
First Blood

Instinctively, we're inclined to dodge away from enemies but against the Skockle this is a death sentence. Its attack pattern consists of a fast ram-like dash, X-shaped slashes in front of it with its beak, and several jump attacks with its powerful legs. In short, the safest area to be fighting one is to its side as their unsightly large cranium prevents them from rotating in place--forcing them to circle around similar to how an automated vehicle would.

A character's stats have an impact on how they see the world, and in Yvette's case, how I do as well. For example, WISDOM affects the rate at which you notice movement in the world while AGILITY is the speed at which you can act. When something with an AGILITY of 100 moves at top speed, it is perceived at about a 1/2 the rate for a 50 WIS person as it is for a 100 WIS person. On the downside, being able to notice something quickly doesn't mean you can physically react quickly.

With Yvette's natural inclination for WIS and the relatively low AGI stat of the bird, I can clearly see the bird's movements; however, there'll be an input delay for the actions I take as the player. As such, I need to predict the bird's movement and act around 30s in advance.

The bird 50 meters away squats down and kicks its hind legs as if revving an engine, an indicator of it beginning a charge in Yvette's direction. As this happens, I quickly hoist Yvette onto a lowhanging branch. It's now less than 20 meters away and I tighten my mouse grip in anticipation. At approximately 10meters, I input Yvette to drop down from the tree whilst doing two upward thrusts with the [Strengthened Branch]. Due to the input delay, I watch as the Skockle jumps at Yvette with its beak open. Simultaneously, she falls under it and lands one thrust. The other thrust, due to my error, was inputted way too late and she awkwardly thrusts at the air while she slides on the mud beneath her.

<Skockle was hit for 20 Physical Damage!>

<Skockle resists Physical Damage by 25, nullifying the attack.>

<Skockle was hit for 833 Nature Damage!>

<Skockle resists Nature Damage by 450, lessening the blow to 383.>

Because the DEFENCE attribute is calculated cumulatively, it's often misleading. The attribute factors in resistances, armor, etc. on any part of the body. So while something could have a DEF of 9000, all of that 9000 DEF could be on their pinky toe and only resist metal-type damage. As well, DEF can be bypassed by certain powerful critical hit moves but critical hits in "Bloody Reign" only ignore DEF and have no other effects. In the case of Yvette's <BRANCH THRUST>, she, unfortunately, landed the thrust on the most heavily feathered part of the torso which has a high NATURE RESISTANCE.

As soon as Yvette landed on the ground, I quickly input a movement to block the Bird's line of sight by going behind a nearby tree before it turns around and charges again. Due to its abysmal INTELLIGENCE, it possesses little knowledge of object permanence and will lose aggro if it can't see its prey. It also possesses little perception unlike modern birds and can be easily fooled by camouflage. Taking advantage of these facts, I have Yvette crouch into foliage and peek at the bird's movements. Bewildered, it rams its head at the tree it saw the woman on then rests on the ground in frustration.

[Skockle, LVL: 10]

[HP: 517/1300 | MP: 300] [DEF: 500]

Predatory bird with high mobility and massive single target damage in its beak.

Attributes: [INT: 3] [STR: 210] [WIS: 10] [AGI: 50] [CON: 13] [CHA: 1]

Skills: [UNKNOWN]

Yvette is only 5m away. If she can get into close combat while it's still in a resting state, then she can easily finish it off before it can even react due to its low WIS. I read the skill description of [Survivor's Adrenaline Rush III].

[Active, Survivor's Adrenaline Rush] Your body refuses to die. Adrenaline courses through your veins in the face of danger and you expend all lifeforce to survive.

[Effects, LV.3: Increases WIS and AGI by 200.00%. Duration: 22.5s. Repeated use applies [Exhaustion] Debuff]

With this skill, she should be able to reach the bird before it can react and quickly thrust the branch into its eye, a vital area. There's no time to think, so I quickly activate the skill then execute the command for a full sprint into thrust.


<Skockle hit for 20 Physical Damage!>

<Skockle hit for 833 Nature Damage!>

<Skockle was defeated!>

I pump my fist in the air, then cough to myself realizing how embarrassing this all is. I also remind myself that this isn't a game, but a real-world and that the girl I controlled just lost her entire family... Still, it feels pretty good to execute a strategy successfully.

<Skill Learned: Passive, Spear Art I>

<Experience Gained: 1000>

<LEVEL UP! Level: 5>

<Skill Requirements Met: [Survivor's Lament I]>

<Learn Skill?>

I quickly select <Yes>.

<LEVEL UP! Level: 6>

I check the status as I exit player mode and return her autonomy.

[Yvette, LVL: 6] [XP: 200/1200]

[HP: 800/800* | MP: 100/2600] [DEF: -]

[Race: Human] [Class: Survivor] [Affinity: Nature]

Attributes: [INT: 26] [STR: 20] [WIS: 69] [AGI: 25] [CON: 8*] [CHA: 45] [Unused: 60]

*Respawn Penalty: CON reduced by 20% (Duration Remaining: 48Hrs)

Skills: [Expand...]

I decide to put all her points into AGI for now. Since I'm helping her, she doesn't need to worry about HP due to the respawn function. I should probably consult her about this, but... it would most likely just confuse her. After all, I can't exactly tell her that she's living in a game-world. I know that having high AGI will make it a lot easier for her to get stronger in the forest. Once I finalize my decision, I click on [Spear Art I], a pleasant boon from the fight.

[Passive, Spear Art] After utilizing a spear attack, you gain proficiency in the art and enable access to potential spear combat skills.

[Effects, LV.1: +2.1%DMG to spear attacks, potential spear skills as mastery of the art increases.]

This helps a lot for deciding the path to develop her in since learning a skill from only one combat encounter implies a natural talent. Nurturing her spear abilities will likely be easier than forcing another melee weapon onto her, and the spear is one of the most versatile melee weapons you can have so there's little room to complain.


The surreal state of being in a body that you have no control over is inexplicable. Watching through my eyes as I move in unnatural ways and not feeling any of the sensations of life, but still seeing them is nauseating. As I regain control of my body, I feel an overwhelming surge of power rush into me. Suddenly, my body's reactions feel heightened and I think, no, I *know* I'd be able to run many times faster than before. Even though nothing I just did felt real while it happened, it now does. The experience became embedded into my body and it's now *my* experience.

"Is it possible for you to only take partial control of me? To guide me more fluidly as I act myself?" I ask.

There's no response. I'll take that as a no, I guess? I recall the experience of enchanting the branch, a power I never knew I had. The feeling of magic.

I close my eyes and breath in. I enter a trance-like state and feel my mind being rejuvenated and my magic being developed. However, I'm quickly interrupted by the robotic voice, "Player", again.

"It. Is. Possible."

The thrill of killing the bird still hasn't left me. Maybe it's just a distraction from the pain I don't want to remember, but this tangible power growing inside me puts me at ease. I want more of it.

"This is gonna be fun," I respond.

I added a physical description of Yvette to chapter 2 since it fits there and I realized that the readers have no idea what she looks like.

BotBraincreators' thoughts