
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · 漫画同人
28 Chs

all power

I sighed as I stretched.

This practical test was quite excessive in terms of expense, the size of the city and the walls that surrounded it were impressive.

I was a bit shocked when the explanation about the exercise started.

However, it was quite irritating when the hero in charge started talking, because he had a fucking Quirk that raised the volume of his voice, so any speech was a scream.

But overall, I get it.

A fake city is divided into six areas.

A, B, C, D, E, and F, were the six areas, and I ended up falling into B.

Each area was full of robots, whose objective of the exercise was to get as many points as possible in a given time.

the points of the robots could vary from 1 point to 3 points, there was also a robot that was worth 0 points, but it was a trap.

It was a fairly simple and ostentatious exercise, yet it ensured that only the best passed.

And it didn't require any great planning, I was going to do what the nanomachines allowed me to do, smash things with brute force.

Now I just needed to wait for the city gate to open while I finished stretching.

And next to me kendo was also finishing stretching, unfortunately, I couldn't help noticing that she had a good figure and a good distribution between breasts and buttocks.

however, I wasn't the only one noticing her good kendo figure, out of the corner of my eye I could see several guys discreetly eyeing her, although there were a few who were staring at her not so discreetly.

Kendo didn't seem to care or didn't seem to notice, and I was leaning towards the second option and there was no lie in my letting a lady be stared at with the leering glares of some idiots.

So I took advantage of my bulky build and positioned myself behind kendo, completely obscuring her figure.

I couldn't block all the stares, but I could block most of the stares from the perverts in the back.

If they wanted to stare at something, then why not stare at my muscular back?

But it wasn't necessary for me to stay ready for a long time, because soon Kendo finished stretching while he looked towards me with an excited smile on his face.

"Kazuhira-san, I hope you're ready!

Because first place will be mine!"

Hm, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind, was she?

That would make things more interesting when I won first place.

"Watch your words Kendo-san, you might be surprised when you lose."

I teased her in response.

"We'll see, but in the end, may the best man win!

Kendo responded to my teasing as she offered a handshake.

I gave a wry smile but still squeezed her hand.

However I was surprised by the smoothness of the hand and the size of the kendo hand, it was unexpectedly soft but also quite callused in the palms, which indicated intense training.

And her hand size was quite small, to the point where my hand was twice her size or I had the hand of a gorilla.

But I didn't have so many opportunities to think about it, because the hero with the voice Quirk had reached the top of the wall, so I let go of Kendo's hand.


he yelled as the gate opened, everyone was stunned by the lack of counting.

Until I thought.

Why the hell am I standing still!?

Why was I waiting for someone to start running?

I didn't need their leadership, I was leading, I could wipe out all the robots if I wanted to and still come out unscathed.

I didn't care anymore about Kendo or whether the man had anything to say, I just saw the opportunity to win and the man said go for it, that's exactly what I was going to do.

I let the nanomachines in my legs harden and gathered all my strength into my legs as I crouched down.

E With a kick to the ground I leaped over the gate as the scenery around me rapidly changed and screams rang out behind me.

{Robots with the possibility of being hacked were detected}

Command them to come at me, with them together it will be easier to accumulate points!

And don't make them submissive I want a challenge!

And don't control all of them, just enough for me to earn enough points.

And start calculating the points earned!

{The order is being fulfilled}

{Impact with the ground will happen in 5 seconds}

Just like the system said, I was falling.

I must have been in the middle of the city and at least 10 meters high and I was falling fast.

{ 4 seconds...}

And when looking at the place where I could fall, I could already see a lot of robots approaching, with different numbers, but number 1 would be the first to arrive because it seemed to be the fastest.

{ 3 seconds...}

The plan to deal with them would be to harden my body and wait for the impact, so the nanomachines would be able to absorb the impact and then allow me to attack from a distance with shock waves, coming from the impact absorption.

{ 2 seconds...}

Now there were less than 3 meters left to reach the ground and it was already possible to see where I would go and unfortunately for one of the robots it would serve as a landing point.

I stiffened my entire body as I waited for the impact to happen.

{ 1 second... 0 seconds}

{Get ready}

My body went through the middle of the robot-like paper, causing me to collide with the hard ground as I dug a stiffened hand into the asphalt to stop myself from being dragged too far.

{Impact absorbed}

{+ 2 points}

{-0.1% HP}

But there wasn't time to get up and use the shock wave, because as soon as I lifted my head I was run over by a robot.

I felt sparks shoot out of the ground that clashed with my hardened body as the robot dragged me across the asphalt.

That shitty robot!

I gathered my strength and punched the ground, cracks forming as the street broke apart and the robot slammed into a huge boulder that came up from the street cave-in, causing it to flip over and crash into a building.

{+ 1 point}

{-0.3% HP}

But without rest another robot leaped at me as I lay on the broken street and then I saw an opportunity forming.

I put my hands on the ground and did a backflip, making the robot hit the ground hard.

And the street, already greatly weakened, could not withstand the extra force and collapsed along with the robot.

{+2 points}

I looked ahead and saw that dozens of robots were approaching, mainly the 1-point ones that were faster.

I took a deep breath and jumped into the hole Along with the wreckage of the robot.

The hole was unexpectedly large, at least ten feet deep.

And here I would take the opportunity to see, My plan was simple enough, destroy the rest of the street.

To get to me, they need to cross the asphalt I was on.

And how would they cross if I opened a several-meter crater where they were crossing?

That was the answer, they won't.

I put my right hand on the wall of the hole and pulled my left arm back a little while gathering all the impact energy I had absorbed into my left arm.

{Probability of opening a crater on the street:70%}

It wasn't enough, I would have to use a rather dangerous trick, however, this was a hero academy, and there shouldn't be any serious injuries.

I took a deep breath and left all the stiffening to my left arm.

Months ago, during my training, I discovered that the more hardening in a specific area, the stronger and harder the reinforced area became.

{Probability of opening a crater on the street: 100%}

Great, now it was all or nothing.

With a grunt of effort, I punched the wall with everything I had available.

The effect was instantaneous, a huge crater opened from the bridge where I hit it, and tremors ran through the entire floor as the crater opened and swallowed the robots and I hurriedly jumped out of the hole.

{-30% stamina}

{+ 1 point}

{+ 1 point}

{+ 1 point}

{+ 1 point}

{+ 2 points}

{+3 points}

{+1 points}

{+2 points}

{+3 points}

{+3 points}

{+ 1 Point}

{+3 points}

{+2 points}

{+3 points}

{+... points}

{Total points acquired: 54+5= 59 points}

My entire arm tingled from taking more power than it should have, but the important thing is that it worked.

I just hoped nobody got hurt.