
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · 漫画同人
28 Chs


"Okay, everyone looks at me and listens carefully to what I'm going to say." Professor Aizawa spoke and everyone ceased the little conversation that had started, interestingly, Professor Aizawa's tone of voice was not loud, but everyone heard him and obeyed, although I didn't know if the reason was due to respect for his position or the fear.

"You are going to perform a Quirk test." He declared as everyone looked at him in disbelief, and I must admit, this academy was pretty strict in their tests, a written and practical test to get into the academy and now a Quirk test, however, I couldn't guess exactly what this was about. but I had my guesses when looking at the environment.

We were lined up inside a fairly large sand field, with several points to analyze, there was a sandbox used for long jumps, a track used for sprints, and two circles for shot put, on overlapping sides.

there were other buildings in the field, but I focused only on the three I'd noticed.

I believe the professor wasn't the type of guy who would bring us here just to see how the students' Quirk works, if he guided us here, it was certainly to use the field properly.

And I could only feel sorry for others when it came to the physical department, so I was the best.

I couldn't shoot lightning through my fingers or strangle others with mind powers, but the nanomachines were the pinnacle of human evolution, the physique was where the nanomachines showed their power.

"Eh?! But what about the welcome ceremony?" The green-haired boy asked, expressing the doubt of many students, and Aizawa's answer was accurate.

"The school is widely recognized for freedom, and I have the freedom to release you from something commonplace to future heroes, at least those who manage to survive this test." Most people were tense with his speech, but some people like me, didn't feel afraid, after all, we knew the limit of our Quirks and we had confidence in our performance.

"The test will be physical and it's something you're already used to doing in school, it will be divided into eight exercises, softball pitch, long jump, 50-meter dash, marathon run, strength test, sustained jumps, exercises for upper body and touch the foot." The professor announced the exercises listed in a notebook he had pulled from one of his pants pockets.

"However, you will be using Quirk in this physical test, so that you will know what you can do and can build your heroic foundation, so let's start with this year's number one, Kazuhira, come here." I got out of line and stepped in front of Aizawa, he handed me a softball in my hands and then pointed toward the shot put circle.

"Step into the circle and throw with all your might, but wait for my command." I complied and stepped into the circle, though I wondered if it was a good idea.

I was obviously eager to test my strength, but not at the cost of causing trouble by destroying school property, so I felt the need to let the teacher know.

"Professor Aizawa, you said to use all my strength, but I think there might be damage to the environment if I use all my strength." I heard some sneers after I finished speaking, but I didn't mind the comments, and why should I?

They were all just kids displaying powers that barely matched my Quirk's foot.

"There's no need to worry, the gym will deal any damage taken during a heroic workout, so you're free to show off your strength and prepare." Aizawa eased my worries, now I didn't need to be afraid and I could release all my strength.

I raised my right hand at shoulder height and closed it in the shape of a fist and concentrated all the nanomachines to the right arm and thus performing the necessary pose for activating 'One for all'.

My arm quickly took on the patterned, metallic appearance of the nanomachines and began to be shrouded in a metallic red hue as I felt the powerful energy coursing through my arm.

In mere seconds, my right arm turned a deep metallic red color, influence from using one for all and I felt fucking invincible.

All that focused energy and power made me feel like I could punch out all the heroes and villains.

But I quickly calmed down remembering something, it was just a temporary sensation, brought on by the massive increase in strength.

"I suppose you're ready, so you can throw."I felt a smile creep across my face at the teacher's warning, I was certainly exempt from what was going to happen.

I looked up, threw the ball to my right hand, stepped forward, and threw with all the power available.






Consecutive sonic booms echoed through the air as my foot sank into the ground that had cracked.

"KYAHHHH!!!" I heard the screams of the girls behind me due to the powerful wind that came up due to the shock wave produced by the throw.

After the wind passed, I looked back to see all the girls staring at me aggressively while holding their skirts down due to the strong wind, and there were a few boys giving me a thumbs up sign of approval.

Maybe, I wouldn't have problems with the teacher, but I certainly would with the girls.


The noise of an electronic device came on, making me look straight ahead.

I looked forward and saw Professor Aizawa holding a small device in front of me that showed some numbers.

87,590 meters.

This was the number displayed by the device.

Thanks to that number, I knew what my strength was if I only considered hardening in a focal part since the one for all multiplied my strength by five times.

Therefore, 17,518 meters was what he would have reached if he had not used one for all.

"How troublesome, it's been a while since someone with that strength appears, kazuhira goes back to the queue and Katsuki Bakugou goes to the other circle." I walked towards the queue but stopped midway when I looked to the side I noticed the look Bakugou was giving me.

The idiot who previously argued with Lida started to angrily stare at me as if he were the most hateful human being in the world.

And for a few seconds, we stopped in the middle of the way and started to face each other.

He had the classic bully look, the evil glare, the half-slouched posture, and the half-spread walk as if he'd shit himself.

I knew that if I stopped staring and went to the line, he would think he could stare at me and later talk whatever nonsense he wants, like any other bully.

Against this guy, the best kind of choice would be to demonstrate that they couldn't mess with you.

And I didn't like the look he was giving me and what I didn't like, I eliminated.

"What kind of idiot is that? Did you drop your brain on the floor?" I openly teased him out loud.

And for a brief moment, there was general silence, so silent you could have heard a needle drop.

Bakugou put on a stupid face, slowly processing that someone dared to provoke him as if this had never happened before.

But it was something that lasted only seconds and soon his expression was taken over by fury.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU FUCKER!?!?" Bakugou gave a growling scream as he came towards me with his hands releasing small explosions.

Did he really think those small explosions were a threat?

He was such an idiot if he thought I was going to wait for him to come towards me, the only reason he was getting closer was because I was letting him.

I needed him to attack in earnest rather than threats, I could follow the law of self-defense once he launched an attack, so I needed to provoke just a little bit more.

"Look, besides being stupid, he's deaf." I teased him by making a point of speaking loudly and directing my speech at the class while making exaggerated hand gestures as if I was introducing an exotic animal to them.

And so, Bakugou abandoned common sense and threw himself towards me, his hands releasing explosions, I guess this counts as an attack, but provoking him was easier than I expected.

{Strength has been adjusted to 3% of maximum capacity, to avoid critical damage.}

Great, I would make a point of landing the hardest blow I could land with my current strength.

I quickly dashed under Bakugou, who made the mistake of attacking from the air, a mistake he would feel physically.

I crouched down slightly and threw an uppercut upwards.

Upon seeing my intention, he released a blast from his hand, managing to circle me and going behind my back, and taking the opportunity, he quickly advanced with his hands towards my head, a really stupid decision.

I might be big and muscular, but flexibility and agility weren't my weakness.

As proof of my agility, I crouched like this, dodging Bakugou's attack, and elbowed him in the stomach with my left arm, making him curl up like a shrimp.

I could have ended it there, but he had intentionally aimed for my head with a blast, something that could seriously injure someone who didn't have the same stamina as I did.

Therefore I would make him feel a little of the medicine itself.

But I would have to be quick because out of the corner of my eye, I could watch Aizawa unwinding his scarf as his eyes turned a red color.

{Force reset is being calibrated.}

{Adjusted brute force usage to 4%}

{Adjusted explosive speed usage to 10%}

With the readjustment of strength, my burst speed went up substantially, along with a minimal increase in strength thus allowing me to perform sudden changes in postures.

I took advantage of my crouched position and planted my feet on the ground while doing a 180° turn, exposing my right flank towards Bakugou.

I looked into his eyes, and unexpectedly, the anger in his gaze had only increased, which certainly increased my desire to hit him.

With precision and power, I delivered a palm strike to his chin, a blow that harnessed maximum efficiency, so hard it lifted his body in the air and threw his head back.

But that wasn't enough.

I put power into my right leg and stepped forward with the opposite leg and landed another blow to his midriff, sending his body flying several feet.


Aizawa screamed as my torso and arms were wrapped in the scarf he was carrying.

The scarf was extremely solid and rigid, but if I wanted to, it would be very easy to slip away.

But I decided to go against it, after all, I had exaggerated and it was natural that the acts carried consequences.

Though I didn't regret giving the spiky-haired idiot a good lesson.

Sorry for the lack of chapter, I was addicted to playing wo long, I'll try to send a chapter tomorrow to make up for Friday

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