
Blood Fiend Vampire

• Human turned into a Vampire Slave; would he accept the curse of becoming a being drinking the blood of humans? • Earthling is forced by his Vampire Master to undercover the existence of other realms; does he adapt to their cultures in order to survive as one of them? • Heir of the Everett wealth destined to become one of the heirs of the Dark Throne; can he inherit the Dark Throne and become human once again? • And he becomes something he never wanted to become: a blood fiend vampire. Tale of a vampire, who becomes a “hero”, in his pursuit to become a human, who wanted to save himself from killing his mother.

Jaxmaa · 奇幻
103 Chs

Great Madness

Back to the time when Max willingly jumped into the consuming black pit, he had something pertaining Void Emotion in his busy mind even though it was in a trance of coiol down. He had to bet on the weapon or else, he might end up as a pathetic prisoner of those mad dogs.

And that meant the probability of finding Evelyn was zero;

And yet, it still seemed to be entirely zero;

And his decision to jump into the hole was the craziest he had ever made;

Falling down into the wide hole like a zipping bolt, Max screamed to the best of his ability like a freaked woman that saw a big rat. He was scared, more scared than he could ever imagine. Truthfully saying, he was close to being an undead but considering the situation in a fuller picture, that didn't mean he was totally an undead. He could still die!

The young Vampire just realized that he loved his dear life so much. How ironic that many people wish to die, committing suicide but only to realize their mistake at the edge of no return. And who knows, maybe to fall into a black big hole was a method to kill male Vampire Slaves like himself.

'I hate to live... but I need to be sure of Evelyn's safety...'

Oh, Max wasn't scared of dying but instead, he was scared of Evelyn's safety. Was that not defining his abosolute insanity to the fullest as far as Evelyn was concerned? How bizarre.

"And ah can't do that if am deeaaaaa....."

In a calm style, the Vampire System serially started dancing up notifications in front of his iris:

[Warning: You have lost so much blood]

[You are low on Blood Time]

[You can't use Void Emotion any longer until it finishes cooling down]

[Your Vampire body alarmingly needs human blood for better functioning]

'"Am about to die, you fucker!"

[You can't use Void Emotion any longer until it finishes cooling down]

[Blood Time: 12h: 7m: 3s remaining]

The time kept ticking and the black hole was not showing any signs of ending. It was large to a crazy extent.

[Void Emotion has finished cooling down. You may now use it.]

Max's face brightened as soon as the last notification danced upwards in front of him. Alas, to his pessimism, his eyes could verify he had reached the end of the hole. This was the moment for him to either prove to himself that he still needed to live until he achieved his two important goals or if he was going to simply give up on them and welcome a sort of peaceful death.

[You have successfully summoned Void Emotion]

The time seemed to be moving itself slowly;

The inevitable was approaching itself slowly;

And when he was moving down and approaching his unprepared end slowly;

And when he was prepared to next see himself in heaven opening his eyes slowly;

'This is it.'

[You are using Void Emotion's Character Ability, Blink]

'I am doing it!'

Life was not done with him yet and hence!

Luck decided to give him a second chance!

Luck of his damned life, on his side for once!

As Max was a feet away from connecting with the floor, he Blinked away. Normally he would have returned stuck beneath the floor below the hole but the good thing was, he didn't return after Blinking.

Just the way he assumed before jumping, the hole seemed to possess a weird sort of phenomenon that could enhance mini sounds into magnified ones. Mini gravels accompanying him fell on its bottom, having their sounds magnified into explosives.

And that made the two Blue Forces to think he had fell and died for nothing and against their ranking up. Contrariwise, their unalerted heads were the ones to soon follow him down below, sent by Armless to the cruel embrace of death.


Everytime Max used Void Emotion's Character Ability, he vanishes and comes back again in a blinking style. In between each vanish, his body was taken to the Void Realm but his self-awareness was somehow switched off by the mask — he guessed it was that way.

His self-awareness would be switched off but his mental functions would still be active. If he were to be walking then he used Blink, his body would be taken to the Void Realm. His self-awareness would be switched off but he would automatically continue walking in that realm. If he wanted to stand up from the ground and he used Blink, his body would automatically do that in the Void Realm without his knowledge. Returning back means he had changed his location.

Yet today it was a diametrical case. Necessity is the mother of invention and it made Max to concentrate in order to be self-aware even though he was using Blink.

And it worked!

'I am in the Void Realm.'

Max didn't know how but he had been transferred to the Void Realm with his self-awareness intact. He was falling down in a star shape just as how he was doing inside the big hole but with a slower momentum. Finally reaching the bottom of the hole in calmness, he connected with it, but there was no pain nor nothing. This realm was treating him all tenderly like a small baby.

There were sharp difference:

First, between the Void Realm and that which he left was that time seemed to be extremely slow here, signifying his momentum was the same, too. Maybe science was right after all, that far away from the sun, the time doesn't exist.

'I don't have time for all the science stuffs! Yeah time seems to seize but... Whatever! I just don't have time! I'm in the void realm!'

Secondly, since he was moving extremely slowly, it implies whenever he came here, he stays longer than he could imagine.

Thirdly, the place seemed Void. Putting it to words was hard because it wasn't a dark nor a bright place. At the same time, it felt like it existed but still not existing; simply, it felt Void to the Vampire.

Max slowly rose from the floor without losing focus in order to still remain in here. Checking to see how fine was his body, he couldn't see anything. That fact freaked him to the core. It felt exhilarating yet frightening. He checked it again but there was nothing like his body nor like anything representing it.

Max was currently a something inside nothingness while being a nothing entity.

'The beauty of great madness... of Void Emotion.' he thought with "wide eyes".

'Ohf, what if I should return back to where I came from with my momentum still the same? What should I do then? I need to think... I can't just stop to admire whatever this place is, need to think of a solution, need to think of any solution. Fast! Fast! Fast!'

His brain thinking of all possibilities, Max came to wonder using Spider Vision as one of his resolves. Maybe, it would work differently for him since he was in the Void Realm. So he activated the Gift without much waste of time that seemed not to exist.