
Heroes, What Fakes

"And now we're back to the festival after the one hour lunch break!" Present Mic waved his hands and yelled into his microphone. "It's time to reveal the last game! But before that, there's some good news for those who didn't make it into the finals! This is a Sports Festival after all! So we've made some recreational games that everyone can participate in! And we've even brought cheerleaders from America to liven things up!"

"Huh?" Mr. Aizawa looked over onto the field. "What's are they doing?" He then pinched the bridge of his nose.

I turned around to look at the girls. They were all wearing the same outfit as the cheerleaders, deadpanning as they held the pom-poms.

"Huh? Class A?! What kind of fan service is this?" Mic yelled.

"Denki! You tricked us didn't you!" Momo raged as she waved the pom-poms around.

- During Lunch

"Momo, Kyoka." Denki had gotten they're attention. "I just wanted to let you know since you're a class rep and all, but Mr. Aizawa said there's a cheerleading competition in the afternoon so all the girls have to wear those." He pointed at the American cheerleaders running across the lunchroom.

"Ah?!" Kyoka's long earlobes stiffened as they came up in shock.

"Hm? But I didn't hear anything about an event like that."

"You don't have to believe me," Denki said with a worried look in his face, turning away nervously. "But we heard Mr. Aizawa say that. I thought I'd tell you in case you had forgotten."


"How did I get caught in Denki's scheme?" Momo fell to her knees. "I even used Creation to make these."

"That guy pisses me off!" Kyoka threw her pom-poms on the ground.

"I don't know. We've still got times before the finals!" Toru waved her pom-poms with excitement. "It's be a shame if things got to tense! It's fine! Let's do it!"


"You see to be enjoying this, Toru." Tsuyu said while putt a pom-pom up to her chin.

"Kgh…" I heard Kisu exclaim quietly. I turned around to see her in the exact same cheerleader costume. I immediately covered my mouth and started laughing.

"Haha, you actually fell for that?!" I asked her through my laughs.

"You. Piece. Of. Shit." She glared at me.

Every single boy looked at her as she glared at me. I'm not going to lie, she looked nice in that. And so did Toga.

"Yuno-Chan!" Toga jumped onto my back and hugged me. "I'll cheer you in during the finals!"

"Y- yeah, Sure." I turned around to see Toga wearing the same outfit as every other girl. I covered my face a blushed slightly. "Would you go play already?" I asked her before pinching the bridge of my nose, getting rid of the flustered reaction.

"I want my kiss though!" Toga pouted while her pom-poms drooped.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes and wrapped my hand around her waist before kissing her cheek.

"Get a room!" Katsuki yelled at us.

"Alright!" Present Mic's voice filled the stadium once again. "Let's go play the recreational games! When that's all done, the sixteen from the four teams that made it into the final round will duke it out in tournament style, one-on-one!"

"Um…wait a minute!" Mashirao raised his hand. "I'm…withdrawing."

"Uh- Mashirao." Izuku exclaimed. "This is your chance to show the pros what you've got. This a rare chance you get."

"I know. But during the cavalry battle, I don't remember anything. It was only when the end of the battle came that I was aware of things. Knowing that everyone got here by giving it your all, it makes me wonder what I did."

I rolled my eyes. He was talking about his pride. Hitoshi had used his Quirk on the people he wanted to team up with. His Quirk is Brainwashing. When he talks to someone and they answer him, they become brainwashed and under his influence.

"You should just make sure you show all you've got in the finals!" Toru waved the pom-poms around.

"If you're gonna say that, then I didn't do anything either." Mina tried comforting.

"That's not it." Mashirao put a hand over his face. "I'm talking about my pride…also, why are you guys wearing those outfits?"

"Uh!" The girls deadpanned.

"Excuse me, I'm Nirengeki Shoda," someone from class B said. "I'd like to withdraw as well, for the same reason. Regardless of ability, don't you think it goes against the goals of this sports festival for those to move onto the finals when they didn't do anything?"

"What an unexpected turn of events." Present Mic's annoyingly loud voice was now quiet.

"What's with these guys?!" Eijiro said with tears falling down his cheeks. "They're so manly!"

Midnight cracked her whip. She licked her lips in satisfaction. "Youthful hero talk is something…I LIKE! I'll allow it! Ojiro! Shoda! I accept your withdrawal!"

"She decided based on her taste!" Everyone around said with disbelief.

"In that case, we'll have to move up two people from the fifth place team…"

"Uh-" A girl from class B raised her hand. Her name was Itsuka Kendo. "If that's what is going to happen, then rather then us who barely did anything in the cavalry battle, it should be them, right?"

"Yeah!" Her teammates agreed.

"The ones who fought until the end to stay in the top was team TetsuTetsu."

"Kendo…!" TetsuTetsu exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not collusion. It just makes sense."

"Ah…you guys! THANK YOUUUU!"

TetsuTetsu and Shiozaki moved onto the finals, thanks to Itsuka. How dramatic and ridiculous. I seriously hate it when people say it's not collusion. If it's not collusion, then what is it?

"Now, let's decide the bracket by drawing lots!" Midnight held a box that was labeled 'lots.' Everyone who were moving into the finals drew from the box, deciding the tournament bracket.

"Alright!" Present Mic's loud voice was back. "Let's move onto the recreational game, ya dig?!"

The crowd cheered loudly. I rolled my eyes at the people participating in the games. It's amazing they were trying to take the games seriously. I guess, for those in the tournament, it was just meant to calm their nerves.

"Oi, oi!" Kisu said while waving a pom-Pom in my face. "Buddy, buddy! Aren't you gonna go see Oshi?"

Oshi was what Kisu called Hitoshi. It was like a nickname for him since we're friends and whatnot. Honestly, I think Kisu likes Hitoshi, even though they're complete opposites.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go see him." I answered, rubbing the back of my head. "Also, when are you going to change?"

"Ah- you piece of crap! It's Denki's fault that I'm wearing this, idiot! Go blame him! He's the one who hid all the girl's clothing!"

"Hehe~" Denki laughed with that stupid grin on his face as I walked away.

I walked through the halls of the building. Instead of heading for Hitoshi's waiting room first, I decided to go see Izuku. He would need a bit of advice. My goal is to set up Izuku to give him more of a challenge. He needs it, honestly, All Might doesn't give him enough hardships.

I opened the door to see Izuku and Mashirao sitting at a table. Izuku was worried. When picking lots, he had grabbed a piece of paper that had Hitoshi's name on it. Expecting Mashirao to warn Izuku and give him some helpful advice, I had to beat him to it. Unfortunately, Mashirao beat me.

"Yuno?" Izuku was snapped from his trance of worry. "What are you doing? Are you not going to take part in the games?"

"Those are boring and ridiculous." I answered while pulling a chair out. "Actually, I came to give advice about Hitoshi."

"Hitoshi?" Mashirao asked. "Is that his name? Hitoshi Shinso?"

"Yes, that's his name." I rolled my eyes as Mashirao gave me an irritated look. "I know your fight is first and you seem stressed. Straight to the point, you already know that you shouldn't talk to Hitoshi."

"Yeah, Mashirao told me about that." Izuku nodded.

"Well, seeing that you have a talkative mouth, you'll end up talking to him anyway. And Hitoshi has his ways."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Mashirao asked, confused with the way I used my words.

"Hitoshi is going to make you mad. He'll say things about Mashirao that you won't like. Considering that I know everything about you, you're more likely to blurt something out and fall under his influence. All I'm saying is to be prepared for whatever insults he throws at you."

Izuku put his hands together, interlocking his fingers. He thought about the information I had given him. I closed my eyes and smiled, standing up from my seat.

"Oh, and one more thing." I said before leaving the room. I lifted my hand up and pointed a finger gun at my head. "You should watch out for other so called 'villains.'"

I closed the door and put my hands in my pockets. Sighing as I walked to another waiting room, I thought to myself about Izuku and All Might. If only All Might gave Izuku some useful information. Hopefully, All Might's teacher would help a bit more. So far, the only image Izuku was going off of was an egg inside a microwave. Giving him a small glimpse of the future, all I told him was to spread the power throughout his body. His internship would help him with that cryptic sentence in the future.

"Took you long enough." Hitoshi looked at me from his chair as I opened the door. "Just what did you tell Midoryia, anyway?"

"Oh, nothing. Just that you'll try to make hm angry." I answered him while pulling a seat out and sitting down. "I actually want you to make him mad. Upset. Anything like that. He should learn how to use his Quirk. No, he NEEDS to learn how to use his Quirk."

"Is this about the One For All thing?" Hitoshi looked at me with bored and tired eyes. "Look, if your going to drag me into this villainy thing, then I'm not going to do squat for you."

"I'm not dragging you into my life, Hitoshi. He needs to be able to use it. He just needs a little push. You wouldn't upset me, would you?" I smiled brightly at him, almost like begging.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I'm only doing this because you're my friend."

"Oh? What if it was Mei?"

"Oh my god, don't even get me started. If you two switched lives, then I would be driven crazy. I don't care if she knows about you and you're 'life of villainy.' She already drives me insane."

"That's why I'm the anti-hero, buddy."

Before we knew it, the tournament was already here. The stadium was being finished up by the pro hero, Cementos. He was there to make sure things didn't get out of hand. Unfortunately for him, things would be getting out of hand whether he liked it or not. I will make sure of it.

"Hey!" All Might called out to Izuku, who was inside a dark tunnel. I was in there as well, why wouldn't I? "Good luck out there, kiddo!"

"A- All Might?!" Izuku exclaimed, waving his hands around. I leaned against the wall and listened to them.

"Have you figured out For All yet?" All Might asked, sounding like he hoped very much that Izuku had already gotten things written down in his head.

"Uh…No, I'm still worried. I can see it in my head by imagining the egg inside the microwave and how I hit the villain. But it still feels unsteady, like it'll fall apart if I don't keep my focus. As you saw, with my current state, even if I succeed, I'll just end up with a little more power."

"That's funny, Y'know." I said as I walked out from the shadows with my hands in my pockets. "You say you'll only end up with a little power. I say that you're improving day by day."

"Gah?!" All Might yelled in surprise. "Young Tsumuyuki! What are you doing here? Wait, a sec…did you hear everything we said?!"

"All Might!" Izuku caught All Might's attention. "He's the one I told you about. He knows everything. Y'know, the anti-hero?"

"You told him?" I sighed, resting my head on my hands as I leaned back. "Whatever. It's not like you'll tell anyone else, right?" I glared at Izuku, sending chills down his spine. All Might looked me up and down, confused by why I would know his little secret.

"Young man, anti-hero?" He gave me a concerned look. "You go to UA, but you lead the life of a criminal? A villain?"

I glared at All Might, giving him a cold shudder. Just like everyone else, he was no hero. He judged everyone based on what they do and not by what happened to them. This just like Kisu and Toga. They're treated differently because of what they do. No one every thinks about what happened to them in the past. It's always attack, capture, repeat for heroes.

"Villain?" I asked him while still glaring at All Might. "Villain, you say? Is that what you think of me? Izuku said anti-hero, not villain you sorry ass of a hero."

"Kiddo, I don't mean to offend you. But it's only natural that people are cautious of you because of this…secret you have."

"A- All Might! He's not bad! He doesn't mean any harm!" Izuku pulled All Might's sleeve.

"Why don't you just watch how my Quirk works." I grinned at him. "Or, maybe, should I say Quirks?" All Might's eyes widened at the sound of the 'S' at the end. "All Might, also know as, Toshinori Yagi. Eighth holder of the Quirk, One For All. Five years ago, he got into a fight with All For One, the enemy of One For All. Seriously injured from the fight, you asked if not be made public and now your own Quirk and body are weakening."

"Yuno, stop! Don't say that out loud!" Izuku barked frustratedly. "Someone could hear."

"You think I give two shits?" I then turned my glare to Izuku. "I know everything about everyone. You both could become targets of All For One. Heh, just like all heroes, you judge before you even think. That's why you're all so stupid and simple-minded. You know, the Hero Killer: Stain, he's right about all you damned heroes. Where were you…when Kisu, Shoto, Toga, Denki, me, and everyone else were suffering? Where you all when we were being abused, when we were abandoned, even when people tried to kill us. Where were you, huh?"

Izuku's eyes were filled with shock. All Mighht gave a concerned and sad look at me.


I don't want your damned pity! I want you to change! Why won't you actually help us?! All they do is fight villains who steal jewelry. They don't do jackshit when a child is suffering. Denki and Shoto, they're parents were heroes and they were hurting them. Why didn't they do anything?!

"I guess heroes have fallen so low that they can't even protect us anymore." I closed my eyes and calmed down. "Yelling and throwing a fit won't do anything. It's a waste of time. If anything, shouldn't you be out there in just a couple minutes? If I hear anything about you sharing my secret, I'll know. I have eyes everywhere."

I walked off, heading back to to the area where contestants watch the matches. I sighed as I walked up the stairs. Just how much change have heroes gone through? Even All Might was defining someone as a villain based in their words and not their past.

"Oh, Yuno-Chan!" Toga waved from the seats. "Yuno, Yuno, Yuno-Chan! Sit here, sit here!"

Everyone deadpanned at the sight of my tsundedre girlfriend waving and calling out to me. They all had looks that were saying we needed to get a room. These idiots.

I sat down next to Toga and saw Kisu sitting right next me. She had her arms crossed and her eyes closed, her cheeks red and looking like she had to pee, but couldn't hold it.

"What's going on with her?" I looked at Ahoto who was right in front of me.

"Denki happened." Shoto turned around and answered. "While you were talking to Izuku, Denki decided to 'accidentally' fall on her. I'm sure you know what happened next."

Then I saw Denki peeking out from behind Kisu's seat, wiggling his fingers and had a grin slapped into his face. What a pervert. If there's one thing I know without needing my High Intellect, it's that you really should respect a girl's privacy, especially when it comes to getting, Y'know, touchy-touchy.

"You pervert!" Kyoka stabbed Denki with her headphone jacks. "You need to respect her! Look at her! You've traumatized her!"

"Such disgrace!" Tenya waved a robotic arm up and down. "We are disciplined students of UA! We mustn't be perverted or disgraceful!"

"Aw, man." Denki said while sitting down behind me. "It's not my fault she's the most pretty girl in class. Right next to Momo, of course!"

"Shut up!" Kyoka punched Denki in the face, jumping across the seats and all the way into the back. She grabbed Denki's collar and started stabbing him with the long earjack.

"Now, now! Let's get on with the first match!" Present Mic yelled his irritatingly loud voice into the mic. "Let's see our matchup! Even though he's doing well, what's with that face, Midoryia?! And, we'll, he hasn't don't much to stand out yet! Hitoshi Shinso! The rules are simple! Force your opponent out of bounds or immobilize them! You can also win by getting your opponent to say, 'I give up!' Get ready for some injuries! Cause we've got our very own Recovery Girl in standby! Put all your morals and ethics aside for a moment! But of course, anything life-threatening is total crap! Heroes should only use their fist to catch villains!"

"I'll make sure nothing gets out of hand." Cementos raised a blocky hand as he sat down in his concrete chair.

Izuku let out a breath of nervousness. Hitoshi started to taunt him as Midnight started the match. Oh, yes. Now you have to use your Quirk in the very first round.

"'I give up?'" Hitoshi confirmed. "This is a fight to test the strength of our spirit. If you know what you want for your future, then you can't really worry about appearances. That monkey was going in about his pride…" Hitoshi glared at Izuku as he snarled, trying to make the green-haired boy mad. "But don't you think he was dumb for throwing that chance away?"

"Uh-" Izuku grit his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to keep his cool. He looked up at Hitoshi with the same glare, keeping his mouth shut.

"Well, don't you? He might've been a little stupid for throwing it away. Idiot, does he think he's going to get another chance as easy as this? Hm, maybe he doesn't really want to be a hero. What do you think?"

Izuku snapped at the sound of that. He growled and started to charge at Hitoshi, completely forgetting about the Quirk and the warning Mashirao had given him.

"Don't you talk about Mashirao that way!"

Izuku suddenly stopped in his tracks. I grinned at the sight, seeing how Izuku failed to get away with not talking. He was now under the influence of Hitoshi's brainwashing. Well, should've watched you're temper, Izuku.