
Bloody Secrets

She was hiding, hiding from the world. Afraid to hurt anyone. Until one day, everything began to change... change into something worse. In war, to attain victory, they must fight until the end. Everyone doesn't know whose side will win until everyone is killed. A lot of blood will be spilled and countless lives will be taken. Forbidding themselves to love is the best way to avoid experiencing it. Because for them, to love one another means someone has to die in return. Will someone choose to sacrifice a life so that everyone can live? Or will they choose to fight then both live? Are they ready to know the secrets that were hidden from them? If yes, blood will be spilled.

ItsMicheeeee · 奇幻言情
15 Chs

Chapter 15 - Second Secret: My Fiancé


We are still here in Europe and the month of September had already passed. It's the month of October and I can feel the coldness of the surroundings. A few days before now, an invitation was sent for a party and here I am getting ready for the said event. Father said that this party is not like any other event where I often went to before. He reminded me to look calm and as much as possible I should not attract any attention from the other guests.

As if I would?

"Ace?" Someone called which made me look at my door and saw that Ava is standing there.

"What is it?" I asked but she just ran and hugged me. After that, she gave me a pin.

"What's this?" I asked. She just smiled. It's a red rose pin.

"It's from mom." She said but now smiled sadly.

"She wants you to have it, for protection." She added as a tear escaped from the corner of her eyes.

"Shhhh," I said and reached for her to calm her again but she cried even more after that. She still can't stop crying.

A week already passed after I got into that accident and after she heard what kind of family we have. Every night, I can hear her crying from her room. It is just too hard for her to know all this. She is still young which is why I can't help but feel sorry for her.

When she finally stopped crying, she pulled herself away.

"I'm okay now." She said wiping her tears.

"I have to get ready." She added and went outside. After she got out of the room someone knocked, when I look at that person it was Dad.

"Yes?" I asked. He then proceeds to walk and sat on the sofa facing my bed.

"You will meet your fiancé tonight." He suddenly stated. How I wish that girl won't show up anymore.

"Will she show up?" I asked. He laughed as if it was a joke, it wasn't funny at all. Though, he didn't answer my question. I don't know if that's a yes or no. He just went outside without a word.

How strange!

Until now I haven't met that fiancé of mine. I still haven't seen her face, I don't know what kind of character she has, or which family she belongs to. I don't know whether she is quiet, loud, funny, or mysterious like her.

"Aviana..." I whispered.

In other words, I still don't know a thing about my fiancé. I wonder if my father already knows anything about her. Well, probably yes, I think? Maybe he got curious and run a background check on her. I don't know.


The loud classical music of the party and the buzzing of hundreds of people talking to each other, let us also include their laughter. All of those can be heard outside. We are finally here at the venue of the party.

Mom and dad are already inside with Ava greeting the other guests. While I decided to stay here since I don't know anyone and I don't want to talk to people. Other than that reason, my fiancé is not here yet so I'd rather stay here.

I'm leaning against the wall, not far from the door entrance of the party when a car suddenly stopped. This guest is late. I noticed that there were other cars stopped too. I wonder who might be this person. They seem to be powerful just by judging from the cars that they bought.

Later on, men went out of their cars and one man opened the door from the third car. A girl stepped out of that car and at that very moment, I suddenly feel like I'd seen her somewhere. Though, I can't really tell because she was too far from me.

She is wearing a black fitted gown. She looks beautiful but I can't see her face that well from where I was standing. Yet, I can tell she looks gorgeous from here. I tried to walk towards them to see her clearly when someone pulled me from behind and when I look at that person, it was Ava.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Father is calling you." She said then glanced behind me, I did too and realized that the people who were walking a while ago were no longer there.

"Alright," I answered as we proceeded to walk inside the venue.

When I was finally inside, I noticed that the party became quiet and the people were all looking in one specific direction. So, I decided to look at where they were looking as well. There, I saw the girl from outside but now she is with someone, an old man.

"No need to stop." The old man suddenly said. He has this Russian accent.

After stating that, the music continued to play. Then my gaze turned to my dad who looks surprised by this man's appearance at the party.

Ava continued to walk and so did I but when dad saw us walking toward them. He signaled pleading not for us to proceed and to turn around but… it was too late. Someone stopped me from walking away from them. It was a heavy hand patting my shoulder which made me froze.

"So, you are the boy of Don Fiera." The old man said. I turn around to see him and bowed as a sign of greeting. It was the old man that has that Russian accent.

"Yes." I just confidently said. He just answered me with a laugh then continued to walk towards my dad while holding one of my arms. He wasn't letting go of me.

"Don Henry and Doña Catherina Fiera." He called as he finally let go of my arm.

"Mr. Alexander De Lave." My father greeted bowing to him, and so did Mr. De Lave.

"Now that we are all here, why don't we introduce your son and my granddaughter to each other?" Mr. De Lave asked. My dad nodded as an answer. He looked at me after that, so I walked toward them as I hold onto Ava's hand. When we were finally beside dad, I told Ava to hold onto mom's hand. After that, I looked at Mr. De Lave.

"I'm Ace Kien Fiera," I stated, to my surprise, he smiled in return.

"My child." He called for someone behind him and the girl from a while ago appeared. But then, I stiffen as I look at her standing right in front of me. I stared at her for a minute to make sure that I'm not hallucinating things or something and damn.

This is real… isn't it?

"Ace." She called while coldly looking at me.

"Aviana," I answered as I notice that my family looked at her in unison.

"Ace." I heard Ava call and hold onto my hand, she sounded worried.

"Seems like you two know each other already." Mr. De Lave interrupted.

What's this?

What is happening?

Then my gaze attracted someone's attention. The girl who is wearing a coat and the pencil-cut skirt, her assistants' rather attendant's usual attire. Just as I thought, I saw that kind of fashion style before.

Why didn't I recognize her when I saw her at the hotel? Why didn't Aviana inform me that she is my fiancé? Is she testing me? What for? What does she want?

I looked at her coldly but it surprised me when she sadly smiled at me.

"May I borrow her for a second?" I asked but I didn't wait for Mr. De Lave's permission. I hurriedly pulled Aviana away from them and she didn't stop me from doing so.


I stopped in a place where there was no one around. I pinned her towards a tree and kissed her so intensely. I was surprised when she responded to it, which made me push her away!

Is she making fun of me?

"What the hell?" I asked in disbelief.

"Ace." She called trying to reach me.

"WHAT?!" I shouted that making her step back.

"I'm sorry." She said as she started to cry.

Why the hell is she crying again?

"You should not agree to marry me." She insisted which made me hold onto her arms and kissed her once again. I can feel her tears continues to flow from her eyes.

"ACE!" She shouted now and pushed me.

"Please don't agree to this. Please stay away." She pleaded.

"Do you think that I would agree to that? Now that we have a reason to be together, you are pleading with me to leave?" I asked in disbelief.

"WHY?" I shouted.

"Because this is for the best." She answered trembling.

"Damn it! Aviana, don't do this." I said but her tears continued to flow even more.

Does she badly want me to stay away?

"Then tell me," I said and hold onto her cheeks.

"Tell me. WHY?!" I shouted but she just smiled at me. Don't show me that you are happy with this! Don't fucking smile at me!

"Can't you see?" She asked.

"I used you." She added that left me dumbfounded.

"W-What?" I asked almost laughing to her face.

"I know you're already right from the start. I knew everything about you." She said coldly as she started to walk towards me while wiping the tears that fell from her face.

"This is nonsense," I said and turn around.

"Think of a better reason first so that I can stay away," I said and walked away from her. Because I… already did the same thing as her. Making up excuses just so she could stay away from me. But why?

Why does she want me to stay away from her?

I hurriedly ran away from her towards the venue. I don't want to listen to her voice. I don't want to listen to her because, in the end, I might think that she is telling the truth.

Did she really use me?

Well, I think that she is right. My family is known in the mafia world, everyone wants to attain the top and she is involved too... in the mafia world. In other words, she really did use me. I stopped running.

Did she really use me?

I was out of my mind for a few seconds but then I started to walk once again. I came back to the venue when I noticed that all of Aviana's men were not there anymore. Then, I saw Mom with our men running towards me.

"Where's Ava and Dad?" I asked confused then, I saw her surprised by my question.

"What happened?" I asked but now, mom broke out in tears.

"I can't find Ava." Mom said holding onto me tightly.

"She said she was going to follow you but she never returned. Did you see her? Tell me you saw her Ace." She asked as she trembled in fear. I can't explain my mom's face right now. Mom is really worried.

Where the hell did you go, Ava?

Yet, my body felt numb. I don't know why but my body moved on its own and here I am now running as my heart continues to pound like crazy. I don't know where my feet were taking me but all I know is that I am heading towards...
