
Bloody Secrets

She was hiding, hiding from the world. Afraid to hurt anyone. Until one day, everything began to change... change into something worse. In war, to attain victory, they must fight until the end. Everyone doesn't know whose side will win until everyone is killed. A lot of blood will be spilled and countless lives will be taken. Forbidding themselves to love is the best way to avoid experiencing it. Because for them, to love one another means someone has to die in return. Will someone choose to sacrifice a life so that everyone can live? Or will they choose to fight then both live? Are they ready to know the secrets that were hidden from them? If yes, blood will be spilled.

ItsMicheeeee · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Chapter 5 - Aftermath


I was heading now toward the cafeteria when I noticed that the students are all looking at me strangely. Maybe because of what I have done a while ago which was clearly out of my character. However, I didn't pay any attention and just proceeded to walk.

"What the fuck Ace! Did you get into a fight?" Sean asked looking amazed. I didn't notice that he was already in front of me.

"First day, first fight. Nice!" He added mocking. This is Sean Lockhart, my best friend.

"No." I simply replied and he just laughed at me.

After that, he pulled me towards a table where we began to eat our meal. He already ordered a portion of food for me so there was no need for me to hassle from the line in the cafeteria.

This man right here is like an older brother who always takes care of Ava and me. Well, he is older than us and he has a little brother. It could be the reason why he is caring and responsible when it comes to the people around him… only to the people he cares about and treats seriously because he is a notorious playboy when it comes to women.

"So, are you close to that D girl?" He asked before he drank his iced tea.

"What D girl?" I curiously asked. His eyes widened at my question as if he was surprised about something that I have said.

"Dangerous girl, Dude. You really don't know her?" He answered in disbelief and takes a bite of his food.

"Not really," I replied and take a bite of mine too.

"You sure?"

"Because if I were you, Ace… I'll stay away from her." He stated without even looking at me but, from the tone of his voice, I know he wants to say something other than those words. This is the first time he has ever warned me about something so serious. He always supports me and often gives me a go signal on anything that I want but now... it seems that something is off.

"So that woman has been having sex at the rooftop of the second building." A girl whispered at the right side of our table. I don't know the reason but somehow my heart started beating fast when I heard those words.

"Yep, many have seen her with numerous men heading up there." The other girl replied with an amused tone in her tone which started to get me irritated.

I stood up from my seat which made Sean look at me when he was about to take another bite but he shifted his gaze once again to his plate when some of the food on his spoon fell over his plate.

"I'll be heading somewhere. I'll pay you later." I said to Sean and he just nodded in return as he continued to eat.

I don't know what has gotten into me but I immediately ran towards the place that those people were talking about. My heart is pounding fast and my knees are trembling like crazy until I ended up at the second building's rooftop.

Now, I'm holding the doorknob.

Soon as I open this, I'll see her...

"What are you doing here?" A girl surprisingly asked behind me which made me turn to face her instantly.

"I was-"

I was still talking but was unable to finish my words when she just passed through me and opened the door. I sighed in relief when I realized that she wasn't the one the girls were talking about a while ago… or is it really her?

"Follow me." She suddenly said which made me look at her. Her voice still sends shivers down my spine to the point that I had no choice but ended up follow her to the rooftop.

"Sit." She ordered, so I did like a good dog.

Are we going to have sex here?

Right then, I stiffened when I noticed her getting near me. I don't know but because of the reason that I feel nervous right now, I stupidly closed my eyes. Yet, I flinched when I suddenly felt a cold thing on my face.

Is that a cold compress at my jaw?

"You should have stayed at the clinic." She said all of a sudden which made me slowly open my eyes and there, I saw her inches away from me still holding the compress in her hand. Just like before she looks so worried for me.

"So, why are you here?" She asked again and now looked me in the eye. It snapped me back to reality.

"Oww. That!" I said trying to avert her cold gaze. I noticed her grin after that.

"You heard about that rumor." She said as she puts down the compress and lay down on the ground despite it being dirty and cold.

"Are those... true?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me first then looked up at the sky. The sky was so calm that it makes you feel relaxed. Although it's already noon, the weather is not too hot. In this kind of weather, anyone would be wanting to sleep under the peaceful sky.

"It's true if you believe that it is true and it's a lie if you believe that it is a lie." She paused and looks at me again.

"It depends on whatever you believe in." She added and now closed her eyes.

I don't know.

I don't even know anything about her.

I don't even know her name.

"By the way… what's your name?" I asked and there she opened her eyes flashing into slits.

I think she was angry that I asked for her name.

"If you knew my name you will be in trouble." She said and covered her eyes with her arms, I think that she is about to sleep.

"But I'm already in trouble," I whispered. Just then, she looked at me… with a strange look on her face. She was looking at me... sadly?

"You said that... right?" She asked as she came near to me.

"Question is, are you ready for the aftermath?" She asked coldly.