
Blue Paint

"Hey, want to be reincarnated?" It all started with that simple question, sure it wasn't said exactly in that way or context but it's all the same, the events remained the same... and so did its effects, its effects on both her story and on herself. Mysterious beings sending people across the many worlds through a cafe and their strange sense of doing things have brought her into an experience that she would either regret experiencing or look back on as necessary suffering. An alien planet of human-looking people who display power and skills of unique origin. With blasters, air rifles, railguns, flying ships, flying cars, spaceships, teleporters, and enormous rings, she woke to find herself in a world that was foreign to her with all forms of objects that she could only dream of. They continuously went against what she thought to be humanly possible, though I guess that is no longer a valid thought to have, they however have predetermined thoughts about her. The people there despised her existence, they wished for her pain, her suffering, her death... Throughout many years of pain and suffering, she still found a way to come out on top, she found a way to prove her existence ignoring all that was done to her and said about her. Like a bolt of lightning, she came quickly, she came loudly, and she left her presence in the hearts and minds of the people she encountered, for that was what she desired, for however much they wanted her erasure and disappearance she wanted them to be reminded of her presence even more. Blue Paint. Her hair and eyes cultivate the paint that is splattered across the canvas that is her, and the pain she amasses shall be the brush she uses to plaster said paint. At the end of the journey even with the many things, she shall experience on the way her mind will always go back to when she was asked that very simple question. "Hey, do you want to be reincarnated?" *** Extra Tags – Gender-bender, Action, Adventure, War, etc. Chapter length - 1500 - 2700 One chapter a week. (No promises) COVER IS NOT MINE, I am not the cover's rightful owner. If the original artist wants it taken down then please contact me! Discord: https://discord.gg/cBKysw4VFx

Pasithea_Midnight · 科幻言情
75 Chs


As she fiddled with the religious piece in her hands she felt strange. Lulu hoped nothing would happen, but just her encounter with Reverand Julon was enough for her to know it wasn't possible.

Even if they weren't making it obvious, there were many gazes on her. The clergy members were hiding their contempt well it's just that Lulu was sensitive to these types of things. She could feel all of their gazes and she could tell where they were coming from.

Looking around, she tried finding her one and only friend. Since she was the last to arrive then Karma had to be here.

Turning her gaze off to the side she caught Helia off to the side with a man of similar looks to her who Lulu could only assume to be her brother, Karma's uncle. Giving her a slight wave she saw her point to the line ahead of her.

Due to being the shortest around her age, she had to peek around the side. Popping her head out the side she could see her favorite redhead turning her head in all directions. Karma was probably looking for her as well.

When Karma spotted her a vibrant smile took hold of her face. It was quite a marvelous sight, she was beautiful for her age.

The two girls waved at one another. They wanted to go and stand next to each other but since the Aevent Baptism was happening right now. They weren't allowed to move from the spot until they finished and were given their Baptismal names.

Bobbing her head Lulu prepared herself, the line in front of her was getting shorter and shorter. Even though there was a small pool of water behind the woman who was in charge of the process; she was ducking their heads in a large vessel of clear water.

After she did this she would wipe something on their foreheads before speaking a few chants. After which the child would look in front of them with widened eyes.

By the reaction of others, Lulu could tell something happened but she couldn't see anything.

Upon it being Karma's turn, the lady grew a strange expression on her face before she wiped it away. Lulu couldn't tell whether she also had a strange look in her eyes – due to her wearing a blindfold. Just the split change in expression from her irked Lulu, these people had problems with her and Karma being here.

She was feeling uncomfortable by the lady but thankfully she had Karma dunk her head in the water without any problems. After Karma dunked her head, she did as the other; dried off and had the weird liquid spread on her forehead, probably some kind of holy water.

After that, a name in pure Flauna, so much pure Flauna that it was even visible to Lulu, appeared in front of her. The name: Ifrin.

Karma was now standing off to the side. Not with her family, but with the other kids. Though it would be appropriate to say that she was standing alone. They were waiting for everyone to finish so that they could move on to the next part of the ceremony – receiving their family symbol.

After a continuous repetition of children dunking their heads, it was finally Lulu's turn. Something strange happened as soon as she stepped forward. The priestess in front of her had the vessel moved out of the way.

– "Due to your difference in circumstances and your life of sin. We must have you submerge half your body in this bath of water. Rid yourself of sin and you shall be presented to Lord Soletti."

Even though there was contempt littering the blindfolded lady's words she held on her face a brilliant smile. It was a smile that could clear the uneasiness of a heart. She did well to hide her thoughts from the people present, but Lulu could feel it.

The lady's words, her smile. They both were venomous. Her words held contempt and her smile was as fake as can be. Just staring at the lady caused a sense of dread to cast over her face.

Lulu looked down at the hexagonal plates on her legs and felt the ones supporting her back. The plates on her leg were obvious for anyone to tell they were mechanical.

It might not be possible for them to tell what they did for Lulu, but they seemed important. And who wouldn't want to ruin something important for a person they loathed?

They wanted Lulu to step into the bath of water to ruin her support.

Sighing at the reality of her situation, a bitter smile formed on her face. It was fortunate that her mother thought of this beforehand. Before they had left the house Latia had lathered all of the Hexagonal plates in a thick water-resistant metal lubricant.

All eyes were on her, she was the last to go.

Nervously stepping forward she descended into the water. Taking quite a few more steps forward she was in the center where more than half her body was submerged in the water.

She felt a prickling sensation on the back of her neck, her senses were going off but she couldn't tell why. The water wasn't doing anything to her so she dunked her head in the water.

Fwaaa~ Pulling her head out of the after, with an audible gasp, Lulu rubbed her wet hair from in front of her eyes. Grabbing the towel that the priestess held, she dried herself off and waited for the priestess to do her part.

As the priestess raised her arm, very reluctantly mind you. Lulu's ears started to twitch uncontrollably followed by a strained expression appearing on her face.

Nizael, Latia, and Karma were the only ones to notice this as they were worried about what was so worrying about what she was hearing. While Lulu was silently stressing out.

The voices she heard in the temple were shouting and yelling in what seemed to be enthusiastic cheers, but their voices were so horrid that their cheers were freaking her out.

Not only that, she could hear loud gnarls and roars similar to the voices. Yet instead of being around her, they were coming from outside the city.

She didn't know why these voices and sounds were increasing and entering her head, but they were unnerving for her. She was left to simply ignore them.

Rubbing the holy water across Lulu's forehead the priestess repeated the chant she had said many times before and took steps back. She turned around and waited at the door to the next hall.

Lulu looked at the air in front of her. She could see something happening in front of her.

It's been a while since she's Transcended and this was perhaps the first, maybe the second time she's seen such a scene. She was sure that she had Transcended, but she had yet to witness the Flow of Flauna.

It was something that had always bothered her. Even if Karma would try and assure her, saying things like: "More Flauna streams are flowing around you than before."

Those words wouldn't change anything. She still couldn't see them so she was still left with uncertainty.

Yet, what was happening in front of her seemed to be familiar with what Karma and Tavella had described it as. Then at the same time, it was different.

There was the blue that she had seen with Karma's name, but there was also this strange energy. Similar yet different to the blue, it lacked presence and she felt a closer connection to it compared to the blue.

The two energy's clashed for a moment before settling down. The red had backed, it felt as if they were bickering, honestly. With the red backing down the blue increased in saturation as a name with a slight tint of red appeared in front of the confused Lulu.


– "So Flauna really is blue..."

Commenting on the energy's color she stared at it with a blank stare. A thought entered her head.

Her hair was the same color as their oh-so-precious energy. One which they use commonly, yet they have an overwhelming distaste toward her hair... perhaps it wasn't the color. But instead what it stood for.

"Veltae huh?... I like it."

Accepting the name with a soft smile Lulu nodded her head and went over to stand at the end of the group of kids. She still couldn't be with Karma, unfortunately.

Her ears began twitching once more. The voices that only she heard were repeating the name. Cheering, chanting it – as if they've been waiting to hear it all their lives.

Grumbling to herself she slumped her shoulder and shrunk into her confusion. She didn't even know what was going on anymore and she honestly didn't care for it. Whatever happens, may it take its course. She was leaving the city soon anyway.

But right now she had to receive her family piece.

Following the Priestess, they passed through the cleanly managed temple grounds and entered another large hall. After the baptism had finished, their families with symbols were escorted to the hall ahead of them.

After entering the hall, children who wouldn't receive one were escorted to their parents, leaving a much smaller group compared to before. Not many families owned symbols.

With everyone present, the priestess left the hall. Another priestess came in to overlook the procedure with similarly covered eyes.


Minor families went first. They would step forward to their families, whereas the family head, or their representative, would also step forward and hand them their family symbol. Some children received two, but that was only a few.

The many symbols given were varying in what they were. Some were mere objects like a badge and whatnot. Others were pendants, necklaces, earrings, and other forms of jewelry.

Some were even weapons. Such as the child next to Karma receiving a strange sword-like weapon.

Karma and Lulu would be the last to go since they were from the most prestigious families, in this temple at least. The people from the north, east, and west were in different temples.

It was now Karma's turn. The only people remaining in the room were Karma, Lulu, their families, and the clergy members. When Karma stepped forward she was grinning brightly.

Helia sighed at her silly child's behavior. The girl had come home in a rush earlier to bug her to let her go on a training trip with the General. Knowing Nizael, she didn't want to let her go.

That's what she wanted, but the constant bugging and whining would've killed her if it continued. So she relented and gave an okay. She was annoyed right now; why couldn't they give the family symbols at home. Instead, they had to waste their time coming out here all for these simple ceremonies. It was a hassle that she and Nizael agreed on.

Grabbing the items from her brother. Helia handed Karma two earrings of blue flames and a necklace decorated with flames of varying colors.

– "These are our symbols. You can choose whether or not to wear them. However, that is up to you whether or not you wish to represent the Urnfox family."

With those simple words, she stepped back along with Karma. They decided to wait for Lulu and her family.

Stepping forward Lulu looked down at the symbol in her mother's hands. It was a symbol she had seen quite a lot around their home. Everyone in the family had one, her grandmother had theirs tied on their hips while her mother had a more customized version that could be used as a hair accessory.

The one in her hands resembled the one in her hair. Seeing it brought a warm smile to her face as her cheeks heated up.

– "I remembered once, quite a while ago you had told me you wanted one like this for your hair to go in. You can't even imagine how happy I was when you told me that. I've had this prepared more than ten cycles ago."

The symbol was a glass-like object that was in a diamond shape. There were two hourglasses placed on it, and on its two sides was a place to latch stuff on. There was an opening on its top where the hair would go through before popping out the bottom.

Taking it out of her mother's hands she couldn't wait to put it in her hair. Though she needed to bundle it up first, maybe braided.


Returning to the Bavel estate they had prepared to relax after the unwanted event. Lulu's ears were twitching on end, she rushed up the stairs in a hurry followed by Karma.

Latia was wondering what it was that had caused Lulu to be nervous, that was causing her ears to twitch since earlier.

Nizael lead Helia and Latia over to the study where Sol was supposed to be waiting for her. She had told him before they left about her plans with Lulu, Latia was also told about them but a bit more time was needed to explain in more detail. She didn't want Latia or Helia to be unaware of what her child was doing.

Walking into the room they spotted Sol sitting behind the desk – tapping at a virtual screen. He had a serious expression on his face while looking at it. Swiping the screen, it disappeared. He sighed as he looked at Nizael

– "I've been contacted. One of our supply shipments was attacked. I assume it was the cult. I will be going to check out the situation, I won't be here while you explain your plan to them."

– "Alright. Contact me when you're on your way back."

With a short kiss, Sol walked out of the room in a hurry. He was off to deal with one of the many things that usually kept him out of the house.

"Sit. I'll tell you what I had planned."

Taking up Sol's previous spot she tapped her fingers on the desk and waited for them to share their questions.

– "Karma told me that she wanted to go with you and Lulu to train somewhere. Where are you headed?"

– "I plan on going up north. More specifically near the top of the Spectral Forest, we'll be meeting up with Nazare Clan."

– "Right, I see. As long as you protect her I don't have any qualms with it... Just don't let her near the Crypt."

– "No promises."

Helia only had one simple question that was quickly answered, after she went quiet and turned to Latia.

– "Mother, what do you plan on doing with Lulu up there? Don't tell me–"

Latia was fiddling with her hands. The thought of sending Lulu somewhere dangerous scared her; but what she feared the most were the places near the forest.

– "Yes. I plan on taking her to the rift and the crypt."

Answering her curiosities with a nod, Nizael answered her patiently.

– "The rift!? Why would you take her to such a dangerous place!"

Standing to her feet Latia expressed her dissatisfaction. Who in the world would be happy sending their child to such places.

– "... She's been hearing the voices, dear. That's why I'm taking her up there to train, the Nazare Clan will be a great experience for Lulu."

– "Voices..."

Nizael's reasoning calmed Latia down as she echoed her. Sitting back down she went quiet and rested her head in her hands. She didn't expect this to happen so soon, she didn't want it to happen so soon...

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