
Seriously? Who decided this?

On horseback, Einar and Uhtred followed Alfred and his army to Wareham. All while he road, Einar mind was occupied with many thoughts. These were varied from, Alfred to Life.

At some point in their journey towards Wareham, they stopped to set camp. The Men were sluggish and tired from alalking.

Near Wareham, the Army of Wessex were settled, tents everywhere and on top of a hill. The sun was set and the camp was thriving with men strolling around.

Einar was seated chewing a chicken leg, his eyes were placed on Uhtred's and Alfred's back. At the moment they were arguing about the debt that Uhtred owned.

His eyes only stop staring at them when he felt someone creep up upon him, to his surprise it was father Beocca. Allowing the man he thinks of as a grandfather to sit opposite him, he just kept on eating without acknowledging his existence. To be fair, the chicken was actually quite enjoyable.

"It's unlike you to be silent Einar. Has something caught your attention?" Einar glanced up to Beocca and said between giving a fleeting glance at his brothers direction.

"No. Simply just confused about what Uhtred expects to do there." Humoured by his brothers action, Beocca looked where Einar gaze was on and once he did released out a sigh.

"*sigh* He's being stubborn as usual, nothing will change about him. Always allowing his emotions to control him." Einar smiled somewhat and nodded in agreement.

"You two are very similar, did you know that? Jumping into anything without a second thought." Beocca smiled fondly at Einar. He remembered the moments in Bebbanburg like it was yesterday.

"Should I take that as an compliment?" An amused smirk in his face, Einar lifted his mug of ale and drank it in one gulp.

"Take it as you may. It just shows how much you and Uhtred's have connected with each other on a, spiritual and mental state." Beocca said with his smile.

A sad chuckle was all that could be heard from Einar. Beocca noticed his face become suddenly more gloomy than straight away, like it wasn't there at all, and went back to his normal expression.

"He is my brother... Even if we do not share the exact mother... Uhtred and I see that as nothing. We are Danes. Nothing needs explaining, Uhtred had simply awoken his true self since our abduction."

A nod was all that it took for Einar to know of the current storm going through Beocca's head. Although Einar was interested in what Beocca was thinking, he turned away, eating his chicken leg.

Beocca soon left Einar to his devices. The Old Man clearly had his mind in a different place, probably still thinking over Einar's words.

Father Beocca's figure went towards the direction of Alfred's back. His figure never left the Blondes eyes, even when he was talking with Alfred.

Until he saw Uhtred heading towards him, Einar's gaze didn't leave their back. Once they did leave them, he saw Uhtred's scrunched up face. Despite Einar's sense of guilt having an affair with his wife, he kept it in and waited.

Dropping on the seat where Beocca was seated before, Uhtred constantly clenched and unclenched his fists. Didn't take one to be smart so you can realize what state he is in.

After not speaking between each other for 5 minutes, Uhtred looked at his brother and asked him. "Did you know?"

"Are you talking about the debt?" Einar returned his attention to Uhtred. Clenching his fist even more, Uhtred eyes grew heated.

'Why did he tell me?' Uhtred couldn't understand his brothers action. Wasn't they supposed to tell each other everything?

Einar cleared his throat and replied back with his own heated gaze. "I did it to teach you a lesson."

Both stared at the opposite, stubborn to let down this arguement between brothers. It stopped soon once Einar's eyes lighted up in anger.

"How is that a lesson!?" Gritting his teeth, Uhtred slammed his fist on the table. There was no change in Einar, something as little as this display of anger couldn't faze him. Uhtred knew this.

Cause of the bang sound echoing in the camp, all looked now at them in curiosity. What they saw was best to describe as a brother arguement. Uhtred was stood up looking down into his brother's eyes full of anger.

"Sit down!"


In a fit of anger. The table that kept them at a distance was now wood and splitters. Einar wasn't able to hold his rage in no more and commanded Uhtred to take a seat.

Everyone who saw the scene was left without words. They didn't think twice before all of them chose to head the opposite direction of the pair. Einar's show of power wouldn't disappear anytime soon or forever.

In spite of his current mood, Uhtred sat down. Luckily he still had clarity and knew of the outcomes if they fought each other. Uhtred wasn't a coward by no means, he just knew who to pick a fight with and who not to. It just so happens that his brother is on top of the list of whom not to fuck with.

Calming himself down, Einar rubbed his forehead and breathed in. "*sigh* ...You wonder why I've decided to teach you a lesson..."

Given a grumble, he stood up, placed his hand on Uhtred's shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"Things won't go your way brother... Harness that anger and take control of it. If you do not.... You will just be a puppet, being told what to do and when to. Think rationally."

And just like that. Einar left Uhtred mulling over his words. Words which thankfully Uhtred took seriously.


Wareham had fallen, the Vikings had successfully raided it. The next morning, King Alfred and his army marched towards Wareham without delaying.

Outside Wareham, down the hill was King Alfred's army. At the front was Einar, Uhtred, King Alfred, Beocca, Odda and Leofric. King Alfred in the middle, on his left was Odda and to his right was Beocca.

Beside Beocca was Uhtred than Einar and to Odda's was Leofric and Young Odda.

Giving a speech to lift the moral of the army, Leofric repeated King Alfred's words loudly.

"We are here to show them, how many we are! That we are here with god! And this is our land!"

On horseback, Leofric went Infront of the army, looking on each side to everyman. "This is our land! Our England! Our Wessex! We shall Murder any heathen bastard, who tries and take it!"

"Yeahhhhhh!" Screaming their lungs out in responds to Leofric's speech, the moral of the army was boosted significantly.

Uhtred and Einar watching all this smirked in amusement at the show. No Later when they stopped shouting, the forts Gates opened. Out came Guthrum and surprisingly their adopted brother, Ragnar.

Chosen to stay behind, Alfred, Leofric, Odda, father Selbix and Odda's guards went ahead to negotiate with Guthrum.

It didn't take long before Alfred came back explaining of the negotiation. The result was one month until ships come for Guthrum and Ragnar's army, in return to keep peace and order within Wessex, Guthrum would leave.

Hilarious, best word to describe the current scenario. Einar knew what would come from Alfred's delusional plan of slewing for peace with the Vikings, more bloodshed and carnage. By his actions, they'll set war more so, after his actions because all they see in him is a fake king.

Best way to actually portray your words is by your action. And that is, fighting. It is the only attempt to stop them, everything else is meaningless.

Well... ...Right now, nothing mattered. Einar wanted to fight and seek revenge for his adopted family. Experience, hard-work and strength will come from the barrage of attacks by the Vikings. Although, Don't presume because of his short term goals that he didn't any long ones currently.

We'll talk of them in the future... We don't want things to be boring, do we?

[Einar's PoV]

When we came back to the camp, immediately, imagine my utmost surprise when the king himself had asked for my presence. I didn't even have the time to wash my self. None the less, I exited my tent and walked slowly towards Alfred's tent.

Eyes and heads turned to me. In all of them showed variety of emotions. Fear, awe, hate, etc. In spite of this, I came to get used it.

Why should I acknowledge such pathetic and useless individuals. They'll just die with no meaning and forever be forgot through history.

Still, I had to admit, it took some serious balls to put your life on the line. This applies quite a lot with Alfred. Even though he was physical weak, the man still went out to battle for his men.

He is a king despite his lack of fighting ability and starting mess ups. I know from the show that behind his all genius facade shown to all, Alfred relied more on Uhtred than his own mind. I respect while also hate him for these reasons.

His wife on the other hand.... ....I do not know how to describe her. She was definitely a racist when it came to Danes or anything none Christian. Somehow though, she was kind.... Maybe.... It is for that reason my heart beats whenever I catch sight of her.

Mildrith is beautiful, plus she was wild when it came down to it, she had the innocence of a child while being almost bat shit crazy when riding. She like Aelswith, made me feel like a completely different man.

Do not take this for granted. I will do anything to come into power. Except using my future wife's body, that's just utterly disgusting.

All I have to do is wait and things will come along in due time.