Bonds and Fates | Chapter 9

Title: Sick Day

Ever since he had walked her home in the rain two weeks ago, he'd taken to checking up on her occasionally at her home. After all, Chance was just the neighbor dog. She was bound to get in trouble at some point or another.

This instance proved no different than the rest. The thermometer in his hand only confirmed it.

'Stupid walk-in-the-rain-without-an-umbrella girl.'

"You're sick. You need to stay here," Itachi was firm in his resolve. His new 'friend', as she liked to call herself, was just as stubborn though.

"But I have a volunteer shift at the orphanage today!" Kagome snapped, stomping her foot for emphasis. He just shook his head and barred the exit with his body. "It's just a cold! I can just wear a mask or something." She swayed slightly on the spot, shaking her head to try and clear the woozy feeling.

"Just a co-? Do you want to get other people sick? Those whose immune systems are low could contract illnesses easily and potentially die. All because you wanted to help them," the Uchiha argued, not taking no for an answer, "Stay here and recover. Go back to bed and... What the hell are you wearing?" He finally noticed her pajamas and, had he been anyone else, he would have been bright red in shock. He settled for turning pink and averting his eyes.

Kagome looked down at herself and shrugged. She had no idea what the Uchiha was getting so worked up about. She thought the shorts and matching tee shirt were cute.

"Hello Kitty."

"... Hello... what?"

"Hello Kitty. Isn't she cute?"

"What is so cute about a deformed cat?" He couldn't believe he'd said the dreaded 'c-word' out loud. He barely restrained himself from gagging at the thought. Just barely. Knowing his luck, he'd make her sick if he decided his breakfast looked better on the floor.

"She's not deformed! She's chibi!"

"Chibi do not look like that."

"Hello Kitty does!"

"This is a pointless argument," Itachi suddenly stated, shoving the girl back into her room and manhandling her into her bed, despite her protests. The Uchiha thanked his lucky stars that her comforter was a dark green and wouldn't blind him further. 'What with that pink nail polish, I would have assumed that her room would have been lime green in color with bright purple sheets.' He shuddered visibly just from the thought.

"Now you will stay here and get better, or so help me I will tie you to the bed. Do you understand?"

She finally huffed and nodded sullenly. Itachi shook his head and suddenly smoothed down her flyaway hair. She flushed and whipped the covers over her head in embarrassment.

'Just like an impudent child.'

"If you need something, I'll be right outside the door. Just... ask," the former Clan heir gritted out, the sentence tasting weird on his tongue.

"Fine, but if you feed me ramen, I'll kick your ass," was her muffled response. She coughed suddenly and pulled the blankets off her head, her face flushed with fever and a lack of adequate air.

"Don't suffocate yourself," he muttered, turning and sweeping out the door. He received an angry pillow for his last jibe. It missed. He smirked.

'She has horrible aim. And I wouldn't even dream of feeding her someting so uncivilized.'


'I might do it though, just to spite her.'


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