

In the opulent halls of Yanghua Manor, where crimson roses bloom under the moonlight and shadows whisper ancient secrets, Detective Liang Meiying walks a tightrope of truth and legend. A blood-soaked rose, an ominous note, and a whispered curse - the Fengling legacy. Each generation is tainted by misfortune, each member a suspect. Liang, with eyes sharper than polished jade, delves into a maze of family secrets, where envy festers and loyalty bleeds thin. Is the curse a vengeful phantom or a cunning killer cloaked in darkness? As danger tightens its grip, Liang must face a chilling truth: one shall fall, and none will be forgiven. Will she untangle the web of lies before the next petal drops, or will Yanghua Manor claim another victim, staining its roses with an even deeper crimson? Excerpt Liang couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Just what I needed – a haunted mansion with a side of family drama." Lord Yang Yuxuan shot her a look, a mix of annoyance and amusement, "Haunted mansion? Detective, this is a prestigious ancestral home with a few quirks, not a setting for one of those melodramatic horror films." They reached the top of the staircase to find Xia, a housemaid frantically pointing towards a portrait that now lay on the floor, its ornate frame shattered. "What happened here?" demanded Liang, her detective instincts kicking into high gear. Xia stammered, "I-I was merely dusting, and it fell on its own! I swear!" Liang arched an eyebrow, unconvinced, but before she could press further, a mysterious wind swept through the corridor, extinguishing the candles. "Who left the windows open?" Lord Yuxuan asked no one in particular. "Great. Now we're in a haunted, horror film," Liang deadpanned, her gaze fixated on the darkness. Lord Yang Yuxuan shot her a sidelong glance, lips twitching with a hint of a smile. "Detective, this is no time for jokes." Liang shrugged, "Humor is my coping mechanism. Keeps the ghosts at bay, you know?" But something didn't add up. "Lord Yang," she interjected, "you mentioned your father receiving the rose. But wasn't it your grandfather?" A flicker of surprise crossed Lord Yang Yuxuan's face, followed by a deep frown. "No, Detective. My father inherited it from his father, just as I did from him." The implication hung heavy in the air. If the note appeared just before his father's death, then the curse, or whatever was behind it, had chosen a different generation to claim its first victim.

Adela_Oma2000 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Secrets in Smoke and Moonlight

The moonlight shone through the stained-glass windows of Yanghua Manor, casting long, skeletal shadows that flickered like restless ghosts.

Detective Liang Meiying, who had a steely glint in her dark eyes, sat across from Lady Yang Huan in the secluded rose garden. Tension crackled between them.

"The note, Lady Yang," Liang's voice cut through the oppressive silence, "you said that it speaks of the 'Fengling Curse.' Can you tell me more?"

 Yang Huan, usually sharp and calculating, seemed to shrink under Liang's gaze. Her face, illuminated by the moon, looked pale and drawn, etched with lines of worries.

With a trembling hand, she picked a fallen rose petal on the stone table, its crimson color mirroring the blood-soaked note.

"It's... a family legend," she whispered, barely audible above the crickets' chirping, like they were gossiping about the latest scandal. "A shadow hanging over our lineage, whispered like a forbidden prayer."

She pressed her lips together, a flicker of fear dancing in her eyes. "Whispers of misfortune, of sudden deaths that claimed those touched by... by that..." she shuddered.

"The artifact," Liang interjected, her tone firm yet laced with understanding. 

Her voice rumbled low, weaving tales of a bygone era. "My ancestors, drunk on wealth and power, acquired the rose from a peddler, its beauty as unsettling as it was captivating."

"Strange illnesses, defying doctors and logic, began plaguing them. We still didn't believe its curse until my husband…" She closed her eyes, a tear dripping down her cheek. "The doctors were clueless, watching him wither to a shadow of himself, of that same strange illness." She choked back a sob.

Liang listened intently, her mind racing. Was this genuine terror, or a carefully constructed performance? Leaning forward, her eyes locked with Lady Yang Mei's, she pressed on. "Who do you think left the note, Lady Yang? Who harbors such animosity towards your family?"

Her grip on the rose petal tightened, crumpling it into a fist. "We have our rivalries, of course," she admitted, her voice tight.

"But nothing worthy of such... such barbarity." Her gaze flitted across the garden as if searching for answers amongst the swaying blooms.

Liang wasn't buying it. The note, dripping with crimson ink like a rejected horror novel, reeked of a grudge running deep.

She needed to peel back the layers of the Yang family's carefully constructed facade, to expose the truth buried beneath them.


The next morning, Liang found herself in the dimly lit library, her gaze sweeping the shelves in search of elusive clues. Amidst the musty scent of old books and aged leather, she noticed Lord Yang Yuxuan sitting in an oversized armchair, a book in hand.

"Well, if it isn't the detective herself," he greeted, looking up from his book with a wry smile. "Finding any earth-shattering revelations among the dusty tomes?"

Liang chuckled, "Oh, just the usual – tales of ancient curses, family secrets, and the occasional ghost story." She scanned the room, her eyes lingering on the worn-out carpet and faded wallpaper.

Lord Yang Yuxuan raised an eyebrow, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. "Ghost stories, you say? We do have quite the collection in this old house."

"I've noticed," Liang replied, her gaze drifting towards the shelves with a playful smirk. "Your family seems to have a flair for the dramatic, both in history and decor."

He chuckled, setting the book aside. "I suppose we do. So, Detective Liang, anything intriguing catches your eye?"

As Liang moved towards a particularly ornate bookshelf, her fingers grazed the spine of an ancient volume. With a subtle click, the floor below the portrait of an imposing ancestor creaked. Both Liang and Lord Yang Yuxuan turned their attention to the unexpected sound.

Liang's eyes widened with realization. "Well, this might be it." She approached the portrait, her fingers tracing its elaborate frame. "There's something beneath this very spot."

Yang Yuxuan leaned in, curiosity evident in his expression. "Beneath the portrait? What do you mean?"

Liang reached for a nearby book on that shelf, gently moving it aside. Another creak echoed as the floor beneath revealed a hidden compartment. "Seems like your family's secrets are more literal than I thought."

Together, they managed to pry the loose board away, revealing a narrow stairway leading into the unknown.

As they descended the creaking stairs, Liang couldn't resist making light of the situation. "Well, this is a unique way to spend a morning – exploring secret basements with the lord of the manor. Who needs coffee when you have hidden staircases?"

Yang Yuxuan grinned, "Indeed, Detective Liang. Nothing like a bit of mystery to start the day."

Yang Yuxuan descended the creaking stairs behind Liang, the chilly air clinging to their every step. As they reached the bottom, the ominous creaking amplified, sending a shiver down Liang's spine. Feeling a bit uneasy, she rested her hand on the grip of her gun.

She pushed open the basement door, revealing a space veiled in shadows. Boxes covered in dusty sheets and antique furniture stood frozen in time, like remnants of a bygone era.

The air was thick with dust, and the musty scent of old paper sent shivers down both of their spines. Liang turned on her flashlight, her eyes scanning the place in search of clues amidst the relics that surrounded them.

Her gaze fell upon a tarnished silver locket tucked away in a forgotten corner. It nestled amongst cracked porcelain dolls and yellowed love letters, a delicate phoenix adorning its surface. As Liang held it, a faint warmth pulsed through her – the whisper of magic tickling her spine.

Yang Yuxuan observed with a mixture of intrigue and concern as Liang examined the locket. "What do you make of it, Detective Liang?"

Liang, still entranced by the artifact, mused aloud, "Is this a clue to unlocking the secrets of the Fengling Curse, or is it merely an old family heirloom?"

As she tucked the locket safely into her pocket, a sudden movement caught her attention. Liang spun around, hand reaching for her gun. To her relief, it was just an old coat rack swaying in the draft from an unseen crack in the basement walls. She let out a nervous chuckle, her attempt at humor echoing in the quiet space.

"Haunted basements and mysterious drafts – just what I signed up for," she mumbled to herself, her voice carrying a mix of sarcasm. Yang Yuxuan joined in with a soft chuckle, the tension momentarily lifted.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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