
Blood Magus: Reincarnation of a Fallen Magus

Lucius Nightshade, one of the brilliant mind of the empire finds himself entangled in a sinister web of ancient rituals and forbidden magic because of his desire to exact revenge and regain his former glory. A shadow to his former self, as he tries to reclaim what's rightfully his, once again he had to confront the very person who had stripped him of his glory and made half of his life miserable. Finally as the situation gets dire, he takes a gamble. But for this gamble of his, a price had to be paid; a heavy one at that. That gamble leads him to his death. And just when he thinks that everything is over, a glimmer of hope presents itself in front of him as he awakens in a different body. However even this moment proves to be dreadful as he awakens in a body that had been torn apart and in dying state Even that pathetic state of his fails to terrify him and instead with a frown he mutters, "Great, I survived death only to die again..." Just then he hears a strange voice ringing in his ears [Blood Pact System activating......]

Bloom07 · 奇幻
47 Chs

Living sacrifice

After that he then swiftly cut open other two remaining sacks as well. And again, just like from previous sack, figure of two unconscious youth popped out of those remaining sacks. One was of a beautiful looking young girl with crimson hair while the other was a young girl with blond hair. 

Somehow the blond-haired girl's face resembled greatly with the boy from the first sack. It's as if those two were somehow related.

"Son of duke Magnus Lancaster, daughter of duke Lancaster and daughter of Rosenthal family" As the hooded individual swept his gaze across those three unconscious youths, he couldn't help himself from sniggering.

Sure enough, judging by his interpretations those two blond-haired youths were somehow related with each other while the third one was of a totally different family.

As he continued to glare at those unconscious youths, rage started bubbling inside him like boiling tar.

Right now, a particular memory of fire raging furiously flashed in his mind. In those furiously raging flames, he could see a figure of a person.

The memory was so vivid that just thinking about it made his blood boil. Veins started popping out of his forehead as he tightly pursed his lips while shooting dagger at those youths lying motionlessly in front of him.

Then again, he exhaled a deep breath as he tried to conceal his hatred and anger, "There's… no point thinking about it…."

"Because today, you all will be atoning for the sins your parents have carried out"

After that he then refocused his attention back to the ritual he was conducting. Dragging their tattered bodies to the altar, he then took one last glance at the altar before he continued on with his incantation. 

And as the final verse culminated, a blinding surge of energy erupted and shot through the heavens from the altar, engulfing the whole clearance in different sinister colours such as rotten blood red, dark purple.

Every single one of those runes inscribed on the altar lit up as 10 circles resembling some kind of magic circles appeared on the floor of the stone altar.

Witnessing those circles, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. His pupils enlarged as his eyes which were pulsating with rage a moment ago displayed utter shock, "It… exists!"

He simply couldn't believe his eyes. But then again, he instantly recomposed his composure as he diverted his attention towards those individuals lying motionlessly in front of him, "I should hurry before anybody finds this place"

Murmuring so, he then again brought his dagger out. As he held onto his dagger, his killing intent surged as he sinisterly looked at those three youths in front of him.

With malevolent intentions, he then closed in to the crimson-haired girl.

"Sophia Rosenthal, you won't be seeing your daughter again from today onwards…"

As he finished his sentence, without any sort of hesitation, he then sliced the girl's neck with ease. 


Immediately fresh blood started gushing out of her neck and her beheaded head. The blood splattered uncontrollably like fountain as it stained the stone altar in bright red while at the same time, his already bloodied face became even more grotesque as the blood of that girl splattered on his face.

However, he didn't even bat an eye when looking at this extremely horrifying scene which could sent chills to any onlookers. From the looks of his eyes which looked like it was devoid of any kind of emotions and from the way he sliced through that girl's neck with ease, it made it seem like he was used to killing peoples. 

The blank look on his face only made him seem like a cold-blooded killer.

Just like this the poor little girl who couldn't even see the face of her killer, died in split seconds without even being able to let out a cry.

After that he moved onto his next target— the pretty looking blond-haired girl. 

"Eveline…" landing his eyes on her, he muttered as he felt his heart softening.

But then again, immediately the look on his eyes changed as intense rage overcame the pity he felt towards this girl.

Without any second thoughts, he then once again did the same with the blond-haired girl in front of him.

While she was still in an unconscious state, he stabbed his dagger right through her heart. However, unlike the previous girl, for an instance while getting stabbed, the girl in front opened her eyes to look at the killer who had pierced a dagger right through her chest.

The moment she felt the pain coursing through her body, she couldn't help but cry and move.

But as she tried to move and shout, no voice came out of her mouth neither could she move her body.

It was like as if her whole body had been tightly chained and her vocal cords, snapped. 

Looking at the girl's frantic eyes filled with horror and intense pain, he frowned his brows as he answered in a soft and grieving voice, "Resistance is futile… You are poisoned with the poison of the flower Deadly Nightshade's poison. Without any cure, you can neither move your body nor speak…. So, death is the only end for you"

As he said those words, he twisted the dagger that was piercing through her heart; causing her heart to stop and her life to seep out of her miserable body.

Right now, his dark clothing was totally smeared with blood while a puddle of blood had been created on the stone platform.

Even those runic symbols etched on the ground was filled with blood. However, the intensity of the energy gathered around him was only increasing.

Carrying a solemn expression on his face, he then turned his attention towards the last remaining boy whom he hadn't killed yet.

As blood continued to drip from his dagger which right now was bathed in the blood of two different individual, he made his way towards the boy.

Shooting one last glance at the boy, he mumbled, "Boy…, you sure do look like your father"

"And since your father took everything from me, I ought to repay back the favour. So, no hard feelings boy" as he said those words, he helplessly looked at this boy; preparing to lift his dagger. 

However, at this moment, the pretty looking blond-haired boy whose face was seemingly in a bloody mess opened his eyes with great difficulty.

Bright light penetrated his eyes as he tried to open his eyes.

Soon though, he witnessed the bloody face of the man in front of him who was right now preparing to kill him.