
Bloody Vampire King

Noah_Peace · 奇幻
10 Chs

Kings and Queens drama

In the palace The were wolves King has arrived your Grace informed the royal guard King Devin stood up majestically and walk to the entrance to receive his visitor I am so honored you came Knox he spoke addressing the King Knox I was honored to be invited either Ruthless he smiled They hug and sat on the round table (Ruthless is King Devin's nickname) Long time Ruthless, don't tell me you are still single? The vampire King smirked Maybe throughout this feast you should find a mate Am not old Knox he protests I know but you are a King he replied with a serious tone I've heard you he retorted You know I like women alot King Knox said smiling sheepishly I know said Devin Hope you prepared beautiful young maidens for me? Sure Said Devin They were engrossed in the conversation that King Knox forgot his beta Andrew, he's also a royal Andrew coughed and got their attention I'm sorry this is my beta Andrew said King Knox It's a pleasure meeting you King Devin, I've heard a lot about you from your friend the King Devin smiled and got up to go when the door opened to reveal the elvequeen The elvequeen stood at the door head high in all her glory A blonde white skin beautiful lady Wow King knox muttered while King Devin walked majestically to were she was took her hand and kissed her knuckles You are welcome to venngreberg No one ever mentioned your beauty king knox interrupted Her face lit up I'm the werewolf king and I like nobles there stare at each other for a while The maids will show you to your quarter my queen king Devin broke the silence Thank you Devin Let's go King Knox See you at dinner Knox wink at the elvequeen Stop that,stop trying to harass my guess King Devin said Whatever he replied Lana's POV I haven't seen the King for a while now and am OK with that I can't imagine myself going through what I passed through the other time one part of me liked it but I nearly died I'm to Start my duties tomorrow since am good now am a shy type how would I face the King Someone bagged in it was Cara Have you seen the werewolf king? He's so cute and attractive Cara said The party starts tomorrow and I won't miss any till the last day said again Are you OK? She asked lana Yeah you amuse me lana said How? She asked parties are not for maids most a servant like me Lana replied That's not how we do it here Cara said everyone party and get drunk We will surely be choosed to serve at the party Oh OK Lana replied and left for the bathroom Omg Cara is crazy she thought The next day Lana got up very early dressed in her servant uniform and went to the kitchen to start preparing her master's food she was done in no time and went to prepare his bath The King was still sleeping when she passed she made sure she did everything quiet to avoid him waking up after preparing the King's bath and setting his breakfast she left the room King Devin POV I was still sleeping when the familiar lilac smell filled my nostrils I pretended to be asleep while looking at her soon she was done and left I opened my eyes slowly and in felt the sharp pain in my chest Oh God not again I think I will ask Natalie When she arrives today a knock came on the door and Gavin came in My lord King Knox is waiting for you outside OK tell him am coming let me freshen up King Devin replied You need me for anything else? Gavin asked? Is the witch queen here yet No but her escorts are here She will be here any moment from now Gavin replied There heard a loud chatter outside I think Natalie is here to welcome her am coming he said and ran to the bathroom At dinner King Knox kept starring at the elvequeen You look stunning my queen he compliments Everyone knows that she replied So arrogant he thought Natalie heard his thought and started laughing Queen Kalan was up set and decided to act As a witch queen you should have fangs she said facing Natalie As an elvequeen who knew you could be so arrogant she said laughing more Devin decided to interrupt the argument I want to speak with you my queen Kalan face lit up Who she asked Me ofcourse Said Natalie and she stood up Kalan was curious and jealous at the same time She did everything to get Devin attention before this witch came It seems you don't like them speaking in private Knox interrupts her why don't we speak privately instead I love blondes and I will indulge your curiousity all night long he said with a wink Are you capable of giving me the type of pleasures which you speak she asked now calmly I'm 100%sure my queen Then we meet tonight in my chamber she said with finality and stood up Devin and Natalie entered the room and Natalie locked the door behind soon she was undressing What are you trying to do he asked Why would a handsome and attractive king want to speak with me she asked Is about my mate he said What about her she asked she's safe after all I smell her king Devin said She is near she said Can you tell me her name Devin asked I'm sorry I can't wait Natalie and she left the room * Oh yeah Faster O my Ohhh Ohhh I'm about to cum the elvequeen screamed while getting her pussy screwed by king Knox You are so sweet he said he groans Ahhhhhhh she screamed as hot fluid flowers down her pussy but Knox still had a hard on They went many rounds till morning * King Devin kept thinking about his mate and couldn't sleep throughout the night Early the next morning Gavin came in with new clothes for the party My King you choose the one you want to wear I will tell Lana to come and help you dress up when is time Devin's heart skip a bit on hearing the name Is it possible for a human to have effect on a vampire he asked inwardly Could this be love How can I love someone who is not my mate not even a vampire I will go and see jonas tomorrow Gavin he called and he answered Prepare the horses early tomorrow morning we're going to see Jonas Why?? I want to know my mate he said with finality