
Bleach: The Strongest Monarch

Mizuiro Kojima, part of Ichigo Kurosaki's friend group, is constantly getting beat up due to association with Ichigo. One day, it went a bit too far as he was beaten to near death. But he wasn't going down without a fight... [You have met the requirements to complete the secret quest: Courage of the Weak Outcast] This was how Mizuiro's life did a complete 180 as he discovered what secrets the world hid.

Darkened007 · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 3: The Beginning (Reupload)

With his back on the snake boss' corpse, Mizuiro waited for his stamina to come back as he looked through the system messages.

The first thing is his 3-level gain after killing the boss.

Name: Mizuiro Kojima

Level: 18

Job: None

Title: Wolf Slayer

HP: 1935 

MP: 234

Strength: 36

Vitality: 27

Agility: 27

Intelligence: 27

Sense: 27

Available Stat Points: 6]

[You have defeated The King of The Swamp, The Blue Venom-Fanged Kasaka]

[Item: Kasaka's Venom Gland]

[Description: A pouch contained refined venom of Kasaka. Drinking this will make your skin tough, but your muscles will be permanently damaged due to the poison]

[Effect: +20% Less Physical Damage]

[Side-Effect: Muscle damage, -35 strength]

'Poison, huh? That means I should be able to drink this... let's test it out first when I get home though'

He then looked at the other item he gained, a dagger.

[Item: Kasaka's Venom Fang]

[Attack +25]

[Description: A dagger made from Kasaka's fang, with the poison still in it]

[Effect 1: Paralyze - Chance of opponent being paralyzed]

[Effect 2: Bleed - Chance of bleed, opponent losing 1% of Health every second]

"Woah" He gasped at the dagger, 'Paralysis and Bleed? That's broken...'

[You have defeated the boss, dungeon will return back to normal]

And with that, the dungeon slowly dissipated, revealing the train station being perfectly normal.

"*Yawn~*... Time to go home" He dashed home, not realising he had many message notifications on his phone...




[Harmful substances detected]

[Buff: Detoxification getting rid of harmful substance. 3... 2... 1... successfully detoxified]

'Good, it's legit' Mizuiro put down the test subject, aka alcohol, and took out the gland drop and swallowed it.

[Harmful substance detected. 3...2...1... Detoxified]

[Muscle Damage debuff disappeared]

[Physical Damage Reduction: 20%] Appeared at the bottom of his stats.

"Noice. I wonder what the time is-" He opened his phone "-What the fuck!?"

The time showed 2:02pm

And the date was Monday May 17th

And finally, he had over 50 notifications of Keigo, Chad, Ichigo, and even Tatsuki and Orihime messaging or calling him.

"Uh oh..."




"Uh... hey guys?" Mizuiro met up with the group after school after messaging them all.

"Huh? Who are you?" Ichigo and Keigo simultaneously asked.

Mizuiro grew another 2 inches making him 5'4 now, his body was a lot more defined compared to his old frail self, and his facial features were a lot better. [A/N: Now looks like Sung Jin Woo after killing the S-Ranks older brother, just shorter]

"It's me, Mizuiro" 



The group of 5 stared at Mizuiro for a few seconds

"EHHHHH???" All but Chad shouted in shock, who simply gasped and had his eyes wide.

"Did you take steroids or something???" Keigo began analysing Mizuiro's body up close.

"Plastic surgery aswell??" Ichigo analysed his face.

"You look good" Chad gave a thumbs up.

"Woahhh, Mizuiro looks handsome, don't you think Tatsuki?" Orihime congratulated.

"He looks better for sure. I didn't know someone could change that much in a week" Tatsuki stated.

"Thanks guys, and this is all legit, no surgery or nothin'" Mizuiro replied with a chuckle.

[Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong (Incomplete)]

'It didn't seem to appear in that instant dungeon, which is nice I guess' He'd complete the quest when he's alone.




It was now Friday.

The sky was dark as it was late night time.

On a pole appeared a short, black-haired girl wearing a black outfit, with the moon behind her.

Her face was blank as she looked around Karakura Town, as if she was on search of something.

"... It's here"




[Stat Points: 6 -> 18]

"*Yawn*..." Mizuiro stretched as he slowly got out of bed.

During the days leading up to today, he grew another inch, making him 5'5.

Brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, the usual morning routine stuff, Mizuiro changed into his school uniform and headed to school.

"Mornin' Ichigo" On the way to school, Mizuiro meets with Ichigo every day and they walk to school together.

The school day went by quick today and everybody went home.

Mizuiro took this time to speedrun his daily quest, getting another 3 stat points for free - making it 21 now.

"Let's go to that source, shall we?" He left the house.

When he woke up this morning, he felt a presence stronger than usual thanks to his [Spiritual Sense] skill arrive in the town.




Walking around town with a hoodie and black joggers, Mizuiro felt that he was getting closer to the presence.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he could feel multiple weaker presences appear through out the town.

Unfortunately, due to the amount of presences, it was hard for Mizuiro to sense them all accurately, so he decided to add 8 stat points into the sense stat, making it 35.

Because of that boost it felt a little easier for Mizuiro to sense them all.

He could feel the previous strong presence, with a weaker presence near her so he decided to head in that direction.




'Hmm... The presence is in this area, but where...' He began to walk faster in search of the presence.

Because of him looking everywhere, he weren't focused in front of him

*Dumf* Mizuiro felt someone collide with him, and as a result the other person fell down.

"Sorry about that, let me help you up-" Mizuiro stuck his hand out, and that's when he realised

'She's that presence' 

He looked down to see a short black haired girl looking up at him with a shocked expression

"You... can see me?" The girl muttered in shock, eyes wide as she looked up at Mizuiro who waited patiently with his arm out for her to grab.

"Yeah, come with me and I'll explai-" He said, until he was interrupted by a claw which he saw coming from the corner of his peripheral heading towards him and the girl, so he quickly grabbed her and jumped out of the way, dodging the attack successfully.



Because of the damage from the claw hitting the ground, every citizen around them ran away in a panic, leaving Mizuiro and the girl alone with the monster.

"What the hell is that...?" Mizuiro looked in disgust at the ugly monster with the white mask in front of him.

"Oi, let me go" The girl in Mizuiro's arms (How Ichigo held Rukia when stopping her execution) weakly punched his chest in embarrassment of their position.

"Alright" He gently placed her on her feet, "So... who are you?" He asked

"I am Rukia Kuchiki... A shinigami" She replied, looking at the hollow in front of them as she drew her sword, "My job is to..." She jumped at the monster and sliced it in half, "Exorcise the hollows" [Images]

The 'Hollow' disintegrated and Rukia sheathed her sword, turning back around and walking up to Mizuiro who looked at her in surprise.

"So, who are you?" She asked, tilting her head up slightly as she looked at Mizuiro who had a smile on his face.

"How about we get away from here and then I can tell you, and then you can explain everything, hopefully" He suggested as he pointed in the direction of his house, earning a nod from Rukia who agreed with him.




"*Sip~*... This is some nice tea" Rukia complimented as she sat on Mizuiro's couch.

"Thanks" He sat down opposite her with his drink, "So, could you explain all that today?" He got straight to the point, his face serious as he waited for Rukia's explanation.

"First of all, what's your name?" Rukia asked, wanting to actually identify the person she'll be speaking with for a while most likely.

"Oh right, my bad" He chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head, "It's Mizuiro Kojima, nice to meet you, Rukia. Now, could you explain what that monster was?" He asked once more politely.

"That monster was a hollow, a type of spirit that we, shinigami, must kill and exorcise" She replied with a sip of her tea.

"So... what's a shinigami, exactly?" Mizuiro asked. He obviously knew what a 'Death God' was, but he wanted to know what a 'shinigami' was to Rukia since they appeared to be a little different.

"A shinigami is someone from the soul society, or 'Heaven' as you humans might prefer calling it, who's job is to perform Konso's and exorcise hollows. Before you ask, I'll explain what Konso's are and the types of spirits:

Konso's, or Soul Burial's, are a ritual and a duty of a shinigami to send a Plus to the soul society" 

She then pulled out a drawing book from the inside of her outfit, called a Shihakusho.

"There are 2 types of spirits: One is called a Plus and is the most common spirit. You might've referred to them as a 'ghost'. The second type of spirit is called a Hollow, and they attack both the living and the dead alike and eat their souls. These are the more 'Evil Spirits' per se.

Any questions so far?" She asked innocently as she held her drawing book in front of Mizuiro.

"None about the spirits... your drawings kinda suck tho-" He stated bluntly, earning a frown from Rukia before she raised her hand and swiped it to the side

"Bakudo #1 Sai" Mizuiro was stuck in place, allowing for Rukia to hurriedly grab a pen and draw a moustache on his face, laughing in the process "My drawings don't suck. I'll set you free now- WAIT DON'T TRY AND BREAK OUT OF IT" She began to panic when she saw Mizuiro trying to break out of it, "Stop!- What the..." To her shock, Mizuiro burst out of the Bakudo.

[New Skill Gained: Bakudo Nullification]

[Bakudo Nullification Lv. MAX- Active Skill: Uses 100MP minimum to break out of most Bakudo. Price of MP varies based on the strength of the Bakudo]

'A human broke out of a Bakudo spell??' Rukia thought in shock as she looked at Mizuiro who was perfectly fine, stretching his arms a little.

"A bakudo, huh? Is that something all soul reapers can do?" He asked, not realising what he had done.

Rukia slammed the table with her hands as she asked loudly, "How did you, a human, break out of a Bakudo???"


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