“What do you need?” he asked.
“What do you have?” Cam asked.
“Almost everything,” he told her. She noticed that he still hadn’t cracked a smile.
“Coke?” she asked.
He nodded.
“Got that, too.” He told her. “Come with me.”
He led her through the house and down a flight of stairs. At the bottom was a large room. Another young man was in the basement. He was weighing and packaging a white powder.
“Neil, this is Cameron. Darren sent her over.”
Neil reached out to shake hands with her. “What can we get you today?” he asked.
“Three grams of coke and a gram of ice?”
“Coming right up,” he said. He carefully placed a plastic crate upside down over all his paraphernalia before he walked over to a cabinet that was filled with little plastic bags. He took three from one shelf and one from another. He walked back and handed them to Cam.
“We can settle the cost upstairs,” Preston told her.
Cam looked at Neil. “Nice meeting you. I’ll probably be back.”