
BLEACH: Ultimate Being

Ryo died during a freak (embarrassing) accident, only to awaken in the bleach verse, with his knowledge of the future, he decides the only way to survive is to become the strongest now his goal is to become the ultimate being and stand at the peak of this world watch him try his best to battle against the strongest while suffering from setbacks and learning more about himself and his spirit......... The cover is mine. I do not own bleach.

finalgetsuga · 漫画同人
22 Chs


*students' training grounds

"Faster!!!" Sensei yelled

Ryo was shirtless while continuously striking a dummy with a blunt wooden Katana. It's been a month since he's been in the academy. His current progress was insane, after having awakened his true rietsu, he's been able to utilize it at a much higher degree than before, at first the visible changes in his rietsu weren't noticeable, but lately when exuding his rietsu small blue sparks could be seen around it although it isn't at the level of Yamamoto's flames nor Toshiro's Ice it was still a great work in progress. Ryo also figured out the current timeline. His teacher mentioned a captain who deserted soul society, ryo who was interested, learned that it was Isshin. He found out that Isshin left soul society around 9 years ago, so Ichigo was probably 8 or 7. His mom would die soon, so Ryo only had a decade to prepare for yhwach and 8 years to go toe to toe with Aizen.

"Damn" ryo said through his gritted teeth, he was sweating a lot. He was forced by his sensei to practice the same attack over and over again. It's been 5 hours since he started. Normally he'd be able to do this for a day straight without breaking a sweat, but earlier this morning, he was practicing his rietsu, releasing it added a lot of stress on his body and lowered his stamina by a huge margin.

"alright. You're done for the day."

As soon as those magic words were said, Ryo immediately fell down to the ground out of breath

"sensei I understand having to practice the same movements in order to master them, but I've been doing the same thing for 4 weeks straight now. I think I'm ready for something new."

Ryo understood that repetition is the key to mastering something, but he was way too bored with doing the same thing repeatedly as if he were a robot.

His sensei answered, "I understand as a matter of fact today is your last day of doing this movement, those 4 weeks of doing this were to get you familiarized with a sword. Next week we'll be learning defensive techniques."

"why not offensive techniques instead?"

"ahhh ha to attack, you must first learn to defend," sensei said while trying to act as if he was some Monk

"Thank you for your knowledge," I said while rolling my eyes.

I rushed away before he could refute me

I was heading up to my room when I noticed the presence of the 2 twins, baki and daki. I didn't want to talk to them, so I hurried to hide my presence, but it was too late. They had already seen me.

"hello Ryo, I haven't seen you in a while," said daki

"uhh.... yeah, you know, been busy with training and classes" yes that's true but in reality, I've just been avoiding them they gave off a weird vibe and felt almost dangerous.

"I see. Did you by anyways hear that zanpakuto's will be handed out on Monday?"

" I did." I, of course, was lying. It surprised me. I didn't think we'd be getting it this early.

"oh then goodbye hopefully we shall meet again soon," daki said while he and his brother Departed

It shocked me, if what daki said was true then I'd get a zanpakuto I could hardly wait for tomorrow to come.


It was now Monday. Ryo had woken up at 2: am with a smile on his face as he began his morning routine around 3 weeks ago ryo realized that rietsu is kind of like a muscle the more you use and train it the stronger and denser it becomes so he decided every morning he'd use half of his rietsu and try manipulating the rest into different shapes so he'd always have great control over his rietsu.

Ryo didn't want to end up like Ichigo, who had so much rietsu that he wasn't able to properly control it or make it take shape.

"I want to control it to the point where it becomes as easy as breathing."

Ryo began by sitting down and releasing it bit by bit by the time he was done 4 hours had already passed. "I can't release it all at once or someone might notice it. Right now, I don't want to reveal my true abilities. I'm not strong enough to protect myself against people who might want to use me."

Ryo at this point was at around a low lieutenant level of strength, based on his training with sensei ryo already surpassed him in terms of everything besides sword techniques since he hasn't learned anything new.

Ryo had begun his rietsu control training when he noticed someone sliding something under his door, he stood up and saw that it was a piece of paper he picked it up and started reading it "first-year students head down to the training hall in order to select a zanpakuto..." Yes it was true

I quickly began dressing. It was the usual student kimono, but with a turquoise scarf around my neck, I now had a mirror which I requested due to how difficult it was for me to find one when I first arrived. Looking at myself right now, my hair had grown longer and now covered my forehead. My skin was still pale but looked slightly healthier, but I was still the same height.

"This is annoying, this body hasn't even grown a single inch I'm only 2 centimeters taller than before... sigh guess it can't be helped I'll just head over to the training hall"

Before heading out, I hid my presence and started walking toward the training hall. I passed large groups of students without them noticing me. After a while, I reached the training hall 20 students were already there in line I also joined the line there were multiple Katana-shaped swords in front of us after a while everyone arrived in line that's when a white hooded man appeared in front of us.

he said "today you'll be receiving your Asauchi which starts your official shinigami Journey"

a student In line raised his hand "what's an Asauchi? "

"an Asauchi is the Zanpakuto of low-ranking Shinigami, not have names yet, but zanpakuto's of high-level shinigami have names.to get a zanpakuto A Shinigami must spend every waking moment with their own Asauchi, and as they progress in their training, they slowly and methodically imprint the essence of their soul into their Asauchi. This is how they guide and mold their own unique Zanpakuto."

He then began to hand the swords out. After a few minutes, it was my turn he took a sword and held it out to me but suddenly I somehow sensed that it wasn't a right fit for me 'huh that's weird on all Asauchi's the same, but my instincts are telling me that this one isn't the right fit for me'

"Can I get this one instead?" I said, pointing at another sword. For some reason, it drew my attention, even though they were practically all the same. He took the sword back and gave me the one that I asked for.

The moment I held it, I could instantly feel a change. It felt as if something connected me with it. I headed back to my room with my new weapon ready to figure out more about this... TO BE CONTINUED.


Things will start picking up in the next chapter. He'll begin to reveal his abilities and will start meeting canon characters. Things will definitely get interesting.*don't forget to leave a review.

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