
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · 漫画同人
28 Chs

A confession towards the future

This new nanomachine seemed to indicate something quite useful.

I should check it out before I leave the house.

{Muscle Strengthening: Nanomachines are responsible for improving the endurance and strength of muscles through cybernetic enhancement and hardening of nanomachines.}

{Requirements: Cybernetic Muscle Enhancement}

This sounded helpful, but this was the first time a requirement had come up.

{Would you like to start the improvement process?}

Oh sure, although I would like to know how long it took for the modification to occur.

{Modifications will take approximately 2 months to complete.}

A long time but it wasn't excessive time and I still managed to save some nanomachines for when the modifications are ready.

And with one more modification and I could call myself a man of steel, my pharynx and respiratory system had already been transformed and my hands had been enhanced, capable of performing surgical movements and greatly improving my handwriting.

And after a long conversation with my father, I managed to convince him that I needed to replace the other eye, to improve myself to become a hero.

He ended up agreeing after this argument and asked the triplets to help me with this procedure.

Overall, I was close to being more machine than man, and it was a little uncomfortable to know that I didn't mind being a machine as long as it served a purpose.

I was about to become a hero in training and I knew that this world was very dangerous, so any kind of power was welcome, even if it had to make some sacrifices.

That was how life was, she had no pity for those who didn't have a strong enough will, only those willing to sacrifice everything would be able to survive and live fully.

"You will survive, even if you have to become a machine, sacrifices will have to be made.

Saving lives will be his way of redeeming himself."

I spoke while staring intensely at the man reflected in the mirror.

I took a deep breath and left the room as I left the man reflected in the mirror behind.

I went down the stairs towards the kitchen, where I found my father waiting for me.

The months that passed were very beneficial for my father, he looked much less tired and haggard and the dark circles under his eyes were gone, in addition to shaving his beard, leaving him with a more youthful appearance.

But the biggest change was his physique, I wasn't the only one who aimed for the heroic physique though it wasn't on the same level as what I saw in the painting, it was much better than the skinny body.

"Are you ready to go to the airport?

My dad asked me smiling as he turned a key on his index finger.

Certainly, I was ready, all my stuff was in Musutafu, Japan.

But before leaving, I had to say goodbye to someone.

"I'm ready, but I have to say goodbye to Melina."

I told my dad, who was giving me a knowing smile.

Unfortunately, he came to know about my relationship with Melina, due to an accident that broke my bed.

I just left him smiling to himself as I walked out of the kitchen.

To avoid wasting time I used heat vision to look for Melina.

Everything in my vision turned black, the only things visible were objects that had heat or people.

And it didn't take long for me to spot a blurred reddish figure, but it still seemed to be humanoid, I didn't need to be very smart to guess that it was Melina.

I turned off the heat vision and started walking to where Melina was, over time I knew the mansion was like the back of my hand, so I didn't need heat vision to guide me to Melina.

I quickly reached where Melina was, but hesitated when I saw where she was.

It was the same place where I first met my father.

And... Was she crying?

I think... I shouldn't get involved in this.

I turned my back and went back to the kitchen, where my father was still waiting.

Then I would call Melina when she arrived in Japan.

"I believe you are ready?"

My dad asked and I nodded in agreement, I didn't want to say that I didn't talk to Melina because I heard her crying in our family's painting room.

Without exchanging another word, we left through the front door of the mansion and quickly entered the luxurious car parked in front of the house.

And we let out a sigh as we both got in the car.

It was simply impossible to look at how the day was going or even what the car looked like without having thousands of paparazzi all over us.

This mansion was in a closed condominium, and there were only fat and rich old people there, but the paparazzi found a way, in my previous world they were already boring, but in this world, there were individualities, which doubled the number of nuisances.

We even once met a paparazzi who could turn into water and it was quite annoying to find out who was taking pictures for the newspaper at that time.

After this paparazzi, we put reflective glass in the house and cars, which does not allow the interior to be seen.

"Ready or not, here we go!"

My dad said while starting the car that made a fantastic roar, it was good to be rich.

I didn't even need the car to go to the airport, as it was twenty minutes from my house and was part of the gated community, I could run there if I wanted to.

"You know I could run and I'd get there faster. What's the point of taking me?"

I questioned my father who was currently stopped at a traffic light.

He knew I could run faster than some cars and I didn't have to, but the day before he insisted on taking me and spent over an hour pestering me.

"Kaz, I know your speed but you know that using Quirks is against the law, only licensed heroes can use them and with your speed, the paparazzi wouldn't think your Quirk is the mutation type."

Oh, of course.

The ban on using something you were born with, was frustrating knowing you had a gift but couldn't use it as the law wouldn't allow it and the consequences were pretty severe.

However, I knew very well why this law existed, the chaos that human beings caused without powers was quite large, but if you added individuality to this chaos... Then we would have the end of times.

But not everyone had that mindset, there was even news of rebellions by people who wanted the release of the use of quirks.

Fools, all of them.

Only idiots were driven by their ideals.

"Kaz... Will you be able to manage alone in Japan? Don't you want Melina to go along?"

My dad's question snapped me out of my thoughts, making me think of something more important.

My loneliness.

I was already used to loneliness, whether from time with the stars or even from my first life, I could handle it.

But my father might not have.

Melina was the only company he had and one of the few memories of my mother, I couldn't take that away from him.

And he was adamant that he would not hire any more maids, and that's when I realized he had lost trust in human beings.

Besides, he didn't leave the house unless it was very necessary.

"Come on, we both know that house is a lot for you to clean and I don't think Melina would do very well in Japan given her…unconventional appearance."

I mixed my answer with some truths after all, I knew he wouldn't like me holding back because I was worried, he was the kind of man who sacrificed himself for others and he would be completely lonely if it meant I wasn't alone.

"Hahahahah, you're right I couldn't manage that house, but it saddens me to know that there are still so many problems with people's faces or bodies, it's a shame... and you won't be exempt from that when I entered the academy ...I expected to meet future heroes and as time went by I began to realize that they were just a...bunch of super-powered kids and that they weren't immune to flaws and that many of them weren't heroes at heart, some they just wanted the money... others the power that came from a hero and there were those... Who didn't always leave there being the hero."

My dad initially started talking happily as he laughed, but his expression gradually turned serious as he moved through sadness and finally, indiscreet anger.

"They're all a bunch of idiots and I could count the truly good people on one hand and they all work for a government of...SHIT!