
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · 奇幻
17 Chs

The build-up (3)


10 minutes ago

My hair was no longer dripping wet, at best I could call them damp, my clothes had dried drown by quite a bit, but I still felt uncomfortable in them.

The warm sunlight was gone and all I could feel was a cold wind piercing through my skin.

My teeth chattered slightly, and I unconsciously shivered a little. I could try warming myself up thanks to a fireball, but that may burn my clothes, no it was not worth the risk I thought.

Instead of doing something crazy, I opted for a more subtle approach, I started manipulating the mana lingering around me little by little, condensing all the surrounding water into a single gigantic droplet.

I wanted to pour all the water I had accumulated onto the boar's head, but I restrained myself, it will do neither of us any good, I thought.


Instead of dumping the monstrous droplet into Razak's head, I threw it in a random direction far away from me, the lack of water vapor around me hastened the degree of evaporation by leaps and bounds.




I was having a bad day, with bad I mean the worst day of my centuries-long life.

14 minutes ago

I felt the wind slipping below me as I soared higher and higher in the sky as I closed the distance between me and an 11-meter tall pterodactyl that I was currently chasing.


I used my long black talons to shred my prey's wings with a single slash. The victim's back got covered with blood and feeling the pain he was in, I bit his neck, giving him a quick death.

"That is what happens when you invade the territory of another sovereign". I thought.

While I was carrying his tattered corpse towards my cave, out of nowhere, a gigantic orb of water slammed at my scaly back. Before I could wrap my head around what just transpired a moment ago, My wings got heavier and heavier as I lost my balance, toppling and falling face-first into the hard ground.

"First a fucking dinosaur invaded my turf and now some punk sprayed my whole body with water, when I find the culprit, I will skin them alive."

Subsequently waking up after the whole ordeal, I tried to use one of my innate healing abilities, concentrating all the mana in the surroundings towards my silver-colored core, I tried to construct a regenerative fire, but alas nothing happened.

" Strange, why am I not able to breathe fire?"

after trying a couple of more times, I gave up.

"Is this some kind of array? But why would any human with such vast knowledge about magical formations appear here?"

Before I could contemplate any further, I saw a silhouette of a young man and a woman approaching my property.




Standing In front of me was a 30-meter-tall lizard-like creature, his current condition looked pitiful, his collar bone was broken, and his jawbone was caved in, he was drenched from head to toe, and the fire in his menacing eyes was very dim.

His scaly lips were unmoving, his short wings were tangled with each other, giving him a cartoonish-like appearance.

The basic difference between a dragon and a drake was their height, the shape of their wings, and their scales.

The drake in front of me had brown thick scales which were quite tough but not half as hard as compared to a true dragon.

Drakos was a magma drake meaning apart from his daunting physical strength he could also breathe fire, though he couldn't use hellfire which is a stronger and more vicious version of the same.

"Razak is tha--at your guardian?" Rias abruptly asked.

"I am indeed his guardian, Who are you, lass? I can sense that you have a green mana core. Which is just unheard of at such a young age", Drakos chimed in.

" We don't have any more time for idle chit-chat, master, My eyesight has returned, and nearly the whole village has been decimated." I asserted.

Drakos had a sudden change of expression, instead of frowning and brooding like he usually did, his demeanor was now comparable to a person who has just reached enlightenment.

"Everything is starting to make sense" he further added.




Shing -

One by one, tons of dimensional portals started opening and closing, and a bunch of humans clad in black with their faces covered with a mask teleported from one place to another.

Oliver the dimensional mage had a blue-colored crystal in his hand, which made opening dimensional doors a lot easier than it was supposed to be.

"This must be quite important ", he thought.

mana crystals were basically an alternate source of energy, they were extremely useful and very rare, they come in handy when mages had to do a task that took a lot of toll on their respective minds.

A mage can cast a spell by properly imaging what they want to do and how they want to do it, they can't just shout random bullshit and hope that the spell works.

"How many more portals do you need to open?" Ivan asked, he was the only necromancer that served in the law enforcement agency.

"Feeling nauseous already? And I thought you were some kind of a bigshot, the rumors are quite exaggerating t-


With a snap of his fingers, Ivan closed the dimensional door that had just opened a couple of seconds ago.

The sound of flesh tearing resonated in the surroundings as the irrelevant character's body got sliced in half.

" Perfectly balanced, as all things should be ", he exclaimed.

Ivan being a stronger mage had just destroyed the link between Oliver and his dimensional gate, which resulted in the immediate collapsing of the portal.

" Let's just say, he died gloriously in the upcoming battle" Ivan further added.

The other two inquisitors nodded their heads while cold sweat trickled down their respective necks.