
Blue Archive (Stories Around Kivotos)

I hope you guys enjoy my kivotos story:>

Romance2Go · 漫画同人
5 Chs

First Day At Abydos

Shiroko rescues Sensei and eventually, the two arrive at Abydos' Foreclosure Task Force Club room, soon after, the school is attacked by the Kata-Kata Helmet gang, and Sensei teams up with the students to fight back.

*chirp* *chirp* *chirp*

??? : Huh?


??? : are you okay?

Sensei nodded

Shiroko: At least you're alive. I thought you were a goner when i saw you lying in the road like that. What's that? You fainted from hunger? Does that mean you're homeless? Ohh..

Shiroko then glances at Sensei

Shiroko: You came here on business, but fainted out of hunger and dehydration when you couldn't find a single shop open? Well, that's hardly surprising. It happens all the time around here. It's been a long time since there were businesses open in this neighborhood that offer food and drinks. You would have more luck further toward the outskirts. You're not sure how to get there? So this must be your first time here. Hold on.

Then Shiroko gave Sensei some of her energy drink.

Shiroko: it's for cycling, but It's all I have right now. Better than nothing. Wait. Let me get you a cup or something.

Suddenly Sensei drank the energy drink straight from the bottle. Shiroko was surprised to see that.

Shiroko: You weren't supposed to... Never mind, don't worry about it.

Then Sensei Thanked Her for coming to his rescue

Shiroko: Um... You look like you're an adult from the General Student Council. Are you here on some kind of academy-related business? Ours is the only one around. So you're here to visit Abydos High School?

Then Sensei Nodded

Shiroko: Oh. It's been a long time since anyone visited us. Let me show you the way. It's a bit too far from here. What? Too hungry to move? That...a problem.

Then Sensei suddenly asked for a ride.

Shiroko: but my bike only has one seat.

Then Sensei asked Shiroko for a piggyback ride instead.

Shiroko: fine. I'd rather do that. Let me just park my bike. Hop on.

Then Sensei hops on to Shiroko

Shiroko: Wait. It's just, i had been cycling for a while. I didn't work up that much of a sweat but still... I usually have to take a shower at school afterward and keep a change of clothes there. Huh? You don't mind? Do you actually think I smell good? What is anyone supposed to say to that? Whatever. As long as you're not going to complain. Let's go.

Hold on tight

Then Sensei And Shiroko Arrived at Abydos High School.

Shiroko: I'm back

Serika: Welcome back, Shiro...ko? Who's that riding on your back?!

Nonomi: Whoah! Shiroko kidnapped someone!

Ayane: That or it's a dead body! What did you do, Shiroko?

Serika: Everyone calms down. We have to help her hide the body! Grab a shovel and a pickaxe from the storage!


Sensei then collapses in front of them

Shiroko: Settle down-they're alive and breathing. They just came to visit the school.

Ayane: What? It's not a corpse?

Serika: A visitor? Are you sure you didn't kidnap them?

Shiroko: Uhhh..

Sensei Greets Them with a smile

Nonomi: I'm shocked. We haven't had a visitor in ages

Ayane: True...but were we expecting anyone?

Sensei: I'm an advisor with Schale. It's nice to meet you

Everyone is shocked to hear that

Ayane: No way! Are you?!

Serika: You're with Schale? The Federal Investigation Club?!

Nonomi: Wow! That means you got the letter Ayane wrote!

Ayane: This is great. This means we can finally get more ammo and supplies.

I have to tell Hoshino. Wait... Where is she anyway?

Serika: She's taking a nap in the next room. I'll go wake her up.

Serika then proceeds to wake Hoshino Up But suddenly you all hear a gunshot

Nonomi: Was that gunfire?!


Helmet Gangster B: HAHAHA!

Helmet Gangster A: They're all out of ammo! Finish 'em off, and then take over the school!

Ayane: There's a group approaching the school! It must be the Kata-Kata Helmet gang!

Shiroko: Those punks... They have some nerve coming back for more.

Serika: I've got Hoshino! Now if she'd just wake up!

Hoshino: *yawn* Just five more minutes...

Ayane: Hoshino! The Helmet Gang is attacking again! By the way, this is Sensei from Schale.

Hoshino: Ohhh. That's a problem.* Nice to meet you Sensei.

Serika: Wake Up and get your butt in gear, Hoshino! Literally! We have to defend the school!

Hoshino: *yawn* Don't they know it's rude to wake the elderly during naptime? Time to teach those Helmet Gang whippersnappers a lesson.

Shiroko: Let's get going. Sensei brought us ammo and supplies to use.

Nonomi: Okay! Let's sortie, everyone!

Ayane: I'll navigate us from here. Stay on the back lines and provide support, Sensei

And then Sensei and Others Fought the Helmet Gang Until they retreated

Ayane: The Kata-Kata Helmet Gang is retreating from the district

Nonomi: Wow! We won!

Serika: Hahaha! How do you like that, helmet gang?

Great job everyone! You're safe to return to campus.

To be continued...