
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · 奇幻
17 Chs



I was reading a memoir, a very important one at that, for the umpteenth time.

Date: 8069th night after the unification.

The Kristopher empire is on the verge of a civil war, and the ministers keep amassing wealth and power at an astonishing rate, If this continues the empire will be decimated in less than 60 years.

Date: 8100th night after the unification

The Salvators formulated a bizarre solution and the emperor accepted it wholeheartedly, I didn't feel so good about it, but there was nothing I could do to change the emperor's mind.

Date: 8370th night after the unification

My husband opened a portal and carried me to the clinic, he had an anxious expression on his face

"My wife's water broke down a couple of minutes ago, I need a couple of midwives to tend to her right fucking now", he cried out

After a long labor, I felt exhausted and weary, but it all went away when I saw my beautiful daughter.

After 9 months of waiting, I could finally hold my chubby but beautiful daughter of mine, (Hillary) in my hands, she was crying a minute ago, but now she is starting to calm down.

"I have so many expectations for you, my princess", I added.

Date: 8490th night after unification

Hillary is ten months old now, yesterday she mumbled her first word, I can't express how delighted I was when she uttered momma instead of something like papa or any random word my husband kept repeating in front of her.

Date: 8600th night after unification

Having no other choice, I had to follow Salvator's proposal, so I started researching and inquiring about Kadel and his children.

Date:8700th night after…

After digging out everything I could about dragons, I found a piece of key information about them.

Date: 8701…

" So Zelda enlighten me with the shocking information you claim to have found in an old mage's journal." asked the tall man standing in front of me, he had black eyes, and his face was covered with a thick brown beard. His hair was not visible because of a back turban, his natural abs were covered by a loose white shirt. He had his infant son 'Matthew' in his arms who was trying to touch his father's neck, while he looked at me with curious eyes.

"A newborn dragon has his eyes initially sealed from birth, after every 200 years, the mana density in the air increases abruptly for a couple of hours and a dragon opens his eyes, "I replied

"I have read about that phenomenon which you are talking about, old mages usually refer to it as 'the dawn of the witches', It's the first time I have heard about its connection with dragons though, I will look it up myself and brief the emperor about it, you are excused".

Date: XX

Hillary has grown into a fine young lady, although her father went missing a couple of years ago, she didn't let it limit her, although her magical talent can be called mediocre at best, she has the potential to become a great commander all because of her leadership abilities, although I don't have much time left, I believed I have groomed my daughter well.


Sniff Sniff

I couldn't help but let out an inaudible whimper, a single tear ran down my cheek, as I started breathing heavily.

"Where are u mum? I am sick and tired of reading this short journal, I have so many questions for you, What exactly happened to dad, was he assassinated? What was the illness you were suffering from? I swear that someday I will find the truth and give the culprits a fate worse than death."

Knock knock

Before I could curse any further, I heard a faint thumping sound.

"Go away! I am busy", I couldn't care less about the dinner, my chef must have prepared the food already, I thought.

" My lady, it's urgent, t-the second prince has personally arrived here, It would be very rude to send him off, please my lady I beg you to open the door", exclaimed Krystal (my maid).

"Oh God, I will be there in five minutes, offer the best wine that we have, we must treat him with the utmost respect" I exclaimed in a rushed voice.

Without wasting even a single moment, I hid my mother's diary and started sobering myself up, "I don't know what 'the tyrannical prince' wants with me, but I don't think it would be something trivial", I thought.


My heavy boots made a thumping sound on the ground as the wooden floor beneath me creaked a little, without giving it a second thought I made my way to the drawing-room.

The drawing-room was covered with many expensive rubies and gems, it had portraits of my predecessors, and all of them were doing somewhat of a heroic task in the paintings.

Relaxing on a comfortable red sofa was a tall young man with blonde hair and black eyes, he was wearing clothes befitting of royalty.

He wore a well-embellished tunic with a golden thread. His black overcoat had an exquisite finish, and so did his black waist overalls.

As soon as he looked at me, I kneeled on one knee, which was the customary way of showing respect to the royal family.

" Arise miss Rosenmund, I am here for unofficial business, or I wouldn't have come alone", the second prince ordered as he signaled me to sit beside him.

I sat uncomfortably near the handsome man, I could vividly see the sharpness of his jawline, it's just that I couldn't fathom the result of offending him.

"Hillary, the piece of information I have to share with you is top secret, so keep your mouth shut about it, you can't even tell Salvator, you understand?"

" Yes, sir, I do"






Author's note: I adopted a new way to info dump you, do tell me if you like it and I tried describing the surroundings a little more vividly this time as you suggested. Now that's 1000 words, see you tomorrow