
Being On The Same Page

The wind carried the echo of a horn, making all the snow birds flutter off the trees and into the evening sky. 

A horse plodded down a snowy hill and the rider dismounted. His companion passed him a black umbrella and he opened it with solemn grace.

"If anyone wants to get safe passage to any country in the East or North, this inn is just the place." Van Helsing told Rayven with a smile.

"I am well aware." Rayven walked ahead of him, still holding the umbrella over his head.

He got to the door only to meet a burly looking man thinly dressed in a dirt-brown singlet and shorts. 

"Non-humans pay an entrance fee before they're allowed to go in." said the middle-aged man rubbing his bearded chin.

"Is it money you want?" Rayven asked with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Obviously, dimwit. Now, hand it over!" The man barked.


The patrons in the alehouse enjoyed their ale and dinner when suddenly, the sound of shattering wood pierced through the music followed by the low groan of a man.

"Who's there?" The barkeep walked out from behind the counter, clutching an old pistol in hand.

A leg walked over a body slumped by the open door. 

"Bow your heads in the presence of your lords, you filthy animals!" Van Helsing said aloud.

Chairs creaked and clothes ruffled as they all went on their knees. 

Rayven approached the barkeep who was too stunned to speak and too frightened to move. "Is something wrong with your body?"

"My lord?" The man asked, confused.

Rayven gave the man a violent shove in the stomach and he bent over, growling in pain.

To the room, Rayven said aloud in Lycra tongue. "Good evening, vampires, humans, faes and furies, no introductions need to be made as you all know who I am. But for the sake of travelers I would give you the courtesy of knowing me. I am Rayven de Caspian, Fang Supreme of Dracula Jarlen. I know someone suspicious came in here. A vampire perhaps, looking for an alternative route to Clarosha?"

"Sire!" A hand was lifted in midair. 

"Bring him." Rayven told Van Helsing.

"Yes, my lord." Helsing grabbed the man by his shoulder and threw him to Rayven's feet. It was the bar keep.

"You think on your feet for a Fae." Rayven said with a sly grin.

"I do this to earn my keep, great sir." The barkeep said with his head bowed.

Rayven crouched down to meet the man's level on the floor. "Talk."

The barkeep swallowed his nonexistent saliva. "Sir, there was a man. I didn't get his name but he was asking around for a boat."

"Interesting," Rayven smiled. He flicked his finger at Helsing who whipped out a paper from within his shirt. "Did the man look like this?"

The barkeep squinted his eyes at first before nodding in affirmation. "Yes, it was him."

"And did you tell him where to get one?" Rayven asked.

"Yes, sir. There's only one man who has a boat and that's Baron." The barkeep hung his head in shame now.

"Aww. Don't feel bad. You're doing great," Rayven patted the man's hair. "Where are they?" 

"I believe they're on their way to Clarosha." The barkeep said.

"The streets are surrounded by soldiers. I doubt Damian would be granted easy passage." Rayven stroke his chin. "Plus his silver wounds are deep. He wouldn't heal fast enough to fly."

"You're right, sire." said another voice in fluent Lycra.

The owner of the voice turned out to be a woman. "I heard Prince Damian was almost apprehended at the docks this morning." 

"Good. Everyone's cooperative today. I'm so happy I'll spare all your lives." Rayven approached the dark haired woman. "Did you see where they ran to?" 

"I did not see where they ran but I know an alternative route they might have taken. I'm familiar with the snow." The woman said proudly.

"A snow hunter. I am so lucky." Rayven flashed her a smile.

"And what is the lady's name?" Van Helsing asked. 

"Sansa. Sansa Yelmen." she replied with a bow."

Sansa leapt off her horse. "We're here. Don't look my children in the eyes. They get frightened easily."

Rayven flashed her a smile. "No promises."

Sansa scoffed and walked to the door. She rang the knocker and the door clicked open. It was Braelyn.

"Mother, welcome," The girl said softly. She looked at the gentlemen standing behind her mom and the woman shook her head.

Braelyn took a slow step backwards. 

"Mother!" Ammel ran into his mother's arms.

She put him down quickly. "Go upstairs with your sister. Now."

"Okay but what about father?" The little boy inquired.

"He's on his way. Don't worry." Rayven replied this time with a smile.

"Who is that man, mommy?" Ammel asked again.

"Enough with the questions." Braelyn caught the boy's wrist and dragged him upstairs with her.

Sansa turned to the gentlemen who were still standing outside. "I invite you in."

Rayven entered the house first then Helsing.

"Have a seat. I'll bring the map to you." Sansa said in a hurried tone.

Rayven and Helsing took a seat on the leather armchair. 

"You humans don't offer food to vampires?" Rayven asked with a scoff.

"Do you even eat food?" Sansa asked as she rummaged through a chest of drawers beside a long book of shelves. 

Rayven smiled. "Ouch."

Sansa finally found the map. "I've seen it." 

She brought it to them and passed it to Rayven. "I believe you will catch that monster." 

Rayven eyed her suspiciously. "When humans willingly help without being forced, something's wrong. Speak. What do you really want?"

Sansa shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing but Damian to suffer for what he did."

"Damian? Damian was here?" Rayven chuckled softly.

Sansa looked away. "He committed treason."

"Hmmm. Is that all?" Rayven came up behind her and put both his hands on her shoulders. "There is something else."

"He -" Sansa turned around to face him. "He made my daughter cry. He should burn in hell."

"I'm not seeing the picture right now. What's going on?" Helsing asked with a loud laugh.

Rayven found a piece to the puzzle and gave a signal to Helsing and they both burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Wait a second," Rayevn said amidst his laugh. "Let me guess. Your daughter felt smitten by Damian during his stay here and confessed to him and knowing my idiotic cousin, he said no."

Sansa's cheeks turned beet red and she looked away.

"Aww. The poor girl has probably never been rejected by any man and to hear it from one, hmmm, it must have hurt." Rayven smiled.

"And the mother must do anything to protect her child." Helsing added.

"If I had known my husband was dealing with a vampire, I wouldn't have let my daughter go near him. Now, I hear he's killed the king. I want him gone for good. Men like him should never live." Sansa said aloud.

Rayven took her hand and kissed it. "I'm glad we're on the same page, my lady."

The air was freezing and Baron regretted not wearing an extra cloak.

"You can have mine." Damian took off his cloak and passed it to Baron.

Baron snatched it. "Jesus…." He shuddered, feeling his teeth chatter loudly as he walked.

His boots no longer made prints because as they went upwards, the snow covered it up.

They finally got arrived at a clearing where the boats were docked but their luck had run out. The entire fjord was frozen.

"Oh Jesus, don't tell me we came here for nothing." Baron cried out, dragging his hand through his hair. 

Damian watched silently as the snow fell hard on the earth, making it difficult to breathe by the second.

He pulled back his hair in a ponytail. "Let's go."

"Go? Go where, Damian? Are you mad? The whole thing's frozen. What can we possibly do? Fly? Magically melt the entire ice and unfreeze the boats?" 

"The second option doesn't sound so bad." Damian called to him as the wind quickened its pace, whooshing hard while lifting and picking up snow, debris and stones.

"Damian!" Baron roared as he ran to meet him.

"Stay back. It'll get dangerous from here." Damian said.

"Don't you think I know that?" Baron yelled.

Damian turned towards the sea. It was indeed frozen. 

Stretching his hand towards it, he began to mutter enchantments. 

"What are you doing?" Baron inquired.

"Melting the sea," replied Damian. 

The wind stopped blowing plunging the world into complete silence. 

"What was that?" Baron whispered with a gasp. "Damian - 

There was a loud crackle on the frozen water. Then another followed and another and another until the moment the cracks zipped through the ice, shooting up water in midair.

"What the?" Baron's mouth fell agape.

"Inferno." Damian whispered and fell to the ground on his knees.

"Damian!" Baron ran to his aide. "Are you alright?"

But Damian couldn't respond, he panted heavily, his hands on his knees.

Baron looked seawards and he was startled. "What in heaven's name - -

The sea was on fire. 

The light danced with so much brilliance that it reflected in his eyes. He watched in utter shock and amazement as the ice that once captivated the sea, melted away like summer in winter.

"Now," Damian stood to his feet to catch his breath. "We can sail to Clarosha."

They were a few minutes into sailing and Baron couldn't stop staring at Damian.

"I think you should close your mouth before something flies in." Damian said with a light chuckle.

Baron shook his head. "What are you? Who are you truly?" 

"I am Damian de Caspian." Damian replied with a smile.

"I know that already," Baron crossed his arms over his chest. "There is something else."

Damian knew he shouldn't tell the man the truth about his past but didn't see the point in hiding the truth. After all, in a few hours, he was going to die.

He began with a heavy sigh. "I am a vampire."

"I know that but ordinary vampires can't do the things you do." Baron leaned closer.

"I am a pure blooded vampire." Damian said.

"That's impossible. Pure blooded vampires don't exist. They - they were wiped out by Van Helsing during the Great War against De Caspian and Canterbury years ago" Baron gasped.

Damian shook his head. "That's what the humans wrote in the books for you all to believe. Van Helsing slayed a lot of pureblooded vampires but not all of them."

"So what are you saying? There's more of you?" Baron shuffled backwards, almost rattling the small boat. 

"We're just 3 now."

"The legends say only the white wooden stake can kill a pure blodded vampire."


"Is that why we're headed to Clarosha?"

Damian refused to say another word as he navigated the boat, his eyes focused on the compass.

He heard Baron heaved a sigh behind him. "A man never ignore the needs of his family."

"You were quite clear the first time." Damian retorted.

Baron smiled. "My father believed a man shouldn't ignore the needs of his family. That's why it was our House's slogan. It was stupid."

"He was power-crazed and left everything to pursue his knighthood in Canterbury, leaving my siblings and my poor mother in the estate. A few days after he left, mother passed away and it was just Joanne, Williams, James and I. We raised each other and controlled the family business. We thought we had everything under control. Not until the night, the von Burren's came and took everything from us - our wealth, house, my brother's life even my sister whom he forcefully married."

He pulled out a locket from underneath his shirt and flipped it open. 

"Here." He showed it to Damian.

Damian's brows furrowed when he saw the picture. The woman looked familiar - the red hair, green eyes and thin-drawn smile. She looked exactly like his Lucia.

"No one knows the true story anyways," Baron slapped the locket shut before Damian would say anything. "Eric von Burren wedded my sister in secret, claiming to his people that she was one of his distant cousins he had run into in Pletoria. He wedded my sister against her will and she bore him 5 girls - Leighton, Lanai, Colette, Lexa and Lucia."

"What?" Damian whipped around sharply.

Baron went on. "I was the only one left. I am the only one left in House Yelmen. I still carry on the family name. I still shoulder the need of the family…I am Baron Dmitri Yelmen or so I was."

He tightened his fist. "If only my father never left, maybe we would have something."

Damian looked down. "Your father who left for Canterbury, is he still alive?"

"No," Baron wiped his moistened eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. "He died in the Great War. Had his body returned to the capital returned to the capital by King Fieren in a golden coffin."

Damian's eyes widened. The only human knight Fieren had buried in a golden coffin was Van Helsing!

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