
Blood Runs Cold

Jesse is just your average 22 year old, with a boring average life. One night, that all changes, when she enters a club with her girlfriends and her life turns upside down. She is thrown into a world with blood sucking vampires, and sex. Jesse has no idea, but she herself, has unfathomable abilities, that will need to be unlocked, with the help of a dark prince.

Myapeebles1988 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs

Chapter 2: Pets

Jesse woke, looking around she realized it was dark. She must have slept most of the day, considering she was awake most of the night. She looked over to see that Alec was no longer next to her. She figured, he might be back at the club, working, since he said he owned it. She heard the bedroom door opening and she closed her eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Are you going to sleep your life away?" Alec asked, coming in.

"That depends," she growled.

"Depends on what?" he asked, sitting on the bed next to her. He was still completely naked.

"If I get a say in anything."

"Say in what?" he asked, his hand trailing down her back to her buttocks.

She jumped then and went to the other side of the bed, trying to get as far away from him as possible, but keeping herself covered.

"This is serious," she growled.

"I am being serious, pet."

"I hate you."

"Really? You certainly didn't show that last night," he grinned.

"I cannot account for what my body does," she snapped.

"I see," he said, crawling onto the bed.

"Please don't," she said, putting her hand up and closing her eyes.

She felt him press against her hand, but he stopped there and didn't go further. She looked at him then and he was eyeing her curiously. She wasn't sure if he was staring at her, her neck or perhaps trying to catch a look at her exposed breasts. She was feeling very uncomfortable with him looking at her, especially when she wasn't sure if he wanted to snack on her or just look at her. She tried to move away, but he prevented her from moving. This was starting to creep her out now.

"Can you stop staring at me," she growled.

"You look good," he said.

"As in? A good meal?"

"Well, until you mentioned it, it wasn't what I was thinking," he purred, lifting his head up.

He reached his hand out and cupped her neck and then craned it to the side. He moved his mouth to her neck and grazed his fangs along it, causing shivers to go through her entire body. He then sank his teeth into her neck, sucking deeply; at the same time, he cupped her breast in one of his hands, causing her a moan to escape from her mouth. He took satisfaction in that, and he trailed his hand down from her breast, to between her legs, where she was most vulnerable. She tensed up while his fingers toyed with her clit and he continued to suck on her. She squirmed, trying to move away from him, but he had her in a strong hold and she couldn't move. He wasn't kidding when he said that vampires had wicked sex drives, he had only taken her a few hours ago and already, he wanted more. He plunged two fingers into her and moved quickly as he continued to feed on her. After a few more minutes, he released her neck, removed her fingers and stood up.

"I must get to the club," he simply said.

"You bastard!" she hissed.

"Care to accompany me, or stay here?" he asked.

"Do I have a choice?" she asked.

"Afraid not."

"Do other humans ever have this choice? Of being a pet?" she asked, quietly.

"Some, yes. If the vampire likes them, the offer. If the human refuses, they just have their memories wiped. With you, there was only two options, death or pet."

"No shit. Now, I'm wishing I took death," she growled.

"Do you now?" he asked, leaning close to her and capturing her lips with his and then releasing her.

"I'm only a pet to you, to do as you please with!" she snapped.

"That may be true, but vampires only keep one pet at a time, there's a law about that," he grinned, "So, in a sense, your suck with me until the day you die."


"At the same time, some pets decide they want the vampire life and choose to leave their human one behind. Just a thought if you ever decide to."

"Leave their human one behind?" she asked.

"After a while, humans notice we don't change and therefore, the vampire has to leave eventually."

"I see, I think I'll keep my human life, thank you," she growled.

"Of course, you have friends."

With him saying that, Jesse jumped out of bed and grabbed her jeans, she pulled out her phone and realized she had twenty missed calls, all between Raine and Amy. She had a few texts too, asking where she was and if she wanted to go to the club again. The last text was from them saying they would meet her at the club.

"Your club is obviously addicting to humans," she growled.

"How so?"

"My friends were just there yesterday and now, they're back again!" she snarled, grabbing her jeans and roughly pulling them on.

"Underwear?" he asked.

"No thanks, I doubt they'll stay on long with you around," she said, putting her bra back on and then her tank top, "Could you put some clothes on?"

He laughed, considering a few minutes ago, she wanted to say in bed and avoid the club, but now that her friends were there again, it was a different story.

"I will, in a moment."

He walked out of the room, and returned very quickly, fully dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black muscle shirt. He then escorted Jesse outside to a car, but with no driver.

"Where's the driver?" she asked.

"There's no way that anyone but me, drives my baby. This is a Porsche 718 Cayman; in case you hadn't noticed."

"Geez, you're rich," she admired.

"That and I have good looks," he grinned, opening the door for her.

The drive back to the club was quiet. She wasn't sure what to talk about with her captor. She unfortunately, made the mistake in coming back to the club to confront him, so in a way, it was kind of her fault. As the came up to the club, Alec pulled into the side alley and pressed a button that was on his visor, which opened a garage door at the end of the alleyway. He pulled in and parked his car. He then went around and opened the door for Jesse. Jesse got out of the car, but the moment she did, he gripped her wrist. She could tell, he wasn't taking any chances with her running. They both entered the back door of the club and Mark greeted them.

"Boss," he said.

"Evening Mark, how is the club doing?" Alec asked.

"Doing well, this girl's friends are back."

"She's aware, she received a text from them. Would you mind escorting her to her friends?" he asked, "I have some work to do."

"Yes sir."

"And Mark, watch Jesse with both eyes, I don't want to have to hurt her for running," he warned, glaring at Jesse.

"No problem boss, I'll tell the others as well."

Alec headed up the stairs to his office, while Mark escorted Jesse to the club. It didn't take Mark long to find her friends.

"Jesse! Where have you been?" Amy asked, pulling her into a hug.

"With the boss, the two had a wonderful day together," Mark answered, "He's taking quite the liking to your filly friend here."

Jesse scowled at him, but it was the best coverup to avoid them finding out they were vampires.

"Really? Is he hot?" Raine asked.

"Quite so," Jesse growled, not wanting to talk about Alec.

The three of them went and found a seat to sit at. Mark walked up to the table and grabbed Jesse's wrist.

"Almost forgot to give you your wristband," he said, placing a purple on her wrist.

"What does purple mean? She whispered to Mark.

"Pet," was all he said as he walked away.

Jesse growled, not sure why she needed a 'pet' wristband, but then she noticed two other people in the crowd that also had purple wristbands. She decided she would find out a little more information about this 'pet' business. She excused herself from her friends and headed for the two people like her.

"Hi," she said to them.

"Hey kitty," the male said, "You're a cute pet," he smiled.

"Um, thanks, I think," she said.

"Oh, it's a compliment sweetheart, be lucky you have that wristband," the female giggled, extending her hand, "My name is Tasha, and this is Lewis. We're also pets."

"My name is Jesse," she said, shaking Tasha's hand, "By choice?" she asked.

"Of course. We live a fantasy life with our masters. Mine enjoys roleplay sex and so do I," Lewis laughed, "Though, guess it's a good thing I met a gay vampire."

"You're gay?" Jesse asked curiously.

"Yes, sort of. Turns out, vampires can be gay as well. Tasha here, she's more into the traditional."

"Boy do I love my vampire man," she smiled.

"I wish the feeling was mutual," Jesse sighed.

"What do you mean?" Lewis asked.

"I was kind of forced into this, more because my memories cannot be erased. It was either that or death," she answered, quietly.

"Who's your master?" Tasha asked.

"Alec Trace," she groaned.

"Lucky kitty, he's such a hunk," Lewis giggled.

"Well, it's frustrating for me, when I didn't really have a choice."

"He's still the sexiest vampire I've ever met," Tasha smiled.

"What are you pets talking about?" a tall rugged man asked, walking up to them, cupping Lewis.

"New pet, boss," Lewis smiled, "She just wanted to learn more about 'pets'."

"I see. Who is your master 'pet'?" he asked.

"Alec Trace," Tasha gleamed.

"Didn't think that boy was into pets," the man laughed, rubbing Lewis.

"Hmm, clearly we were wrong," Lewis purred, "This is my master Walter, Walter, this is Jesse."

"A pleasure, I'm sure," he answered, sinking his fangs into Lewis's neck.

"What about the humans?" Jesse asked.

"The bartender spikes every human drink sold, so even know they see this, they forget later. It also allows humans to feel calm around vampires," Tasha explained, "So none the wiser."

"But, vampires feed against humans will?"

"Technically, no. If you read the fine print on the wristbands, it says you give consent to anything that happens in this club. It's more a liability if someone gets drunk and does something stupid," Lewis answered.

"How can you even focus when he's feeding on you?" she asked.

"Practice," Tasha answered.

"How long have you two been 'pets'?" she asked.

"Lewis has been one for almost two years and I have been a pet for about six months," she smiled.

"Lewis, Tasha, Walter," a voice said from behind Jesse.

Jesse jumped and turned to see a young rugged man, smiling at the three of them and then his gaze fell on her.

"Who's the human?" he asked.

"Alec's pet," Walter answered, releasing Lewis.

"Alec? That guy got himself a pet?"

"Michael, this is Jesse, Jesse, this is Michael, my master," Tasha said, wrapping her arms around Michaels neck and kissing him.

"Pleasure," Michael said, extending his hand.

Jesse took it, and Michael brought her hand to his lips and placed a kiss upon her knuckles. He then sniffed at her skin and licked his lips.

"I doubt Alec would mind if I had a taste," he smiled, turning Jesse's wrist.

Confused, Jesse tried to pull away, but Michael wouldn't release her, she braced herself for his fangs, but before he could puncture her skin, someone cut between them.

"Alec, my friend," Michael smiled.

"Up to your tricks?" Alec laughed.

"Not at all, just curious about your pet is all."

"I see, if you're going to taste her, I'd prefer it in a non visible place. You know that bites on pets don't vanish," he growled.

"Right, right," he said.

Jesse was beside herself that Alec would even allow that, but then, she didn't know much about the 'pet' rules to begin with.

"Anyway, let's head up now that we're all here," Alec said, gesturing towards his office.

"Yes, lets," Walter smiled, slapping Lewis on the ass, "I'll be back, gorgeous."

"See you soon," Lewis said, gleefully.

"What was that about?" Jesse asked, rubbing her wrist.

"Maybe we should explain the rules of being a 'pet', since Alec hasn't explained it yet," Tasha said to Lewis.

"Yes. There are a few main rules that are important. Number one: you do what your master wants, not matter what you want or don't want. Number two: other vampires can feed off of a pet, as long as the bite is hidden, they can also do as they please. Number three: pets are sworn to silence, in other words, they cannot reveal the vampire world, or they are killed. These are the three main rules that must be followed, all others are smaller and less punishable," Tasha explained.

"Are you kidding me? Your master was allowed to do whatever he pleases to me?" she hissed.

"Yes, as long as you're a pet," Tasha answered, "Alec has fed on me before, but only when he's forgotten to feed."

Jesse growled, annoyed with this new information. She already knew about the first rule, Alec made that one perfectly clear to her. She looked over to where her friends were, and Raine wasn't there, she was on the dance floor, dancing with some other guy with a red wristband. Amy was still at the table, chatting with a guy who was taking a liking to her. Jesse noticed his band was blue. She started to walk in their direction, but Tasha stopped her.

"Don't interfere. He isn't going to kill her, just feed. In this club, there's no choice; fun fact, it's what lures humans back here. They like the vibe and the things they don't remember."

"But," Jesse started as she watched the vampire sink its fangs into her girlfriends' neck.

Jesse turned away, she wished she could stop him, but in the end, she knew Tasha was right and Amy was in no danger. She looked back to Tasha with a curious look.

"Is there a such thing as rogue vampires?" she asked.

"Of course, but usually, Michael, Walter, Alec, Ginny, and Calista deal with them," Lewis sighed.

"Why them?"

"They are the head council of all vampires. They are leaders of each clan of vampires in the area," Tasha said, "The rogue ones, are the ones that kill their victims. It's why this club has security, to make sure rogues don't get in and threaten the humans."

"That makes sense."

"There have been rogue problems lately though, which is why security is double here lately," Lewis groaned.

"How so?" she asked.

"Have you noticed all the deaths on the news lately?" Tasha asked.

"I tend to avoid such things," Jesse admitted.

"I see," she said.

Jesse turned back to her friend, who was now kissing the vampire who had bitten her. She searched the floor for Raine and found her dancing with another guy, only this guy had a blue band. She decided to casually walk up to her friend and the male she was dancing with.

"Jesse, I'm having so much fun!" she gleamed.

"I can see that," Jesse said, looking at the male.

"Your friend is quite the dancer, but I noticed she hadn't been drinking any alcohol," the male smiled.

"She's pregnant, that's why," Jesse casually said, knowing her friends secret.

"That would explain why no one has touched her. Vampires are smart when it comes to women like her. Luckily they spike the non-alcoholic drinks too."

"Clearly, or you wouldn't be talking to me like this," she said.

"Indeed, could you come with me?" he grinned.

"You can't feed on her, so you want me?" she asked.

"Of course, and you're a pet, so you cannot refuse," he said.

Reluctantly, Jesse followed the male into one of the dark corners of the bar. He pushed her into the corner of the wall, and lifted her off the ground. Frightened, Jesse tried to resist, but the vampire was too strong for her. He ripped a hole in the side of her jeans, a little too high on her thigh. He pressed his lips there, and sank his fangs into her flesh and began to suck. Jesse was new to all of this, so she was frightened of allowing someone other than Alec, to be drinking from her. This man was actually being quite rough, and she really didn't like it. After a few minutes, the man still continued to drink and Jesse could feel herself slipping; she wasn't sure if this was a good thing, but every fiber in her being was screaming something was wrong. The vampire was still feeding and he wasn't letting up. She could feel herself growing weaker as she felt him continue to drink. He moved his head away from her thigh and brought his lips to her throat, pressing himself against her.

"Pet's are so much more delicious than humans," he purred, as he sank his fangs into her neck.

The realization hit her as she realized this was not a good vampire, in fact, this might be a vampire that Tasha and Lewis were talking about. She knew now, she was in a lot of trouble if she didn't get away from this guy quickly. She could feel his hand, going between their bodies, she could hear him undoing a zipper, and she knew all to well what that meant. She could feel his hand, ripping a hole in the center of her jeans. Fear completely consumed her as she realized she couldn't fight him; he had weakened her by draining so much blood, and now, he was going to have his way with her. As he was about to lower her to him, he dropped her and he fell to the floor, groaning in pain.

"And that's what you get for screwing with my friend!" Amy hissed at the man.

She knelt down and helped Jesse on to her feet. She quickly passed through the crowd, found Raine and dragged both of them out of the club and into a cab. Jesse was so weak, she couldn't tell her friend, she needed to stay behind. The cab pulled up to Amy's house and both Amy and Raine helped Jesse into Amy's house and onto her living room couch.

"That guy, was an utter creep," Amy growled, "He almost raped Jesse."

"That…wasn't the issue…" Jesse breathed, "He was trying to…kill me."

"Him raping, isn't an issue?" she growled.

"Look at the fine print on your wristband," Jesse said, "It says anything in the club is consented, no matter what. It's a policy in case people get too drunk and do something stupid."

"You're not drunk though, and why do you have puncher wounds on your neck?" Raine asked, grazing her fingers on Jesse's neck.

"It's complicated. May I use your phone? I dropped mine," she said, addressing Amy.

"Sure," she answered, handing Jesse her cell.

Jesse dialed a number and a fuming voice came from the other end.

"Where the hell are you?!" the male snapped, "You were not supposed to leave the club!"

"One of your customers, was a rogue. He attacked me, and my friends got me out of there," she explained.

"Why are you speaking in riddles?" he asked.

"Because, I'm at my friend Amy's house and as per your rules, things need to stay secret," she growled.

"I'll be there in two minutes," then the line went dead.

"Two minutes? My house is further than that from the club, which I assume whoever you called, is coming from there," Amy said.

"It's complicated," Jesse sighed.

Then there was a knock on the door. Amy went to answer it and came back into the living room, followed by Alec.

"He's a hunk!" Raine exclaimed.

"Doubt that," Jesse growled.

"What happened?" Alec asked, directing the question at Jesse.

"Raine, Amy, could you give us a few minutes, please?" she asked.

"Sure, we'll be in the kitchen if you need anything," Amy said, dragging Raine with her.

Jesse then spent the next several minutes explaining what happened at the club. Alec was furious that a rogue got through his security, and even more furious that the bastard left marks on Jesse's neck and thigh. Alec, pulled out his phone and called his bouncer Fred, who confirmed that the vampire was indeed a rogue and that Michael dealt with it. He then hung up his phone and faced Jesse.

"Do your friends know anything?" he asked.

"Amy thought the vampire was raping me and unfortunately, these wounds on my neck, are not exactly invisible. Raine asked about the marks, but I ignored her question."

"Hm," he began.

"Alec, they're innocent. They don't know anything, please leave them be," she pleaded.

"She's right, we're totally innocent, aside from the fact that I know exactly what you guys and your club are," Amy said, coming back into the room.

"How…" Alec began and then went still as he noticed something in Amy's hand, an engraved dagger, "Hunter," he gulped.

"Hunter?" Jesse asked.

"Vampire hunter to be precise, but I have no interest in killing vampires who follow the rules, just those who break them, like that rogue for instance," she smiled.

"Why didn't my bouncer notice?" he asked, nervous.

"I have a few tricks," Amy laughed, "Naturally, Raine knows what I am and therefore, she knows what you guys are. She is under my protection, so you cannot wipe her memories. She remembers everything, as I do. I don't mind feeding a good bloodsucker, but not the one Jesse stuck her neck out for, for Raine."

"He couldn't feed from her because she is pregnant," Jesse explained, seeing the confused look on Alec's face.

"Do you know about Jesse's dream?" Alec asked.

"Yes, she's told both me and Raine about it, but we don't know what it means either," Amy said, sitting down, "So, you made her a 'pet'?" she asked, pointing to the mark on Jesse's arm.

"Had no choice, it was either that or we killed her," Alec sighed, "Aside from you and the people you protect, humans are supposed to be oblivious to our existence. However, her memories couldn't be erased. She chose this over being killed."

"Did she know what she was agreeing to?"

"Not at the start, but I believe she fully does now," Alec said, looking Jesse in the eyes.

"No shit. Allowing other vampires to have whatever they choose from me. At least I have friends I can complain to," Jesse said, slightly laughing.

"This is true," Alec agreed.

"Well, did someone deal with the rogue?" Amy asked.

"Michael dealt with it."

"So, until now, even my best friends kept me in the dark," Jesse growled, "You must have known that was a vampire club."

"I did. It's rare when I want to enter a vampire's den, but sometimes, I enjoy it. A hunter's blood is quite sweet to a vampire."

"Next time you're there, you're getting a green band," Alec grumbled.

"Why? You know who I am now and I wouldn't want to scare your customers away with a green band."

"Green band?" Jesse asked.

"Green means hunter," Amy answered, "I choose not to say anything because I don't want the vampires to run off scared."

"Fair enough," Alec said, "There are other bloods that taste much better than yours," he grinned, trailing his fingers down Jesse's neck.

"She needs recovery before you feed on her again. That rogue almost drained her dry, if you need blood, feed on me," she growled, pulled the collar of her shirt down, exposing her neck.

Alec swiftly went from the couch to Amy, and then latched onto her throat, sucking deeply. Jesse felt something unusual from the display in front of her, a feeling that seemed similar to jealously. Jealously? About not being fed on? She really needed to clear her head. How the hell was she jealous that he was feeding on someone else? Maybe, deep down, she actually enjoyed the attention she was getting from him, after all, it was the first time a guy was actually doing anything to her. Annoyed, she crossed her arms and looked away from the two. As she did, she felt someone sitting next to her and she craned her neck to see who it was.

"Are you feeling left out, pet?" Alec asked, placing his hand on her thigh.

"Not at all," she growled, swatting his hand away.

"So, how did this happen between you two anyway?" Raine asked, coming into the living room with a tray of hot drinks.

"She stormed into my club the other night," Alec simply said.

"Hey buster, that is not how it started. Your bouncer brought me to you, saying I was making mischief and you drank from me. Sent me home and I woke up, still remembering what happened," Jesse snapped.

"Right, well, it was true."

"You mean, the guy we told you to dance with?" Raine asked.

"Yeah, he got me in trouble and that's where this whole thing started," Jesse said.

"Well, you got a hot master out of the deal," Amy laughed.

"Screw you guys, I have no freedom."

"Not entirely true, you just have to listen when called," Alec mused.

"Like a dog," she grumbled.

"Anyway, thank you for your hospitality, Amy, but I think it best we head home," Alec said, grabbing Jesse's hand.

"I'd sooner go to my apartment, thank you."

"I have a mansion, and a Porsche. Geez, what can impress you?" he asked.

"Certainly not money."

"How about no rent?" he inquired.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"If you stay with me, there is no rent."

"I still have a job to be at," she sighed.

"Well, if you don't have to pay rent, or bills Jesse, you could focus on your writing," Raine suggested.

"You mean, take a handout? I'm not that kind of girl."

"Not necessarily a hand out, work as one of the servers at the club and we'll call it even. One or two nights a week," Alec said.

"Seriously?" she asked.

"Well, you don't want a handout, so this would be the next best thing, plus it seems you've made friends with Tasha and Lewis."

"They're interesting," Jesse said.

"Then, do we have a deal?" Alec asked.

"One condition," she growled.

"And that would be?"

"As much as I know this is a 'pet' rule, no one, except my 'master'," she said, dragging that word, "Can touch my goodies!"

"Exclusive, huh?" he asked.

"No, after tonight, I don't trust anyone else. I know I can't ask for feed, but this I don't want anyone doing that to me," she growled.

"Fine, I will agree."

"Good. We do need to go to my apartment and collect some things, like clothes. I don't need your housemaid seeing me naked."

"Okay. I will send some of my clan for the rest of your belongings later."

Jesse hugs her friends and follows Alec out to his Porsche. He then drivers her over to her apartment and she gets out of the car, but before she could head into the building, Alec stops her. He had a worried look on his face that made her concerned. She walked around Alec and heads inside, but to her one-bedroom apartment. She goes to unlock the door, only to realize that it was not locked. She may have been mad the other night, but she knew she locked her apartment before she went back to the club. Alec pushed her out of the way and entered the apartment, after a couple of minutes, he came back out and allowed her to enter. The place looked like a tornado went through it. All of her furniture, was ripped apart, her walls were torn up, books and figurines where on the floor, some of them, smashed to pieces. Someone had broken into her place, and it looked like they were looking for something.

"I don't understand, I have a boring life," she sighed, heading to the bedroom.

Her bedroom was just as mangled up as the rest of the house. Her closet was torn apart, and all of her clothes were thrown everywhere. Some of the clothes she really liked, were ruined. Her dresser drawers were thrown open and lying on the floor. She couldn't understand what she would have that someone would be looking for. Frantically, she dug to the back of her closet, hoping whoever broke in, didn't find the heirloom that her mother left behind. She found the box and opened it and let out a sigh of relief.

"What's in the box?" he asked.

"A family heirloom that was passed down. I'm the fifth generation to have it. It was the only thing I really wanted after my family was murdered," she sighed, pulling out a necklace that had a large red gem in the middle of it.

"Murdered?" he inquired.

"Since all of this craziness happened, I guess I never told you that. My family was killed a few nights before my graduation from high school, I came down the stairs because I heard a noise. My parents and little brother, were lying in their own pool of blood in the living room. This hooded man was towering over them. He almost killed me too, but I survived. A couple years later, they caught him and sentenced him to death," she shivered, cradling the necklace to her chest, "I don't understand, nothing was stolen."

"I don't think this was a robbery, I can smell a rogue. Someone was definitely looking for something specific and they couldn't find it."

"What on Earth could they have been looking for?" she said, quietly.

"I don't know, but we should grab what you need and leave," Alec said.

"Yes. Aside from this, nothing else is salvageable," she said, looking around, "I have nothing."

"We'll get you some new things tomorrow, but for now, we should head back to my place," he said, taking her hand in his.

The two of them left the apartment and got back into the car. Jesse remained silent as he drove them back to his mansion. He parked his car, went around it and opened the door for Jesse. At this point, it was pointless for her to fight him, she had nowhere to go and lucky for her, he offered for her to stay there. She knew she wouldn't get her deposit back on the apartment, hell, it wouldn't surprise her if it costed more than the deposit to repair. The landlord was certainly not going to be happy. She walked into the house behind Alec, her mind thinking about the state of her apartment. Alec escorted Jesse to a room that was on the same floor, where they did sexual stuff, but was one room over. He opened the door and the room looked more feminine than the one they had made love it.

"Have many pets?" she asked.

"No, I had this room set up for you today," he answered, "When I don't want to toy with you, you can stay in this room."

"Toy with me?" she asked.

She quickly regretted her words, when he swiftly moved in front of her, wrapped his arm around her and placed a passionate kiss on her lips. His other hand, trailed down, between her legs to caress her. He released his kiss, and trailed kisses down her cheek to her neck.

"Alec, please," she breathed, "I've had enough excitement for one day."

He ignored her as he sank his fangs into her neck, feeding, aggressively. She somehow had gotten used to his fangs, but his hand, fondling her clitoris, was another thing. She tried to move his hand away from her, but he wouldn't budge. She still had the ripped jeans on; therefore, she was easy access to him. He rubbed his fingers back and forth on the material of her underwear, causing her to moan. She could feel his lips, curl into a smile, while he continued to feed. Her body was on fire after everything that happened, she thought that maybe this could get her mind off of those things. Perhaps Alec wasn't such a bad thing after all. Her hormones were overpowering her rational thoughts, and before she realized what was going on, Alec placed her onto the bed and released her neck. He ripped open her shirt and tore off her bra, eager to take a second round with her. He took one breast into his mouth, while his free hand played with the other. His hand that was caressing her clitoris, was now undoing her jeans and moving them off her body. He then ripped her underwear away, allowing full access to her vagina.

His mouth released her breast and he trailed kisses down her stomach, to her navel and then she watched as he took her into his mouth. The feeling of his tongue going in and out of her was an unreal sensation and she hoped it wouldn't stop. He licked and moved his tongue, causing her to squirm in utter pleasure. She felt him stop for a moment, he kissed her inner thigh, where the rogue had bitten her, and he sank his teeth into her thigh. She could feel him sucking from her, but she could also feel his fingers, pleasuring her as he fed. She shivered, and arched her back as waves of pleasure overpowered her. She felt him release her thigh and felt his body flow over hers until he captured her lips with his. He held that kiss for a moment before he released the kiss and was about to leave her be.

"You're going to leave me like this?" she breathed.

"You want more?" he asked.

All she did, was nod her head. He stood up and took his jeans off, but instead of going on top, he flipped her, so that she was lying on her stomach. He pulled her hips up to him and drove himself deep inside of her. He started with a slow motion at first, but then quickened his pace, loving every feeling of pounding into her. He reached around and cupped her breasts with his hands as he continued to thrust inside of her. With every thrust, she let out a moan of ecstasy, he felt so good inside of her and she didn't want the feeling to stop. She guessed, in a way, this part was a good thing about being a vampire's pet, the sex was damn good. She felt him cuming and this time, she was going to cum with him. She felt him force the full length of himself into her as he released in ecstasy, and she joined in with his bliss. They then, both collapsed onto the bed, completely spent.

"I could get used to this," she panted.

"Hmm, that sounds like you're starting to enjoy being a 'pet'," he chuckled.

"Not in the least, but god, the sex!" she gleamed.

"And yet, you were a virgin, just a few nights ago," he smiled.

"Well, you are the first guy to have any notice in me," she said.

"Seriously? You're quite good looking. Some of the vampires were interested in you," he said, rolling over to look at her face.

"Vampires, not humans."

"Same thing, just we walk at night," he said, brushing her bands from her blue eyes.

"Well, it's also hard for me to find anyone, when I live a boring life."