

The school grounds were enveloped in twilight when Cassie went back to the castle. The flying horses had been fed and given whiskey long ago, but Hagrid had invited Cassie in for beet wine and elderberry biscuits. Buzzed, they had relived the day's events and Hagrid went on and on about Madame Maxime. It was apparent to Cassie that the half-giant was already developing a crush on the handsome headmistress. Cassie could only hope that her gentle friend wouldn't end up with his massive heart broken.

It was well past midnight when she reached the dungeons. She had every intention of stripping off her robes and crawling into bed beside Severus, so she was disappointed to find him still in his office. He and Kalina were seated across from each other at Severus's desk, which had open textbooks strewn all over its surface. Being so caught up in their discussion of the properties of eciton burchellii exoskeletons, neither one seemed to notice when Cassie entered the room.

"Of course, if the exact ingredient cannot be obtained, a suitable replacement will do," the Potions Master was saying.

"Perhaps another Dorylini," answered Kalina as she scribbled on a pad with her white-feathered quill.

"Not just any or we will risk having undesired results. I have done extensive work with Nomamyrmex and although it would take significantly more to have the same effects, it would be easier to obtain."

"We would need to counteract the increase in haemolymph," said Kalina simply. Severus studied her with a curious expression. Cassie didn't know if he found the blonde witch's response moronic or impressive, but she was too tired to find out.

"It's late," she interjected, coming to stand next to the desk. "Kalina has had a long day."

Severus glanced at the clock on his desk and his onyx eyes widened in surprise. "It seems this discussion will have to resume at a later time," he said, closing the book in front of him.

"If you insist, Master Snape." Kalina stood immediately. Cassie winced at the formal tone.

"I shall escort you to your ship," he announced, and without another word, master and apprentice swept from the room.

Severus rose earlier than usual the next morning. Being that it was Saturday, he had no classes to teach and it seemed whatever discussion he and Kalina had the night before had stuck with him even through his restless night of sleep. Cassie found him hunched over an open potions textbook once again. She summoned a house-elf for coffee and pushed the steaming cup into Severus's hands before he glanced at her.

"Good morning, Sev."

He nodded once, his black eyes flying back to the page he had been studying. She left him to his work without disturbing him again, intending to make herself available for open tutoring hours after breakfast. Finding the entrance hall packed with students as she reached the top of the dungeon staircase, she stood on her tiptoes to get a better look over the crowd at the Goblet of Fire.

Hushed whispers turned into unrestrained, excited chattering when Karkaroff and his students entered from the grounds. 'Krum' was definitely the most frequently uttered name and most eyes were on the Quidditch player as the Durmstrang students tried to make their way to the Goblet.

"Make way, make way!" Karkaroff grumbled irritably, shoving a second-year in his path with a swipe of his arm. The small Hufflepuff yelped as he stumbled into a group of his peers.

"Everyone, please give the delegations room," Cassie instructed as she moved toward the slighted second year. The Hogwarts students obliged, moving to the sides of the hall. Karkaroff noticed for the first time that Cassie was in the room. His face paled when she placed a protective hand on the shoulder of the student he had pushed.

"Come to watch Krum put in his name?" Draco, who had sidled up beside her, asked quietly. The Hufflepuffs near them scooted away.

"I was just trying to get to the Great Hall."

"No one's stopping you from going in."

"Karkaroff needs to be supervised," she replied under her breath.

"He wouldn't dare try anything under Dumbledore's nose."

Cassie grabbed the collar of Draco's robes and steered him to her classroom. Shutting the door, she asked, "What makes you so sure?"

Draco shrugged. "He's a coward. That's what Father says."

"Do you have reason to believe he would try something otherwise?"

"What? No."

"Then why say that?"

"You already suspect him of something. I'm sure you have your reasons."

Cassie sighed irritably. "Is this your way of being coy, Draco?"


"If Karkaroff told your father something - "

"It doesn't matter if he did," Draco snapped, "it's not like father would tell me."

It reminded Cassie of how strained Draco and Lucius's relationship had been over the summer holiday. After Draco had learned some details of his father's horrifying antics in his Death Eater days, he sought less guidance from the Malfoy patriarch. Cassie knew it would be a matter of time before her uncle blamed her in some capacity, although this time he would be perfectly justified.

The cousins emerged from the classroom in time to hear roaring laughter. The twins were sporting long, white beards, and Dumbledore seemed rather amused with the entire scenario. Karkaroff was nowhere to be found.

Unsurprisingly, Severus did not show up to breakfast. Madame Maxime and her students were filing into the Great Hall just as Cassie was standing to leave, and she wondered if Kalina had yet made her way to the dungeons to resume work with her new master.

Her classroom was full of chattering students throughout the day, although very few of them seemed interested in doing homework. They would randomly get up from their seats and return minutes later, likely making sure nothing interesting was happening with the Goblet of Fire. Cassie kept herself busy grading essays, and when most of the students headed to lunch she answered an owl from Diolinda regarding Bianca. No change in her health except she had stayed calm long enough to sit up by the fireplace for an hour. No progress was made in finding a healer they could trust.

Concerned that the Potions Master would work straight through the Halloween feast and miss the drawing of the champions, Cassie went to the dungeons as soon as her open hours were finished. Severus and Kalina were in nearly the same spots as they had been in the last night, seated and pouring over texts. Severus was murmuring something and Kalina was frantically scribbling with her quill, but this time Cassie's presence seemed to break their concentration. Both of them looked up at her in surprise as she entered the room like the last thing they would have expected to see was another human being.

"The feast is starting soon," Cassie stated.

Her fiance blinked at her several times before he formed an adequate response. "Of course," he said, turning to his blonde apprentice. "I apologize, Miss Karkaroff, it seems we have worked through lunch."

"I did not notice, Master Snape," Kalina said swiftly.

The corners of the Potions Master's lips twinged. "Nonetheless, we are done for the evening. The Headmaster expects every soul in this castle to attend the feast."

Severus and Kalina were still discussing hoodia gordonii when the three of them entered the Great Hall. The elaborate Halloween decorations managed to catch Kalina's attention and she paused mid-sentence to ogle at a skeleton that was charmed to twirl and dance between the house tables.

"Are things going well?" Cassie asked as she and Severus took their seats at the head table. A pair of Slytherin seventh-year boys were chatting with the potions apprentice, sitting up extra tall in their spots as they distracted the blonde from going to her seat.

"Unexpectedly," he intoned.

"You're surprised by her competence?"

"It's still very early. I have yet to test her brewing skills."

The feast started as soon as Dumbledore sat down. The majority of the students were focused on the flaming goblet that was standing in front of the head table and it seemed most of them had almost forgotten that there was delectable food to be eaten. Karkaroff was going on and on about how talented and special Krum was to anyone within earshot and Cassie did her best to drown him out as she pushed escargot around her plate. Perhaps it was the hall with hundreds of people in tense anticipation, but something felt off. She spent more time examining every area of the room from her spot than she did eating, and she nearly jumped when Severus gently touched her wrist.

"What is it?" he whispered.

She gave him a small shrug. Dumbledore stood to announce that the goblet would be making its decision soon. Just as he plunged the Great Hall into near-darkness, Cassie caught Moody staring at her.

The goblet's flames turned red and Krum was announced as Durmstrang's champion. The room rang with cheer and applause but no one was louder than Karkaroff. Krum walked into the chamber off to the side of the hall and everyone held their breath again; then Fleur Delacour was announced as the champion for Beauxbatons.

"Who do you think ours will be?" Cassie asked Severus as the silvery-haired witch disappeared into the side chamber.

"As long as it isn't Warrington," Severus muttered into her ear with a smirk. "I will be busy enough as it is."

Cassie giggled. They both knew that Cassius Warrington would make an incompetent champion. If the goblet chose him, Cassie would snap her wand in half.

The Hufflepuff table roared to life when Cedric Diggory was chosen. Cassie exhaled slowly as the noise eventually died down. She didn't know why she had been so anxious, as this was clearly a night of excitement and celebration. The students were chatting among themselves, having a hard time focusing on the Hogwarts Headmaster as he encouraged them to support the three champions when the goblet's flames changed from blue to red again.

Severus tensed beside her. Dumbledore reached out to grab the slip of paper that had sprouted from the goblet, and time stood still as the headmaster stared at the name before him.

"Harry Potter."

Harry looked distraught as every pair of eyes bore down on him. Dumbledore had to call to him more than once before he started walking to the head table. Karkaroff was snarling something angrily in his mother tongue and Kalina shushed him as her cheeks turned bright red.

Cassie made to follow Severus into the side chamber after Harry, but the headmaster placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Cassiopeia," he said quietly. "If you would do me the favor of fetching Sirius, I would be very grateful."

She hesitated for only a moment to lock eyes with Severus. He was frowning slightly, lost in thought, but managed to nod at her once.

Cassie's feet carried her swiftly down the path between the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables. Hermione looked worried, while Ron seemed perturbed as he sat slouched with his arms crossed across his chest. The fourth years' troubles would have to be addressed later. Right now, she was on Dumbledore's mission, and that was to get Harry's Godfather to the school.

As soon as she was outside of the main gates, she Apparated to Seaton. Her arrival was announced with a large crack, although she had chosen to materialize far enough away from the house to be sure she hadn't been tracked. The quiet neighborhood was cloaked in darkness, the waning crescent moon offering little light. Cassie didn't mind checking her surroundings in the company of shadows. Once satisfied, she stowed her wand back into her robes and hurried to the house.

The door opened on the fourth pounding knock and Sirius looked at her with wide eyes. "Cousin!" he declared, beckoning her inside. "To what do I owe this surprise?"

His mane of dark wavy locks was unkempt and he had dark circles under his eyes. Even from the stoop, Cassie could smell whiskey on the wizard's breath. "It's Harry," she told him.

"Harry? What about Harry?" Sirius demanded. His cheery demeanor swiftly turned to worry and he looked older, somehow.

"Albus will explain in more detail, but you're to come to Hogwarts at once." She grabbed his forearm and pulled him across the threshold. Remus had appeared in the foyer with a sobering elixir in hand.

"Is Harry alright?" asked Remus.

"Yes, but the Goblet of Fire, it chose him - "

"The Goblet of what?" Sirius barked.

"I told you, Albus will explain, now come along!"

"I'm coming, too," said Remus. He uncorked the bottle of pink liquid and handed it to his friend, who drank it without pause.

Sirius stumbled as he Apparated to Hogsmeade, but Remus steadied him with an experienced arm.

"What did this goblet choose him for?" Sirius asked.

"The Triwizard Tournament."

"Incredible," said Sirius. Cassie didn't bother to correct him. They were nearing the front doors of the castle, and soon the reckless former Gryffindor would be set straight.

The Great Hall was empty. Cassie could picture the common rooms full to the brim with students gossiping about what had just transpired, each of them with their own theories of how Harry Potter had managed to get his name into the Goblet of Fire without repercussion. About how brave, foolish, or narcissistic he was for even attempting to enter. But Cassie knew that Harry successfully entering by himself was unlikely, and that meant another probability.

Someone wanted him dead.

She wondered if Severus's arm hurt him that night, that he was getting better at hiding it from her.

"But Karkaroff, it doesn't work like that," Ludo Bagman was saying as the three of them entered the chamber. It was clear that a heated exchange was taking place, and no one seemed to notice that they had arrived. "The Goblet of Fire's just gone out - it won't reignite until the start of the next tournament -"

" - in which Durmstrang will most certainly not be competing!" exploded Karkaroff. "After all our meetings and negotiations and compromises, I little expected something of this nature to occur! I have half a mind to leave now!"

"Empty threat, Karkaroff," growled Moody. "You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?"

"Convenient?" said Karkaroff. "I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody."

"Don't you? It's very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's name in that goblet knowing he'd have to compete if it came out."

"Evidently, someone who wished to give Hogwarts two bites at the apple!" said Madame Maxime.

"I quite agree, Madame Maxime," said Karkaroff, bowing to her. "I shall be lodging complaints with the Ministry of Magic and the International Confederation of Wizards - "

"If anyone's got reason to complain, it's Potter," growled Moody, "but...funny thing...I don't hear him saying a word..."

Harry, who had been looking between Karkaroff and Moody, visibly shrunk when all eyes once again turned to stare at him. As his green eyes flitted around the room, they found the safety of his godfather. "Sirius!" he shouted in surprise. McGonagall pushed Karkaroff aside so the young Gryffindor could fling himself into his godfather's arms.

"Harry," Sirius said soothingly, bending down to look into the teenager's eyes. "It's good to see you, my boy."

"What is this?" demanded Fleur. "He breaks these rules and not only does he get to compete, but now a family reunion has commenced?"

"Yes, yes, I agree. He must answer for his crimes!" Karkaroff said haughtily.

Sirius rose to his full height, turning away from Harry to face the headmaster of Durmstrang. "Tell me what he has done wrong," he said lowly, a sickening smile spreading across his weathered face. He was at least a full head taller than Karkaroff and he only needed to take two long strides before he was inches in front of him. "And you can answer to me."

Karkaroff gaped at Sirius, his mouth opening and closing but forming no words.

"I think it is a good time," Dumbledore's calm voice interjected swiftly, "for our new champions to head off to bed. It has been a rather exciting night, and I believe rest would do them well."

Cedric was the first to leave with a small wave at Harry. As Karkaroff and Madame Maxime exited the chamber with their students, Dumbledore excused Crouch and Bagman with an equally polite command. The mood of the room visibly lightened when all that was left was Harry, Sirius, Remus, and the remaining Hogwarts teachers.

"Harry, now that it's just us..." Remus started slowly. "Did you put your name in?"

"Of course he didn't!" said Moody. "Only an exceptionally strong Confundus Charm could have been used to trick that goblet."

Remus put a hand up to stop Moody's tirade. "I understand your reasoning, Alastor. I just need to hear it from Harry."

"Merlin knows we and your dad would have tried to figure out how," said Sirius with a wink. McGonagall glared at her former student and opened her mouth to reprimand him, but not before Severus could.

"Do not encourage him!" Severus snapped. "He already has a determination to break rules. He has been crossing lines ever since he arrived here - "

"Thank you, Severus," said Dumbledore firmly, effectively quieting the Potions Master.

"No, I didn't put my name in," said Harry. "I'm not lying." Sirius nodded enthusiastically. Remus had his arms folded across his chest and looked down at his shoes.

"Now that we have all agreed that Harry did not put in his own name," Dumbledore said, looking around the room at each of his companions, "we must determine what the next logical step must be."

"What do you mean, Albus?" asked McGonagall. "You said yourself that it is a binding magical contract, that he must compete."

"And yet with the witches and wizards in this room, I believe a solution can be found," said Dumbledore.

"There is no solution!" Moody barked. "He is to compete, just like the other three champions. If he doesn't, he will forfeit his life!"

Sirius gave Harry's shoulder what was an attempt at a reassuring squeeze. "He's a strong wizard. If anyone can make it through the tasks, I know he can - "

"He is a fourth year!" interjected McGonagall. "Wizards much older and with much more skill have died in this tournament! If there is something we can do to keep him from having to compete, then let's do it!"

"People die in Quidditch, too! Am I to forbid him from playing as well?" asked Sirius angrily.

"Quidditch and the Triwizard Tournament are not the same thing! Do not test me, Black!" McGonagall snapped.

Remus drew a shaky breath. "It's like being back in Transfiguration all over again." McGonagall and Sirius both glared at him. He responded with a lofty grin.

"If you nitwits have stopped with your bickering," Severus said icily, "Perhaps you would like to hear something of actual use." Like his classroom, the room quieted almost instantly. "Magical contracts such as the one between champion and tournament - that result in death if broken - can be worked around. It does require a certain amount of blood magic, however."

"Dark magic, you mean," Sirius snapped.

"Yes," said Severus, his onyx eyes glittering in the dimness of the chamber. "For once your instincts are correct, Black."

"Leave it to you to be the expert," Sirius snarled.

"Sirius, this behavior is not helpful in the least!" Remus said with a sigh. "Please continue, Severus."

Severus was returning Sirius's hateful glare. His train of thought seemed to return to him after Cassie touched his hand. "The contract can be hoodwinked if a life is sacrificed in place of the contracting party...in this case, someone would have to be willing to take Potter's place."

The room was silent for one long, pulsating second. Then: "I'll do it." Remus's statement was calm and decisive.

"Moony," said Sirius, grabbing onto the werewolf's collar, "you will do no such thing! Harry is my godson, I'll not have you do something so crazy when it's my responsibility - "

"While we all appreciate the hysterics," sneered Severus, "neither of your deaths will be required. What we will need is the willingness of someone undead and therefore able to survive the breaking of the contract."

"A vampire," Cassie murmured.

"Indeed," her fiance affirmed. Harry's mouth fell open.

"Where can we find a vampire that we can even approach with something like this?" Sirius asked skeptically. "I suppose you have a few in your address book, Snivellus - "

"Padfoot," Remus warned.

"I'm afraid I can provide a contact," Dumbledore said with a knowing smile. "Although this particular individual will likely require a heavy price for his cooperation."

"Do you really think all of this is necessary, Albus?" asked Sirius, his tone slightly desperate.

"I do."

"And you trust the intention of someone so well-versed in dark magic?" Moody's gruff voice asked. Everyone looked at the retired Auror in shock except for Sirius, who looked smug with validation.

McGonagall stepped up to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, her face white with anger. Cassie had rarely seen the Head of Gryffindor so angry, and she wondered if the older witch was about to throw a punch. "How dare you."

She didn't lay a hand on Moody. Instead, she grabbed Severus by the elbow and yanked him towards the door. Cassie, feeling as enraged as McGonagall, followed as the older witch led the Potions Master from the room.

Cassie didn't know what Dumbledore needed to do to communicate with his vampire contact, but she hoped it was soon. The first task was slated for November twenty-fourth, meaning they had less than a month to get everything sorted out: either someone had to be securely in Harry's place when the magical contract was broken, or he had to be ready to compete.

Ron was in Cassie's classroom the first thing on Sunday morning, and he complained about Harry the first chance that he got. "He just wants more fame," he groaned as Cassie read through a sixth-year Transfiguration essay. "And you think he'd tell me - his supposed best friend - how he did it! Must not think I have it in me to win. Shows what he really thinks."

"Ron," Cassie said for the third time that morning. "Harry did not put his name in!"

"Course he'd tell you that."

"He didn't just tell me! He said the same thing to Severus, Professor McGonagall, Sirius, Remus, the headmaster - "

"He's got to stick to the same story, or no one will believe him."

"We are going to great lengths to get him out of it!"

"Well, that's on you," said Ron. "I'd do anything to compete for a thousand Galleons. Merlin, what I'd do with that much money..."

"How about you do a bit of homework so you can get a good job when you graduate."

Ron scoffed. "It's Sunday morning!"

A shrill voice cut through the room. "There you are!" said Hermione. "We need to get to work on our Potions essays, I meant to get it done last night, but with everything that went on of course there was no possible way that was going to happen!"

"Hermione," Ron said, wincing as though the very idea pained him, "It's Sunday morning!"

"Well if you're not going to work on it with me, then why don't you go talk to Harry?" Hermione suggested.

Ron gave in, sighing as he slid into the chair next to the Gryffindor witch. "Fine. But I'm not going to be happy about it."

"Oh, good. Something else for him to gripe about," Cassie intoned. She looked up from the essay she was marking to survey the room. A few students were chatting quietly and the rest were working diligently. She hadn't noticed the shock of white-blond hair until now and she wondered why Draco hadn't bothered to greet her that morning. Then she realized that he was staring at the back of Hermione's head.

He caught his cousin's eye, and his cheeks pinked just enough to be noticeable. His attention went back down to his Arithmancy book.

It seemed along with Ron, the majority of the Hogwarts student body had decided to shun Harry. Cassie and the other teachers witnessed a few interactions that were less than ideal, although Harry tried to put on a stoic face anytime one of them tried to ask him about it.

Severus and Kalina continued on with their potions research, taking up any free time that the Head of Slytherin would have normally had for his fiance. In the following days, Cassie found herself in her classroom with Harry more and more, and she even reduced some of her tutoring hours so the young Gryffindor could have a quiet place for respite.

"So what's worse," said Cassie as her black knight followed her command on the chessboard, "this, or when everyone thought you were attacking Muggleborns?"

"This," he said quietly. "At least back then I had Ron."

Cassie smiled knowingly. "Dora and Charlie kept me sane when I was a student."

"But they weren't here during your seventh year." His queen knocked out her knight. It seemed playing with Ron for the past few years was paying off.

"I had Severus. I've always had Severus."

Harry grimaced.

"He's not so bad, you know," said Cassie.

"He hates me."

"He doesn't."

But Severus wasn't helping Cassie's attempt to convince Harry otherwise. That Friday, he made it known that he was going to poison Harry in class to test out his own antidote, but the activity was interrupted when Harry was pulled out of class. It was then that Draco, sent by Severus, notified Cassie to intervene. Ludo Bagman wanted to weigh Harry's wand, and when Cassie arrived, she was livid to find out that the press was there.

"No," said Cassie, pulling him away from Rita Skeeter's insatiate gaze. "Mr. Potter will not be giving an interview, thanks very much." She pushed Harry behind her, as if hiding him from the nasty journalist's view would somehow protect him from her Quick-Quotes Quill. Cassie had enough experiences with the utensil in the past to know it was nothing but trouble.

"Cassiopeia Black, what a pleasure seeing you here," Skeeter purred. "Although I'm not sure by whose authority you're interrupting us."

"The headmaster gave express instruction to leave him out of the Prophet," Cassie replied in a similar sickeningly sweet tone, "Or do I need to remind you that Mr. Potter is underage and therefore cannot consent to an interview?" Cassie noticed that Rita's eyes were flitting nervously between her face and her neck. Cassie remembered that Boros had been asleep while wrapped around her shoulders. He was there so often that she often mistook the feeling for an article of clothing.

"I assure you, my article will be of the highest integrity!"

"If you'd like, I can notify Harry's guardian. Although, he would give you the same answer."

A nasty smile spread on Skeeter's red-painted lips. "Why don't you fetch Sirius for me? A little chat with the famous Black cousins, hmm?" Fleur Delacour was watching them with narrowed eyes, then suddenly cracked a large smile when the writer finally turned to look at her.

"Vile woman," Cassie said under her breath as she led Harry from the room.

"She's the same one that wrote those horrible things about Ron's dad, isn't she?"

"The one and the same."

They were nearing the great hall when Draco approached yet again. "Dumbledore wants you in his office. Both of you," he said dully.

"What for?" Harry asked.

"I don't get the details when I'm playing owl," said Draco. Cassie sighed as she steered Harry in the opposite direction. Her stomach had been growling in hunger quite a while ago, and delicious smells of dinner were wafting from the hall.

"Thank you, Draco," she said as they headed for the headmaster's office.

"I expect a knut next time!" he called after them.

Severus was already in Dumbledore's office when they arrived. The headmaster had heard from his vampire contact, and it was time to meet with him.

"Sirius is on his way," said Dumbledore.

"Is Remus coming?" asked Harry.

Severus let out a deep sigh of irritation. "Werewolves and vampires are natural enemies, Potter. Bringing Lupin along would be insulting."


"Do your best to hold your tongue while we're there, won't you," Severus replied coldly. Cassie shot him a disapproving look.

Sirius pulled Harry into a tight hug when he arrived. Severus's eyes rolled up to the ceiling as if he was avoiding looking at something disgusting.

"Have something on your mind, Snape?" Sirius asked snidely.

"I'm just trying to avoid becoming ill."

"I will need you two to get along," said Dumbledore firmly. He was looking at the two former schoolmates over his half-moon spectacles, and Cassie knew from that expression alone that he meant business. "Being in a vampire's presence at any time is risky, but Stellan is a whole different matter. He is very old, very experienced, and very strong. If there is one aspect of this situation that he doesn't like, then the whole deal will be off."

"And if he doesn't agree to it?" asked Sirius.

"The blood ritual can still be completed," said Severus. "It will require someone to truly sacrifice themselves."

A solemn mood fell over the group as they used Dumbledore's fireplace and some Floo powder to travel to Knockturn Alley. It was a cold night, and their breathing could be seen in darkness as they headed to the White Wyvern.

"Mad-Eye didn't want to come?" Cassie asked Dumbledore as they walked.

"I failed to see how his presence would be productive, considering that he didn't approve of the plan," he replied, "nor the plan's mastermind."

Cassie's eyes fell on Severus, who was a few steps ahead of them. "Thank you for supporting him."

"Not at all."

The innkeeper of the Wyvern pointed them down a flight of stairs behind the bar. The smell of must grew more pungent the further they descended, and it was so dark they could barely see in front of them. Cassie reached into her robes, intending to light her wand, but Dumbledore shook his head at her.

"Use magic in front of him only when absolutely necessary."

The headmaster knocked three times on a cracked wooden door at the end of the dark hall. A quiet voice beckoned them in.

"Close it," commanded Stellan. Sirius, who had been last to file into the candlelit room, obeyed and then stepped close to Harry.

Cassie had seen a handful of vampires in her youth, all of them victims of her father's regime unless they were serving his purpose. He had not tolerated their mere existence, and any that were caught were either quickly extinguished or used for a night of amusement. She had seen them as they trembled in terror, shrieked in pain, and shriveled into inanimate, dusty corpses. Stellan was the opposite of anything she had seen before. He was seated on a maroon armchair, his arms resting comfortably on either side of him as he studied the group with a cocked head. His golden blonde hair was slicked back from his pale, chiseled face. His navy blue, button-down shirt and black trousers were a reminder that he had been a Muggle while he had still been alive.

"Welcome, friends," he greeted the quiet room.

"Hello, Stellan," said Dumbledore, stepping forward to grasp the vampire's hand. "I am immensely grateful that you have agreed to meet."

"Yes, of course, Albus. Anything for an old friend." He smiled and showed off his long, sharp fangs. "Although I would like to start by saying that I may require any future meetings in Akureyri. Travel isn't nearly as efficient for me, you see."

"Of course."

"And whose life is it that you wish to save?" asked Stellan as his cold blue eyes landed on Harry. "This Boy Who Lived. Step forward, please."

Harry, ever the Gryffindor, did so without hesitating. Stellan didn't move or make any attempts to touch him, but he sniffed the air lightly. "So young and brimming with life. Do you feel that things would be easier without magic, without these binding contracts? Perhaps it would just be easier to have me turn him."

"That's not going to happen," said Sirius loudly. Stellan chuckled lightly, his one-sided smile showing off a fang.

"Relax, Pabbi. It was merely a joke." Nevertheless, Sirius pulled Harry back to his side.

"You have a wizard capable of performing this ritual?" Stellan asked Dumbledore.

The headmaster nodded. "Severus and I will do it."

"Good, good."

"What will you require in return?"

Stellan folded his hands, resting his chin on his pointer fingers as he looked around the room again. "I require large quantities of blood to sustain my health at this age. When the binding magic attempts to extinguish my life for breaking the contract, it will be very draining and very painful. I would like blood in return. Once before, and once after each task."

"That's six times," Sirius said with a disgusted look.

"That is the price."

"Fine," Sirius said, visibly trying to even his expression. "I'll do it. You can drink my blood."

"Very good," said the vampire. "Shall we begin?"

Severus pulled a tiny jar from his robes and then enlarged it with his wand. Inside were three pygmy fairies, all darting around and hitting the glass. Cassie looked away when she saw one with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Dumbledore had produced a dagger out of thin air. "Harry, your hand, if I may," he said gently. Harry obeyed his headmaster without question. In one swift motion, Dumbledore slashed the young wizard's palm, then turned his hand over so blood dripped onto the blade. Some of it landed on the stone floor below.

"Sirius, Cassie," Dumbledore said, "Please take Harry upstairs. The ritual can be finished without him."

"Come on," Cassie whispered hurriedly. She pushed Harry up the stairs in front of her, encouraging him to keep pressure on the gash in his hand. The high-pitched screaming of the fairies followed them up the staircase, and Sirius tried to cover it by saying "Almost there, Harry! Almost there!" over and over.

As soon as they were outside of the pub, Cassie drew her wand to heal Harry's wound. Sirius ran a hand through his wavy hair as he looked back at the building they had just exited.

"Merlin, I could use a drink after that."

"No one is stopping you," Cassie snapped. Sirius took her annoyed response as permission and went back inside.

It seemed like an eternity before Dumbledore and Severus joined Harry and her. Both wizards looked visibly shaken.

"Is it done, then?" she asked.

"Stellan is weak from the transfer. He's requesting blood," Severus said.

"I hope he likes it spiked," she muttered.

"I'll accompany you," Severus said, but Cassie shook her head.

"You've been through enough tonight, Sev. I can keep an eye on Sirius."

As the night had drawn on, a crowd had gathered in the little pub. Cassie pushed her way through the tightly packed patrons to find Sirius, who had just thrown back the last bit of a fire whiskey.

"Pay for it," she told him. "We're wanted back downstairs."

"That greedy fucker."

"The faster we're done, the faster we can get Harry back to Hogwarts."

Sirius threw down too many Sickles on his table and followed her. This time, Cassie moved quickly down the stairs, the darkness not having nearly the same effect on her as it did earlier that night. She knocked on the creaky door and didn't wait for Stellan to answer before she went inside. He was standing this time, and the mere size of the vampire caught her off guard. He was very tall and his shoulders were very broad, and she had to take a step back so she could get a proper view of his face.

She noticed that he didn't look very weak. In fact, he looked much more invigorated than he had earlier. He was smiling down at her, but there was something sinister in his gaze.

"You wanted blood? Here I am," said Sirius. "Perhaps we can count this as one of the six times."

Stellan clicked his tongue disapprovingly. "I have done you an immense favor, and yet you are so ungrateful."

"I'm not ungrateful. I just don't like to be pushed around."

Stellan took a long stride, coming face to face with Sirius. "I think I've changed my mind."

"Changed your - " Sirius started. "You can't do that! We made a deal!"

"Relax, Pabbi. I will still take young Harry's place, but it's not your blood I want. I don't particularly like the taste of dog." Stellan glanced back at Cassie. "I want yours."

Cassie resisted the urge to back away from him. Her wand was in her pocket, but she knew that it would be stupid to go for it. He wasn't threatening them, not really, and he might go back on the deal if she made a wrong move.

"Fine," she breathed.

He laughed. It was a low, ominous sound. He circled her like the prey that she was, coming to stand behind her, and pushed her black hair away from the right side of her neck. Her heart sped up as she anticipated that first bite.

"I'm getting Dumbledore," Sirius declared, hurrying from the room. He had left the door wide open, but Stellan raised his arm and it suddenly slammed shut. It seemed ancient vampires had a bit of magic of their own.

Cassie felt his cool breath on the nape of her neck and then there was piercing pain. She involuntarily whined as his teeth sank deeper into her soft flesh, and he grasped the left side of her face with his large hand. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against him as he worked at pulling the warm blood from her body. He sucked at the wounds in her neck, using his tongue to lap at the blood while simultaneously pressing her backside into him even harder. The expert movements of his tongue sent shivers down her body, and she tried to move away from him. He pulled her against him with such crushing strength that she could barely catch her breath.

She felt herself weaken as he drained her. The arm around her torso and the hand supporting her face were the only things holding her up, and she knew that if he didn't stop soon she would black out.

"Stop," she gasped, "Stellan, please - " Her stomach started to churn as her body tried desperately to adjust to the sudden loss of blood. Her head was spinning. There was a sudden pounding at the door, and someone was yelling, but she could hardly discern where she was anymore, let alone who was making those sounds...

Stellan released the magical hold on the door when he was done with his meal. He handed Cassie's weakened body over to a distraught Severus, who commanded Sirius to summon the blood-replenishing elixirs from the pockets of his robes. Cassie only followed instructions when she realized it was the sweet voice of her fiance talking to her. She put her lips around the potion bottles and drank, just thankful to be in his arms. Stellan watched the entire scene with a demented smile on his features as Cassie's blood dripped down his chin.