

Kiyota shook his head and sighed.

'They'll get along well enough...'

Kiyota turned to Luna.

"Luna, I want you to find a spot and sit down. You too Kain." Kiyota said, gesturing to a pile of flat rock formations outside the cave.

"What?" Kain asked, confused. "Why would we need to do that?"

"Just sit down," Kiyota said, exasperated. "I'm going to have to help you get your zanpakuto."

'I don't know how arrancars get their zanpakuto. I think I might have missed an episode of bleach. It's fine I think I can help them figure it out. After all, those arrancar in Aizens army could do it so why can't Luna and Kain who might be as stronger than Starrk right now. I assume that an arrancars zanpakuto is the manifestation of the souls of the hollows that they have killed. If that is the case then it follows the natural hollow progression of using the souls of other hollows to get stronger. By imparting some, maybe half, I don't know the amount, they can receive a zanpakuto.' Kiyota thought to himself as Kain and Luna sat down.

Kiyota then approached Yuzuki who was standing there.

"I'll turn you into an arrancar aswell so pay close attention to what they do." Kiyota said to Yuzuki.

Yuzuki nodded.

'Siri, is my prediction correct?' Kiyota asked mentally.

"Yeah it actually is spot on. Surprising you got that." Siri said.

'Thanks... Wait! Why is that surprising...?'

"Alright now listen up both of you." Kiyota said looking at Luna and Kain who were now sitting on the flat rocks outside the cave.

"Alright, I want you both to close your eyes," Kiyota instructed.

"Now, focus on the souls of the hollows you've killed. Try to visualise them."

Luna and Kain looked at each other before closing their eyes, their faces scrunching up in concentration. For several long moments, nothing happened. Kain's face twitched, while Luna's tried his best to follow Kiyota's instructions.

After what felt like an hour, Luna said something.

"I... I think I see something," he said.

"It's like a bottomless void, filled with darkness and... endless whispers."

Kiyota nodded, suppressing a shudder as he thought about the countless hollows Luna might have consumed. "Good, Luna. Keep focusing on that."

Kain, meanwhile, was growing visibly frustrated. His eyes remained tightly shut, but his fists were clenched, and a vein was pulsing in his forehead.

"I can't see anything," Kain growled. "It's just... blank."

Kiyota thought for a moment.

"Okay, Kain, try something different. Instead of focusing on the souls, try to visualise your own reiatsu."

Kain nodded, taking a deep breath and relaxing his shoulders slightly. For several more minutes, they waited in tense silence.

Finally, Kain's also said, "I see it!"

Kiyota felt a wave of relief wash over him. "Excellent. Now, both of you, I want you to focus on those voids. Start molding those souls into a form of a weapon. It can be anything you think is lethal. Let your instincts guide you."

Luna and Kain closed their eyes once more, their faces set in deep concentration. Kiyota watched them intently, hoping his guidance would be enough to help them manifest their zanpakuto. Kiyota was guiding these powerful Arrancar through a process he only theoretically understood with a guess.

Yuzuki, still standing nearby, watched the process. Her gaze was intense, as if she was trying to commit every detail to memory. Kiyota noticed this.

'I bet she wants to do this too. I'm sure I can help her after I help Luna and Kain. The next step is to make her an arrancar.' Kiyota thought to himself.

As Kiyota watched intently, Luna's brow furrowed in deep concentration. Suddenly, a soft purple glow began to emanate from his hands. The light grew brighter, stretching and molding itself into a long, slender shape. With a flash, the light solidified, and Luna was holding a classic katana with a purple handle.

Luna's eyes snapped open, widening in awe as he gazed at the weapon in his hands. He stood up quickly, a rare smile breaking across his usually stoic face. Turning to Kiyota, he bowed deeply.

"Thank you, Lord Jin," Luna said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude and respect.

Kiyota waved off the thanks, feeling a mix of relief and pride. "No need for that, Luna. Your katana looks amazing."

Luna's pale cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, his eyes darting back to his newly formed zanpakuto. He ran his fingers along the blade, feeling the sharpness

Curiosity piqued, Kiyota asked, "So, Luna, does your zanpakuto have a name?"

Luna nodded, his voice soft but clear as he replied, "Sūkōna mikadzuki."

"Exalted crescent, huh?" Kiyota nodded approvingly. "It suits you."

Luna's flush deepened, but there was pride in his eyes as he gazed at his zanpakuto.

The next moment, Kain's face hands trembling slightly, and a yellow glow began to form between his palms, growing brighter and more intense with each passing second. The light stretched and twisted, taking on a solid form.

With a flash of golden light, Kain's zanpakuto materialised. It was a thick, heavy-looking blade. a traditional double-edged longsword with a narrowed cross guard and a rounded tip. The metal's surface had patterns of lions and dragons.

Kain's eyes lit up with excitement as he lifted his zanpakuto, testing its weight and balance. A grin spread across his face, but it quickly turned into annoyance as he glanced over at Luna, who was already standing proudly with his own zanpakuto, the purple katana sheathed on his side.

"Damn it," Kain muttered, his competitive nature flaring up. "Of course you had to do it first."

Luna merely raised an eyebrow, a hint of smugness in his expression.

"What did you expect? Sorry but I'm number one."